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International trade

and green hydrogen

Supporting the global transition
to a low-carbon economy
This publication and the material herein have been prepared under
the responsibility of the WTO Secretariat and of the International
Renewable Energy Agency and are provided “as is”. All reasonable
precautions have been taken by the WTO and IRENA to verify the
reliability of the material in this publication. However, neither the
WTO nor IRENA, nor any of their officials, agents, data or other
third-party content providers provides a warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied, and they accept no responsibility or
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The information contained herein does not necessarily reflect

the positions or opinions of WTO members, nor of the members
of IRENA. It is without prejudice to the rights and obligations
of WTO members under the WTO agreements. The opinions
expressed and arguments employed are not intended to provide
any authoritative or legal interpretation of provisions of the WTO
agreements, and shall in no way be read or understood to have
any legal implications.

The mention of specific companies or certain projects or products

does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by
either the WTO or IRENA in preference to others of a similar
nature that are not mentioned. The designations employed and
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of any opinion on the part of the WTO or IRENA concerning
the legal status of any region, country, territory, city or area or
of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or


Acknowledgements and Abbreviations 2

Executive summary and Five actions for consideration by policymakers 3

1 Introduction 6

1.1 The role of green hydrogen in a global low-carbon economy 7

1.2 Prospects for green hydrogen production 10

1.3 How could global hydrogen trade play out in the future 13

2 Mapping supply chain issues from a trade perspective 16

2.1 Trade in hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives 20

2.2 Electrolysers as a key technology for the green hydrogen supply chain 24

3 Trade-related policies along the hydrogen value chain 26

3.1 Tariffs and other taxes 29

3.2 Quality infrastructure – standards, certification and beyond 30

3.3 Subsidies 34

3.4 Sustainable government procurement 37

4 Considerations for development 40

5 The role of international cooperation 44

Five actions for consideration by policymakers 48

Annex 51

Bibliography 54
This publication has been prepared under the overall guidance of
Aik Hoe Lim of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Roland
Roesch of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
The core team was composed of Francisco Boshell, Luis Janeiro,
Ann Kathrin Lipponer and Jaidev Dhavle of IRENA and Svetlana
Chobanova, Mateo Ferrero and Rainer Lanz of the WTO. Valuable
comments and inputs were also provided by Zafar Samadov,
Emanuele Bianco, Raul Miranda, Paul Komor and Deepti Ashok
Siddhanti (IRENA), Monia Snoussi-Mimouni, Ankai Xu, Jose Luis
Monteiro, Seref Coskun, Ruosi Zhang, Michael Roberts, Vishva
Subramaniam and Philippe Pelletier (WTO), and Chris Agius (IEC).

CO2 carbon dioxide
CTE Committee on Trade and Environment
GDP gross domestic product
GH2 green hydrogen
GHG greenhouse gas
GPA Agreement on Government Procurement
GW gigawatt
H2 dihydrogen (i.e., hydrogen in a stable gaseous form)
IEA International Energy Agency
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IECRE IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in
Renewable Energy Applications
IECEx International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification to Standards
Relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres
IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development
IPHE International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LDC least-developed country
LH2 liquid hydrogen
LOHC liquid organic hydrogen carrier
Mt/y million tons per year
Mt CO2 megatons of carbon dioxide
MtH2/year megatons of hydrogen per year
NH3 ammonia
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PJ petajoule
PV photovoltaic
QI quality infrastructure
R&D research and development
SCM subsidies and countervailing measures
TBT technical barriers to trade
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
WEF World Economic Forum
WTO World Trade Organization

The role of green hydrogen trade in the transition
to a low-carbon economy

Green hydrogen, produced electricity is necessary to produce quarter of the total global hydrogen
exclusively from renewable energy, green hydrogen, delivering on such demand could be satisfied through
is rapidly gaining importance as a a scenario will, in parallel, require international trade.
potential factor in the transition to a massive expansion in renewable
a net-zero global economy. It offers power generation. Currently hydrogen is largely
a solution to decarbonize energy produced using natural gas, with
applications where the direct use of The International Renewable Energy trade flows in the order of
renewable electricity or fuels is not a Agency (IRENA) estimates that US$ 150-200 million per year. The
technically viable or the global technical potential to trade of commodities that can be
cost-effective solution, such as heavy produce green hydrogen is as derived from (green) hydrogen,
industry, shipping, aviation and much as twenty times what the notably ammonia and methanol
seasonal energy storage. total global primary energy demand – is more significant. These were
will be in 2050. Access to high- respectively worth US$ 17.5 billion
Green hydrogen could play a key quality abundant renewable power and US$ 14.1 billion in 2022.
role in achieving the goals of the generation will be a crucial cost
Paris Agreement1 by mid-century, factor, as this will be a key driver The trade dynamics for green
i.e., to pursue efforts to limit the of the relative competitiveness hydrogen and derivatives in a
increase in the global average of certain regions in producing net-zero scenario will be very
temperature to 1.5°C, and to well hydrogen or in producing tradable different from those of today’s
below 2°C, above pre-industrial commodities using hydrogen. international fossil fuel markets. The
levels. Hydrogen production is geographical distribution of green
currently a major net contributor Green hydrogen and derivative hydrogen production potential is
to climate change, rather than to commodities, such as green widespread – as it is linked to solar
decarbonization, because current ammonia, make it possible to and wind power supply – and there
methods of producing hydrogen produce renewable energy in areas are few major potential importers.
are carbon-intensive. Thus, to arrive with substantial renewable energy By contrast, in today’s oil and gas
at a net-zero world, the landscape potential, and to transport it to markets, a handful of players control
of hydrogen production and regions with significant hydrogen a large proportion of the global
consumption will need to change demand but an insufficient or more supply, for a much larger number of
dramatically. costly renewable energy supply. importers.

To achieve the goals of the Paris International trade could play a The physical characteristics of
Agreement, the current uses served significant role in matching supply hydrogen render it technically difficult
by hydrogen (e.g., to produce and demand for green hydrogen and and economically costly to transport
fertilizers or other chemicals) will its derivatives, because the domestic over long distances.
need to be supplied by clean production potential of some
hydrogen. In addition, the supply economies and regions may not Green hydrogen could
of hydrogen overall will need to be enough to satisfy their domestic
expand more than five-fold by demand, and it may be cheaper for play a key role in achieving
2050, to more than 500 MT/y, if it some economies to import green
is to serve a broader range of uses hydrogen from locations with lower
the goals of the Paris
and decarbonize carbon-intensive production costs. Analysis by IRENA Agreement by mid-century.
sectors. Given that renewable suggests that by 2050 about one
For this reason, green hydrogen This report outlines five actions for
trade will likely materialize to a great consideration by policymakers: International trade could
extent as trade in commodities
play a significant role in
produced through the use of
1. A
 ddressing trade barriers
hydrogen, such as ammonia,
along the green hydrogen matching supply and
methanol, synthetic fuels or iron. The
supply chain to promote demand for green hydrogen
prospect of cost-competitive green
the development of green
hydrogen production in regions with and its derivatives.
hydrogen by lowering costs
abundant, high-quality renewable
and fostering technology
energy could potentially drive the
relocation of some energy-intensive
industries and the emergence of 2. D
 eveloping sound quality
new commodity trade flows. infrastructure to guarantee
the environmental integrity of
As well as increasing trade green hydrogen production
of hydrogen and its derivative and provide information on
commodities, scaling up green the production process and
hydrogen for the purpose of emissions footprint along the
decarbonization will result in a value chain.
significant increase in trade flows 3. Implementing
 support policies
of the technologies and services to help sustain market growth,
required for its production, such as promote cost efficiencies and
electrolysers (which use electricity narrow the cost differential
to split water into hydrogen and between the production costs
oxygen), compressors, pipes and of green and of fossil-based
valves. hydrogen.

At present, more than 30 4. U

 sing sustainable government
economies around the globe already procurement to foster a large
have national strategies for low- and stable demand for green
carbon hydrogen. Therefore, it is hydrogen, its derivatives and
already critical to begin anticipating related technologies.
the enabling conditions to facilitate 5. Increasing international
this trade, in terms of infrastructure cooperation in support of green
development, market design and hydrogen trade to ensure
regulations, and conducive trade alignment and consistency
policies. in definitions and standards
for emissions certification
A number of pathways could help schemes and contribute to
to render trade policies more open, bringing about social and
predictable, coherent and inclusive, economic benefits.
to advance their role in fostering and
shaping the development of green
hydrogen supply chains.



A set of five actions for economies
• Promote trade in goods and services
to consider in order to scale
related to renewable energy production.
up and facilitate global trade 1. Address trade • Reduce tariffs and non-tariff barriers on
of green hydrogen. barriers along green hydrogen, electrolysers, derivatives
the green hydrogen and other products along the supply chain.
supply chain

• Adopt national measures based on 2. Develop sound

international standards and engage in quality infrastructure
international standardization. for green hydrogen
• Foster international dialogue on carbon trade
measurement methodologies, definitions
of low-carbon hydrogen and verification
• Inform customers via labelling requirements
based on quality infrastructure.

• Implement targeted and non-discriminatory

environmental subsidies to help sustain
3. Implement support growth in electrolyser capacity and green
policies for green hydrogen production.
hydrogen • Close the economic gap between fossil
fuels and green hydrogen by phasing out
fossil fuel subsidies.

4. Use sustainable
• Implement sustainable government government
procurement policies by purchasing procurement to
low-carbon goods and services and foster green
stimulating innovative solutions. hydrogen demand
• Consider coordinated demand-creating
policies and collaboration to achieve
economies of scale and accelerate cost

5. Increase • Encourage technology development

international and innovation through dialogue.
cooperation on green • Engage in cooperation fora on
hydrogen trade green hydrogen.
• Increase technical assistance and
• Support the needs of developing
economies through Aid for Trade.

1.1 The role of green hydrogen in

a global low-carbon economy

To meet the goals of the Paris However, not all energy uses can
Agreement by mid-century, the be electrified. In some cases, a
global energy system will need to be renewable molecule is needed
deeply transformed within the next as part of the process, either as
two and a half decades. According feedstock – such as hydrogen
to the scenario proposed in the for ammonia production – or as a
International Renewable Energy chemical agent – such as hydrogen
Agency’s (IRENA) World Energy for primary steel production. In
Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5°C other cases, electrification is not
Pathway (IRENA, 2023a), more technically feasible at present due to
than two-thirds of the carbon dioxide the energy density requirements of
(CO2) emission reductions towards the fuel, such as in the aviation and
a net-zero energy system can be shipping sectors. Therefore, there
achieved through an increased is a need for solutions to close the
supply of renewable energy, the decarbonization gap for applications
electrification of energy services in which the direct use of renewable
currently supplied with fossil fuels, electricity or fuels is not a technically
and the improvement of energy viable or cost-effective solution.
efficiency. In this scenario for a
decarbonized world, electricity would Renewable – green – hydrogen can
become the central energy carrier, act as the link between renewable
accounting for more than half of the electricity generation and hard-to-
worlds’ final energy consumption, up abate (i.e., for which the transition to
from about one fifth today. net zero is difficult either in terms of
technology or cost) sectors

Hydrogen and its derivatives could satisfy

14% of final energy demand in 2050.

or applications (IRENA, 2022a). Today, the global production of Delivering on this scenario will
Renewable electricity can be hydrogen – around 95 megatons of require a massive expansion in
converted to green hydrogen via hydrogen per year (MtH2/year) – is renewable power supply, as the
electrolysis, broadening the scope of almost exclusively derived from fossil electricity needed for that purpose
renewable energy utilization. Green fuels without associated carbon is comparable to today’s total global
hydrogen is a key complement to capture and storage. This fossil- electricity consumption.1 It will
renewable electrification, offering based hydrogen is predominantly also require an unprecedented
a solution to decarbonize some utilized in industries such as oil scale-up and deployment of
applications, for example in heavy refining, fertilizer production, and electrolyser capacity, from a
industry (including those where downstream chemical processes. negligible installed base today to
fossil hydrogen is used today), Current production of hydrogen more than 5,700 gigawatts (GW)
shipping and aviation, and seasonal emits the equivalent of 1,100- by 2050 (see Figure 2).
energy storage. 1,300 megatons of CO2 (Mt CO2)
globally (IEA, IRENA and UN This expansion of hydrogen
Climate Change High-Level production will require the
Green hydrogen is a key Champions, 2023). Thus, at present, development of new supply
hydrogen production is a major net chains. This, in turn, will have trade
complement to renewable contributor to climate change, rather implications, both in terms of the
than a vector for decarbonization. trade of renewable hydrogen itself
(or tradable commodities produced
In a net-zero world, the current with it, such as ammonia, methanol
Considering all these applications, landscape of hydrogen production and reduced iron)2 as well as trade in
IRENA estimates that hydrogen and consumption will need to have the required equipment and services
and its derivatives would satisfy a changed dramatically. First, existing to produce the hydrogen, transport
sizeable fraction (14 per cent) of hydrogen uses need to transition to it, store it and deliver it to the
final energy demand in 2050 in a clean hydrogen supply. Second, consumers at the end of the chain.
a scenario in which rising global hydrogen supply overall needs to
temperatures resulting from expand to serve a broader range of In a net-zero world, the
emissions are limited to not more applications in hard-to-decarbonize
than 1.5°C (see Figure 1). The bulk sectors. IRENA estimates that total
current landscape of
of this hydrogen and of its derivatives hydrogen production will need to hydrogen production
should be renewable in order to grow more than five-fold from now
reach climate neutrality in the energy until 2050 (IRENA, 2023a). and consumption will need
system overall (IRENA, 2023a). to change.

