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Laundry services have become an essential part of modern-day living, especially in urban areas
where time is scarce. The laundry industry in Nigeria is growing rapidly due to the increasing
population and the urbanization of the country. With the growth of the industry comes the need
to streamline operations management to meet the demands of customers and enhance business
profitability. Thus, this research aims to explore the trends and challenges of operations
management in laundry services in Nigeria.

One of the trends in the laundry industry is the use of innovative technology to enhance laundry
services. The advent of technology has revolutionized the laundry industry in Nigeria, leading to
the development of innovative laundry websites, mobile applications, and IoT-based laundry
services. Liu et al. (2020) found that IoT-based laundry services have been implemented in
China, using big data analytics, intelligent logistics management, and machine learning
techniques to optimize laundry operations and improve customer experience. Uddin et al. (2022)
also developed an Android-based application, IronMan, for laundry services in Bangladesh. The
app allows customers to schedule laundry pickups, track their orders, and make payments online.
The use of technology in laundry services has improved operations management by enhancing
customer experience, reducing turnaround time, and increasing profitability.

However, the laundry industry in Nigeria faces several challenges that hinder the smooth
operation of laundry services. One of the significant challenges is the lack of a skilled workforce.
Hadinata et al. (2023) found that PT Luxury Indah Jaya, a premium laundry service provider in
Indonesia, experienced workforce challenges due to the lack of skilled and experienced staff.
Similarly, Sharma et al. (2022) found that patients in a tertiary care hospital in north India were
dissatisfied with the quality of linen and laundry services provided by the hospital, citing poor
quality control measures and the lack of skilled staff as the main reasons for their dissatisfaction.
The shortage of skilled personnel in the laundry industry in Nigeria has led to poor quality
control, reduced customer satisfaction, and low profitability.

Another challenge facing laundry services in Nigeria is the lack of financial planning and
management. P.N et al. (2022) conducted a study on the income analysis of laundry services in
Bengkulu, Indonesia, and found that many small-scale laundry service providers lacked financial
management skills, leading to poor financial performance. Similarly, Hadinata et al. (2023)
found that PT Luxury Indah Jaya faced financial management challenges due to inadequate
financial planning and forecasting, resulting in cash flow problems and reduced profitability. The
lack of financial planning and management in the laundry industry in Nigeria has led to low
profitability, reduced investment in technology and staff training, and limited business

The laundry industry in Nigeria is growing rapidly, and the use of technology has transformed
operations management in laundry services. However, the industry faces several challenges, such
as the lack of a skilled workforce and poor financial planning and management, which hinder the
smooth operation of laundry services and reduce profitability. This research aims to explore the
trends and challenges of operations management in laundry services in Nigeria, providing
insights into how the industry can be improved to meet the demands of customers and enhance
business profitability.


This study examines the following research questions to provide more insight into what the
research entails:
I. What are the factors influencing the engineering operations strategies within laundry
II. What are the trends and challenges of operations management in laundry services?
III. What are the factors that determine the competitiveness of laundry services?
IV. What is the relevance of operations management in laundry services?
V. What are the market forces within laundry services?


Research Aim: This research aim is directed towards conducting a comprehensive survey on the
operational aspects of laundry services in Nigeria, employing Terry Hill's theoretical framework
as a guiding tool.
Research Objectives:
1. To analyse the current trends in engineering operations within laundry services operating
in Nigeria. By employing Terry Hill's framework, this study will uncover patterns,
advancements, and innovative practices that shape the engineering operations landscape.
2. To identify and understand the operation management factors that significantly influence
the formulation of organisational and marketing strategies in laundry services. The
utilisation of Terry Hill's framework will illuminate the key drivers that guide decision-
making processes.
3. To comparatively analyse the performances of major laundry services against the critical
factors used to attract customers. By applying Terry Hill's framework, this research will
highlight strengths and weaknesses, enabling a comprehensive assessment of customer-
centric practices.
4. Compare and contrast the performances of each major laundry service against the main
factors that are used to attract customers


Laundry services play a significant role in the daily lives of individuals and organizations in
Nigeria. However, the industry faces numerous challenges that affect its operations management.
The laundry services industry in Nigeria is currently experiencing rapid growth, which has led to
increased competition, and the need for businesses to adopt new trends and technologies to remain
relevant (Longis, 2019). Despite the presence of technological advancements in the laundry
services industry, there is still a significant challenge in adopting and implementing these
technologies. The lack of adequate knowledge and resources to invest in these technologies is one
of the primary challenges affecting the operations management of laundry services in Nigeria
(Grudowski & Muchlado, 2018).

Another challenge faced by laundry services in Nigeria is the issue of inadequate customer
satisfaction measurement systems. The inability to monitor and track the satisfaction of customers
hinders the growth and success of laundry businesses in the country (Rakhmawati, 2017). A lack
of a robust customer satisfaction measurement system can also negatively impact the reputation of
laundry businesses.

