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To be perfectly honest, I could have picked/chosen any of my friends/mates because they’re all pretty active but

the one I’ve gone for is Ana, who is like a whirlwind* compared to me.

*a whirlwind = an energetic person

I’ve known her for roughly ten years. We met when we were studying at
uni. We were both doing the same degree and have remained friends
since then. At that time, she used to get up at 6am and go for a run before
coming to lectures and would be in the gym and/or pool every night. She
has been doing triathlons since she was a teen so she needs to work on
her swimming, running and cycling. I once went for a run with her and I
couldn’t keep up – her level of fitness is extraordinary.

**to keep up = to go at the same speed

Fluency and Coherence - Organisation

Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Grammar
Lexical Resource - Vocabulary
As well as being a fitness freak, she has a high-powered job in finance. I
don’t know how she does it. She once said that she still does the triathlons
because they help her to switch off from work. Without it, she said she
would go insane. It helps to recharge her batteries after a stressful day at
work. I’m the complete opposite. I get home from work and collapse on the
sofa and binge watch* Netflix.

*to binge watch = to watch one show after another

As for how I feel about her, I have the utmost admiration** for her. I wish I had half the energy she has. She is
always full of beans. She is incredibly dedicated, passionate and inspirational. I wish some of it would rub off
on*** me!

**to have the utmost admiration for = to have the greatest respect for ***to rub off on = to be transferred to

Fluency and Coherence - Organisation

Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Grammar
Lexical Resource - Vocabulary

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