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Forensic medicin answer


Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Subpoena* (Pg. 5)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Cross Examination Recording of Evidence in a Court of Law

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Inquest - types prevalent in India, Medical Examiners System

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Medical Evidence - define, types, Documentary Evidence - write in detail

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
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Dying Declaration

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Functions of MCI

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. Privileged Communication** - define, Circumstances where
disclosure of professional secrets is justified*

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Infamous Conduct* in professional respect (Pg. 36); Professional
Misconduct - define, six examples

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Rushi mali
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7. Res Ipsa Loquitur* (Pg. 38)

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5. Consent (Pg 50)

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Vicarious Liability (Pg. 41)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Negligence in Medical Practice*** - define, Civil and Criminal
Negligence - differentiate**, Defences available to Medical Practitioner
against Charge of Negligence**; Essential Elements, Defences against
Medical Negligence

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Duties of a Registered Medical Practitioner* (Pg 28)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rights of registered medical practitioners

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
3. Forensic DNA Fingerprint* - describe steps (Pg. 79)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Gustafson's Method of Dental Examination - age determination

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Anthropometry System of Identification (Pg. 71)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. DNA test - four indications, material used, DNA Typing describe procedure

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Postmortem Cooling* - role in determination of Time since Death* (Pg.

Rushi mali
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3. Brain Stem Death* - how to

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Cadaveric Spasm* (Pg. 103)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Adipocere Formation

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Stiffness in Dead Body - conditions causing, Instantaneous Rigor - describe

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
6. Early Signs of Death enumerate, Rigor Morris - factors affecting,
medicolegal importance

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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7. PM Changes seen by Examination of Eyes, give Medicolegal Importance

Rushi mali
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8. Suspended Animation (Pg. 87)

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9. Late Signs of Death (Pg. 93)

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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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1.Estimating Time Since Death - different parameters

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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Sexual Asphyxia* (Pg. 125

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Violent Asphyxial Deaths* - define*, classify*, Complete Typical
Hanging* - PM findings on Face and Neck; Hanging - define, types,
PM features of each type

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Strangulation - define*, types*, Throttling - PM findings (Pg. 127,
128); Ligature Strangulation - PM findings

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
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Difference hanging and strangulation

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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Ligature Mark in Hanging

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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Garoting - define, enumerate PM findings on Face and Neck

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Death due to Strangulation by a ligature

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Choking - define, describe (Pg. 134)

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Dr VMGMC Solapur
Drowning - enumerate types, postmortem findings, medicolegal importance

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Rushi mali
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1. Suicidal and Homicidal Cut Throat* - differentiate

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3. Split Laceration and Incised Wound* - differences (Pg. 182)

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6. Bomb Blast Injuries*; Mechanism of Injury in Bomb Explosions

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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. Burns - define, classify*, Ante-Mortem and (Post-Mortem Burns)**
- differentiate, Causes of Death due to Burns* (Pg. 199); Medicolegal
Aspects of Burns

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Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Lightning Injury* - mechanism, Death due to Lightning - autopsy
appearances (Pg. 208 Singhal, Pg. 312 Reddy); Lightning Fatalities

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Fracture of Skull*classify*, describe*

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Grievous Hurt* (Pg. 229)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Shotgun Cartridge - labelled diagram, Ricocheting of Bullet - describe

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
4. Ammunition used in Smooth Bore Guns (Pg. 190)

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Rushi mali
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Entry and Exit Wound in Rifled Firearm different

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Section 44 IPC - define, Mechanical Injuries • classify, Stab Wounds -
medicolegal importance Contusions

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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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2. Entry Wound of Revolver in a Victim specific features at different ranges

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Rushi mali
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Joule Burn (Pg. 206)

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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Causes of Death due to Burns

Punchdrunk Syndrome

Rushi mali
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1. Skull Fractures - five types, causative mechanisms, Estimate Age of
Fracture (Pg. 210)

Rushi mali
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Head Injury, Intracranial Injuries

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Rushi mali
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1. Torture - various methods

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Rushi mali
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Defence Wounds

3. Homicide - define, types

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. Amended Section 375 IPC - define*, How will you collect evidences
in Victim of Rape* (Pg. 286)