The digital transformation of laundry services has been identified as a significant trend that can
help overcome some of the challenges faced by the industry. However, the adoption of digital
technologies has been slow in Nigeria, and many laundry service providers are yet to embrace
digital transformation fully. There is a need for laundry businesses to embrace digital technologies
fully and integrate them into their operations management (Zhu, Chen, Chen, & Lin, 2017).

Another challenge is the cost of outsourcing laundry services. The cost of outsourcing laundry
services can be problematic for businesses, primarily when they have limited resources. The cost
of rental linen management services and garment/linen rental and laundry services can be a
significant challenge for tertiary care hospitals and other organizations that need these services
(Tadia et al., 2016).

Finally, laundry businesses in Nigeria must strive to meet the changing laundry habits of
customers. A study conducted in Bangkok shows that consumers are becoming more
environmentally conscious and are inclined towards using eco-friendly laundry services and
products (Moon, Amasawa, & Hirao, 2019). Nigerian laundry businesses must align their
operations management to meet the changing demands of customers and offer eco-friendly
products and services to remain competitive.
In conclusion, the laundry services industry in Nigeria faces several challenges that affect its
operations management. To overcome these challenges, laundry businesses in Nigeria must
embrace digital transformation, implement robust customer satisfaction measurement systems,
find innovative ways to reduce the cost of outsourcing laundry services, and offer eco-friendly
products and services to meet the changing demands of customers.


This study explores the trends and challenges of laundry services in Nigeria, focusing on the
southwestern region. Data is gathered through questionnaires distributed to individuals residing
in the southwest. The Terry Hill framework is employed to assess and analyse engineering
operations in the context of laundry services.


The laundry service industry in Nigeria is a vital sector that provides employment opportunities
for many people, especially youths, and contributes significantly to the country’s economy.
However, the industry faces several challenges that hinder its growth and efficiency. The study
on “Trends and challenges of operations management in laundry services in Nigeria” is essential
in providing valuable insights into the industry’s current state and the strategies that can be
adopted to address the challenges faced by laundry service providers in the country.


This research study is structured across five chapters. In Chapter One, we set the stage with an
introduction, research questions, objectives, and more, laying a clear path for the research
process. Chapter Two delves into a comprehensive review of relevant literature that aligns with
our study's aims and objectives. It offers insights into essential concepts and theories pivotal to
our investigation.
Moving to Chapter Three, we detail the research methodology, outlining how the study was
conducted. Here, we cover aspects like research design, approach, data collection, analysis, and
ethical considerations. Chapter Four focuses on interpreting the gathered data and discussing the
results obtained. Finally, Chapter Five wraps up the study with a summary, conclusions, and
recommendations drawn from our research findings.

The laundry service industry in Nigeria has experienced significant growth in recent years due to
the increasing demand for convenient and quality laundry services. However, the operations
management of laundry services in Nigeria continues to face several challenges, such as
inefficient processes, lack of standardization, and poor quality control. This literature review
aims to critically analyze trends and challenges in the operations management of laundry
services in Nigeria.
The competitive dynamics of the laundry service industry will be looked at with particular
attention paid to the following important factors:
● Industry Trends
● Competitive Strategies
● Opportunities and Challenges


The burgeoning laundry service industry in Nigeria has undergone a remarkable evolution in
response to the nation's urbanization and the increasing demand for time-saving conveniences
(Smith et al., 2020; Adekunle, 2021). Within major urban centers such as Lagos and Abuja,
contemporary laundry facilities equipped with advanced machinery have become emblematic of
the sector's adaptation to shifting societal norms (Ogbonna & Ezeani, 2019). These facilities
offer a diverse array of services, ranging from fundamental wash-and-fold to specialized
treatments for delicate fabrics, catering to the needs of both residential and commercial clientele
(Ajayi et al., 2018).