Breakdown of total final energy consumption
by energy carrier under IRENA’s 1.5°C scenario
Source: IRENA (2023a).

2020 2050 (1.5°C Scenario)

374 EJ Total final energy consumption 353 EJ Total final energy consumption

Renewable share
TFEC (%) in hydrogen
94 %
4% Others

6% 5%
Traditional Modern
uses of
16% (direct use 7%
Modern biomass uses and e-fuels)* Others
Fossil fuels

22% 51%
63% Electricity Electricity
Fossil fuels (direct) 12% (direct)

28 % 91 %
Renewable share in electricity Renewable share in electricity

Global clean hydrogen supply in 2020, 2030 and 2050 in
IRENA’s 1.5°C scenario
Source: IRENA (2023a).

Note: 1.5-S = 1.5°C scenario; GW = gigawatt; PJ = petajoule.

1.2 Prospects for green hydrogen

A major barrier to the deployment The cost of renewable power generation in many regions of the
of green hydrogen to date has generation is falling very quickly world, and costs have the potential
been the higher costs of production (see Figure 3). For instance, over to continue to decline as the
compared to unabated (i.e., which the last 12 years, the cost of solar technology continues to improve.
causes high carbon emissions) photovoltaic (PV) power has
fossil-based hydrogen. The dropped by almost 90 per cent. The There could potentially be a similar
prospects for cheaper green costs of onshore and offshore wind cost reduction phenomenon with
hydrogen in the future are driven generation have also dropped very electrolysers to produce green
by two key factors: the cost of substantially, by 69 per cent and hydrogen from renewable electricity.
renewable electricity and the cost of 59 per cent respectively (IRENA, IRENA’s analysis suggests that, if
electrolysers. 2023b). Today, solar and wind are technology deployment volumes
the cheapest forms of new power were to be in line with what is

Global levelized cost* of electricity from newly commissioned utility-scale
renewable power technologies
Source: IRENA (2023b).

Solar Concentrating Offshore Onshore Biomass Geothermal Hydropower

photovoltaic solar power wind wind

95th percentile
2022 US$/kWh

5th percentile

Fossil fuel cost range


0.1 0.118
0.056 0.061
0.082 0.042
0.081 0.061
0.049 0.053
2010 2022 2010 2022 2010 2022 2010 2022 2010 2022 2010 2022 2010 2022

Note: kWh = Kilowatt-hour, i.e., a measure of the quantity of energy delivered by one kilowatt of power for a duration of one hour.
* The levelized cost of electricity is the ratio of lifetime costs to lifetime electricity production of a power generator, both of which are discounted back to
a common year using a discount rate that reflects the cost of capital.

Green hydrogen cost estimations based on deployment levels, power
supply and electrolyser cost
Source: IRENA (2020a).

Electrolyser cost in 2020:
US$ 1,000/kW

Electrolyser price
US$ 65/MWh
Hydrogen cost (US$/kg H2)

Electrolyser price
US$ 20/MWh
Electrolyser cost in 2020: Electrolyser cost in 2050:
USD 650/kW US$ 307/kW @ 1 TW Installed capacity
Electrolyser cost in 2020:
3 US$ 1,000/kW Electrolyser cost in 2050:
US$ 130/kW @ 5 TW installed capacity

Fossil fuel range

Electrolyser cost in 2050:
US$ 307/kW @ 1 TW Installed capacity

1 Electrolyser cost in 2020: Electrolyser cost in 2050:

US$ 650/kW US$ 130/kW @ 5 TW installed capacity

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

needed3 to meet the goals of the about twenty times the total global will be a key driver of the relative
Paris Agreement by 2050, the primary energy demand in 2050 competitiveness of certain regions
effects of learning by doing and (see Figure 5.1). compared to others to produce
economies of scale would trigger hydrogen or tradable commodities
substantial reductions in the cost In contrast to fossil fuels, where a produced with hydrogen. Therefore,
of electrolysers (IRENA, 2020a). handful of countries control a large the production of green hydrogen is
Such reductions in the installed fraction of the global resource, in likely to scale up in regions with
costs of electrolysers, paired with the case of green hydrogen, the high potential for renewable energy.
further cost reductions in renewable potential for green hydrogen is much
power generation, could make more geographically distributed in Aside from renewable resource
green hydrogen competitive with nature, as it relies mostly on solar conditions, the cost of capital plays
fossil-based hydrogen already by and wind resources, which are a key role in the overall cost of green
the second half of this decade in available throughout the world hydrogen – as the cost structure is
locations with favourable renewable (see Figure 5.2). dominated by capital expenditures
resource conditions (see Figure 4). – and will be another key
This green hydrogen potential, competitiveness factor. Additional
The overall availability of renewable however, will be available at very factors to consider include land
energy will not be a limitation to different costs across different availability, water access and the
scaling up hydrogen production regions. Hydrogen can be produced infrastructure options necessary
in the future. Renewable sources most cost-efficiently in locations with for transporting and potentially
can deliver all the green hydrogen the best renewable energy resources exporting energy to meet the needs
that the world needs for a net-zero and low project development costs of significant demand centres
energy system: IRENA estimates (IRENA, 2019). Access to high- (IRENA, 2022a).
(IRENA, 2022c) the global green quality, abundant renewable power
hydrogen technical potential at generation will be crucial, as this
Green hydrogen potential versus global primary energy demand in 2050
Source: IRENA (2022c).

Global hydrogen demand in 2050: 74 EJ
Levelized cost of hydrogen (US$/kgH2)

Global primary energy supply in 2050: 614 EJ




0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Hydrogen technical potential (EJ/yr)

Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China MENA region Rest of the world

Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Sub-Saharan Africa United States

Levelized cost of hydrogen in 2050
Source: IRENA (2022c).

Not eligible 0.6 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 LCOH >5


1.3 How global hydrogen trade could

play out in the future
While there is more than enough importing region to compensate for
green hydrogen potential to meet the transport cost (IRENA, 2022a).5 Green hydrogen and its
the expected global demand, there
are economies or regions in which To understand how these global derivatives offer opportunities
the domestic production potential trade flows could potentially play
for producing, storing and
might not be enough to satisfy the out in a fully decarbonized global
domestic demand. Furthermore, in energy system, in 2022 IRENA transporting renewable energy.
some cases, it may be cheaper for carried out a trade analysis based
certain economies to import from on a global cost-optimization
locations with lower production model. The analysis focuses on two
costs. This means that international commodities – green hydrogen and
trade could play a significant role in green ammonia.
matching supply and demand.
The analysis shows that by 2050,
Green hydrogen and derivative about a quarter of the total global
commodities, such as renewable hydrogen demand in IRENA’s 1.5°C
ammonia, offer opportunities for scenario could be satisfied through
producing, storing and transporting international trade. The other three-
renewable energy from areas with quarters would be domestically By 2050, international trade could satisfy
substantial renewable energy produced and consumed. about ¼ of the total global hydrogen
potential to regions with significant demand in IRENA’s 1.5°C scenario.
hydrogen demand but insufficient or Of the hydrogen that would be
more costly renewable energy supply internationally traded by 2050 in
(IRENA, 2022a). the 1.5°C scenario, around 55 per
cent would be traded via pipelines.
Hydrogen can potentially be The remaining 45 per cent of the
traded in multiple forms. It can be internationally traded hydrogen
transported over long distances as would be shipped, predominantly

a gas through pipelines, or it can be as ammonia, which would mostly of this hydrogen would
shipped in liquid form. be used without being reconverted be traded via pipelines.
to hydrogen, as an input for the
Hydrogen can also be further fertilizer industry or as synthetic fuel
transformed into another commodity, for international shipping (IRENA,
such as ammonia or methanol, 2022a) (see Figure 6).
and transported in liquid form.
This additional processing results The results summarized above are
in significant energy losses, and based entirely on cost-optimization
therefore an increase in the cost per modelling and do not take into

unit of energy delivered. account other investment decision of this hydrogen would be
Table 1 presents a brief overview of factors, such as energy security, shipped, predominantly as
hydrogen transport alternatives with political stability or economic ammonia.
key advantages and disadvantages.4 development, which may also
substantially impact the future
To make trade cost-effective, the landscape of hydrogen production.
cost of producing green hydrogen However, the results are indicative of
must be sufficiently cheaper in the potential major trade flows and the
exporting region compared to the predominant transport modes.
Overview of advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen transport
Source: IRENA (2022b).

Advantages Disadvantages

Ammonia • Already produced on a large scale. • Toxic and corrosive.

• Already globally traded. •H  igh energy consumption for ammonia
• Low transport losses. synthesis.
• High energy density and hydrogen •H
 igh energy consumption for reconversion
content. (importing region) with high temperature
• Carbon-free carrier. requirement (up to 900°C but more
• Can be used directly in some commonly in the 500-550°C range).
applications (e.g., fertilizers, •S
 hip engines using ammonia as fuel need
maritime fuel). to be demonstrated.
• Can easily be liquefied.

Liquid hydrogen • Limited energy consumption for • Very low volumetric energy density.
regasification (most of the energy is •H  igh energy losses for liquefaction.
consumed in the exporting region, which •B  oil-off losses during shipping and
is expected to have low renewable storage.
energy costs). •C
 ryogenic temperatures lead to high
• No need for a purification system at the equipment cost.
• Easier transport at the importing terminal.
• Low energy consumption to increase
pressure of hydrogen delivered.
• Liquefaction is already a commercial

Liquid organic hydrogen carrier • Can be transported using existing • High energy consumption for
(LOHC) infrastructure, making it suitable for dehydrogenation (importing region).
multi-modal transport. •R
 equires further purification of the
• Low capital cost for all steps. hydrogen produced.
• Can be easily stored. •O
 nly 4-7% of the weight of the carrier is
 ll the possible carriers currently have a
high cost.
 ost of the possible carriers require
scaling up multiple times from current
global production.

Gas (pipelines) • Transport and storage are proven at a • Storage in specific types of reservoirs can
commercial scale. lead to losses and contamination.
• Existing network can potentially be •N
 ot all the pipeline materials are suitable
repurposed to hydrogen. for hydrogen.
• Carbon-free carrier. •N
 ot all regions have an existing gas
• Becomes more attractive as the volume network.
increases. •C
 ost increases significantly for offshore
 nergy consumption for transport is higher
than for natural gas.

Global hydrogen trade flows under optimistic
technology assumptions in 2050
Source: IRENA (2022a).

Republic of
4 771 Korea
PJ 2 382 1 606
United PJ PJ
States China
Africa Middle
East India

1 094PJ South Africa

NH3 Flow (PJ) H2 Flow (PJ) LH2 Flow (PJ) LOHC Flow (PJ)
0 – 100 0 – 100 0 – 100 38
101 – 300 101 – 600 101 – 600
301 – 800 601 – 900 601 – 900

H2 Flow NH3 Flow

Exporter Importer/ Importer PJ within region PJ within region

Beyond the trade of hydrogen itself, While transporting hydrogen over attractive (IRENA, 2022a). This
the prospect of cost-competitive long distances is technologically presents an opportunity for countries
hydrogen production in regions complex and costly (both with abundant renewables to
with abundant and high-quality economically and in terms of energy), indirectly export their domestic
renewable energy could potentially the transport of these processed energy resource in the form of higher
drive the relocation of some key commodities represents a small value-added industrial products.
energy-intensive industries and fraction of the overall production
the emergence of new commodity cost. Therefore, relatively small
trade flows. Major green hydrogen- differences in the cost of hydrogen
consuming industries would production across geographies
include ammonia, methanol or could potentially make the relocation
iron production. of industrial facilities economically

Note: NH3 = ammonia; PJ = petajoule; H2 = dihydrogen (hydrogen in a stable gaseous form); LH2 = liquid hydrogen; LOHC = liquid organic hydrogen
Optimistic capital expenditure assumptions for 2050: photovoltaic (PV): US$ 225-455/kW; onshore wind: US$ 700-1,070/kW; offshore wind:
US$ 1,275-1,745/kW; electrolyser: US$ 130/kW. Weighted average cost of capital: per 2020 values without technology risks across regions.
Green hydrogen technical potential is based on assessing land availability for solar PV and wind. Demand is in line with a 1.5°C scenario from
IRENA (2023a).
Disclaimer: This map is provided for illustration purposes only. Boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion on the
part of IRENA or WTO concerning the status of any region, country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or

IRENA’s 1.5°C scenario considers a 94 per cent renewable share in the global production of hydrogen and derivatives in 2050.
Reduced iron is solid iron ore or other iron-bearing materials from which oxygen has been removed without melting it, by means of reducing agents, i.e.,
carbon monoxide and hydrogen. See, for example,
Understood as the annual deployments of electrolyser capacity in line with IRENA (2023a).
For more information about techno-economic considerations for key hydrogen carriers, see IRENA (2022c).
IRENA is working on an extension of this analysis to include trade flows related to methanol and iron produced with green hydrogen.

Green hydrogen has a number of

uses. It can be used directly as an
energy carrier and chemical input in
multiple end-use applications. It can
also be combined with a sustainable
carbon source or with nitrogen,
to produce derivative compounds
such as methanol or ammonia,
which can be used as feedstock for
chemical production (e.g., plastics
and fertilizers) or as sustainable
fuels. Figure 7 shows a simplified
illustration of the value chain of
green hydrogen, from the production
of renewable power, through
transformation and transport and to
end-use possible applications.