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Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. Testamentary Capacity* (Pg. 320)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Delusion* - define, types* (Pg. 312)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
3. True and Feigned Insanity* - differences (Pg. 317)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Impotence and Sterility in both sexes - causes, Artificial Insemination -
guiding principles (Pg. 240, 259)

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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Probable Signs of Pregnancy (Pg. 251)

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Dr VMGMC Solapur

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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Parous and Nulliparous Uterus - differentiate at Postmortem Examination

Battered Baby Syndrome (Pg 280)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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Dr VMGMC Solapur
Live Birth - enumerate signs, Hydrostatic Test

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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
MTP Act 1971

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Rushi mali
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Consent in relation to Examination of Victim of Sexual Assault

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
McNaughten's Rule (Pg. 321)

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Mentally Ill Person enumerate civil responsibilities

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Insanity and Murder (Pg. 320)

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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Personality Disorders - features

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Rushi mali
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Post-Mortem Artefacts

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Rushi mali
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Negative Viscera Report from Chemical Analyser

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2. Preservation of Viscera for Chemical Analysis (Pg. 35)

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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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1. Duties of Doctor in Poisoning Cases

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Rushi mali
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Chelating Agents in Treatment of Poisoning (Pg. 21)

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Rushi mali
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3. Antidotes Pg. 20)

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Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Poisons - classify with examples, Factors Modifying Actions of Poisons
on Body describe (Pg. 9)

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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Poisoning by Corrosive Mineral Acids - postmortem appearance of Stomach

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Rushi mali
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2. Carbolism*; Carboluria

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3. Corrosive Poisons - classify, Vitriolage,

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
4. Oxalic Acid Poisoning - describe

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Rushi mali
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1. Plumbism*

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Treatment of Snakebite Victim

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Treatment of Snakebite Victim

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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. Chronic Lead Poisoning* sources, clinical features*, management*

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Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Poisons classify, Venomous and Non-Venomous Snake differentiate, Cobra
Bite treatment (Pg. 76); Manage a Case of Poisonous Snakebite; Steps for
Identification of Poisonous Snake, Viperine Bite - features

Treatment: Polyvalent antisnake venon (PAV) is prepared by

hyperimmunising horses against the venom of the four common
poisonous snakes, i.e., cobra, common krait, Russell's viper and
sawscaled viper. Plasma obtained from the hyperimmunised horses is
concentrated and purified. The serum is lyophilised by drying it from
the frozen state under high vacuum. It is prepared in the Haffkine
Institute, Mumbai, King Institute, Chennai, Serum Institute, Pune, and
at Kasauli in India, and is available in the form of lyophilised powder in
an ampoule, which retains potency for about five years. It is useful
when given within four hours of bite. It is of less value if delayed for
eight hours, and is of dobutful value after twenty-four hours. Each vial
of PAV will neutralise about 6 to 8 mg of venom. Its half-life is about 90
hours. Test dose of PAV should not be administered as it is a poor
predictor of early anaphylactoid reactions and may presensitise the
patient to PAV. If the swelling involves at least half of the bitten limb
within a few hours of bite in the absence

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
of a tourniquet,or if the swelling rapidly continues or if swelling has
crossed a joint within first one or two hours of its starting, it indicates
envenomation. Swelling that is several hours old is not good evidence of
current envenomation. In case of viper bites, incoagulable blood or
evidence of spontaneous bleeding from the gums will indicate
envenomation. Dose: (1) Minimal symptoms: Local swelling but no
systemic reactions, 5 vials. (2) Moderate: Swelling progressing beyond
site of bite with systemic reaction, 10 vials (3) Severe: Marked local
reaction, severe symptoms, 10 to 15 vials. Children require the same
dose as in adults. The lyophilised powder is diluted in 500 ml of distilled
water or normal saline and infused over a period of one hour. In
neurotoxic pois~ming, a second dose of ten vials should be given after
one hour. In the case of haemotoxic patients the initial dose of antiserum
will be neutralising unbound, free flowing venom. The liver requires six
hours to restore clotting factors, as such patient will not require further
PAV for six hours after the fust dose.

