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Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-being

programs, including food and nutrition education. The establishment and operation of school

canteen is important in developing love and interest in buying nutritious and healthy food

among students, faculty and the school personnel, making it possible for them to enjoy

nutritious and healthy food at affordable prices during the school day.

Customer satisfaction is the degree to which a product or service fulfills or goes

beyond a customer's expectations. Quality, value, and service are among the factors that

customers consider, and it shows their overall satisfaction and favorable perception based on

their experiences.

Customer satisfaction determines how happy customers are with a company’s

products, services, and capabilities. Customer satisfaction plays an important role within a

business. Not only it is the leading indicator to measure customer loyalty and identify

unhappy customers, it is also a key point of differentiation that helps to attract new customers

in competitive business environments. Therefore, satisfaction is a person's feeling of

disappointments resulting from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to

his/her expectations. If the performance falls short of expectation, the customer is

dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation the customer is satisfied. (Elodie

Roy, 2021).

According to Omadto (2016), said that each of the canteen management and facilities

follows a guidelines on their operational management set by the Department of Education

through their order, the guidelines given to them was to rationalize the operation of the
management of school canteens in the public and private academic system to ensure that the

schools canteen shall help to eliminate malnutrition among their pupils.

Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Policy and Guidelines on

Healthy Food and Beverage Choices in Schools and in DepEd Offices for the promotion and

development of healthy eating habits among the youth and DepEd employees by making

available healthy, nutritious, and affordable menu choices, and for setting food standards. The

Policy and Guidelines aim to: make available healthier food and beverage choices among the

learners and DepEd personnel and their stakeholders; introduce a system of categorizing

locally available foods and drinks in accordance with geographical, cultural, and religious

orientations; provide guidance in evaluating and categorizing foods and drinks; and provide

guidance in the selling and marketing of foods and beverages in schools and DepEd offices,

including the purchasing of foods for school feeding. As stated in DepEd Order No. 8, s.

2007 entitled "Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Operation and Management of

School Canteens in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools" and DepEd Order No. 14, s.

2005 on "Instructions to Ensure Consumption of Nutritious and safe Foods in Schools".

Regional directors and schools division superintendents are hereby instructed to oversee the

effective management of the school canteens, whether these be school-managed or teachers

cooperative-managed; and to underscore the accountability of the school principal for any

untoward incident that may happen in the school due to non-compliance with school health

policies and food safety guidelines. The Department of Education is dedicated to promoting

student health and well-being through curriculum and initiatives. Schools are encouraged to

implement comprehensive health programs, including food and nutrition education, to

eliminate malnutrition and develop healthy eating habits. DepEd Order No. 14 S, 2005 and

Dep. Ed Order No. 13 s of 2017 emphasize the importance of school canteens.

A canteen is a store that sells food and drink at an institution like a camp, college, or

military base. Some are selling also personal items to personnel at an institution or school or

camp etc. This is the area that created inside the school which order to secure and consider

the nutrition of those students and the people surrounds in it. Moreover, is to have an enough

active mind and body every day to fulfil such school activity. The Department of Education

is strongly committed to support student‘s health and well-being through its curriculum in

schools and range initiatives that offer opportunities for physically fit individuals who love

eating healthy food. Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-

being programs, including food and nutrition education.

Every canteen has the responsibility to provide the quality foods with proper service

and good hygiene practice to the customer. The continuity of food safety and halal assurance

is urgent. Galabo (2019) examined the relationship between service quality and canteen

consumer satisfaction, with affordable prices as a crucial factor that can significantly increase

customer satisfaction. Galabo (2019).

Canteen Service Quality And Students Satisfaction by Galabo (2019) Student

satisfaction was based on the canteen ambiance, cleanliness, facilities, features, and prices.

The findings revealed that canteen service quality as perceived by the students is moderately

satisfactory and the student satisfaction was moderate. Further, canteen service quality is

associated with student satisfaction wherein tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and

empathy showed strong positive correlation. Besides, tangibility, responsiveness, and

empathy were the domains of canteen service quality that contribute significantly to student
satisfaction. Hence, the school canteen managers are encouraged to improve their service

quality provided to students based on the three predictors of student satisfaction.