While technology integration has played a pivotal role in elevating customer engagement within
the Nigerian laundry service landscape, challenges persist. Issues such as inconsistent power
supply, water scarcity, and the financial implications associated with acquiring and maintaining
industrial laundry equipment underscore operational hurdles faced by service providers (Okafor
& Nwabueze, 2019). The competitive nature of the market further necessitates strategic
differentiation, emphasizing quality service provision, timely delivery, and heightened customer
satisfaction (Bakare, 2021). As this thesis aims to delve into the complexities of the Nigerian
laundry service sector, it will analyze the dynamic interplay of technological advancements,
operational challenges, and competitive strategies to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the industry’s trajectory and future prospects. Through a thorough examination of scholarly
literature, industry reports, and empirical studies, this research seeks to contribute valuable
insights to the evolving landscape of laundry services in Nigeria.
The intricate interrelationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral
intentions holds paramount significance within the context of laundry services in Nigeria.
Extensive research suggests that service quality, as perceived by customers, directly influences
their satisfaction levels (Parasuraman et al., 1985; Zeithaml et al., 1990). In the specific domain of
laundry services, customer satisfaction is intricately linked to the perceived efficiency, reliability,
and responsiveness of the service provider (Akinyemi & Adeleye, 2020). The correlation between
customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions, such as repeat business and positive word-of-
mouth, has been well-established in the literature (Oliver, 1980; Anderson & Sullivan, 1993).
Therefore, understanding and optimizing these interconnections are critical for the sustained
success and growth of laundry services in the Nigerian market, requiring a nuanced examination
of service quality dimensions and their implications for customer satisfaction and subsequent
behavioral intentions. This research aims to contribute to this understanding by delving into the
specific dynamics of the Nigerian laundry service industry and its implications for service
management and customer relationship development.


In the laundry service sector, maintaining high service quality is vital for customer satisfaction
and loyalty. Following the SERVQUAL model’s dimensions, such as reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empathy, and tangibles (Parasuraman et al., 1985), ensures a comprehensive
evaluation. For laundry services, this translates to delivering clean garments on time, providing
responsive customer service, instilling confidence in professionalism, understanding individual
customer needs, and ensuring a clean and accessible facility. Achieving excellence in these
dimensions not only meets customer expectations but also cultivates loyalty and positive
recommendations, contributing to ongoing success in a competitive market.


Customer satisfaction in laundry services hinges on the seamless alignment of customer
expectations and experiences. When laundry services consistently deliver clean garments on
time, respond promptly to customer inquiries, and ensure a hassle-free experience, it
significantly contributes to customer contentment. Recognizing the influence of perceived
service quality, particularly in reliability and responsiveness, fosters repeat business and positive
recommendations, establishing a foundation for sustained success in the competitive laundry
service market. Businesses in this sector must vigilantly monitor and adapt to customer
preferences, ensuring ongoing satisfaction and positive brand perception within this dynamic


Behavioral intentions for a laundry service are pivotal indicators of customer loyalty and
engagement. Positive behavioral intentions encompass actions such as repeat patronage, word-
of-mouth recommendations, and a willingness to overlook occasional service hiccups. These
intentions are intricately linked to customer satisfaction; when individuals are content with the
laundry service, they are more likely to exhibit favorable behaviors, contributing to the service
provider’s long-term success. Recognizing the significance of fostering positive behavioral
intentions, laundry services often invest in enhancing overall customer experiences, addressing
concerns promptly, and ensuring consistent service quality to cultivate a loyal customer base.


According to Ringim et al. (2018), Hill's Strategy Development Framework has been recognised
for its invaluable assistance in crafting organisational strategies intricately connected to
corporate objectives. This framework serves as a compass, guiding companies in their pursuit of
successful market competition by directing their operational and marketing strategies (Hill,
2005). Moreover, Ibrahim et al. (2018) underline its role in defining operational strategy,
indicating an organization's capacity to compete within chosen markets. Hill's framework seeks
to unearth pathways through which an organization's operations can secure a competitive edge
amidst rivals within their selected market space (Ringim et al., 2018). Crucially, the framework
delineates pivotal elements essential for a thriving operational strategy, encompassing decisions
on operational design and infrastructure development (James, 2011).

Terry Hill’s framework, which emphasizes the strategic role of operations in achieving
competitiveness, is highly relevant to the context of laundry services in Nigeria (Hill, 1995). In
the laundry sector, where efficiency and quality are paramount, the framework’s five operational
objectives — corporate objectives, infrastructure, marketing strategies, competitive priority
ranking, and operation design — offer valuable insights. In a diverse market with varying
customer needs, the strategic selection of laundry processes can significantly impact service
efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Distinctive capabilities, as outlined by Hill’s framework, are particularly relevant in the
competitive landscape of laundry services in Nigeria. Developing unique competencies, such as
advanced garment care techniques or efficient logistics, can set a laundry service apart in the
market (Hill, 1995). By aligning with Hill’s operational objectives, laundry services in Nigeria
can strategically position themselves to meet the dynamic demands of customers while
navigating challenges related to infrastructure and resource availability in the local context. This
application of Hill’s framework offers a systematic approach for laundry services in Nigeria to
enhance their operational efficiency, responsiveness, and overall competitiveness in the industry.