20 minutes blood clotting test : Few ml. of fresh venous blood is put in a
clean dry glass tube and left undisturbed for 20 minutes and then gently
tilted. If the blood is still liquid, it indicates viper bite. This test is
repeated every 6 hours for determining repeat dose requirement.
Normalisation of clotting time is taken as endpoint of therapy. After that
the test is done at 12 hour intervals for at least 48 hours to detect
recurring envenoming. Repeat dosing is required for recurrence of
systemic signs.
At the first sign of any of the following, e.g. urticaria, itching, shivering,
chills, nausea or vomiting, hypotension, bronchospasm, angio-oedema:
(A) Stop PAV infusion. (B) Administer 0.5 mg. 1:1000 adrenaline i.m. for
adults (0.01 mg/kg for children). (C) Give hydrocortisone and
antihistamine to provide longer term protection. (D) If there is no
improvement after 10 to 15 minutes give a second dose of adrenaline. (E)
Once the condition has improved start antiserum infusion. (2) I f the
antisnake venom is not available, 40 ml. of antivenene is given i.v. and
repeated as required. It is effective for cobra and Russell's viper bites. (3)
When treating viper bite a watch should be kept on prothrombin time.
(~) Irthere are signs of neuroparalysis, give 1.5 mg neostigmine for
adults (paediatric dose 0.04 mg/

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Dr VMGMC Solapur
kg) i.m. with 0.6 mg atropine i.v. (paediatric do e 0.05 mg/kg) to
counteract the muscarinic effects of neostigmine. It is repeated twice
at ten minutes interval. If the victim shows improvement give 0.5 mg
neostigmine half hourly with atropine. In cases of presynaptic
envenoming such as kraits or Russell's viper a positive response does
not occur. Before every injection, half mg. atropine should be given to
block muscarinic side effects. (5) Heparin 1000 to 5000 i.u. may be
given i.v. if there are clotting abnormalities. (6) Inject tetanus
antitoxin or a booster dose of tetanus toxoid. (7) A broadspectrum
antibiotic should be given if there is severe tissue involvement. (8) In
viper poisons, sedatives may be given to relieve pain and nervousness.
(9) In case of collapse, general stimulants are of value. (10)
Mechanical ventilatory support is necessary in respiratory failure.
(11) In severe poisoning, infusion of normal saline or transfusion of
blood or plasma are very useful. (12) Haemodialysis may be necessary.
Peritoneal dialysis is better. (13) Give paracetomol for pain, but aspirin
should not be given, as it may make the patient bleed. (14) Surgical
debridement of the blebs, bloody vesicles, and superficial necrosis may
be necessary.

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning - clinical features, treatment, PM appearances,
medicolegal aspects

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. Ethyl Alcohol Poisoning - symptoms, PM appearances; Alcohol
Intoxication - stages

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Run Amok (Pg. 116

run amok, i.e., he develops a psychic disturbance marked by a

period of depression, followed by violent attempts to kill people
(impulse to murder). He ftrst kills a person against whom he may
have real or imaginary enemity and then kills anyone that comes in
his way until the homicidal tendency lasts. Then he may commit
suicide or may surrender himself. Chronic use may lead to
amotivational syndrome with loss of age appropriate behaviour, like
lethargy, lack of interest in day-today activities at home and school.
If the abuse is continued for a considerable time, it may lead to
behavioural problems, crime and even mental derangement.
It does not cause physiological dependence or addiction. Cannabis
compounds and LSD can be detected in biological specimens by
radioimmunoassay procedures. Marijuana is a potential carcinogen.

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Hallucinogenic Agents - name four, Cocainism - describe, medicolegal

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
1. Classify Poison*, Opium Poisoning** - clinical features** treatment**
medicolegal importance*; differential diagnosis, PM features

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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
3. Strychnine Poisoning - signs, symptoms, differentiate from Tetanus

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
2. Drunkenness define, Methanol Poisoning - symptoms, treatment

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Barbiturate Poisoning - symptoms, signs, treatment, medicolegal aspects

Rushi mali
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Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
5.Organochlorine - discuss toxicology

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
6. Organophosphorous Compound Poisoning - clinical features, treatment, PM

Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur
Rushi mali
Dr VMGMC Solapur

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