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Describe a short trip you often take but do not like

You should say:

• Where you travel from and to

• How often you make this trip
• Why you make this trip
• And explain why you dislike this trip
It didn’t take me long to narrow down what I’m going to talk about because there are not many journeys that I
make on a regular basis** aside from my daily commute****. It takes roughly three hours there and back.
*to narrow down = to reduce **on a regular basis = ***aside from = apart from; ****commute = a journey you take from home
the number of possibilities regularly; often except for; other than to work and back again

I’ve been making this trip from home to work and back again day in day out* for the
past five years. First of all, I have to walk to the bus stop and wait from 5 to 10
minutes to get a bus. It’s rush hour so the bus is usually jam-packed** and it is
virtually impossible*** to get a seat. Depending on when the bus arrives, then I
need to leg it**** from the bus station to the train station so I don’t miss my
connection*****. I have a season ticket so luckily I don’t need to queue to get a
ticket, but the train is generally overcrowded as well so it’s standing room
only******. It’s an absolute nightmare!
*day in day out = every day **jam-packed = full ***virtually impossible = almost impossible

****leg it = run ******standing room only = you can only stand *****connection = If you get
up a connection at a station or airport, you
Fluency and Coherence - Organisation catch a train, bus, or plane, after getting
Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Grammar off another train, bus, or plane, in order
Lexical Resource - Vocabulary to continue your journey.
During lockdown, I was fortunate enough* to be able to work from home and it was just the best thing ever. My
commute from my bed to my desk took around 30 seconds. I wish I could work at home all the time. I envy**
those who work from home or can walk to work.

*to be fortunate enough = to be lucky **to envy = to be jealous

If I could get a seat on the bus or train then it wouldn’t be such a chore*. I
would be able to catch up on** my emails, read a book, watch a film and
suchlike***, but I can’t do any of this. I just have to stand for nearly an
hour so by the time I get to work my back is killing me**** and I am in a
horrendous***** mood. In the future, the near future, I’m going to have
to find a job closer to home.

*a chore = a tedious but **to catch up on = to do something you haven’t ***and suchlike = and similar ****my back is killing me =
necessary task been able to do things my back really hurts

*****horrendous = very bad

Fluency and Coherence - Organisation

Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Grammar
Lexical Resource - Vocabulary

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