The progressive adoption of green

hydrogen as a key building block of
the energy transition will have trade
implications at different levels.
First, green hydrogen can be traded
either as a gas (in compressed
tanks, or via pipelines) or as a liquid

The adoption of green

hydrogen as a building block
of the energy transition will
have trade implications at
different levels.
Green hydrogen production, conversion
and end uses across the energy system
Source: IRENA (2022b).

Production FURTHER
Transformation Transport End Use


Steel industry

Renewable Chemical industry


2 Shipping Shipping

Pipeline Rail

Sustainable CO2 fuels* Buses
CO2 capture 2

N2 ammonia
2 NH3

Note: The term “synthetic fuels” refers here to a range of hydrogen-based fuels produced through chemical processes with a carbon source
(carbon monoxide (CO) and CO2 captured from emission streams, biogenic sources or directly from the air). They include methanol, jet fuels,
methane and other hydrocarbons. The main advantage of these fuels is that they can be used to replace their fossil fuel-based counterparts and
can, in many cases, be used as direct replacements – that is, as drop-in fuels. Synthetic fuels produce carbon emissions when combusted,
but if their production process consumes the same amount of carbon, in principle this allows them to have net-zero carbon emissions.

(in ships). Second, green hydrogen The adoption of green hydrogen,

can be traded in the form of chemical as well as the trade of hydrogen
derivatives, such as methanol, and its derivatives, will also have
ammonia, methane and jet fuel. Third, implications for the trade of goods
green hydrogen can enable the trade and services required along the
of other low-carbon commodities, value chain. Figure 8 provides an
such as metallic iron, which can illustrative summary of such goods
be produced using hydrogen as a and services.

Overview of tradable goods and services along
the green hydrogen and derivatives supply chain
Source: IRENA and WTO.

Renewable energy Hydrogen & hydrogen Transport, storage

production derivatives production and reconversion

• Renewable energy • Electrolysers • Piping and storage • Ammonia, methanol,

generation equipment, • Compressors, valves, systems. production plants.
e.g., solar panels, wind flow control, metering • Compressors, valves, • Direct reduction
turbines, etc. and related equipment. flow control, metering furnaces for iron
• Electric equipment. • Ammonia, methanol, and related equipment. production.
direct reduced iron • Hydrogen, • Fuel cell systems.
production plants. ammonia, methanol, • Hydrogen-ready

hot briquetted (industrial) boilers

iron transport vessels. • Hydrogen-ready gas
turbines for power
• Ammonia, methanol
and hydrogen storage

• Design • Transportation and • Wholesale and retail

• Engineering storage services (e.g., hydrogen stations)
• Related construction • Related construction • Marketing
• Operation and management (e.g., port terminals)

R&D, technical testing and analysis, consulting and training, various professional and business services

Trade in a wide range of goods Beyond the “hardware” of the green At the same time, at each stage of
related to hydrogen production could hydrogen supply chain, a variety of the supply chain, some services
be subject to change, including domestic and traded services will may be more important than others.
energy generation equipment, be needed. A number of services For instance, design, engineering,
electrolysers for hydrogen are common across the different operation and construction services
production, compressors, pipes, stages of the supply chain, such as are particularly relevant for the
gas management systems, transport research and development (R&D), production stages of renewable
vessels and storage tanks. This technical testing and analysis, energy and hydrogen, while
may also be the case with end-use consulting, training and various other transportation and storage, and
technologies, such as chemical professional and business services. wholesale and retail services are
production plants, iron-making among those that are more relevant
facilities, fuel cells and gas turbines. further downstream in the chain.
2.1 Trade in hydrogen and hydrogen

The value of global hydrogen imports gas, which is the dominant source in
(of all colours, but mostly those that current hydrogen production. The leading importers of
are fossil-fuel-based) amounted to
around US$ 300 million in 2022. Global trade in hydrogen is
hydrogen are the United States
While hydrogen trade has seen very small compared to that in and the Netherlands and the
relatively modest fluctuations over commodities that can be produced
most of the past decade, it saw a as derivatives. For example, two largest exporters are
sharp increase of 71 per cent in global imports of ammonia and Canada and Belgium.
2022 compared to 2021, mostly methanol have registered strong
reflecting an increase in the value of growth over the past two years,
hydrogen imports by the Netherlands reaching US$ 17.5 billion and
from Belgium (i.e., one of the largest US$ 14.1 billion in 2022 (see
global hydrogen exporters and one Figure 9). As described above,
of the top markets). It is likely that the expansion of green hydrogen
this increase and, more broadly, production is expected to lead to an
the value of hydrogen trade have increase in hydrogen trade from the
been driven to a significant extent current low levels.
by fluctuations in the price of natural

Global imports in hydrogen and derivatives (ammonia and methanol)
Source: WTO Secretariat Analytical Database based on data originally sourced from WTO Integrated Database,
UN Comtrade and Trade Data Monitor.

300 18,000


200 12,000

US$ million

US$ million


100 6,000


0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Hydrogen Ammonia Methanol

Note: Trade data do not allow for the differentiation of hydrogen based on the energy used in production.

Trade in hydrogen is currently close to 90 per cent of global hydrogen are Canada and Belgium,
concentrated in a few economies. hydrogen trade. In particular, which are the dominant suppliers
In value terms, the United States imports of hydrogen amounted to for the two top markets, the United
and the Netherlands are the leading US$ 56.8 million (142 million m3 States and the Netherlands,
importers of hydrogen, accounting in volume terms) in the United respectively. Bilateral trade in
each for around a third of global States, and to US$ 52 million hydrogen is largely regional (see
hydrogen imports in 2021, while the (167 million m3) in the Netherlands. Table 2).
top 10 import markets represented The two largest exporters of

Top import markets for hydrogen and top three suppliers, 2021
Source: WTO Secretariat Analytical Database based on data originally sourced from the WTO Integrated Database,
UN Comtrade and the Trade Data Monitor.

Importer US$ million Suppliers (percentage share in import market)

United States 56.8 Canada (99), France (0), New Zealand (0)

Netherlands 52.3 Belgium (96), Germany (3), Hungary (0)

Singapore 18.2 Chinese Taipei (85), United States (13), Malaysia (1)

Germany 5.9 Netherlands (65), France (19), Belgium (6)

Canada 4.1 United States (96), France (3), Japan (0)

France 4.1 Germany (36), Netherlands (36), Belgium (13)

Mexico 3.6 United States (100)

United Kingdom 3.1 Netherlands (88), France (4), Germany (2)

Austria 2.9 Germany (76), Slovak Republic (20), Switzerland (1)

Malaysia 2.4 United States (53), Chinese Taipei (19), China (17)

Czech Republic 2.4 Poland (86), Slovak Republic (8), Hungary (1)

Ireland 2.3 United Kingdom (56), Netherlands (43), United States (0)

Belgium 2.0 Netherlands (79), Germany (19), France (0)

Switzerland 1.1 European Union (96), Qatar (3), United Kingdom (0)

Poland 1.0 Czech Republic (63), Germany (20), Slovak Republic (4)

Note: The HS subheading code for hydrogen (280410) does not distinguish between gaseous and liquid hydrogen, and trade statistics do not readily shed
light on the mode of transport, e.g., pipelines or ships.
Ammonia is produced by combining cooling to be liquefied, has a higher The current trade landscape for
hydrogen with nitrogen extracted volumetric energy density than ammonia looks more global and less
from ambient air. Ammonia hydrogen, and can rely to an extent regionalized compared to hydrogen,
is used in nitrogen fertilizer on established transport and storage reflecting its importance as a global
production and other applications infrastructures. Ammonia that is commodity. India was the top
such as refrigeration, mining, produced from green hydrogen is destination market for ammonia in
pharmaceuticals, water treatment, expected to dominate new installed 2021, followed by the United States
plastics and fibres, and abatement or capacity additions for ammonia and Morocco. The top five suppliers
removal of nitrogen oxides. production after 2025 and could for ammonia in 2021 were Trinidad
become the main commodity for and Tobago, Russia, Indonesia, the
Ammonia can also act as an energy transporting renewable energy Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Algeria
carrier for hydrogen, as it has the between continents (IRENA and (Table 3).
advantage that it requires less AEA, 2022).

Top import markets for ammonia and top three suppliers, 2021
Source: WTO Secretariat Analytical Database based on data originally sourced from the WTO Integrated
Database, UN Comtrade and the Trade Data Monitor.

Importer US$ million Suppliers (percentage share in import market)

India 1,577.5 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (23), Qatar (22), Ukraine (13)

United States 1,352.2 Canada (48), Trinidad and Tobago (47), Algeria (1)

Morocco 769.6 Russian Federation (50), Trinidad and Tobago (36), Algeria (6)

Korea, Republic of 746.7 Indonesia (40), Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (19), Trinidad and Tobago (12)

Belgium 521.0 Russian Federation (33), Trinidad and Tobago (24), Algeria (20)

Türkiye 453.1 Russian Federation (60), Libya (8), Algeria (8)

China 416.3 Indonesia (45), Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (15), Malaysia (13)

Norway 368.6 Russian Federation (66), Trinidad and Tobago (10), United Kingdom (7)

Chinese Taipei 363.3 Indonesia (43), Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (25), Iran (13)

France 340.5 Trinidad and Tobago (38), Algeria (14), Germany (13)

Thailand 248.4 Malaysia (60), Australia (21), Indonesia (12)

Spain 241.5 Algeria (80), Russian Federation (17), Portugal (1)

Brazil 230.6 Trinidad and Tobago (97), Algeria (1), Colombia (1)

Germany 229.1 Netherlands (45), Russian Federation (19), Belgium (12)

Chile 215.0 Trinidad and Tobago (44), United States of America (26), Brazil (13)

Methanol is a key product in limited – particularly as a feedstock, Netherlands, the United States, the
the chemical industry used for or material input to a production Republic of Korea and Japan, are
producing other chemicals such process, in the chemical industry similar in size and accounted for 5-7
as formaldehyde, acetic acid and or as a fuel in maritime transport per cent of global imports in 2021.
plastics. Renewable methanol can (IRENA, 2021). The main suppliers of methanol are
be produced using different routes, producers of natural gas, such as
including through a catalytic reaction China is the top market by some Trinidad and Tobago, the Kingdom
between CO2 and green hydrogen. distance for methanol, accounting of Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United
Renewable methanol could play a for a quarter (25 per cent) of global Arab Emirates, the United States
larger role in decarbonizing certain methanol imports. Other major and Russia (Table 4).
sectors where options are currently import markets, such as India, the

Top import markets for methanol and top three suppliers, 2021
Source: WTO Secretariat Analytical Database based on data originally sourced from the WTO Integrated
Database, UN Comtrade and the Trade Data Monitor.

Importer US$ million Suppliers (percentage share in import market)

China 3,367.0 United Arab Emirates (39), Oman (25), Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (11)

India 996.1 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (31), Qatar (19), Oman (15)

Netherlands 929.7 Trinidad and Tobago (20), Equatorial Guinea (19), United States (13)

United States 863.4 Trinidad and Tobago (55), Canada (20), Equatorial Guinea (10)

Korea, Republic of 791.7 United States of America (38), Trinidad and Tobago (25), Oman (16)

Japan 689.0 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (50), Trinidad and Tobago (14), United States (14)

Germany 592.3 Netherlands (33), Belgium (18), Norway (10)

Chinese Taipei 590.1 Oman (25), Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (21), United States (15)

Brazil 558.7 Chile (39), Trinidad and Tobago (38), Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of (13)

Indonesia 392.1 Malaysia (38), Oman (19), Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (14)

Belgium 380.3 Trinidad and Tobago (41), Netherlands (30), United States (16)

Thailand 320.7 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (42), Malaysia (18), Bahrain, Kingdom of (17)

Poland 262.0 Russian Federation (67), Germany (13), Finland (7)

Singapore 252.0 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (47), Malaysia (33), Oman (12)

Türkiye 235.2 Egypt (65), Azerbaijan (24), Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (4)
2.2 Electrolysers as a key technology
for the green hydrogen supply chain

A key technology for the production Global electrolyser manufacturing While electrolysers are already
of green hydrogen is electrolysis, in capacity currently stands at around widely used in the chlor-alkaline
which an electrolyser uses electricity 19 GW per year and is expected to industry, installed electrolyser
from renewable energy sources to reach 100 GW by 2030 based on capacity dedicated to the production
split water into hydrogen and oxygen. announced projects. China currently of hydrogen could reach almost
As electrolysers can currently accounts for around 40 per cent 3 GW by the end of 2023, a more
account for 30-40 per cent of the of global manufacturing capacity, than four-fold increase compared
final cost of hydrogen production, and a number of economies, to 2022 (IEA, 2023). Further strong
creating scale economies in including India, the European growth will be required to reach an
electrolyser manufacturing and Union and the United States, installed capacity of more than
enhancing the performance of have launched policies aimed at 5,700 GW by 2050 to achieve a
electrolysers will be essential to supporting manufacturing capacity scenario limiting global warming to
achieve cost competitiveness of for electrolysers (IEA, 2023; Rystad not more than 1.5°C, in which
clean hydrogen (IRENA, 2022). Energy, 2023). 14 per cent of final energy demand
is supplied by hydrogen or its
derivatives (IRENA, 2023a).

Top five importers and exporters of electrolysers
(US$ million)
Source: WTO Secretariat Analytical Database based on data originally sourced
from the WTO Integrated Database, UN Comtrade and the Trade Data Monitor.

Importers 3 GW

300 Between 2022 and end-2023, installed

electrolyser capacity for producing
hydrogen could more than quadruple to
100 reach almost 3 GW.

