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BTEC Assignment Brief

Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Information and Creative Technology
Unit or Component
Unit 12: Software Development
number and title
Learning aim(s) Learning Aim A: Understand the characteristics and uses of a software program
(For NQF/RQF only)

Assignment title Analysis of Pre-made Programs

Assessor Marini Tsako
Hand out date 09/11/2023
Hand in deadline 30/11/2023

You are employed as a junior programmer within the software development company
called ‘Tentacles Solutions’. Your company has been approached regarding a new project.
Vocational Scenario
Your manager would like to see evidence of your knowledge and understanding before
or Context they allow you to take part in the development. You are expected to produce a written
report containing the following information.

To evidence your knowledge and expertise in terms of analysing pre-made programs you
are provided with the coding of two different programs (attached with the assignment

Task 1 1. You must perform an analysis of the two provided programs and explain:
a. Their purpose.
b. Characteristics.
c. Tools and techniques used to develop them.

Checklist of Word document containing:

evidence required 1. Analysis of the two provided software programs.

Criteria covered by this task:

To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
2A.P1 Explain the purpose of two simple programs and their characteristics, including tools and techniques used.

As a part of the analysis, you must perform a quality check on the pizza program.

1. Review the quality of the chosen program in terms of the coding practices used.
Task 2 2. Suggest any improvements that could be made to the pizza program.
3. Create a flowchart which shows chosen program’s processing.

Checklist of Word document containing:

evidence required 1. Pizza program’s quality check in terms of coding practices.

Criteria covered by this task:

To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
Comment on the quality of one of the given simple programs, suggesting any improvements and provide a
flowchart to show the processing.

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Author: VQAM Approved By: VQAM lead Version: 1.2 DCL1 Public Last Updated: 8 July 2022
Considering all the findings obtained through the analysis of the program so far, you
must evaluate the chosen program.

Task 3 1. Evaluate the pizza program by discussing:

a. Parts of the program that could be considered as strengths.
b. The weaknesses that you have identified.

Checklist of Word document containing:

evidence required 1. Pizza program’s evaluation in terms of strengths and weaknesses.

Criteria covered by this task:

To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
2A.D1 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the software program.

Other assessment Codes related to task 1, 2 and 3 will be attached separately within a ZIP folder.
materials attached to Program 1 –
this Assignment Brief Program 2 –
FOR L1/2 FIRSTS ONLY: If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the
following Level 1 criteria have been met.
To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to: Unit
Identify the purpose of two simple programs and their characteristics, including tools
12 1A.1
and techniques used.

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Author: VQAM Approved By: VQAM lead Version: 1.2 DCL1 Public Last Updated: 8 July 2022

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