Satisfaction Level on Canteen Services of the Senior High School Students of

Maddela Comprehensive High School by Castillo (2019) This study was conducted to

measure the level of satisfaction in terms of three factors namely canteen staff services, state

of products, and canteen facilities. The study utilized a descriptive survey research design,

validated by the School Research Committee, with Slovin's formula, stratified random

sampling, Likert scale, and independent t-Test for data analysis, using SPSS Student's

Version for statistical analysis. A study of 270 participants, 50% male and 50% female, found

that they were satisfied with Canteen A and very satisfied with Canteen B in terms of staff

attitude, product quality, cleanliness, ambiance, sanitation, and location, with no significant

difference in satisfaction based on sex.The results show that student satisfaction with school

canteen services is influenced by various factors. for school canteens to better serve students,

staff should create warm and friendly interaction with students. Management should train

staff on customer service. Perceived state of food should also be considered. Thus,

management and staff should provide healthy food according to students' taste and price

affordability. They should also maintain the quality of canteen facilities.

Level of Satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM Students in Food Services in the School

Canteen of Bestlink College of the Philippines School Year 2018-2019 by Garcia and Obena

(2019) The Bestlink College of the Philippines has a school canteen on campus, which is

crucial for students' convenience and productivity. A study was conducted to assess the

satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students in the school canteen's food services. The study

identified three variables affecting satisfaction: nutrition, price, and cleanliness. The results
showed that students were satisfied with the food's taste, nutrition, and healthy menus. The

price was reasonable and the cleanliness of the food was satisfactory. The study recommends

that school administrators implement more effective policies and guidelines to improve

student satisfaction and encourage continuous patronage of the canteen. Further research is

recommended to create more effective strategies and projects.

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction Grade 12 SHS

students at VNHS with the canteen services. The researchers aim to improve the entire

canteen experience by identifying areas for improvement and soliciting comments and ideas

from the students. With the this study, The researchers want to make sure that the

requirements and preferences of the grade 12 students are satisfied while also improving the

canteen services at VNHS.

Research Questions

This study aims to determine the satisfaction of canteen services of Grade 12 learners at

Victoria National High School - Senior High School. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the


1. How may the profile of the respondents be described:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Section

1.4 Daily Allowance

2. What is the frequency at which learners buy from the Canteen?

In terms of;
2.1 Time of the day

2.2 Types of items

2.3 Influencing factor

3. What is the Satisfaction level on the Canteen Services of the respondents?

3.1 Nutritional value

3.2 Palatability

3.3 Pricing

3.4 Cleanliness and Orderliness

4. What are the suggestions of respondents to improve the canteen services?

5.What is the implication of the study to the school canteen?

Conceptual Framework

Process Output

Profile of the respondents in •Distribution of survey •Determine the satisfaction

terms of; questionnaires level of Grade 12 students with
the Canteen services
•Age •Tabulation of responses
•Improve the entire canteen
•Gender •Statistical Treatment
•Identify the areas for
•Daily Allowance improvement of canteen
services at VNHS
Frequency of buying in terms
•Time of the day
•Types of items
•Influencing factor
Satisfaction Level in terms of;
•Nutritional value
The conceptual framework that will be use by the researchers was the Input-Process-

Output (IPO) model. It contains the data needed in conducting the study.Figure 1 illustrates the

input, which is composed of the following: The respondents' demographic profile includes

details like section, gender, name (optional), and daily allowance.The frequency of purchases and

the degree of satisfaction with regard to pricing, palatability, nutritional value, cleanliness, and

orderliness. The procedure involved distributing the survey questionnaire, tallying the answers,

then applying statistical analyses to determine frequency, percentage, mean, and total. These

questions was adapted by the researchers and were modified to ensure that these questions are

appropriate for the study. The output shows the results of the data gathered by the researchers

from the participants after the data analysis.