China Indonesia United States Chinese Taipei Malaysia





0 Note: Electrolysers are included under

Harmonized System (HS) subheading
China Japan Germany United States Republic
854330: Machines and apparatus for
of Korea
electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis.
It should be noted that the reported values
represent trade in electrolysers and other
2020 2021 2022 machines for electroplating and electrophoresis.

International trade in electrolysers subheading, amounted to around China was both the largest importer
will play a key role in fostering US$ 1.62 billion in 2022, following and supplier of electrolysers in 2022.
innovation, scale economies and two years of strong growth – a rise The top five importers of
cost reductions, and in bringing of 32 per cent in 2021 and of 9 per electrolysers accounted for 64 per
electrolysers from where they are cent in 2022. cent of global imports in 2022, while
manufactured to where they are the top five suppliers accounted for
installed to produce clean hydrogen. Key drivers of this growth were more than three-quarters (76 per
China, Indonesia, and the United cent) of global imports in 2022
Global imports of electrolysers, States on the import side, and (see Figure 10 and Table 5).
together with certain other machines China, the United States and the
included under the same HS Republic of Korea on the export side.

Top import markets for electrolysers and top three suppliers, 2022
Source: WTO Secretariat Analytical Database based on data originally sourced from the WTO Integrated
Database, UN Comtrade and the Trade Data Monitor.

Importer US$ million Suppliers (percentage share in import market)

China 384.9 Japan (36), Korea, Republic of (20), Chinese Taipei (12)

Indonesia 226.8 China (89), Japan (7), Singapore (1)

United States 191.6 China (47), Japan (17), Germany (9)

Chinese Taipei 121.5 United States (37), Japan (27), China (14)

Malaysia 114.5 Korea, Republic of (52), Japan (26), China (12)

Viet Nam (2021) 52.2 China (37), Japan (25), Korea, Republic of (16)

India 49.6 Japan (36), China (30), Germany (21)

Democratic Republic of the Congo (2021) 45.8 China (97), India (2), United States (0)

Japan 40.6 China (46), Korea, Republic of (31), Malaysia (9)

Korea, Republic of 33.8 Japan (55), Germany (15), China (15)

Hong Kong, China 30.3 China (97), Chinese Taipei (2), United Kingdom (0)

Türkiye 26.4 China (31), Germany (27), Italy (24)

Brazil 24.8 Italy (35), Netherlands (23), Portugal (17)

Canada 22.9 Japan (29), China (25), United States (20)

Australia 22.3 United States (40), China (37), Japan (6)

Note: Electrolysers are included under Harmonized System (HS) subheading 854330: Machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or
electrophoresis. It should be noted that the reported values represent trade in electrolysers and other machines for electroplating and electrophoresis.

The deployment of green hydrogen including on green hydrogen, and a

is still at an early stage. As with other forum for dialogue and experience-
clean energy technologies, progress sharing. It enhances stability and
must be tracked effectively in order predictability of policy frameworks
to assess whether hydrogen markets through different transparency and
are evolving with a pace and in a monitoring mechanisms such as
direction allowing them to play their notification requirements under
role in enhancing energy security different WTO agreements and
and facilitating the clean energy periodic reviews of WTO members’
transition (IEA, 2022). trade policies.

Open, predictable and coherent A review of environment-related

trade policies will play an important notifications included in the
role in fostering and shaping the WTO Environmental Database
development of green hydrogen reveals that WTO members notified
supply chains. Tariffs and non-tariff 44 hydrogen-related policies
measures – such as technical between 2009 and 2021. Most
regulations and conformity hydrogen-related policies take the
assessment procedures, subsidies, form of support measures, such as
antidumping and countervailing
duties, trade-related investment
measures, government procurement, At present more than 30
and policies on services and countries around the globe
intellectual property – affect trade
along the supply chain. have national strategies for
low-carbon hydrogen.
The WTO provides a rules-based
framework for trade-related policies,
Hydrogen-related measures in members’
notifications by WTO agreement
Source: WTO Environmental Database.


Number of measures

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Technical Barriers to Trade

grants, loans or tax concessions, notified under the TBT Agreement Mission to encourage electrolyser
included in 34 notifications under include China’s national standard manufacturing. Several African
the Agreement on Subsidies and on energy consumption and energy countries, including Namibia and
Countervailing Measures (SCM), efficiency for hydrogen production South Africa, have established
while 10 notifications on technical through water electrolysis, and national hydrogen strategies. Japan
regulations were made under the technical regulations by the Kingdom has an ambitious national strategy
Agreement on Technical Barriers to of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab to locally produce and import
Trade (TBT) (see Figure 11).1 Emirates on hydrogen and fuel cell low-carbon hydrogen, and China
vehicles.3 continues to lead in electrolyser
Recent support measures target capacity additions.
the technology and production of At present more than 30 countries
renewable energy and hydrogen around the globe have national Between 2009 and 2021, 37
as well as of hydrogen fuel cells. strategies for low-carbon hydrogen.4 policies and measures aimed at
Examples of support programmes For example, in 2023 the European developing hydrogen projects were
notified under the rules of the Union adopted two delegated mentioned in the trade policy reviews
SCM Agreement in 2021 include a acts defining renewable hydrogen, of several WTO members, including
Renewable Energy and Hydrogen and it has implemented funding Argentina’s temporary import tariff
Jobs Fund (Queensland, Australia), mechanisms via the “Important reduction on a quota of 6,000
a subsidy fund for the hydrogen Projects of Common European hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel
fuel cell industry (Jiangsu Province, Interest”5 and the hydrogen auction cell motor vehicles, New Zealand’s
China), support for hydrogen fuel from the European Hydrogen Hydrogen Vision, the United Arab
cell vehicle distribution (Republic of Bank. The United States has Emirates’ Hydrogen Leadership
Korea) and the Massachusetts Clean important incentives for low-carbon Roadmap, and support programmes
Energy Center – Investments in the hydrogen in its Inflation Reduction of different members.
Advancement of Technology (United Act. In 2023, India adopted
States).2 Examples of policies its National Green Hydrogen

3.1 Tariffs and other taxes

Trade costs are an important hydrogen, such as ammonia or Open trade in products along the
determinant of the viability of direct-reduced iron, may be subject supply chain can foster access
supplying green hydrogen across to taxes based on their carbon to technology, lower costs and
borders for end use, such as in content. For example, under the promote green hydrogen production.
industry and transport. The average European Union’s Carbon Border Upstream in the chain, promoting
applied tariff rate on hydrogen (green Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), goods and services related to
and other forms) is around 5.3 per importers of hydrogen, ammonia, renewable energy production
cent in 153 WTO members, higher steel are required to report the can help to reduce the costs of
than for ammonia (4.4 per cent) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions energy used in the production
and methanol (5.0 per cent). Some caused in their production, and, of green hydrogen. For example,
39 members apply rates between 5 starting in 2026, may face an the significant fall in the costs of
and 10 per cent on hydrogen adjustment to align the price of solar PV energy described above
imports, while seven members apply embedded carbon with the carbon was supported by an open and
rates higher than 10 per cent (see price on the EU market. This means transparent trade regime which has
Figure 12). that green hydrogen, and ammonia enabled the emergence of a globally
or iron produced with green integrated solar PV market (WTO
In addition to tariffs, hydrogen hydrogen, may face lower costs and IRENA, 2021).
and commodities produced with based on their carbon content.

Average applied most-favoured-nation tariffs (in parentheses)
and number of members by tariff range (bars)
Source: WTO Integrated Database.

Hydrogen (5.3%) 38 69 39 4 3

Hydrogen and Ammonia (4.4%) 47 72 28 3 3

Methanol (5.0%) 53 55 33 8 4

Electrolysers (4.5%) 63 47 35 3 5

Compressors (6.7%) 25 65 20 37 6
along the Generators (4.2%) 53 68 25 4 3
value chain
Direct reduced iron (4.1%) 65 58 24 3 3

Fuel cells (9.8%) 18 39 34 32 30

Products Aluminium containers (8.9%) 32 42 39 9 31

related to
transport of Steel containers (8.6%) 23 54 32 22 22
Pipelines (5.5%) 48 53 35 8 9

Duty free >0 and <=5 >5 and <=10 >10 and <=15 >15

Note: Tariffs for 153 reporters, with the most recent year selected between 2020 and 2023. The European Union counts as a single member.
There might be scope to further provide duty-free access to their members apply tariffs of more than
reduce tariffs on products along markets. However, in 43 members 10 per cent. Tariffs are highest on
the green hydrogen supply chain. the applied tariff rate is higher than 5 other primary cells and batteries,
Besides renewable energy, per cent. which include hydrogen fuel cells;
electrolysers are another key cost the average rate is 9.8 per cent, and
factor for green hydrogen. The For compressors, which are used more than 60 WTO members apply
average tariff on electrolysers is to compress hydrogen prior or rates higher than 10 per cent.
relatively low, at 4.5 per cent, and during transport, average tariffs are
more than 60 WTO members higher, at 6.7 per cent, and 43 WTO

3.2 Quality infrastructure – standards,

certification and beyond

In order to increase global trade measurements, as well as of the certain applications – including
in green hydrogen, an effective underlying carbon quantification those in which fossil fuel-based
system will need to be developed systems. For instance, an accredited hydrogen is used today – in heavy
to ensure the safety, performance third party may be required to verify industry, shipping, aviation and
and sustainability attributes of the the carbon content of hydrogen seasonal storage, among others.
products and services to be traded. before it is imported to an economy Green hydrogen could thus act
Quality infrastructure (QI) is the that applies a trade-related climate as the link between renewable
national system of organizations, policy. In this situation, the importing electricity generation and
policies, legal frameworks and economy applying the policy will hard-to-abate sectors or applications
practices required to assure the need to be able to trust the technical (IRENA, 2022a).
quality, safety and sustainability of competency of the bodies and
products and services. systems underpinning the carbon At present, there is a wide variety
quantification systems in the of methods to produce hydrogen,
QI comprises metrology (i.e., the exporting country (WTO, 2022a). which differ according to their
scientific study of measurement), production processes and the
standardization, accreditation and As indicated in Section 1.1, the GHG emissions released during
conformity assessment, including global production of hydrogen is production. The three most
testing, certification and inspection. currently almost exclusively derived commonly used options are “grey
Having a robust and internationally from fossil fuels without associated hydrogen” (fossil-fuel-based),
harmonized QI system creates the carbon capture and storage, “blue hydrogen” (fossil-fuel-based
technical basis for the development meaning that it is a major net production with carbon capture,
of the green hydrogen sector, as it contributor to climate change, rather utilization and storage) and “green
helps to reduce the safety, financial than a vector for decarbonization. hydrogen” (renewables-based)
and reputational risks in the sector, This fossil-fuel-based hydrogen is (IRENA, 2019). Other colours
while supporting the achievement of predominantly utilized in industry, of hydrogen also exist, such as
the intended positive sustainability for example for oil refining, fertilizer “turquoise hydrogen” (produced
impacts of investments. production, and downstream through a process called methane
chemical processes. pyrolysis) and “pink hydrogen”
Quality infrastructure (produced through electrolysis
to ensure sustainability Arriving at a net-zero world will of water, but with the electrolysis
necessitate a transition away from powered by nuclear power instead
Exporters may need to demonstrate fossil-based hydrogen to a green of renewables).
the trustworthiness of their own hydrogen supply, as green hydrogen
processes and carbon could offer a solution to decarbonize

Since it is not possible to “see” the Champions, 2023). This new services, such as measurement of
carbon content or the process used standard, ISO 19870,7 will provide very high pressures and achieving
for producing hydrogen, the role approaches that may be applied small measurement uncertainties,
of standards, technical regulations to determine the greenhouse which are required for tests of
and verification procedures will be gas emissions associated with equipment durability and for the
crucial for the establishment of a the production, conditioning and detection of leaks during the
well-functioning international green transportation of hydrogen to where generation, distribution and storage
hydrogen market. As the world it is consumed, in line with ISO of hydrogen.
seeks to transition to the production 14067 (i.e., “Greenhouse gases;
of predominantly green hydrogen Carbon footprint of products: Technical standards
over the next few decades, the Requirements and guidelines for
There is a need for standards
development of a robust system quantification”).8
in the areas of the distribution,
of standards, technical regulations
storage and transfer of hydrogen
and certification along the green Quality infrastructure to ensure
to the end-user. More QI insights
hydrogen supply chain, including safety and performance
(especially standards) are required
for derivatives such as ammonia,
with regard to transport of hydrogen
will be necessary to guarantee the The key QI services that support
through existing gas pipelines. In
environmental integrity of green the green hydrogen sector are as
the context of IRENA’s ongoing
hydrogen production and provide follows:
project on quality infrastructure for
information on the production
green hydrogen, experts noted that
process and emissions footprint Metrology
there is a serious threat of hydrogen
along the value chain.6 Actors
Standards and methods related to damage, particularly for older gas
involved in the hydrogen market
metrology should allow traceable pipelines with corrosion and other
need a stable regulatory framework.
validation and performance mechanical damages, with long-term
However, in this nascent industry,
evaluation of gas quality, as well blended or 100 per cent hydrogen
maintaining a dynamic regulatory
as methods for evaluating the service. Experts engaged in the
approach is important to encourage
uncertainty of the measurements project suggest promoting the
investments (IEA, 2022).
applied along the entire green implementation of standards for the
hydrogen value chain. Economies design and construction of hydrogen
Given the wide variety of production
with advanced metrological systems pipelines (such as the ASME
methods that can be used to
already have most of the services B31.12 Standard on Hydrogen
produce hydrogen, international
necessary to cater to the green Piping and Pipelines) to guard
standards establishing agreed
hydrogen industry. However, they against hydrogen embrittlement
methodologies to evaluate its
need to develop and provide tailored by increasing the wall thickness of
environmental attributes – markedly
its carbon footprint – will play an
important role in accelerating the
uptake of green hydrogen production
facilities and in avoiding obstacles
to trade in green hydrogen. Ideally,
approaches for measuring the
carbon footprint of hydrogen should
be based on international standards
agreed by consensus.

