1a Art Uol

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School of Education 22-23 Student Name: Isobel dunne

Year: BA3
Unit of Learning
Class Name: 1A art Theme/Scenario:
Year group: 1st year Good health and wellbeing (17 sustainable development goals)
No of Pupils: 26 Working from a primary source JC specification link (pg 28)
Total No of lessons in UoL: 5 Students choose a primary source, such as the human figure or artefact/s from the world around
them and develop a realised work from this source.
Statements of Learning/Key Skills:
SOL 4 creates and presents artistic works and appreciates the process and skills involved
SOL 5 has an awareness of personal values and an understanding of the process of moral decision
JC statements of learning link (pg 1)
MANAGING INFORMATION & THINKING - Thinking creatively and critically
BEING CREATIVE - Learning creatively
JC specification link (pg 8)

Entering Characteristics/Inclusive practices

26 mixed ability students sitting in the mid to high performing range
Constructivism or Constructivist Approach / Integrative Approach
Students previously worked on a shell project focusing on establishing primary imagery
1 student ASD
1 student ADHD
TT reflection - The class is all with successful but slow workers, they need to break out of their box and inject creativity in their work.
Behaviour Management & Classroom Strategies
anti bullying policy - skerries cc anti bullying policy
code of behaviour - skerries cc code of behaviour
strategies of our classroom;
- class seating plan
- Use of journal when using bathroom
- reward good behaviour (verbal affirmations, vsware points, note home etc)
- any negative behaviour will be given a quiet verbal warning and will be spoken to at the end of the lesson to not disrupt teaching and learning
- following on from that any behaviour good or bad will be elevated following the ladder of referral
- Focus on restorative practice and de escalating situations in the classroom to install good habits at junior cycle
Aim of Unit of Learning
Through collage, painting and printing students will explore and curate a mixed media composition based on the theme good health and wellbeing and
inspired by the AEDPs shape, pattern and texture.
• Processes
• Techniques/Materials
• Theme
• Outcome/Product

Learning outcomes for the unit of learning

At the end of this UOL students should be able to…
ELEMENT: Critical and visual language
2.1 identify and use the critical and visual language associated with more than one type of craft

ELEMENT: Visual Culture and Appreciation

1.9 debate the value that they and society place on an artwork

ELEMENT: Art elements and design principles (AEDP)

1.11 consider the use of art elements and design principles in their own artwork
2.10 describe art elements and design principles as they are used across a number of different crafts

1.14 use media to create their own artwork

JC learning outcomes link

Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions Success criteria
Lesson No: 1 In this lesson students will cut works from To know… All students will..
Total in UoL: 1/5 magazines and books to create a finished A4 Identify and discuss what is a - understand what a collage is,
Duration: 80m (d) collage. collage and how artists may use how to describe it, and how
Date: 22/03/23 collage to inform their practice artists could utilise collage to
Teaching strategies SDL learning and inform their practice.
Stage: Think and explore
research, presentation and demonstration To be able to… - build and put together a collage
Construct and assemble a collage referencing the long-term
AEDP space, balance and movement with reference to the sustainable objective of health and
goal of good health and well wellbeing.
TA ; powerpoint presentation visual
being. - be aware of what the UN
resources 1A art L1
General Assembly hopes to
Support study; Elyse’ Jokinen support To understand… accomplish with these
studies 1A art L1 This support study is What the United Nations General international objectives.
relevant to this lesson as she conveys Assembly aims to achieve with Most students should…
these global goals. - Cover the whole page with
messages through her collages, this study is a
contemporary artist and some the students magazine cutouts, alternative
may connect and relate with. paper, colour on top of the
Layers of learning - Incorporate the 17 SDG visually
literacy is incorporated in the research in their collage as well as
element of the lesson as well as a cross contextually
curricular link with english and IT. Some students may…
We see numeracy in the 17 SDGs. - Make more than 1 collage

Key words Collage, Research, Experiment

Differentiation if students have issues with

dexterity collage can be created by ripping
instead of cutting.

Fast finishers are asked to make drawings

from their collage.

Links; http://www.ubuntu.ie/teaching-


UOL content link

Post class critical reflection What went well…

The hidden element for this lesson was really to break the students out of their box and get really creative. This translated
very well into the practical element. There was good rapport with the students when using the presentation as this was
something that was new to them in terms of the classroom. My delivery was clear and concise and I was happy that
students fully understood the theme and the task alike.
The on the cuff quick demonstration lent itself well to nudging the students to develop their own collage skill while being
mindful of materials and the classroom.