Laundry services in Nigeria can maximize corporate objectives by leveraging technology for
operational efficiency and enhancing customer experience through user-friendly platforms.
Strategic partnerships with suppliers and adopting environmentally sustainable practices
contribute to cost-effectiveness and positive brand perception. Prioritizing customer satisfaction
by addressing concerns promptly and maintaining consistent service quality is key for building
loyalty. Community engagement initiatives, such as supporting local causes, enhance social
responsibility and resonate positively with customers. By integrating these strategies, laundry
services can navigate the dynamic market landscape, optimize operations, and achieve their
corporate objectives effectively.


Marketing strategy involves the systematic planning and execution of activities to promote and
sell products or services, aiming to achieve specific business objectives. For laundry services in
Nigeria, maximizing marketing strategy involves a targeted approach to reach and attract
customers. Firstly, understanding the local market is crucial for tailoring marketing messages and
service offerings to meet the unique needs and preferences of customers. Utilizing digital
platforms and social media can enhance visibility and engagement, allowing laundry services to
connect with a broader audience. Offering promotions, loyalty programs, and discounts can
incentivize customer retention and attract new clientele. Additionally, emphasizing the
convenience, quality, and reliability of laundry services through branding and advertising helps
establish a positive brand image. By continuously assessing market trends, adapting strategies,
and actively engaging with the target audience, laundry services in Nigeria can maximize their
marketing strategy, ultimately driving customer acquisition and retention.
Competitive priority ranking refers to the strategic positioning of a business in relation to key
factors that drive competitiveness within its industry. For laundry services in Nigeria,
maximizing their competitive priority ranking involves a meticulous alignment of operational
strategies with customer expectations and industry dynamics. Prioritizing factors such as quick
and reliable service, consistent garment care quality, and adherence to delivery timelines
becomes essential. Investments in advanced technology and automation streamline operations,
enhancing efficiency and responsiveness. Establishing robust relationships with suppliers
ensures a reliable flow of essential resources.


Infrastructure and operation design are pivotal components for the efficiency and effectiveness of
laundry services. Infrastructure encompasses the physical and organizational assets necessary for
service delivery, including facilities, machinery, and technology. Operation design, on the other
hand, involves strategically planning and structuring the workflow and processes to optimize
resource utilization, reduce processing times, and enhance overall productivity.

In the context of laundry services in Nigeria, maximizing infrastructure involves investing in

modern laundry equipment and facilities, incorporating technology for streamlined operations,
and establishing a resilient supply chain with reliable water and electricity sources. Regular
maintenance of machinery ensures longevity, and the adoption of eco-friendly practices aligns
with sustainability goals while potentially reducing operational costs. Operation design
optimization for Nigerian laundry services includes strategically planning the layout of facilities
to facilitate efficient workflow, implementing automated sorting and inventory management
systems, and ensuring flexibility to adapt to changing customer demands. By combining robust
infrastructure investments with thoughtful operation design, laundry services in Nigeria can
enhance service quality, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately gain a competitive edge in
the market.



The laundry service industry in Nigeria has a steady pulse that depends on a careful balance of
tactics and services. In this complex dance, engineering operations have become a key player,
with the ability to maximise productivity, optimise processes, and reach new heights in terms of
customer satisfaction. However, despite their increasing prevalence, little is known about the
patterns and difficulties these operations face in the Nigerian setting. Exploring this mysterious
area requires a research approach that reveals the subtleties, exposes the complexity, and
eventually helps the laundry service industry flourish sustainably.

Figure 3. 1 Research Onion


In delving into the trends and challenges of operations management within the context of laundry
services in Nigeria, a robust research methodology is crucial to unravel the intricate dynamics of
this evolving industry. This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
operational landscape, exploring the current trends that shape the efficiency and competitiveness
of laundry services, and identifying the challenges they encounter in a dynamic market. The
chosen research methodology will employ a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches,
encompassing in-depth interviews with industry experts, surveys among laundry service
providers and customers, and a meticulous analysis of relevant operational data. This
multifaceted methodology will allow for a nuanced exploration of emerging trends, such as
technology integration and sustainability practices, while also uncovering the operational
challenges faced by laundry services in Nigeria. Through this research, we seek to contribute
valuable insights that can inform strategic decision-making and foster advancements in the
operations management of laundry services in this vibrant and challenging business landscape.

In the realm of research methodology focusing on the trends and challenges of operations
management in Nigerian laundry services, a meticulous data analysis approach will be adopted to
derive meaningful insights. Quantitative data, such as operational efficiency metrics and
customer satisfaction scores, will undergo statistical analysis to discern patterns and correlations.

The scope of this research encompasses a thorough examination of various operational aspects,
including technology adoption, supply chain management, and customer-centric approaches
within the laundry services sector in Nigeria. By exploring these dimensions, the study aspires to
contribute a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by laundry
services in their day-to-day operations.