The International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) is developing
an international standard, based on
previous work from the International
Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel
Cells in the Economy (IPHE), to
measure the carbon content of
hydrogen with a life cycle approach
(IEA, IRENA and UN High Level
pipelines.9 There is also a strong call that support the green hydrogen role in the development of relevant
by pipeline experts to accelerate the sector can be found in the Annex. international standards relating to
development and standardization of green hydrogen production. For
high-pressure gaseous hydrogen- Principles to develop a quality instance, observing these principles
charging test methods and codes infrastructure aligned with would ensure, among others, that
for investigation of the hydrogen trade policies relevant information could be made
embrittlement susceptibility of available to all interested parties, that
pipeline steels. As governments around the world sufficient opportunities for written
start regulating hydrogen production comments could be provided, that
Certification and accreditation and consumption, WTO disciplines conflicting international standards
can provide useful guidance for this would not be adopted, and,
At the international level, the
nascent industry. First, under the TBT importantly, that constraints facing
International Electrotechnical
Agreement, technical regulations developing economies could be
Commission (IEC) has established
shall not create unnecessary considered.13
two certification schemes relevant
obstacles to international trade.
to green hydrogen: the IEC System
A recent report by IRENA and RMI
for Certification to Standards
Moreover, the WTO TBT analysed existing voluntary and
Relating to Equipment for Use in
Agreement strongly encourages mandatory schemes to measure
Renewable Energy Applications
the use of relevant international and/or certify the carbon intensity of
(IECRE), which is concerned with
standards when enacting hydrogen (IRENA and RMI, 2023).
renewable energy technologies; and
technical regulations. Technical The analysis concluded that the
the International Electrotechnical
regulations10 in accordance with current landscape of schemes is still
Commission System for Certification
relevant international standards inadequate to enable international
to Standards Relating to Equipment
are, a priori, considered not to trade, as existing approaches vary
for Use in Explosive Atmospheres
create unnecessary obstacles to substantially in terms of emissions
(IECEx). Economies with advanced
international trade under the TBT thresholds, boundaries of analysis
QI systems have internationally
Agreement. In and of itself, this and acceptable production pathways
recognized accreditation
presumption of conformity can be a and energy sources, among others.
bodies, which must expand their
strong incentive to use international
accreditation scope to fulfil the
standards when regulating green But what is to be done in the
newly developing requirements.
hydrogen production.11 absence of convergence around
Examples include new certification
The way international standards an international standard? Such
schemes that have been specifically
for green hydrogen production situations may arise, among other

established for the green hydrogen

are set will have a decisive impact reasons, because countries have
sector. Furthermore, these bodies
on the extent to which those different levels of development and
should invest in enhancing the
standards are actually used. national capabilities to implement
technical competence of the
In this regard, the WTO TBT standards, or because a relevant
assessors to adequately assess the
Committee has developed six international standard does not exist
compliance of service providers to
“Principles for the Development of for an emerging technology, like
fulfil these new requirements, such
International Standards, Guides and green hydrogen.
as laboratories performing specific
Recommendations”.12 The guidance
safety tests based on new standards
provided through these “Six In such situations, dialogue and
for hydrogen storage infrastructure.
Principles” could play a significant cooperation to avoid unnecessary
A further look into key QI services

negative trade impacts will be Moreover, the TBT Agreement One key challenge is ensuring
particularly important. Regulatory promotes dialogue by encouraging that labelling requirements are
cooperation between WTO members to accept, whenever clear and credible and achieve the
members may be an effective means possible, the results of conformity desired policy objectives without
of building trust between regulators, assessment procedures performed creating unnecessary obstacles to
as it allows them to learn about each by other members, even when those international trade. The information
other’s systems. Sharing experiences procedures differ from their own.14 conveyed to consumers through
in regional and multilateral settings The TBT Committee has provided labels should not create consumer
can help to bring approaches closer, guidance in this area by developing confusion. The design of the labels
and eventually enable them to an “Indicative List of Approaches should ensure that any claims they
converge through the development to Facilitate the Acceptance of the make are trustworthy.
of international guidance (WTO, Results of Conformity Assessment”15
2022a). covering a range of approaches Labelling measures are covered by
that governments might choose the definitions of both “standards”
Given the wide variety of verification to facilitate recognition.16 WTO and “technical regulations” in the
procedures that members may disciplines also govern the type of TBT Agreement.18 As such, labelling
adopt to ensure compliance with conformity assessment procedure measures should be based on
trade-related climate change that members may choose to international guidance where it exists.
measures, convergence around ensure compliance with technical They should not be discriminatory,
methodologies is crucial to reduce regulations or standards. For should not create unnecessary
trade barriers. WTO disciplines example, the selected conformity barriers to trade, and may need to
promote harmonization based on assessment procedure should be notified to the WTO. Ultimately,
relevant guides or recommendations not be stricter, or be applied more well-designed labelling measures
issued by international standardizing strictly, than is necessary to give could also facilitate flows of green
bodies as a means of avoiding the importing member adequate hydrogen and its derivatives.
unnecessary obstacles to trade. This confidence that products conform
is important because harmonized with the applicable technical
procedures minimize differences in regulations or standards.17 As governments around the
terms of the verifiers’ competences
and verification approaches, which As it is generally not possible world start regulating hydrogen
increases the overall quality of to determine how hydrogen is production and consumption,
verification. produced merely by looking at
the product, communication of WTO disciplines can provide
this information to authorities and
useful guidance.
along the value chain is essential.
Such communication might take
the form either of a physical or of a
digital label or document, such as a
declaration or claim at the end of the
verification process, conveying that
the conformity assessment has been
completed successfully.
3.3 Subsidies

Currently, green hydrogen is more The energy crisis only strengthened hydrogen, while unveiling the real
costly to produce than fossil-based this trend in 2022. price of fossil fuels (IRENA, 2020b).
hydrogen without carbon capture
and storage. IRENA estimates that Increased fossil fuel use contributes The phasing-out of fossil fuel
to achieve a net-zero pathway by not only to climate change but also subsidies also affects the carbon
2050 with associated midstream exacerbates air, water and plastic price (i.e., the cost applied to
and end-use investments, average pollution, worsens land degradation, carbon emissions to incentivize
total annual investments of and locks economies into high- reduction). Because fossil fuel
US$ 136 billion will be necessary carbon production cycles. Fossil fuel subsidies essentially function as a
across the hydrogen value chain subsidies generate inefficiencies in negative carbon price, removing
between 2023 and 2050. Therefore, the production and use of energy these subsidies results in an
although investment of economy-wide, and skew long-term increase in the price of carbon-
US$ 160 billion in projects has been capital investment towards fossil fuel based fuels. Potential reform of
announced, a significant investment producers or fossil-fuel-intensive fossil fuel subsidies therefore
gap of US$ 790 billion, which industries, thus enhancing the risk of enables the incorporation of costs of
should be filled by 2030, remains locking economies into using high- environmental externalities that are
across the hydrogen value chain carbon infrastructure and assets not reflected under the subsidized
(IRENA, 2023a). (OECD and IEA, 2021). prices, and thereby incentivizes a
decreased use of fossil fuels (WTO,
Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies The International Institute for 2022b). This, in turn, could increase
and redirecting funding towards Sustainable Development (IISD) the competitiveness of green
renewable energy and green estimates that if a set of 32 alternatives, such as green hydrogen
hydrogen production has a strong major developed, emerging, and and its derivative green commodities.
potential to stimulate this transition. developing economies reformed
fossil fuel subsidies by 2025, this Boosting support for green
Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies would reduce CO2 emissions by an hydrogen and its derivatives
average of 6 per cent by 2030, and
Underpricing fossil fuels undermines in the case of some economies, by Achieving the scale-up and
domestic and global environmental up to 35 per cent. The reinvestment associated improvement in cost
objectives. In addition, it is a highly of just a third of the savings coming competitiveness of green hydrogen
inefficient policy for helping low- from such reform into energy and its derivatives requires significant
income households, and has a efficiency and renewable energy investment. Funding of the economic
sizeable fiscal cost for governments. (a “subsidy swap”) would reduce gap is required until a break-even
CO2 emissions by an additional 3 point is reached, i.e., an investment
Government support for fossil fuels per cent by 2030 (IISD, 2022). By to offset the initially higher costs
almost doubled to US$ 697.2 billion phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, of hydrogen and of hydrogen
in 2021, up from US$ 362.4 billion policymakers can specifically help to equipment compared to alternatives
in 2020 (OECD and IEA, 2022). close the economic gap with green (Hydrogen Council, 2020).

A growing number of economies products from another origin in the guaranteed grid access and long-
use subsidies either to encourage absence of a legitimate reason for term contracts with electric grid
producers to invent, adopt and the differentiation. utilities. Finally, subsidies can be
deploy low-carbon technologies, provided to consumers to encourage
or to encourage consumers Domestic support schemes used for the adoption of low-carbon products
to purchase environmentally solar photovoltaic and wind power and technologies, for example
sustainable products and services. have ensured cost competitiveness LED lighting or electric vehicles
If they are well-targeted and non- with fossil fuel alternatives. For (WTO, 2022b).
discriminatory, environmental example, R&D subsidies can lower
subsidies can play a positive role in costs and improve the performance Similarly, governmental support
scaling up new technologies and of low-carbon technologies, as well policies can help sustain growth
making climate-friendly products as foster innovation in environmental in electrolyser capacity and green
more affordable (WTO, 2022b). In technologies. Subsidies can also hydrogen production by promoting
other words, subsidies should aim be given to producers of renewable cost efficiencies and narrowing the
to boost innovation where support energy. Feed-in tariffs and contracts cost differential between the costs
is most needed, e.g., for cleantech for differences, for instance, allow of producing green and fossil-based
startups, and should not place renewable energy producers to hydrogen (IRENA, 2020b), such as
imported products at a competitive receive a guaranteed price for in the following ways:
disadvantage vis-à-vis similar each unit of electricity generated,

Setting targets for electrolyser capacity, similar to those for renewable energy,
can signal economies’ commitments to the private sector, thereby attracting
more investment.

Utilizing financial instruments, such as government loans, equity investment, risk

mitigation tools, credit guarantees, etc., can strengthen the business case for
the installation of electrolysers.

Modulating the tax structure, especially on electricity consumed by electrolysers,

can make green hydrogen production more cost-effective. In addition, revising
corporate, business and sales taxes related to green hydrogen can improve
revenues and the rate of return on projects.

Setting ambitious targets for renewable energy capacity can ensure a steady
supply of renewable electricity, catering to both the direct electrification needs
and hydrogen production as the market for green hydrogen expands.

Increasing support for R&D can lead to improvements in electrolyser efficiency

and the development of standardized, cost-effective designs for large-scale

Mitigating country-related investment risks can contribute to reducing the cost

of production of green hydrogen by reducing the cost of capital.
Similar support measures can be rights to the use of research Furthermore, transparency and the
tailored to address challenges output by domestic firms or that need for improved rules to address
related to transport and storage of are provided to shield domestic certain types of subsidies have long
green hydrogen (e.g., by financing producers from foreign competition, been on the agenda of various WTO
infrastructure development), to or strategically for industrial policy bodies, such as the General Council,
use green hydrogen in industrial purposes. For instance, subsidies the Committee on Subsidies and
processes (e.g., by making available with local content requirements Countervailing Measures (SCM
loans and specialized funds to can spur investment in homegrown Committee), and the Committee
render investment in green pathways climate-friendly infrastructure and on Agriculture (CoA). The WTO
financially more attractive), or to technology, but at the same time be organizes technical assistance
use green hydrogen to produce trade-restricting (WTO, 2022b). activities at both the national and
synthetic jet fuels and for maritime regional levels, often with a specific
shipping (e.g., by providing financial Subsidy reforms must therefore be focus on notification obligations.
mechanisms or fiscal adjustments to designed with both economic and In collaboration with requesting
minimize the cost gap between fossil social considerations in mind and members, individualized technical
fuels and environmentally-friendly must prioritize a just and equitable assistance that also addresses
alternatives) (IRENA, 2020b). transition. Greater transparency and subsidy analysis and design
a deeper understanding of the flows can be provided by international
These trends are already visible. of subsidies are prerequisites to organizations to meet needs of
Support for low-carbon hydrogen ensuring effective and accountable developing members with capacity
has quadrupled over the last two reform. This will pave the way for constraints (IMF, OECD, World
years to more than US$ 280 billion. a careful assessment of the most Bank and WTO, 2022).
The United States leads the list, with environmentally harmful subsidies.
support of US$ 137 billion expected
to flow to selected projects over In addition, enhanced multilateral
Enhanced multilateral
the next 10 years, making clean cooperation and dialogue could
hydrogen cheaper for the whole play a positive role in preventing cooperation and dialogue
world (Bhashyam, 2023). an inefficient race to subsidize
environmentally positive, or “green”, could play a positive role in
Importance of transparency, technology, which could cause preventing an inefficient
dialogue and cooperation avoidable trade tensions, distort
international competition and race to subsidize “green”
Some types of support measures disproportionately harm smaller,
can create trade tensions, such fiscally constrained developing
as those that attribute exclusive economies (see Box 1).

