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From Tino

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Tabel of Content

• Ewan McGregore Bio

• Famous Roles
• Obi Wan: Who he is
• Obi Wan: Fighting style
• Lumière
• Sources

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

Ewan Mcgregore Bio

• Age: 52
• Amount of Money: $25 million
• Height: 1,78m
• Mother: Carol Diana McGregore
• Father: James Charles Stuart McGregore
• Brother: Colin McGregore
• Kids: Clara, Esther, Jamyang, Anouk, and Laurie
• He supported the following Charities: CHAS,
CLIC Sargent, Clothes of your Back and a
few more

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Famous Roles

• Obi Wan
• Rodney Copperbotto
• Christopher Robin
• Lumière
• Tom Linconl
• Roy Green
• Black Mask

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Obi wan: Who he is

• He is a Star Wars Character

• He is a Jedi Master and on the Jedi Council
• The Jedi are an Order with a Rank System
• On the Jedi Council are 12 of the strongest Jedi
• His Padawan was Anakin

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

Obi Wan: Fighting

• Obi wan uses Lightsaber Form 3

• Form 3 is a defensive Technique
• He also uses the Force
• The Force gives the user abilities like Telekinesis, Power Jumps, Healing others and Force Dash
• He defeated Darth Maul, General Grievous and Anakin Skywalker

• Is voiced by Ewan McGregore

• He is a cursed Servant and became
a Candlestick
• He serves Adam that is cursed too
• Google
• Fandom Wiki
• Star Wars The Phantom Menace
• Star Wars Attack of the Clones
• Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
• Star Wars The Clone Wars
• The Beauty and the Beast

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