Even better if…

I was unable to get the jamboard to work because I had made it on my college email. This was stressful at the time but
when I look back on the class it was not empirical to the learning more so for peer assessment. If I were to do this again I
would be better prepared and check that all digital aspects of my lesson can work independent of my email, as well as have
a traditional alternative.
Teaching & Learning Content: Learning Intentions Success criteria
Lesson No: 2 In this lesson students will compile a 3D relief To know… All students will..
Total in UoL: 2/5 collage with the theme health and well being Identify a technique used by our - Use a particular technique from
Duration: 40m in mind. support study artist hadieh shafie our support study artist Hadieh
Date: 29/03/23 by using it somewhere in their Shafie somewhere in your relief
AEDP texture and pattern relief collage. collage to demonstrate it.
Stage: explore
AEDP - be capable of experimenting
To be able to… with recycled materials and
Teaching strategies/ TA ; demonstration, Experiment with recycled take into account the topic of
visual aid materials and consider the theme good health and wellbeing
of good health and wellbeing when creating this composition
Support study; hadieh shafie support
when making this composition. - Understand and Justify the use
studies 1A art L2 This support study is
of recycled materials in art. A
adequate for this lesson as she works with
To understand… healthy planet is good for us,
relief in a modern way that can be translated
Justify the use of recycled therefore respond to the
into the art room. Students can practise
materials in art. Answer the question.
shafie’s technique with the recycled materials
question: good health for the Most students should…
Layers of learning construction studies are - Bring in a drawn element to
earth is good for us.
incorporated through the use of 3D materials. their relief sculpture
- Look for their own found or
Keywords Relief sculpture—sculpture that ART PROCESS KEY WORDS recycled materials in the
projects in varying degrees from a two- classroom
dimensional background—has a distinguished Some students may…
history dating back over 20,000 years in - Look at last weeks college and
Eastern and Western cultures. Alto-relievo take inspiration from that
(high relief) approaches three dimensions
while bas-relief (low relief) at times is more
akin to two-dimensional drawing.

Differentiation for fast finishers and students

who are having issues with the task they can
add an element of watercolour paint to a
relief sculpture base perhaps. This will allow
students to focus on the theme in a medium
they are familiar with, while also introducing
that 3D element.

Links; http://www.ubuntu.ie/teaching-




UOL content link

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions
What went well…
Students showcased excellent recall with my start of class discussion where I prompted them to tell me what techniques we
used last week, what were the steps we took to get there. Students followed along attentively with this class with my use of
dramatisation not only in my voice but in my actions as well. When students were developing the relief sculptures I
prompted them to look at it from a different angle to see how much 3D was being Incorporated. I alsoThe implored them to
use other senses apart from sight like touch. The enthusiasm in this class is infectious and it would be easy to let them go at
the task for the whole lesson but I weaved in the visual studies element through stopping the class at periods taking the
temperature and following along with our artist research as they tore away at their materials I prompted them to tell me
what they were doing using a word that someone had not said before.

Even better if…

This class would have been even better if I had shortened the clean up time. I overestimated how long it would take to tidy
up so students were left with five minutes at the end of class where they thought the lesson was over but still I would have
liked to weave out some of that research recall that they had done during the class but now when a quiet environment
where there was not a physical task at hand .
Teaching & Learning Content: Learning Intentions Success criteria
Lesson No: 3 In this lesson students will be creating relief To know… All students will..
Total in UoL: 3/5 sculpture printing, a technique where a three- Discover the relief sculpture - comprehend the way we Learn
Duration: 80m dimensional object is used to create a two- printing process. about the relief sculpture
Date: 19/4/23 dimensional print. Students will create a printing (collograph printing)
Stage: develop mixed media relief sculpture using various To be able to… method.
materials and then use it to ink and print onto Ink and print their relief sculpture - be capable of using ink and
a new paper, creating a unique and layered onto new paper to create a transfer their relief artwork
piece of art. layered and textured piece of art. onto new paper to create a
layered and textured work of
AEDP shape, colour, texture AEDP To understand… art.
will reflect on their creative - Students will think about their
Materials: Cardboard or foam board., Scissors creative process and the
process and the distinctive
and glue.,Found objects such as leaves, fabric, unique characteristics of their
and paper., Printing ink and brayers., Paper. aspects of their relief sculpture
relief sculpture print that relate
print that may correlate to the
to the subject.
Teaching strategies/ TA ; theme.
Most students should…
demonstrationvisual resources 1A art L3 -
- Reference pointillism when
Demonstrate the basic techniques of relief ART PROCESS KEY WORDS evaluating work
sculpture printing using a sample relief
- Take notes during demo
sculpture. Show students how to ink and print
Some students may…
the relief sculpture onto a new paper. visual
- Choose to draw on collagraph
aids, 1-1 help - Walk around the room to
paint to identify shapes of
answer questions and offer suggestions.
Support study; Jane perkins ???? support
studies 1A art L1 Jane Perkins loves and
creates artwork with an element of fun and
the unexpected. Each of her Found Material
Collages is made from thousands of pieces of
salvaged bric-a-brac which are carefully glued
into place to make the picture. Random small
objects are used; plastic toys, shells, beads,

Layers of learning oracy and literacy - have

them reflect on their work. Ask them to
consider the unique qualities of their print
and how the mixed media elements added to
the final result. Have them share their
creations with the class and discuss their
inspiration and process.