Box 1: WTO environmental initiatives

Two new environmental initiatives Participating members have put a – spanning trade, economy,
at the WTO specifically address focus on sharing their experiences society and environment – of
the environmental effects and and considerations regarding the addressing fossil fuel subsidies
potential reform of subsidies. In design of subsidies related to the and reallocating government
the working group on subsidies transition to a low-carbon economy, funds towards green, climate-
of the Trade and Environmental including support measures to resilient projects. Discussions have
Sustainability Structured foster investment in clean energy highlighted the need to enhance
Discussions (TESSD), participating and hydrogen. the transparency of fossil fuel
WTO members have been subsidies and to consider the
discussing the environmental and The Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform developmental and social issues
trade effects of subsidies, as well (FFSR) initiative builds upon involved in their reform.
as how to enhance transparency. the comprehensive benefits

3.4 Sustainable government procurement

Government (public) procurement represent, sustainable government verification and labelling system
is of great economic importance, procurement can create a large and to guarantee the sustainability of
accounting for 10-15 per cent of stable demand for new low-carbon the products (IRENA and WEF,
national GDP, on average, and solutions before a commercial 2022). In doing so, governments
about 13 per cent of world GDP market is viable (WTO, 2022b). should give a strong preference to
(around US$ 13 trillion per year). Government procurement can the procurement of green hydrogen
Government procurement is be aligned with GHG emissions for those sectors where direct
estimated to be directly or indirectly targets by introducing requirements electrification with renewables is not
responsible for 15 per cent of global or preferential treatments for low- a viable decarbonization option.
GHG emissions.19 According to carbon emissions for products and
the World Economic Forum (WEF), services (Australian Industry ETI, Government procurement targets
abating emissions from government 2023). could focus on the industrial use of
procurement would lead to a hydrogen to provide an indicative
US$ 4 trillion boost to the green While most of the technologies level of future green hydrogen
economy and create around 3 million needed for the global energy consumption and, therefore, of future
new jobs (WEF, 2022). transition are available, some of them procurement needs. For example,
are at earlier stages of development in Spain’s hydrogen strategy, the
High coal and gas prices in 2021 and need support to accelerate government included a 25 per
and 2022 have affected the their rapid commercialization. cent minimum contribution of
competitiveness of fossil fuels Such technologies could be green hydrogen to total hydrogen
temporarily. The recovery from the particularly important for developing consumption in 2030 by all
COVID-19 crisis and the response additional green hydrogen industries, both as a feedstock
to the global energy crisis have capacity. Sustainable government and as an energy carrier (IRENA,
also provided a significant boost procurement can accelerate the 2022d).
to clean energy investment (IEA, deployment of green hydrogen, of
2023). At the same time, investment its derivatives and of related climate- Another solution that governments
decisions are still impeded by a friendly technologies by creating a can provide is a centralized auction
general uncertainty surrounding the stable demand for those products at scheme to promote hydrogen
long-term development of energy lower costs and reducing hydrogen purchase and consumption, with the
prices as well as the overall energy uptake uncertainty (IRENA and cost differential paid for by a public
policy targets and supporting WEF, 2022). To do this, government body. A public body would act as
policies. Policies to create demand procurement policies and practices central auctioneer and would sign
for low-emission hydrogen, including must focus on giving a strong long-term purchase agreements for
requirements in government preference to renewable energy and electrolysers and sale agreements
procurement, are therefore important green hydrogen and on spurring the with industrial players. If auctions are
to boost market demand (IEA, use of green hydrogen in the sectors successful in reducing the cost of
2022). that are hardest to electrify (Green green hydrogen, as has been done
Hydrogen Organisation, 2022). for solar PV and wind energy, this
Through sustainable government would significantly improve green
procurement policies, governments Sustainable government hydrogen’s business case in various
can influence private-sector procurement strategies industries. This kind of scheme is
producers by purchasing low- currently being designed in Germany
carbon goods and services and can Key actions could include under the H2Global Stiftung – a
create markets for new entrants introducing minimum requirements foundation that promotes the
and stimulate innovative solutions for green products in public national and international production
to climate change problems by authorities’ procurement processes, and use of climate-neutral energy
awarding public R&D contracts. introducing green material carriers, such as green hydrogen
Given the sheer volume of demand requirements in policies, such as (IRENA, 2022d).
for goods and services that in auctions for renewable energy,
government procurement can and ensuring the presence of a
Extending sustainable government and aviation, where competition governance practices. By opening
procurement beyond green could hinder decarbonization efforts. domestic procurement markets
hydrogen and its derivatives Coordinated demand-creating to foreign competition, the GPA
to other green goods in the policies can send a stronger signal 2012 can also help governments
hydrogen supply chains can also to mobilize investment in low-carbon to obtain better value for money for
have beneficial effects on driving and green hydrogen production, climate-friendly goods and services,
demand. For instance, governments while collaboration allows actors to including of hydrogen, its derivatives
could institutionalize preferential share experiences of establishing and related technologies. It can
purchasing of steel or other products more secure, diversified demand for do so by increasing the number of
made sustainably through the use hydrogen over time. Both are crucial bidders, including foreign bidders,
of green hydrogen, or that require to achieving economies of scale and and by facilitating access to climate-
the inclusion of a higher share of accelerating cost reductions on the friendly technologies that may
those products in the overall material supply side. not otherwise be available in the
mix (IRENA, 2020b). Since steel domestic market. In particular, the
and chemical industries are very Various initiatives are in place to Agreement allows parties to apply
capital-intensive, economies of scale facilitate coordination between technical specifications aimed
and low raw material and energy countries and private sector at promoting natural resource
prices are crucial to profitability. stakeholders. For instance, the conservation or protecting the
Furthermore, given the need to Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley environment, as well as to use
experiment with different production Platform 2.0, which showcases the environmental characteristics
technologies, any such investment hydrogen valley projects (i.e., a of a good or service as an award
could be too great for a single firm geographical area combining several criterion in evaluating tenders (WTO,
in the absence of clear demand for hydrogen applications into an 2022b). The GPA parties, mindful
green materials or goods (IRENA, integrated ecosystem)20 around the of the importance of government
2022d). world, was relaunched in May 2023. procurement as a strategic tool to
Based on extensive collection of promote environmental sustainability,
Sustainable government primary data, the platform provides among other things, initiated a
procurement could have a insights into the most ambitious Work Programme on Sustainable
particularly large impact on the hydrogen valleys around the globe. Procurement in 2014.
creation of a green steel market, If all of the 83 valleys showcased
given that steel is used to construct on the platform are realised, they The WTO can help by providing
buildings, bridges, railways and will unlock significant demand for examples of what members are
transport fleets. A recent example is renewable and low-carbon hydrogen already doing in terms of government
the Buy Clean California Act, which (IEA, IRENA and UN Climate procurement, including by providing
imposes a maximum acceptable Change High-Level Champions, dedicated fora for policy learning and
global warming potential limit on 2023). exchange, such as the Committee
selected construction materials. on Trade and Environment or
It targets, among other materials, The plurilateral WTO Agreement the Committee on Government
carbon emissions associated with on Government Procurement Procurement, and by providing
the production of structural steel and (GPA 2012), together with technical assistance to those
concrete reinforcing steel (IRENA, other WTO rules, can play an seeking to explore this option further.
2022d). important role in ensuring that open The WTO Secretariat’s technical
government procurement markets assistance and related programmes
Importance of international are leveraged to support green concerning government procurement
cooperation hydrogen markets. The GPA helps policy and the GPA can also serve
governments to overcome a home as a valuable tool to facilitate informal
International cooperation is vital bias in government procurement discussions on related issues among
to create demand for green by ensuring that sustainable interested officials from economies
and low-carbon hydrogen use, government procurement practices around the globe.
particularly in priority sectors like are non-discriminatory, based on
heavy industry, maritime shipping open markets, and in line with good

The SCM Agreement requires that WTO members submit a new and full notification of all specific subsidies every three years, with updated
notifications due in the intervening years. The notification obligation extends to all specific subsidies related to goods, in any sector, and provided by
any level of government (i.e., national, regional, state/provincial or local). Under the TBT Agreement, WTO members are obliged to notify draft technical
regulations and conformity assessment procedures that are not in accordance with relevant international standards or recommendations issued by
international standardizing bodies (or such standards and recommendations do not exist) and to indicate whether the technical regulation or conformity
assessment procedure may have a significant impact on trade.
The WTO official document numbers for these respective notifications are G/SCM/N/372/AUS, G/SCM/N/372/USA, G/SCM/N/372/CHN and G/
SCM/N/372/KOR. Official documents can be viewed at
The WTO official document numbers for these respective notifications are G/TBT/N/SAU/1225, G/TBT/N/ARE/461, G/TBT/N/CHN/1131.
Official documents can be viewed at
See Policies for green hydrogen (
For a discussion on the role of standards and verification methods in the area of climate-related policies, see WTO (2022a).
TBT Agreement, Article 2.4 (“Preparation, Adoption and Application of Technical Regulations by Central
Government Bodies”). See
TBT Agreement, Article 2.5 (“Preparation, Adoption and Application of Technical Regulations by Central
Government Bodies”). See
Essentially, the “Six Principles” are intended to help international standards better facilitate global trade and
to provide guidance in the areas of “transparency”, “openness”, “impartiality and consensus”, “effectiveness and relevance”, “coherence” and
“development dimension”.
TBT Agreement, Article 6.1 (“Recognition of Conformity Assessment by Central Government Bodies”). See
See WTO official document number G/TBT/1/Rev.15, pp. 66-67. Official documents can be viewed at
The approaches that governments might choose to facilitate recognition include the following options: (i) mutual recognition agreements for conformity
assessment to specific regulations; (ii) cooperative (voluntary) arrangements between domestic and foreign conformity assessment bodies; (iii)
the use of accreditation to qualify (or recognize) conformity assessment bodies; and (iv) the designation by governments of specific conformity
assessment bodies, including bodies located outside their territories, to undertake conformity assessment.
TBT Agreement, Article 5.1.2 (“Procedures for Assessment of Conformity by Central Government Bodies”). See
TBT Agreement, Annex 1, Paragraphs 1 and 2 (“Terms and their Definitions for the Purpose of this Agreement”). See
This footprint is explained by the mix of goods and services that governments purchase, which notably comprises goods or services of the
construction, transport, defence, utilities, waste management and other industries.

Recent projects show the important exporting green fertilizers within the to low-cost and stable renewable
role that green hydrogen production region.1 In its Hydrogen Roadmap, electricity, such as that from solar
can play in accelerating developing also launched in 2023, Malaysia PV- or wind-powered electricity,
economies’ transition to net zero shares its intent to increase the together with water availability, is an
and their inclusion in green value share of clean energy in the country’s important prerequisite for investors
chains. For instance, Kenya’s 2023 energy mix by promoting the use selecting large-scale project
Hydrogen Roadmap lays out initial of hydrogen in energy storage and locations. Another criterion is the
plans for reaching 100 MW of as a fuel. Malaysia further intends existence of land and infrastructure,
installed electrolyser capacity by to invest in hydrogen technologies while the availability of power
2027 and supporting production of in order to address domestic transmission lines, inbound and
100,000 tons per year of nitrogen consumption, energy security, outbound logistics infrastructures
fertilizers, which would replace sustainability of international energy and deep-sea harbours, especially
around 20 per cent of the country’s trading and decarbonization.2 for exports of ammonia, steel or
fertilizer imports. In a second stage, synthetic fuels, prove decisive for
by 2032, Kenya would target Factors fostering green some projects (Cordonnier and
between 150-250 MW of installed hydrogen production in Saygin, 2022).
electrolyser capacity, increasing developing countries
domestic fertilizer production to Existing and mature hydrogen
up to 400,000 tons per year in the In an emerging market such as the markets can increase an
hope of exploring opportunities for green hydrogen market, access economy’s potential for green

hydrogen production because of green hydrogen markets. Another Many developing countries
sectoral knowledge and skills, crucial element is the developing of
enabling infrastructure, as well as solid policy and legal frameworks are endowed with abundant
networks and practices that offer based on international standards.3 low-cost renewable energy
a competitive advantage have
already been established (Eicke The development of green hydrogen resources, thus making them
and De Blasio, 2022). Finally, an production can bring about
major potential producers of
enabling environment in a given important social and economic
economy, defined by economic benefits for developing economies, green hydrogen.
stability, ease of doing business and including improved energy security
regulatory transparency, is essential and affordable clean energy access
(Cordonnier and Saygin, 2022). for remote regions. In larger grids,
green hydrogen could support
Many developing countries are the integration of renewables, limit
endowed with abundant low-cost power supply interruptions and
renewable energy resources, provide long-term energy storage
thus making them major potential (Cordonnier and Saygin, 2022).
producers of green hydrogen. At
the same time, financial support is Green hydrogen could also help to
necessary for the successful uptake usher in a domestic clean energy
transition by providing cleaner hydrogen production. This could
alternatives to hard-to-abate sectors. support and build capacities in
Developing a hydrogen sector developing countries by putting
could also help to improve export in place robust certification and
diversification potential, as hydrogen verification frameworks in line with
(or hydrogen-derived commodities) existing international standards,
created through domestically thereby creating opportunities to
available renewable sources could integrate effectively into green global
then be internationally traded. value chains. Financial assistance
can further mobilize both public
In 2020, 51% of all Aid for Economies such as China, and private support, which are
Trade commitments included Indonesia, the Philippines and essential to propel innovation in the
climate-related objectives. South Africa have started to take production, transport and use of
advantage of these opportunities green hydrogen, and which support
and are gaining experience in using the green transition, job creation and
ammonia-based and methanol- improved resilience. For instance,
based fuel cell systems for their through its Global Gateway
telecommunications sectors. Large initiative,4 the European Union has
hydrogen or fuel cell projects for built partnerships with a number of
stationary power solutions are being economies, including Brazil, Chile,
built in Argentina, Mali, Martinique Kenya, Morocco, Namibia, South
and Uganda. Leveraging the Africa and Tunisia, establishing joint
full potential of green hydrogen, research and investment projects,
however, requires building local leveraging public and private
capacity and increasing access to investments, and building capacity.
expertise that, at the global level,
remains limited (ESMAP, 2020). In 2020, more than half (51 per cent)
of all Aid for Trade commitments
Importance of technical included climate-related objectives
assistance and financing with a large majority (69 per
cent) focusing on climate change
Technical assistance can help mitigation. There is also an emerging
developing economies to take trend to allocate more and more
advantage of their comparative support to renewable energies
advantages in the context of (OECD, 2022). Enhancing and
renewable energy production better tailoring Aid for Trade to the
in order to create an enabling needs of developing economies and
environment for large-scale green least-developed countries (LDCs)

