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Unit 1.

Speaking: Topic 1. Living with parents /Generation Gap.

1. Who do you live with? Do you live with your parents?

2. What are positive and negative sides of living with parents?
3. At what age should offspring leave his/her nest? Why?
4. When your children become adult, would you like to live with them or alone
or with your partner?
5. What kind of parent are you or might you be in the future? What will you
allow and forbid to your kids?
6. Why do some children argue with their parents? What kind of arguments do
they have?
7. What is generation gap? Is it possible to avoid generation gap?
8. Did you ever have generation gap between you and your mom and dad? What
did you argue about?
9. Are your parents permissive or overprotective?
10. What didn’t your parents allow you to do in your childhood?
11. What should parents do when their children leave home? How can they make
their life less boring?
12. Who should take care of the elderly parents: their children or the
government? What do you think about nursery homes?
13. Do you often see your grandparents? Did you ever feel generation gap between
you and them?
14. What role did your grandparents play in your upbringing?
15. How do you imagine your life when you get retired?
16. Did you have a babysitter in your childhood? What are pros and cons of having a
17. How would you describe your childhood?
18. What do you think about large families with more than five children?
19. Do you think you are a good daughter/son? Why?
20. At what age is the best time to start the family?

 Read the text and retell.

Generation Gap

Sometimes our parents don't understand us. They don't understand some problems and things
which are very important in teens' life; for example, the lifestyles of young people, piercing,
tattoos, drugs, relationship with friends and teachers. So sometimes teens can't tell them
about their private life. Some parents don't want to understand modern views, ideals and
system of values.

Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with the present, and regard old
times as better, always talking about "the good old days". The young people, on the other
hand, tend to think their times as the best. Teens look at the world with fresh eyes. Everything
is new, interesting to them. Sometimes they cannot solve their everyday problems. But they
want to cope with them by themselves. So adults shouldn't prevent them from making their
own mistakes.

People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think
that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is false that when
old age wisdom has come, useless illusions have disappeared. Sometimes when we talk to
adults, a monologue is a preferred form of expressing your ideas in such talks. That's why some
teens don't like to talk to adults.

I think that it's in people's nature to give advice. It seems to people that giving advice they can
help somebody or put somebody on the right track. But if a person takes their advice and
fails, he can blame an adult all of his life.

Our parents have their own ideas and views that their children don't share and understand.
They think that their children won't find their place in life. They often say that now teens are
very difficult to socialize with and dumpy. But children should settle all problems peacefully
because they are their parents. They brought them up with loving care. And if children come to
their parents for advice and help, they will do their best and help children to cope with
problems and difficulties.

Speaking: Topic 2. Living and studying abroad.

1. Why do people move or study abroad?

2. What are positives of studying abroad?
3. What are the main difficulties that students encounter in foreign countries?
4. Would you like to study abroad? Where and Why?
5. What do you think what is better to stay in dormitory or with a host family? Why?
6. How can a student prepare before going overseas?
7. Many students feel homesick abroad. What can you recommend them to overcome
this feeling?
8. If you go abroad to study or work, what do you think, how will you feel?
9. Do you know what is the culture shock? Try to explain
10. Do any foreigners come to your country to study here? What do they think about
your country?
 Essay : Write the following essay:
Many students now have the opportunity to study in other countries. Studying
abroad may bring some benefits to some students, but it also has a significant number
of disadvantages.
Discuss both sides of the argument and give your own opinion.


Speaking: Topic 3. Friends

1. What is a good friend, in your opinion?

2. Tell me about your best friend?
3. At what age is it the best time to make friends?
4. Why do some people stop being friends?
5. Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?
6. How do you understand the idiom “fair-weather friend”?
7. What does the proverb mean: “Friend in need is a friend indeed”?
8. Can woman and men be friends? Is it possible or not?
9. What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends?
10. What will you do if you have friends that do not like each other?
11. Do you have friends from foreign countries?
12. Do you easily make friends?
13. How do friends influence on your life? What about you?
14. Who is more important: family of friends and why?
15. Is it possible to have many friends?

 Speaking: Blind date:

 Imagine you take part in blind dating. Make a story about blind date, tell
about your impressions and discuss pros and cons of blind date.


 Find the definitions of the following words and try to memorize them:
1. Busker-
2. Scholarship-
3. Continue-
4. Leave-
5. Camper Van-
6. Empty-Nester-
7. Mainly-
8. Improve-
9. Primary school-
10. Secondary school-
11. A blind date-
12. Through Friends/family-
13. Carpenter-
14. Organize-
15. Impress(impression)-
16. Beard-
17. Well-paid job-
18. Veggie
19. Wooly jumper-
20. Chatty-
21. Kind-
22. Intelligent-
23. Rescue-
24. Wardrobe-
25. Laugh-
26. Embarrass-
27. Earn-
28. Flatmate-
29. Knock over-
30. Definitely-
31. Introduce-
32. Lend-
33. Borrow-
34. Journey-
35. My pleasure-
36. It is no trouble at all-
37. Thank you very much indeed-
38. Never mind-
39. Perhaps another time-
40. Lovely day again-
41. It doesn’t matter-
42. How do you do?-
43. Pleased to meet you!-
44. Cheers-
45. I am really excited-
46. Place of birth-
47. Permanent address-
48. Marital status-
49. Occupation-
50. Qualification-
51. Include-
52. Applicable-
53. Gender-
54. Nationality-
55. Emergency contact-
56. Accommodation-
57. Require-
58. Medical conditions-
59. To be aware of-
60. Signature-
61. Reason-
62. Move to-
63. Experience-
64. Challenge-

65. Opportunity-
66. Nephew-
67. Niece-
68. Swap-
69. Peace and quiet-
70. Adorable-
71. Within the walking distance-
72. Provide-
73. Hug-
74. Generally-
75. Combination-
76. Cultural activities-
77. Seem-
78. Overseas-
79. Vet-
80. Surgeon-

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