Keywords relief printing - Examples of relief-

printing processes include woodcut, anastatic
printing (also called relief etching), linocut,
and metal cut.

Differentiation fast finishers can move onto

possibly printing onto collage…

UOL content link

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions
I can see students are starting to advance in their skill level as they are starting to get quicker and quicker with the tasks.
This may also be down to the fact that Students were engaged throughout the process and produced some excellent
The objectives for the class were clear and well-communicated. The students understood the purpose of creating the
collagraphs and how to use them to inspire their drawings. The teaching approach was effective. The demonstration of how
to create the collagraphs was clear and well-paced, allowing students to follow along and create their own unique pieces.
The approach to drawing from the collagraphs was also effective. Students were encouraged to examine the details of the
prints and use them as inspiration for their own drawings
One area where the lesson could be improved is in the time allocated for creating the collagraphs. Some students may have
needed less time to create the collagraphs, which was surprising seeing as they were new to the technique. Another area
for improvement is in providing more options for materials. While the materials provided were suitable, having more
options for paper and ink colours could have allowed students to experiment more and produce a wider variety of prints
and drawings.
Teaching & Learning Content: Learning Intentions Success criteria
Lesson No: 4 In this lesson students will create a painting To know… All students will..
Total in UoL: 4/5 inspired by a mixed media collage and relief how to analyse and understand a - know how to evaluate and
Duration: 80m sculpture print. Students will learn how to mixed media collage. assess a mixed media
Date: 3/05/23 analyse and interpret these to create a unique Students will learn how to make a composition.
Stage: realise and present painting that reflects the theme of good collage-inspired painting. - Students are going to produce
health and well being and their personal a collage-inspired creative
artistic vision. To be able to… work.
Colours are mixed and various - To be competent Colours are
Materials: Mixed media collages or collagraph painting methods are used to paired together and various
prints, Cardboard or mat board, Scissors, exhibit their particular style and methods of painting are
Pencils, Rulers, Acrylic or watercolour paints, creative vision via their artwork. employed to express their own
Paintbrushes, Water cups, Paper towels or style and creative vision
rags. To understand… through the work they create.
evaluating their finished painting - assessing their ingenuity, use of
AEDP as we wrap up our project we aim to colour and brushstroke,
and grading their inventiveness,
incorporate all AEDPs AEDP technique, and use of the
use of colour and brushstroke,
mixed media collage as
Teaching strategies/ TA ; Offer praise: skill, and use of the mixed media
inspiration. Encourage students
Recognize hard work by openly congratulating collage as inspiration. Encourage
to communicate their feelings
students, encouraging ideal behaviour and pupils to express their thoughts about the creative process and
inspiring the class. Presentation, self directed
on the creative process and to share their artwork with the
learning, self evaluation
discuss their artwork with the class. Link to the theme...
Demonstrate how to analyse and interpret class. Link to theme… Most students should…
previous pieces. Show how to create a - Incorporate the 17 stg in their
painting inspired by the project by using work
similar colours and shapes. Demonstrate how - Produce their own primary
to mix colours and use various painting images to link in
techniques. Some students may…
- Mix both artworks into this
Support study; Georges Braque support final piece
study 1A art L4 is often credited for the birth
of college. They were among the first to
engage mass media in their synthetic Cubist
Layers of learning oracy as we evaluate our
learning in a group setting.

Keywords Tone/Value, Line, Colour/Colour,

composition, Form & Shape, Mood, Texture.

Differentiation breaks down learning into

digestible information. The best part is that it
helps people to improve their mental health
through creativity. Making art is helping many
people express themselves, without having to
use words.

Assessment will be based on the quality of

the painting and the use of texture and colour
in the composition. Students will also be
assessed on their ability to use the viewfinder
effectively to isolate and focus on specific
areas of the artwork.