can support their participation in in developing economies. To

hydrogen value chains by fostering begin with, demand for green
Investments in green
the sustainable extraction of the hydrogen would further increase hydrogen can spur
minerals and metals necessary to demand for renewable energy and
produce electrolysers and expand attract additional investments in industrial development in
supply-side manufacturing capacity. solar and wind farms, geothermal developing economies.
and hydropower projects. It will
Aid for Trade can also facilitate also attract investments in other
technology transfer partnerships conversion technologies since
that can help to expand domestic hydrogen needs to be converted into
manufacturing capacity in developing higher energy density products, such
economies. For example, in 2021, as methanol or ammonia, for easier
together with partner economies, storage and transportation.
UNIDO launched its Global
Programme for Hydrogen in Furthermore, economies producing
Industry.5 The initiative stimulates the renewable energy and green
accelerated uptake and deployment hydrogen plus derivatives at
of green hydrogen in industry in competitive costs will become
developing economies and aims to more attractive also for energy-
build cooperation and partnerships intensive industries such as the
for knowledge and technology steel and chemical industries.
transfer (UNIDO, 2022). They, in turn, provide inputs to
Aid for Trade can also help to many downstream industries, from
enhance market access and create automotive to pharmaceutical and
adequate regulatory conditions for fertilizer industries. Therefore, as
a cross-border hydrogen trade. This decarbonization efforts intensify,
is part of the rationale behind the the availability of renewables and
creation by the World Bank Group green hydrogen may become a
and its partners of the Hydrogen for key consideration for the relocation
Development Partnership (H4D), of industries. Finally, there is a
which has supported economies growing market for hydrogen-based
such as Brazil, Mauritania, Morocco, technology exports that
Tunisia and Uzbekistan in developing can be tapped into including
policies to boost their green markets for fuel cell technology,
hydrogen offer and demand. hydrogen-based steelmaking
technologies and synthetic fuels6
Investments in green hydrogen can (UNIDO IAP, 2022).
in turn spur industrial development


The previous chapters have of building trust between regulators,

International trade demonstrated the importance and could serve as an incubator for
of trade policies for the rapid discussions at the multilateral level
cooperation is important
and efficient scaling-up of green on emerging regulations.
to ensure sustainable hydrogen markets. The development
of an international market for low- Several WTO bodies can serve as
market growth and emission hydrogen will strongly forums for transparency and dialogue
encourage technology depend on effective international on members’ green hydrogen
cooperation (IEA, 2022). In contrast, policies. The WTO Committee on
development and innovation. the proliferation of divergent trade Trade and Environment (CTE) is
policies, such as tariffs, regulations a central forum for members to
and support programmes, coupled exchange best practices, and to
with various private standards, present and comment on recent
can raise costs for firms, create regulatory proposals relating to the
unnecessary barriers and red tape, climate change mitigation, including
and ultimately stall progress. renewable energy policies and
sustainable supply chains. In recent
Cross-border coordination and discussions, members have shared
collaboration to ensure alignment experiences of decarbonization
and consistency in definitions, policies applied to transport and
standards for the emissions intensity industry, with some expressing
of green hydrogen production and strong commitment to the production
transport, certification schemes to and export of green hydrogen, and
ensure interoperability, and import have highlighted the importance
tariffs for hydrogen and its potential of international cooperation.1
carriers, will help to address potential International organizations, such
hydrogen-related trade policy issues as the International Solar Alliance,
(IPHE, 2022). have also shared green-hydrogen-
related initiatives. Briefings at the
The Breakthrough Agenda Report, CTE have specifically highlighted
produced by IEA, IRENA and the the importance of green hydrogen
UN Climate Change High-Level technology transfer for developing
Champions, measures international economies.2
collaboration in several key areas of
importance for the scaling-up of the The work of the TBT Committee in
production and use of low-carbon discussing specific trade concerns
and green hydrogen. These include helps to provide clarification
standards and certification, demand on proposed measures and to
creation, technology demonstration enhance alignment with international
and finance. However, the 2023 standards. The Committee also
Report (IEA, IRENA and UN Climate serves as an interface between
Change High-Level Champions, member governments and standard-
2023) finds that progress is still setting organizations (which
modest to minimal (see Table 6). have a status of observers to the
Committee) to identify needs and
International trade cooperation gaps in standards development from
is important not only to ensure a trade and regulatory point of view.
sustainable market growth, but
also to encourage technology The TBT Committee’s work with
development and innovation. standard-setting organizations
Regulatory cooperation among has helped to address potential
WTO members and with other trade frictions and implementation
stakeholders on a sector-by-sector challenges for members at different
basis could be an effective means levels of development, and provides
The state of international collaboration on green hydrogen
Source: Adapted from IEA, IRENA and UN Climate Change High-Level Champions (2023).

Area Progress made Recommendations for governments and 2023


Standards • The IPHE is leading major • Prepare a well-articulated plan that defines financial Modest
and efforts on methodologies for and human resource needs for the development of a
certification measuring hydrogen emissions, comprehensive portfolio of national and international
in partnership with ISO, with standards.
the aim of developing common • Provide appropriate resources necessary to undertake
global standards and associated the relevant work on standards development.
certification schemes. • Work towards the adoption of a common
• The IEA’s Hydrogen Technology methodology to calculate the carbon footprint of the
Collaboration Programme (TCP) hydrogen value chain to facilitate mutual recognition
has set a group of experts to and interoperability of certification systems.
work on technical matters of • Work through existing forums to ensure that the
harmonization of certification. methodologies used to define regulatory frameworks
• IRENA and RMI, the European are interoperable.
Clean Hydrogen Alliance and the • Anticipate building technical capacity of national
Hydrogen Council are currently systems to verify compliance with international
engaging in other assessments and hydrogen standards.
relevant work.

Demand • There have been notable • Increase the strength of the demand signal by moving Minimal
creation government-led demand-creating from commitments and pledges for the use of low-
initiatives, but also a lack of carbon and renewable hydrogen to contracts and
international coordination on near- policies.
term commitments and policies. • Improve the coordination of efforts between
• The IRENA Collaborative economies and companies to increase commitments
Framework on green hydrogen in sectors where hydrogen is already used to
has established a workstream on collectively send a strong demand signal and mobilize
understanding how to coordinate investment in production.
demand and supply globally. • Share learning to accelerate early deployment in new
priority application sectors, in a manner that ensures a
level playing field in international trade.

Research and • The Mission Innovation Clean • Increase the number and geographical distribution Minimal
innovation Hydrogen Mission (CHM) has of hydrogen demonstration projects and ensure that
committed to establishing a these appropriately cover each of hydrogen’s high-
conceptual framework to exchange value end-use sectors, including maritime shipping,
best practices, identify gaps and heavy industry and long-duration energy storage.
access support, including for R&D, • Increase efforts to establish proactive knowledge-
by COP 28. sharing platforms and processes between lead
• The Hydrogen Valley Platform had projects.
identified 83 projects from 33
countries by July 2023.

Finance and • U NIDO, World Bank and IRENA • Work with international financial institutions to Modest
investment are mapping existing financial identify projects that are being delayed by high
and technical assistance support costs of capital and other obstacles to investment,
towards hydrogen projects in then identify best practices to support targeted and
developing economies, with a view tailored technical assistance for policy design.
to supporting an improved offer. • This should be supported by appropriate technical
• The Hydrogen for Development assistance programmes to assist governments with
Partnership was launched by policy design for the further scale-up of projects.
the World Bank to help catalyse
funding for projects in developing
economies by providing improved
in-country support.

feedback which strengthens energy development, including energy transformation. The

standards review and development. green hydrogen. In this regard, one Collaborative Framework leverages
This makes the TBT Committee specific suggestion has been made IRENA’s work on green hydrogen,
a valuable forum for technical that collaboration among members the wealth of knowledge and
discussions at the multilateral level to formulate trade rules ensuring the expertise that exists within IRENA’s
on trade-related aspects of carbon interoperability of guarantee-of-origin membership, and the benefits that
measurement methodologies and certifications could facilitate the may be reaped through wider global
verification procedures, as well development of renewable and low- cooperation with other entities.
as on ways to support developing carbon energy markets, such as a Participation in the Collaborative
countries in this area. global low-carbon hydrogen trading Framework is open to the private
market. sector and other international
Other ongoing initiatives at the organizations.
WTO could further support trade- Further avenues for international
related solutions in support of cooperation on green hydrogen IRENA also supports the global
green hydrogen. In 2020, the policies could be built at the WTO Alliance for Industry Decarbonization
participants in the Trade and among its members, standards- (AFID) which is a multi-stakeholder
Environmental Sustainability setting bodies and other relevant platform of more than 60 members
Structured Discussions (TESSD) stakeholders. Multilateral initiatives and ecosystem knowledge partners
launched work towards concrete and projects can promote to foster action for decarbonization
actions to expand opportunities knowledge-sharing, develop of industrial value chains, promote
for sustainable trade. Discussions technology and best practices to understanding of renewables-based
have covered experience-sharing reduce costs, and connect a wider solutions and their adoption by
on the design of subsidies related group of stakeholders. In this way, industry with a view to contributing
to a low-carbon transition, including they can help to develop future to country-specific net-zero goals.
on clean energy and hydrogen, as international hydrogen supply chains In 2023 among joint initiatives the
well as on identifying and compiling (IPHE, 2022). AFID addressed techno-economic
principles and member practices challenges and solutions on safety
in the development of trade- IRENA’s Collaborative Framework standards for generation, transport
related climate measures. A further on Green Hydrogen serves as and storage, and regulatory aspects
important part of TESSD’s work an effective vehicle for dialogue, to fast-track green hydrogen
includes identifying opportunities and cooperation and coordinated action projects.
approaches to promote and facilitate to accelerate the development and
trade in environmental goods and deployment of green hydrogen and
services in support of renewable its derivatives for a global renewable

See WTO official document number WT/CTE/M/78. Official documents can be viewed at
See WTO official document numbers WT/CTE/M/78, WT/CTE/M/77, WT/CTE/M/76, WT/CTE/M/75 and WT/CTE/M/74.
Official documents can be viewed at
From the above analysis, the WTO and IRENA propose a set of five concrete actions
for economies to consider in order to scale up and facilitate global trade of green

1. Address trade barriers along the green hydrogen supply chain

Open trade along the supply chain can promote the development of green hydrogen by lowering
costs and fostering technology access and development. Promoting trade in goods and services
related to renewable energy production could help reduce the costs of energy used in the
production of green hydrogen, while lowering trade costs on electrolysers could further support
the scale-up and efficiency of manufacturing capacity.

Trade in goods and services along the green hydrogen supply chain is affected by various
barriers to trade, including tariffs and non-tariff measures. For example, there is scope to further
reduce tariffs as a number of WTO members have set tariffs higher than 5 per cent for hydrogen
as a commodity (46 members), for derivatives such as ammonia (34) and methanol (45) and for
products along the supply chain, such as electrolysers (43), compressors (63), generators (32)
and fuel cells (96).

2. Develop a sound quality infrastructure for green hydrogen trade

Quality infrastructure (QI) is the system that ensures that products and services are sustainable,
safe and durable, and that they meet the expectations of all stakeholders. QI includes standards,
testing, certification, metrology, inspection and accreditation. Since it is not possible to “see”
the carbon content or the process used for producing hydrogen, sound QI will be crucial to
guarantee the environmental integrity of green hydrogen production and provide information on
the production process and emissions footprint along the value chain.

a. Engage in international standardization

for green hydrogen

Standards are a key element of a QI. Adopted national standards should be based on
international standards developed in line with the six “Principles for the Development of
International Standards, Guides and Recommendations” (i.e., transparency, openness,
impartiality and consensus, effectiveness and relevance, coherence, and development
dimension), agreed upon by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) in
2000.1 Economies should actively engage in the technical committees in international bodies
like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to ensure that their national context is properly reflected
in international standards.

b. Foster international dialogue on carbon measurement methodologies,

definitions of low-carbon hydrogen and verification procedures

Where there is no convergence around international standards, procedures or guides

concerning carbon measurement methodologies, definitions of low-carbon hydrogen or
verification, dialogue is crucial. Regulatory cooperation can prevent unnecessary negative

trade impacts and could be an effective means of building trust among regulators. The WTO
TBT Committee has provided guidance in the area of verification procedures by developing
an “Indicative List of Approaches to Facilitate the Acceptance of the Results of Conformity
Assessment” 2

c. Inform customers via labelling requirements based on quality infrastructure

Communication of information about how hydrogen is produced – both to responsible

authorities and along the value chain – is essential. Labels in particular should convey information
to customers about green hydrogen production processes in a clear, credible manner, with
a view to achieving the desired policy objectives without creating unnecessary obstacles to
international trade.