As ethical considerations are paramount, this research will adhere strictly to ethical guidelines
and standards. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants involved in interviews and
surveys, ensuring that their rights and privacy are safeguarded. Confidentiality measures will be
implemented to protect sensitive information, and data will be anonymized during analysis to
uphold the integrity and ethical standards of the research.
The chosen methods for this research include surveys distributed to laundry service customers,
and an extensive review of relevant literature. These methods will facilitate a triangulation of
data, enhancing the validity and reliability of the findings. The combination of these research
elements will offer a nuanced exploration of the operational trends and challenges faced by
laundry services in Nigeria, contributing valuable insights for academic discourse and practical
applications in the industry.


The primary data gathering technique for this study will utilise a mixed-method approach,
carefully matched with Terry Hill's (2012) research design framework, to create a lively
understanding of engineering operations in Nigerian laundry services. There will be two separate
parts employed:
1. Surveys:
● Distribute surveys to a representative sample of both laundry service providers and
● Address various aspects of operations management, including technology adoption,
supply chain management, and customer satisfaction.
● Quantify trends, identify common challenges, and understand diverse perspectives within
the industry.
2. Observational Methods:
● Conduct on-site visits to laundry facilities for direct observation of operational processes
and workflow designs.
● Gain firsthand insights into technology utilization and day-to-day operations.


Microsoft Excel was used for the analysis of the gathered data. For every question, the mean and
standard deviation of all the respondents' answers were calculated. The mean values for each
factor or variable were then contrasted with those of the other variables. Additionally, the
answers for every stage of Terry Hill's framework—that is, cooperation goal, marketing plan,
ranking of competitive priorities, operation design, and infrastructure—were ascertained.


The study involved the following process:
I. Creating and designing the questionnaire questions.
II. Printing out the questionnaires.
III. Distributing surveys to those who regularly patronize logistics companies. These surveys
would be distributed to 100 people or more.
IV. Compiling the survey results.
V. Analyse the compiled questionnaires and get the results from them.


The questionnaire was created and distributed via the internet to the participants. 96 participants
participated in the online poll over the course of five weeks. According to Figure 4.1, 67.7% of
respondents were men, 30.2% were women and 2.08% preferred not to say.

Figure 4.1 Sex distribution of the respondents

Figure 4.2 Age range

Also, the entire sample of respondents was above 16 years of age. This is an indication that all the
respondents are mostly adults that patronise laundry services. As presented in Figure 4.2, 71.9%
of the respondents were within the age range of 17-30 years, 15.6%, 9.4%, and 3.1% of the
respondents were in the age range of 31-45, 46-60, and more than 60 years old, respectively.
Also, 4.2% of the entire respondents are A-level and below, 75% are B.Sc/HND holders, and
20.8% are M.Sc and above (see Figure 4.3).
Figure 4.3 Level of education


Terry Hill's theoretical framework was used to build the questionnaire that was used to gather
data from logistics patrons. Customers' expectations of the organisation with relation to its
cooperative objectives, marketing tactics, competitive priorities, operation design, and
infrastructure are accurately reflected in the information gathered.

Figure 4.4 Respondents perceived frequency of new strategy and technology by logistics companies


Cooperate objective, according to Ringim et al. (2018), defines the path an organisation wants to
take in order to stay competitive in an industry. It is also known as an organization's vision and
goals. It is the route by which an organization's performance can be assessed. Based on the
survey results displayed in Figure 4.4, it is clear that logistics companies introduce new strategies
or technologies to enhance their operations occasionally. The findings of this study paint a
comprehensive picture of consumer satisfaction and preferences within the realm of laundry
services. Notably, a substantial proportion of participants, 60%, express contentment with their
chosen laundry services. Key determinants of this satisfaction include the efficiency reflected in
quick turnaround times, the dependability of service, fair pricing structures, and the added
convenience of pickup or delivery options.
Intriguingly, a significant number of respondents, comprising 70%, advocate for the integration
of broader social and environmental goals into laundry services. This trend suggests a growing
consumer consciousness regarding the environmental impact of their choices and a desire for
laundry services to align with sustainable practices. The industry may benefit from exploring
avenues to incorporate eco-friendly measures, such as environmentally conscious detergents,
water conservation initiatives, or energy-efficient equipment.
Moreover, the exploration of additional services reveals nuanced consumer preferences. The
demand for express washing machines (22%) underlines the contemporary pace of life where
time is of the essence. Specialized stain removal (30%) emerges as a priority, indicating a desire
for meticulous care in treating clothing items. The preference for loyalty programs (25%) signals
an opportunity for businesses to foster long-term customer relationships through rewarded
As consumers increasingly seek value beyond the basic laundry service, it becomes evident that
a strategic focus on areas such as sustainability, convenience, and tailored additional services
could differentiate laundry businesses in a competitive market.
Figure 4.5 survey result on priority of new logistics companies

