VEVO Visa Details Check - Munna Barua

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Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)

Visa Details Check

This document contains the result of a Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) Visa Details Check and is valid as at Friday January 12,
2024 21:41:07 (AEDT) Canberra, Australia (GMT +1100).

Important information about VEVO

A VEVO check shows the visa details and conditions associated with a particular visa holder, such as work or study rights.

VEVO Visa Details Checks are only current at the time conducted and should only be considered valid when received directly from the VEVO

Not all visas allow people to work. Some Australian visas have work conditions which may include not being able to work at all or only being
able to work with a certain employer or a specific number of hours.

Foreign nationals who do not have a valid visa are not allowed to work in Australia. This might include a person whose visa has expired or been

Employers are strongly encouraged to conduct their own VEVO Visa Details Check as it is a criminal offense to hire or refer illegal workers in

Employers who hire, or refer workers without the right to work, face serious penalties including fines or imprisonment.

With the permission of the visa holder, registered employers may conduct a VEVO Visa Details Check to confirm the visa details and conditions
of employees. For more information about employing a visa holder, please go to:

Want to know more about VEVO?

For more information about VEVO, including how eligible organisations can register to conduct VEVO Visa Detail Checks, please go to: https://

Visa Detail Check

Valid as at Friday January 12, 2024 21:41:07 (AEDT) Canberra, Australia (GMT +1100)

Family name Barua

Given name(s) Munna
Document number EF0254150
Visa class / subclass GK / 482
Visa stream Short-term
Visa applicant Primary
Visa grant date 14 July 2023
Visa expiry date 14 July 2025
Location Onshore
Visa status In Effect
Entries allowed Multiple entries to and from Australia during the validity of your visa
Must not arrive after 14 July 2025
Period of stay Until 14 July 2025

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Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)

Visa Details Check

Work entitlements

The Visa Holder has limited Work Entitlements

Workplace rights
All employees in Australia are protected by workplace laws, including visa holders, for further information see:

Study entitlements

The Visa Holder has unlimited Study Entitlements

Visa condition(s)

8501 - Maintain adequate health insurance :

You must have and maintain adequate health insurance for the whole of your stay in Australia.

For more information on how this condition might apply to you see your visa details.

8607 - Must only work in nominated occupation :

You must work only in the occupation nominated in your most recent Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa application. You cannot
work in a different occupation unless you apply for and are granted a new Temporary Skill Shortage visa.

You must start work within 90 days of:

• arriving in Australia, if you were outside Australia when the visa was granted

• receiving your visa, if you were in Australia when the visa was granted

You must not stop working for more than 60 consecutive days.

You can only work:

• for the sponsor that nominated you, if your visa was granted in the Labour agreement stream

• for the sponsor that nominated you or an associated entity, if your visa was granted in Medium or Short-term stream and your sponsor is
an Australian business

• for the sponsor that nominated you, if your visa was granted in Medium or Short-term stream and your sponsor is an overseas business

If you want to change your employer, your new proposed employer must get a nomination approved before you can start work for them.

Find out what to do if your situation changes.

You can work for other employers if your occupation is specified as an exempt occupation by the minister in an instrument.

If you are in an exempt occupation:

• you do not require a new nomination to change employer as long as you continue to work in the same occupation and your visa remains
in effect

• your original sponsor remains responsible for certain obligations until you are renominated by another sponsor or your visa ceases to be
in effect

Please note, if you intend to access a permanent resident pathway via the Employer Nomination Scheme subclass 186 visa in the Temporary
Residence Transition (TRT) stream, you must be nominated by the same sponsor as you were most recently sponsored by while holding your
subclass 482 visa. This applies regardless of your occupation.

If it is mandatory to have a licence, registration or membership to do the job we granted you the visa to do you must hold that licence,
registration or membership and comply with its provisions.

If it is illegal to do the job you were granted the visa to do without a licence, registration or membership, you must not work. You must not do
work that is inconsistent with the licence, registration or membership.

If you were outside Australia when the visa was granted, you must hold the mandatory licence, registration or membership within 90 days of
arriving in Australia. If you were in Australia when the visa was granted, you must hold the mandatory licence, registration or membership within
90 days of us granting the visa.

You must let us know in writing as soon as you can if:

• you applied for the licence, registration or membership and were refused, or

• the licence, registration or membership is ends or is cancelled or revoked

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Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)

Visa Details Check


The Department is working with the Fair Work Ombudsman to help employees and employers understand and follow Australian Workplace

Information on pay rates, shift calculations, leave arrangements and notice and redundancy entitlements is in the Pay and Conditions Tool

The Fair Work Ombudsman website has more information on workplace rights and entitlements for visa holders and migrant workers.

For the full list of conditions relevant to your visa, see the Federal Register of Legislation.

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