3. Implement support policies for green hydrogen

Midstream and end-use investments will be required in order to achieve a global net-zero
emissions pathway by 2050, with average total annual investments in the hydrogen value
chain of US$ 136 billion needed between 2023 and 2050. Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies
and redirecting funding towards renewable energy and green hydrogen production has strong
potential to stimulate this transition.

a. Implement targeted and non-discriminatory environmental subsidies

Governmental support policies can help to sustain growth in electrolyser capacity and green
hydrogen production, promoting cost efficiencies and narrowing the cost differential between
the production costs of green and of fossil-based hydrogen. Policies should be targeted to
boost innovation in cleantech startups, and should not place imported products at a competitive
disadvantage vis-à-vis domestic ones unjustifiably.

b. Close the economic gap between fossil fuels and green hydrogen

Phasing out and redirecting fossil fuel subsidies would make it possible to incorporate costs
of environmental externalities not reflected under subsidized prices, which would render green
hydrogen more competitive. Subsidy reforms must be mindful of the various economic and social
forces at work, as well as the imperative for a just and equitable transition.

4. Use sustainable government procurement to foster green hydrogen demand

Government procurement is of great economic importance, accounting for between 10 and 15

per cent of national GDP, on average, and about 13 per cent of world GDP. Through sustainable
government procurement policies, governments can influence private-sector producers by
purchasing low-carbon goods and services, creating markets for new entrants and stimulating
innovative solutions.

a. Implement sustainable government procurement policies

Governments can leverage sustainable procurement policies to create a large and stable
demand for green hydrogen and derivative commodities, contributing to lowering costs and
reducing hydrogen uptake uncertainty. This could include actions such as introducing minimum
requirements for green products (e.g., green steel) in public authorities’ procurement processes,
introducing green material requirements in policies, and ensuring the presence of a verification
and labelling system to guarantee the sustainability of green products. In doing so, governments
should give a strong preference to the procurement of green hydrogen for those sectors where
direct electrification with renewables is not a viable decarbonization option.
b. Consider international collaboration

Coordinated demand-creating policies can send a strong signal to mobilize investment, while
collaboration can support the establishment of more secure and diversified demand over time.
Both are crucial to achieving economies of scale and accelerating supply-side cost reductions.

5. Increase international cooperation on green hydrogen trade

Cross-border coordination and collaboration to ensure, for example, alignment and consistency
in definitions and standards for emissions certification schemes, would help to address potential
hydrogen-related trade policy issues. Supporting developing economies would contribute to
bringing about important social and economic benefits, including improved energy security and
affordable clean energy access.

a. E
 ncourage technology development and innovation through dialogue

Regulatory cooperation between WTO members and other stakeholders on a sector-by-sector

basis could be an effective means of building trust between regulators, and could serve as an
incubator for discussions on emerging regulations. Through its bodies, including the Committee
on Trade and Environment (CTE) and the TBT Committee, as well as ongoing environmental
initiatives, the WTO can act as a focal point for transparency and dialogue on members’ green
hydrogen policies.

b. Engage in cooperation fora on green hydrogen

For instance, IRENA’s Collaborative Framework on Green Hydrogen3 serves as an effective

vehicle for dialogue, cooperation and coordinated action to accelerate the development
and deployment of green hydrogen and its derivatives for the global renewable energy
transformation. IRENA also supports the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization that aims to use
green hydrogen and other solutions to decarbonize industrial value chains and accelerate net-
zero ambitions in accordance with the Paris Agreement.

c. Increase technical assistance and capacity-building

Advanced economies could provide technical assistance and capacity-building to developing

economies with comparative advantages in renewable energy production, to help them create
an enabling environment for green hydrogen production at scale. For instance, IRENA with
its global membership and network of partner organisations, supports building capacities in
developing countries to put in place robust certification and verification frameworks, in line with
existing international standards.

d. S
 upport the needs of developing economies through Aid for Trade

The WTO-led Aid for Trade initiative helps developing economies, and particularly least-
developed countries (LDCs), to trade. It can facilitate technology transfer partnerships that can
help to expand domestic manufacturing capacity, as well as help enhance market access and
create adequate regulatory conditions for a cross-border hydrogen trade.

The Indicative List of Approaches to Facilitate the Acceptance of the Results of Conformity Assessment can be found in Annex 1 of WTO official
document number G/TBT/1/Rev.13 (page 52) (

This annex provides a comprehensive, but non-exhaustive, list of quality
infrastructure elements for green hydrogen (GH2) that should be
implemented, according to an Expert Survey for IRENA’s ongoing project
“Quality Infrastructure for Green Hydrogen: technical standards and quality
control for the production and trade of renewable hydrogen”.

Standards: • ISO 19880 series- Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling

The following standards provide overall guidance across stations
the hydrogen value chain: • ISO 19882 Gaseous hydrogen – Thermally activated
pressure relief devices for compressed hydrogen
Design: vehicle fuel containers
• ISO 22734-1 Hydrogen generators using water • ISO 26142 Hydrogen detection apparatus –
electrolysis – Industrial, commercial, and residential Stationary applications
applications – Part 1: General requirements, test • IECEx Certification System via IECEx OD 290
protocols and safety requirements. Standardised approach to Testing and Certification of
• ISO TR 22734-2 Hydrogen generators using water Hydrogen dispensing Equipment and Systems
electrolysis – Part 2: Testing guidance for performing
electricity grid service. Installation and infrastructure:
• ISO 17268 Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling • ISO 19880-x series – Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling
connection devices ISO 19884 Gaseous hydrogen – stations
Cylinders and tubes for stationary storage. • IEC 60079-x series – General requirements for
• ISO 16111 Transportable gas storage devices – construction, testing and marking of Ex Equipment
Hydrogen absorbed in reversible metal hydride. and Ex Components intended for use in explosive
• ISO 19880-1 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations – atmospheres.
Part 1: General requirements • ISO 22734-1 Hydrogen generators using water
• ISO 19880-3 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations – electrolysis – Industrial, commercial, and residential
Part 3: Valves applications – Part 1: General requirements, test
• ISO 19880-5 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations protocols and safety requirements.
– Part 5: Dispenser hoses and hose assemblies ISO • ISO TR 22734-2 Hydrogen generators using water
19880-6 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations – Part electrolysis – Part 2: Testing guidance for performing
6: Fittings electricity grid service.
• ISO 19880-7 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations – • ISO 19884 Gaseous hydrogen – Cylinders and tubes
Part 7: O-rings for stationary storage
• ISO 19880-8:2019 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling • ISO 16111 Transportable gas storage devices –
stations – Part 8: Fuel quality control Hydrogen absorbed in reversible metal hydride ISO.
• ISO/CD 19880-9 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling • CEN Standard EN16325
stations – Part 9: Sampling for fuel quality analysis • ISO/TR 15916, Basic Safety considerations for safety
• IEC 60079-10 series on Area Classification of hydrogen systems.
• IEC 60079-14 Installation • ISO 16110 series Hydrogen generators
• IEC 60079-17 Inspection • ISO 17268 - Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling
• IEC 60079-19 Repair and Overhaul of Equipment connection devices.
• ISO/TR 15916, Basic Safety considerations for safety • ISO 26142 Hydrogen detection apparatus –
of hydrogen systems. Stationary applications
• ISO 16110 series Hydrogen generators • IEC 80069
• ISO 17268 - Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling
connection devices.
Operation and maintenance: • ISO 26142 Hydrogen detection apparatus –
• ISO 19881 Gaseous hydrogen – Land vehicle fuel Stationary applications
containers • IEC 62282 series, Fuel cell technologies (currently 29
• ISO 19882 Gaseous hydrogen – Thermally activated standards in the series) via IEC TC 105
pressure relief devices for compressed hydrogen
vehicle fuel containers Safety:
• ISO 19885-1 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols • ISO/TR 19516
for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles – Part 1: Design and • ISO 26142
development process for fuelling protocols • IEC 60079-29 series
• ISO 19885-2 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols • ISO 16110-1 Hydrogen generators using fuel
for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles – Part 2: Definition of processing technologies – Part 1: Safety
communications between the vehicle and dispenser • ISO/TR 15916 – Basic considerations for the safety of
control systems hydrogen systems
• ISO 19885-3 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling protocols • ISO/IEC 80079
for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles – Part 3: High flow
hydrogen fuelling protocols for heavy duty road Metrology:
vehicles. The following metrological standards provide overall
• ISO 19887 Gaseous Hydrogen – Fuel system guidance to the green hydrogen sector:
components for hydrogen fuelled vehicles. • OIML R137 – Gas Meters
• ISO 21087:2019 - Gas analysis – Analytical methods • OIML R139 – Compressed Gaseous Fuel Measuring
for hydrogen fuel – Proton exchange membrane (PEM) Systems for Vehicles
fuel cell applications for road vehicles • OIML R140 – Measuring Systems for Gaseous Fuels
• IEC 60079-10 series – Area classification (needs to • Standards issued by ISO/TC193 and ISO/TC193/
form part of routine inspection plan) SC1
• IEC 60079-17 – Inspection • ISO 14687 – Hydrogen fuel quality
• IEC 60079-19 Repair and Overhaul • ISO 21087 – Analytical methods for hydrogen fuel
• IEC 62990 series – Gas detectors
• IEC 60079-29-2 Gas detectors – Selection, Certification:
installation, use and maintenance of detectors for The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
flammable gases and oxygen. Conformity Assessment Systems allows multiple
• IEC 60079-29-3 Gas detectors – Guidance on international conformity assessment bodies to
functional safety of fixed gas detection systems participate in these systems based on a rigorous peer
• IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 Electrical resistance trace assessment qualification process. Ideally green hydrogen
heating – Application guide for design, installation, and is produced from energy generated by renewable
maintenance energy sources and verified by harmonized conformity
• IEC 60079-32-1 Electrostatic hazards, guidance assessment processes. Countries with advanced
• IEC 60079-43 Equipment in adverse service quality infrastructure systems have internationally
conditions recognized conformity assessment bodies, already

actively participating in these International IEC Systems Testing:

and Schemes with those not already involved being There is a lack of testing protocols or large-scale high
encouraged to expand their accreditation scope to pressure and cryogenic components. Furthermore, it is
participate in these IEC International Schemes. While necessary to develop services to train workers to handle
noting the already existing International Schemes of the new safety considerations, and calibration services and
IEC covering: traceability to the International System of Units (SI) is
needed. Within testing protocols, there is an increasing
• Certification of Components, equipment and systems focus on developing associated procedures for pressure
• Certification of Services ranges up to 100 bars. However, there is still a lack of
• Certification of Personal Competence test infrastructure for wide ranges (quantity measurement
• Project Certification H2). Testing for some specific applications addressed,
• Carbon Footprint verification such as H2 dispensers (refer to
publications/operational-od/) or domestic meters are
Any new certification schemes that are specifically becoming available in certain economies.
focused towards the green hydrogen sector should be
proposed to the IEC and the International Organization
of Legal Metrology (OIML).
Anderson, R. D., Salgueiro, A., Schooner, S. L. and Green Hydrogen Organisation (2022), “Green Hydrogen
Steiner, M. (2023), “Deploying the WTO Agreement Message to COP27”. Available at
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Mitigation”, 32 Public Procurement Law Review 223 2022.pdf.
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Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative
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prosper in a net zero global economy”, Phase 3 report, World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO)
February 2023, Australian Industry ETI. (2022), Subsidies, trade, and international cooperation,
Washington, D.C., Paris and Geneva: IMF, OECD,
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(2019), Hydrogen: A Renewable Energy Perspective, Ammonia Energy Association (AEA) (2022), Innovation
Abu Dhabi: IRENA. Outlook: Renewable Ammonia, Abu Dhabi and
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(2021), Innovation Outlook: Renewable Methanol, Abu
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Printed by the World Trade Organization.
© World Trade Organization and International
Renewable Energy Agency, 2023.

Print ISBN 978-92-870-7564-2

Web ISBN 978-92-870-7563-5
Published by the World Trade Organization and
International Renewable Energy Agency.
Hydrogen produced exclusively from renewable power – known as
green hydrogen – is widely recognised as a key pillar in replacing
fossil fuels and decarbonizing sectors that cannot easily be
electrified, such as some industrial processes, shipping and aviation.
This publication – jointly produced by the International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO)
– explores how trade policies can support the development of green
hydrogen markets.

The publication highlights in particular how lowering tariffs on

key products, building reliable infrastructure, realigning domestic
support programmes and developing green government
procurement can foster the development of green hydrogen supply
chains and the transition to a low-carbon economy. International
trade could also play a significant role in matching supply and
demand for green hydrogen, as the potential for domestic
production in some economies might not be enough to satisfy
domestic demand.

The publication also addresses the challenges and opportunities

for developing economies offered by green hydrogen and its
derivatives, such as green methanol and green ammonia. It
underscores the importance of international cooperation and the
need to align regulatory frameworks to encourage technology
development, enhanced transparency and market growth.

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