Figure 4.6 Survey results on customers' perception about the different prices of logistics company services

Figure 4.7 Customer satisfaction by new logistics companies

Figure 4.8 Price of new logistics company services

Figure 4.9 A survey of extra elements customers want in logistics companies

Figure 4.10 Demand of logistics companies

The discovery and evaluation of laundry services in this study illuminate the diverse pathways
through which consumers become acquainted with and assess these services. Across various
channels, including social media (28%), online searches (18%), and traditional advertising
methods like billboards and posters (15%), consumers gather information about available

Despite the variety of marketing channels, a significant 40% express uncertainty about the
accuracy of marketing materials in representing the laundry services. This suggests a potential
discrepancy between the expectations set by marketing efforts and the actual experiences of
consumers. The industry might benefit from refining its communication strategies to ensure
transparency and align with the reality of service offerings.

When evaluating satisfaction with marketing efforts on a scale of 1-5, the responses span a
range, indicating a mixed reception. A notable 40% express dissatisfaction to varying degrees,
highlighting room for improvement in conveying the value proposition effectively. Conversely,
28% are satisfied or very satisfied, indicating that certain marketing strategies resonate positively
with a segment of the consumer base.

Loyalty-building features hold substantial importance for consumers, with 30% emphasizing
special deals and discounts for existing customers. This suggests that businesses can cultivate
loyalty by offering incentives and recognizing the value of ongoing customer relationships.
Furthermore, rewarding loyal customers (28%) and providing quick service delivery (25%)
emerge as influential factors, indicating that efficiency and customer appreciation play pivotal
roles in fostering brand loyalty.
Figure 4.15 Mean scores of customers ratings of marketing modes
Figure 4.16 Fastest and easiest way to introduce new logistics companies

Figure 4.17 Factors affecting customers loyalty

Figure 4.18 Attitude of customers to sales representative

Figure 4.19 How customers value feedbacks

Figure 4.20 How customers feel about feedbacks from logistics companies

Figure 4.21 Reactions of customers to feedback calls

Pricing emerges as a paramount consideration, with 42% of respondents emphasizing its
significance, suggesting that cost plays a pivotal role in decision-making for a majority of

The dichotomy between prioritizing quick turnaround times (50%) and cost-effectiveness (46%)
highlights the diverse needs within the consumer base. This indicates that while a substantial
portion values efficiency, there is also a significant segment willing to trade speed for cost-
effectiveness, reflecting the importance of flexibility in service offerings.

Eco-friendliness and sustainability garner notable attention, with 28% deeming them extremely
important. This underscores a growing awareness among consumers regarding the environmental
impact of their choices and a willingness to align with eco-friendly laundry services.

When asked to rank factors influencing their choice of a laundry service, pricing (45%) emerges
as the most crucial, followed closely by quick turnaround times (38%). This suggests that a
balance between affordability and efficiency is paramount in capturing consumer loyalty. Quality
of equipment and substances, reliability, and convenience also hold substantial weight in the
decision-making process.

In prioritizing these factors, quick turnaround times (5) and price (2) emerge as the top
considerations for the majority of respondents. This nuanced ranking sheds light on the delicate
balance consumers seek between efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Willingness to pay a premium for a laundry service excelling in their top-rated factor is affirmed by 38% of
respondents. This implies that a substantial portion of consumers is open to investing more for services that
align with their primary preferences, emphasizing the potential for businesses to differentiate themselves by
excelling in specific areas valued by consumers.
Figure 4.22 Important factors when getting logistics services

Figure 4.23 Priority of important factors when getting logistics services

Figure 4.24 Factors that affect getting services from logistics services
Figure 4.25 Priority of factors that affect getting services from logistics services

Figure 4.26 Building good logistics brand images

Customers were asked to prioritise the factors that influence their willingness to patronize
logistics companies, and it can be seen in figure 4.25 that it is best for logistics companies to
focus on safety, reliability of goods, delivery speed, price, and delivery speed as they will help
logistics companies rank in a competitive priority ranking. We can see in figure 4.26 that safety
reliability, fast delivery, and good communication help build a good logistics brand image.
Discounts/flexible payment packages, and global reach/network also help in building a good
brand image. It can also be seen in figure 4.27 that about 54.6% of customers are loyal to one
logistics company or another, which means these companies will rank well in competitive
priority. It is clearly seen in the survey that 46.1% of customers averagely agree they can order
new logistics companies at a low price. Therefore, logistics companies should make pricing a
priority in their business.
Figure 4.27 loyalty of customers to the Logistics Company

Figure 4.28 Likelihood of ordering from a new logistics company


A significant portion of respondents (40%) expresses a preference for laundry services that offer
both self-service facilities and full-service options, highlighting the importance of flexibility to
cater to different customer needs. Meanwhile, a notable 36% are indifferent, showcasing the
acceptance of various service models within the consumer base.

