7.1 2021-Part2-Expensive-Activity-Text

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Describe an expensive activity that you do occasionally

You should say:

• What it is
• Where you do it
• Why it is expensive
• And explain how you feel about it
I was struggling* to come up with** something because in recent months I haven’t done an awful lot***, to be perfectly
honest. I’ve been snowed under with**** work and my free time has been extremely limited*****. One thing I have done
and will hopefully do again in the near future is go out for a slap-up meal****** with a few close friends.
*to struggle = to find **to come up with = ***an awful lot = a large ****to be snowed under with = *****limited = ******a slap-up meal =
something difficult to think of amount; very much to have a lot of something to do restricted large and good

Under normal circumstances*, once in a while, I splash out** and go somewhere a bit pricey*** with my mates. I can’t
remember precisely**** the last time we did it… oh I think it was sometime last year because my friend was celebrating
her 30th birthday.
*under normal circumstances = **to splash out = to ***pricey = ****precisely =
usually; normally spend money freely expensive exactly

If my memory serves me rightly*, that was the time we went to an upmarket** Italian. It’s
incredibly popular and booked up*** for weeks in advance****. The pizzas are cooked in a wood-
fired pizza oven and it’s so much better than going to a high street restaurant chain*****.

*if my memory serves me rightly = **upmarket = ***booked up = ****in advance = *****a high street restaurant chain = Pizza
if I remember correctly fancy; expensive fully booked beforehand; ahead of time Hut; Subway etc

Fluency and Coherence - Organisation

Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Grammar
Lexical Resource - Vocabulary
When it’s a special occasion, we push the boat out* and have starters, mains and
puddings as well as copious amounts of** alcohol. On occasion***, we have bought a
bottle wine that costs an arm and a leg/a fortune****, but it’s good to treat
yourself***** every now and again.
*to push the boat out = **copious amounts of = ***on occasion = ****to cost an arm and a *****to treat yourself = to
to spend a lot of money lots of occasionally leg/a fortune = to cost a lot spend money on yourself

As for how I feel about it, well I enjoy every second because it’s a chance to catch up with* my mates and, as a
foodie**, I love eating out and trying new dishes. If money were no object***, I’d be eating out five nights a week.
Mind you, I might get sick (and tired) of**** it so maybe it’s better to just have it as a special treat from time to
time. If you do anything on a regular basis, it can become mundane***** and not out of the ordinary******. So
actually, on reflection*******, a big splurge******** every so often is a far better option.

*to catch up with = **foodie = a person ***if money were no ****to get sick (and tired) of *****mundane = ******out of the ordinary
to find out what they who loves food and object = if I had something = to have boring = unusual
have been doing eating out enough money enough of something

Fluency and Coherence - Organisation *******on reflection = ********a big splurge =

Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Grammar after thinking about it to spend a lot more
Lexical Resource - Vocabulary money than usual

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