UOL content link

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions
The students seemed to be engaged and were able to follow the instructions during the demonstration. I think the use of
viewfinders was particularly helpful in getting the students to focus on specific elements of their artwork and come up with
a unique composition. One thing I noticed was that the students seemed to be quite relaxed and calm during the class. This
could be a good thing as it might indicate that they were enjoying the activity and were able to work at their own pace.
However, I also wonder if I could have pushed them a bit more to experiment with different colours, textures, and

I was happy with the way I demonstrated how to create a viewfinder and use it to isolate a section of the mixed media
artwork. I think the instructions were clear and easy to follow. However, I think it would have been helpful to have a few
more examples of finished paintings to show the students, to give them an idea of what is possible. Overall, I think the
students were able to learn and practise important art skills such as composition, colour theory, and brush technique. I
hope that they enjoyed the activity and feel inspired to continue exploring the use of viewfinders in their future artwork.
Teaching & Learning Content: Learning Intentions Success criteria
Lesson No: 5 In this lesson students will continue to create To know… All students will..
Total in UoL: 5/5 a painting inspired by a mixed media collage How to discuss Keywords - know How to Talk About
Duration: 80m and relief sculpture print. Tone/Value, Line, Colour/Colour, Tone/Value, Line, Color/Colour,
Date: 10/05/23 composition, Form & Shape, Composition, Form & Shape,
AEDP as we wrap up our project we aim to Mood, Texture. In relation to Mood, Texture. In terms of
Stage: present and reflect
incorporate all AEDPs AEDP their own work. their own work.
- Exhibit and discuss a finished
Teaching strategies/ TA ; presentation and To be able to… painting based on a viewfinder
self directed learning. Exhibit and explain a final of a mixed media collage or
painting based on a viewfinder of collagraph.
I want to wrap up this project with a nice bow
their mixed media collage or - comprehend and reflect on the
obviously giving attention to self reflection.
collagraph. issue of excellent health and
Support study; well-being, and convey that
To understand… comprehension on the final
Layers of learning numeracy with written self And reflect on the meaning of the piece
reflection worksheets. Oracy as we take a theme good health and well Most students should…
look back on our time together. being and relay that - Feel comfortable discussing
understanding upon the final their own work in a group
Keywords Tone/Value, Line, Colour/Colour, piece setting
composition, Form & Shape, Mood, Texture. - Take note of support study
ART PROCESS KEY WORDS artists for later dates
Take a look back at all the keywords weve Some students may…
gone through over the last few weeks. -
Differentiation, the same as last week, breaks
down learning into digestible information.
The best part is that it helps people to
improve their mental health through
creativity. Making art is helping many people
express themselves, without having to use
words. If there is any new differentiation that
occurs in the class i will take note

UOL content link

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions
As a teacher, it's important to recognize and acknowledge when students demonstrate positive behavior and academic
performance. It's also encouraging to see that students were able to apply their knowledge and skills to create artwork that
reflects the theme of good health and wellbeing. I think that the material was well-prepared and effectively taught because
I took the time to plan and organise the lesson in advance. I also made sure to communicate the learning objectives clearly
and provide examples and demonstrations to support student learning.
During the lesson, I tried to create a supportive and engaging learning environment by encouraging student participation
and providing opportunities for peer feedback and critique. This helped to keep students motivated and focused on their
artistic growth.
In the future, I will continue to strive to create effective and engaging lessons that help students learn and grow as artists. I
will also continue to seek out opportunities for professional development and collaboration with other art teachers to
further improve my teaching practice.
Teaching & Learning Content: Learning Intentions Success criteria
Lesson No: N/A In this lesson students will explore the theme To know… All students will..
Total in UoL: of good health and well-being through paper the basic techniques of paper -
Duration: weaving at their collages. Students will learn weaving. Most students should…
Date: about the importance of self-care and healthy -
Stage: living, and use weaving as a way to express Some students may…
To be able to…
their ideas and feelings. -
explore different colours and
AEDP pattern and line AEDP textures of paper to create a
woven piece that reflects the
Teaching strategies/ TA ; presentation, theme of good health and well-
demonstration, personal assessment. being.
Encourage initiative: Promote growth mindset
by allowing students to work ahead in certain To understand…
units, delivering brief presentations to discuss their creations and how
NOT ADVISED LESSON reinforce your lesson material. their choices of colours and
textures relate to the theme.
Construction paper in various colours and
textures, Scissors, Rulers, Glue sticks or glue,
Pencils or pens, Optional: magazines or other
materials for collage..

Support study; Julie VonDerVellen support

studies 1A art L3 “Human emotions play a
role in how the brain records a memory. Not
only do our feelings help encode the moment,
but they are believed to aid in the recollection
of the experience.” ties into craft and theme

Layers of learning i would like to see oracy

come into play in this class, utilising group
discussion, what did we do before easter,
building rapport. Numeracy has a big
influence as pattern is seen in maths.
Key words

Differentiation some students have limited

mobility and have to be guided when using
scissors, i would like to speak with the host
teacher to see their recommendations but
possibly using a rotary cutter may help in this

UOL content link

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