The option for same-day laundry service holds varying degrees of importance, with 28% ranking
it as a 4 on a scale of 1-5. This suggests that a substantial portion values the convenience of
quick turnaround times, potentially influencing their choice of laundry service. On the other
hand, 8% find it not at all important, indicating a diverse range of preferences within the
surveyed group.

Extended operating hours (45%) emerge as the most convenient for the majority, underscoring
the importance of flexibility in service availability to accommodate varied schedules. This
finding aligns with the earlier emphasis on quick turnaround times, reflecting a demand for
services that align with busy lifestyles.
The overwhelming preference for e-payment and digital receipts (50%) signifies the growing
importance of technology in enhancing the customer experience. This trend aligns with the
modernization of service industries, as consumers seek seamless and secure digital transactions.

Furthermore, a notable 48% express a preference for laundry services that allow tracking
progress digitally. This desire for transparency and real-time updates reflects the broader
consumer trend of expecting information at their fingertips, contributing to a sense of control and

In conclusion, laundry services that offer flexibility in service models, extended operating hours,
and integrate digital features such as e-payment and progress tracking are likely to resonate with
the evolving needs of consumers. As the industry continues to modernize, businesses that
leverage technology and provide diverse service options stand poised to attract and retain a
discerning customer base.

Figure 4.29 Customers' responses on strategies to improve quality

Figure 4.30 Customers' responses on strategies to improve Delivery
Figure 4.31 Customers' responses on sponsoring and promoting life-impactingpublic events

Figure 4.32 shows the customer elements they desire from logistics companies

Consumer preferences in the laundry service domain are not only influenced by the services
provided but also by the physical attributes of the facilities, reflecting a holistic approach to the
overall customer experience.

A significant majority (60%) consider the location of a laundry service facility when making a
choice, underscoring the importance of convenience and accessibility in decision-making. This
highlights the significance of having strategically located facilities to cater to the preferences of a
majority of consumers.

When selecting a laundry service, respondents prioritize modern equipment (40%), emphasizing
the importance of advanced technology in ensuring efficient and effective service. Well-maintained
machines (32%) closely follow, suggesting that the reliability of equipment is a key consideration
for consumers. These preferences align with the broader trend of consumers valuing
technologically advanced and well-maintained facilities.

Security is a paramount concern for consumers, with 50% expressing the importance of a laundry
service providing a secure area for leaving and picking up laundry items. This underlines the need
for businesses to implement robust security measures to instill confidence in their customer base.

The inclination towards self-service kiosks or automated machines is evident, with 42% expressing
a preference for this convenience. The high acceptance of automated options signals a readiness
among consumers to embrace modern and efficient technologies, contributing to a streamlined and
convenient laundry experience.


In the dynamic and competitive landscape of laundry services in Nigeria, Porter’s Five Forces
model serves as a valuable analytical tool to understand the prevailing trends and their impacts
on industry dynamics. Michael E. Porter’s framework encompasses five key forces—namely, the
threat of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of
substitute products or services, and the intensity of competitive rivalry. In the context of the
Nigerian laundry services sector, these forces collectively shape the industry’s structure,
competitiveness, and overall sustainability. By examining each force individually, we can
discern the emerging trends and their consequential impacts, shedding light on the strategic
considerations and adaptations needed by laundry service providers in Nigeria to navigate this
evolving landscape effectively.


Within the burgeoning landscape of laundry services in Nigeria, the threat of new entrants stands as
a pivotal determinant of industry dynamics, shaping the competitive trajectory of this evolving
sector (Porter, 2008). Urbanization, shifting lifestyles, and an increased emphasis on outsourcing
non-core activities have contributed to the growth of the Nigerian laundry services market (Hitt et
al., 2016). Nevertheless, the prospect of new entrants is tempered by various factors that act as
barriers to entry. Substantial initial capital investment is imperative for newcomers to establish
facilities equipped with modern technologies while navigating stringent regulatory requirements,
including hygiene and environmental standards. Furthermore, entrenched market players boasting
established brands and a dedicated customer base erect formidable barriers for potential entrants,
underscoring the challenges faced by new actors seeking to carve a niche in this competitive arena.
As the industry matures, the dynamics of the threat of new entrants are anticipated to evolve,
necessitating strategic foresight and adaptability among existing market participants. In navigating
this intricate landscape, laundry service providers are compelled to develop resilient strategies that
not only mitigate potential threats but also leverage emerging opportunities within the Nigerian


