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Chapter 30 – Nursing Care of a Family with a Toddler Quiz

1. When assessing a 2-and-a-half-year-old, the nurse would expect him or her to


A) 6 deciduous and 12 permanent teeth

B) 12 deciduous teeth

C) 16 deciduous and 2 permanent teeth

D) 20 deciduous teeth

2. The developmental task of the toddler period, according to Erikson, is

achieving a sense of:

A) leadership

B) autonomy

C) initiative

D) nonstructured

3. The best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving his developmental task
would be to:

A) urge him to dress himself completely alone

B) give him small household chores to do

C) help him learn to count

D) allow him to make simple decisions

4. A 2-year-old holds his breath until he passes out when he wants something his
mother does not want him to have. You would base your evaluation of whether
these temper tantrums are a form of seizure on a basis that:

A) seizures are not provoked; temper tantrums are.

B) Seizures rarely occur in toddlers.

C) Seizures typically occur with fever; temper tantrums do not

D) with seizures, cyanosis rarely develops

5. When assessing a toddler’s language development, what is the standard

against which you measure language in a 2-year-old?

A) He should say two words plus “ma-ma” and “da-da”

B) He should speak in two-word sentences (“Me go”)

C) He should be able to count out loud to 20

D) He should say 20 nouns and 4 pronouns

6. When childproofing the home for a toddler, the most important thing her
parents should consider is to:

A) lock downstairs windows

B) teach the child not to tease dogs

C) put medicine in a locked cupboard

D) keep the child in a playpen while the parents cook

7. A toddler's mother tells you that no matter what she asks of her child, he says,
"No." A suggestion you might make to help her handle this problem is for her to:

A) pretend she does not hear him.

B) ask no further questions of him.
C) tell him never to say, "No" again.
D) give him secondary, not primary, choices

8. A toddler insists on brushing his own teeth and being left alone in the bathtub.
What advice would you give his parents regarding this?

A) helping with his own tooth brushing allows him to experience autonomy

B) it is unusual for 2-year-olds- to have such strong opinions

C) his mother should continue to give full care in all aspects

D) leaving him alone in the bathtub is a good way to encourage autonomy

9. The nurse sees a 15-month-old at a health maintenance visit. Of the following

assessments, which one is generally included in a 15-month checkup?

A) Blood pressure

B) Height and weight measurements

C) Clean-catch urine

D) IQ testing

10. The parents of a toddler plan to begin toilet training. Which instruction should
the nurse provide to the parents at this time?

A) Toilet training is a 12-month process

B) Bowel training is easier than urine training

C) All children should be toilet trained by age 2 years

D) Children an remain dry during the night before they can do so during the day

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