II. Methods

Research Design

Descriptive research design will be use in this study. Descriptive research aims to

accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer

what, where, when and how questions, but not why questions.It focuses on quantifying the

collection and analysis of data. The main focus of this is to determine the Satisfaction level of the

Grade 12 students on senior high school canteen. It is descriptive since the study delves into

describing students demographic profile, frequency of buying, and their satisfaction level on

Canteen Services.

Research Locale
This study will be conducted in Victoria National High School where the researchers are

studying which is located in barangay San Gavino Municipality of Victoria, Region III - Central

Luzon, Tarlac Philippines. The respondents will answer the given research survey questionnaire.

Research Respondents

The participants of the study will be the grade 12 students in Victoria National High

School. The population size of the grade 12 consists of a total number of 724 students. Slovin's

Formula was used to find out the total number of respondents, and what came out was 88

respondents, but we made it 100 in order to follow the thumb rule of descriptive research design.

To gather the information needed in the study, the researchers will use convenience method in

selecting the respondents. Convenience sampling, also known as opportunity sampling, it

involves using respondents who are “convenient” to the researcher. Convenience sampling is a

non-probability sampling method where units are selected for inclusion in the sample because

they are the easiest for the researcher to access. This can be due to geographical proximity,

availability at a given time, or willingness to participate in the research.

Research Instrument

The researchers will gather information regarding the students satisfaction level with

canteen services through a survey questionnaire. A survey questionnaire is a set of questions

designed to collect information from individuals for the purpose of research or gathering insights

on a specific topic. It typically includes a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice,

open-ended, or scaled questions, to gather diverse and relevant data from respondents. The

survey questionnaire tool to generate the satisfaction level of Grade 12 students. The survey

questionnaire was adapted from the research study entitled Senior High School Satisfaction on
the Food Services Provided by the School Canteen of Caluluan High School for the School Year

2017-2018, and the researchers modified it.The questionnaires consist of the following parts:

Part 1 includes the demographic survey in which the participants are asked to answer the

following: age, gender, section, and daily allowance. The part II is the frequency of buying at

which learners buy from the Canteen; it contains the times of the day, types of items and

influencing factors. The part III, Satisfaction level on Canteen Services (4 point Likert Scale)

compose of Nutritional value, Palatability, pricing, and the Cleanliness and Orderliness. The Part

IV, on the other hand are the Comments and suggestions of respondents to improve the canteen


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will prepare a letter of approval regarding the distribution of the

questions to the respondents to be approved by the adviser of the research. When approved, the

researchers will begin the dissemination of the questionnaires to respondents and will retrieve the

questionnaire right after. The researchers will discuss the content of the questionnaire to the

respondents if necessary. Then, the researchers will gather the data and will analyze through the

use of a certain statistical treatment of data. After analyzing the tabulated data, the researchers

will arise in the relationships of canteen services and the level of satisfaction of the respondents.

Statistical Treatment

Data that will be collected in relation to a demographic profile will be analyzed and

arranged using frequency and percentage.

%= ×100

% Percentage

f Frequency

N Total Number of Cases

In describing the Satisfaction level on Canteen Services among Senior Grade 12 learners

Frequency and Percentage will be used. It could be computed using the formula,

%= ×100


% Percentage

f Frequency

N Total Number of Cases

On determining the Satisfaction level on Canteen Services, the researchers will use average and




X Mean

f Frequency of each class

X mid- interval value of each class

n Total frequency

The Likert Scale will serve as the guide in interpreting the data.

Scale Range of mean Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50 – 4.49 Highly satisfied

3 2.50 – 3.49 Moderately satisfied

2 1.50 - 2.49 Slightly satisfied

1 1.0- 1.49 Not satisfied

Ethical Considerations

The ethical concerns will be followed by the researchers as those are taken into account

throughout this paper. Consent will be asked wherein the confidentiality will be assured. All the

necessary details will explain by the researchers for them to understand their role upon the

completion of the study. Information personal to the respondents are assured to have its


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