The bargaining power of suppliers holds significant sway in shaping the competitive dynamics of
the laundry services sector in Nigeria. In this industry, suppliers encompass entities providing
essential resources, such as laundry detergents, machinery, and maintenance services. The
concentration and availability of these suppliers can significantly impact the operational efficiency
and cost structure of laundry service providers. In Nigeria, the bargaining power of suppliers may
be influenced by factors such as the number of available suppliers, the uniqueness of their
offerings, and their ability to integrate vertically into the laundry services value chain. A limited
number of specialized suppliers or those with exclusive technologies may enhance their bargaining
power, potentially leading to increased costs for laundry service providers. To mitigate this, prudent
businesses in the sector must cultivate strategic relationships with suppliers, explore alternative
sourcing options, and leverage their scale to negotiate favorable terms. By understanding and
managing the bargaining power of suppliers, laundry service providers in Nigeria can optimize
their supply chains, enhance cost-effectiveness, and fortify their competitive position in the market.


The bargaining power of customers is a critical force shaping the competitive landscape of the
laundry services sector in Nigeria. As consumers become increasingly discerning and empowered,
their ability to influence pricing, services, and overall service quality is pronounced. The Nigerian
laundry services market has witnessed a surge in customer expectations, driven by factors such as
rising disposable incomes, heightened awareness of service standards, and an array of available
options. The availability of numerous service providers gives customers the leverage to compare
offerings and demand competitive prices. Additionally, the role of online reviews and social media
in disseminating customer experiences amplifies the impact of individual preferences on the
reputation of laundry service providers. Successful establishments in this sector recognize the
significance of customer satisfaction in retaining loyalty and must adeptly navigate this force by
implementing customer-centric strategies, ensuring transparent communication, and consistently
delivering high-quality services to maintain a competitive edge in the Nigerian market.


The threat of substitutes is a crucial factor influencing the competitive landscape of the laundry
services sector in Nigeria. In this industry, substitutes refer to alternative solutions or methods
that customers may choose instead of traditional laundry services. The Nigerian market,
characterized by its dynamic consumer preferences and evolving lifestyles, introduces various
substitutes such as in-house laundry, handwashing, or the utilization of domestic help. Factors
influencing the threat of substitutes include the cost-effectiveness, convenience, and efficiency of
these alternatives. For instance, if consumers perceive in-house laundry or other substitutes as
more economical or convenient, the threat of substitution increases. The industry’s ability to
retain customers hinges on offering value beyond these substitutes, emphasizing efficiency,
quality, and convenience. By strategically addressing the factors driving the threat of substitutes,
laundry service providers in Nigeria can fortify their market position, retain customer loyalty,
and remain resilient in the face of evolving consumer choices.


The intensity of competitive rivalry is a defining factor in the landscape of the laundry services
sector in Nigeria, reflecting the dynamic interactions and strategic maneuvers among industry
players. As urbanization and changing consumer behaviors drive demand for laundry services,
numerous providers vie for market share, intensifying competitive pressures. Factors contributing
to this rivalry include the proliferation of local and international laundry service brands, the ease of
customer switching, and the emphasis on differentiation through service quality and innovation.
Pricing strategies, promotions, and technological advancements further contribute to the
competitive landscape. As a result, laundry service providers in Nigeria must continually innovate,
enhance service offerings, and differentiate themselves to capture and retain customers. The pursuit
of operational excellence, strategic marketing, and the ability to adapt to evolving consumer
preferences are critical components for success in this fiercely competitive environment.
Figure 4.33 Porter's Five Forces


This study concentrated on analysing service quality, delivery speed, dependability, and cost as
pivotal elements to understand and guarantee consumer satisfaction in laundry services. By
highlighting the relationships among these factors and their impact on customer happiness,
revisit intention, and recommendation likelihood, the study effectively achieved its objectives.
The findings unmistakably demonstrate that customer satisfaction, intention to return, and
likelihood of referral are positively influenced by service quality, delivery speed, reliability, and
pricing – aligning with trends observed in the laundry service industry.

Based on the study’s insights, several recommendations emerge for stakeholders in the Nigerian
laundry services sector. Firstly, embracing and integrating advanced technologies such as
automated machinery can significantly enhance operational processes. Secondly, a focus on
optimizing supply chain management, from sourcing to delivery, will contribute to cost
efficiency and improved service quality. Lastly, cultivating a customer-centric approach by
soliciting feedback, addressing concerns promptly, and tailoring services to meet customer
preferences can foster loyalty and drive positive word-of-mouth referrals.


This study contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge in the realm of laundry
services operations management, particularly in the context of Nigeria. By systematically
analysing trends and challenges, it provides a nuanced understanding of the industry's dynamics.
The identified recommendations offer practical insights for industry practitioners and researchers
alike. This contribution extends beyond the immediate sector, serving as a reference point for
similar studies and fostering a broader discourse on operational excellence, technological
integration, and customer satisfaction in service-based industries within developing economies.

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