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Prepare for {IELTS}

Describe the first time you saw an interesting bird

You should say:
• What it was
• Where it was
• What it looked like
• And explain how you felt about it

I’m pleased that you’ve asked me this question because coincidentally, I

actually saw a bird that I had never seen in the flesh* before a few months
back so it is still fresh in my mind**.

*to see something in the flesh = If you meet or see someone in the flesh, you
actually meet or see them, rather than, for example, seeing them in a film or on

**it is still fresh in my mind = I can still remember it clearly

I can’t remember precisely when it was because I have a terrible memory

for dates, but it was when I was visiting London, like I said, several months
ago. I went to London for a concert, which was held at the O2, and the
following day, we had some free time before catching our train back home
so we decided to go to Hyde Park. As we were walking there, we were
crossing a bridge and the person in front of me suddenly stopped to take
a photo. I looked to see what he was taking a photo of and was astounded
to see this huge bird sitting on the bridge. I grabbed my phone out of my
pocket and quickly snapped a photo.
To be perfectly honest, I’m not really up on* birds, I’m not an
ornithologist, so I had to check what bird it was. I was pretty sure that it
was a heron and I was right, which shocked me. I’d never seen one before
and to see one so close was breath-taking. What amazed me is that it
didn’t fly away, it just sat there looking regal**. It was an absolutely
stunningly beautiful bird.

*to be up on = to be well-informed about

**regal = If you describe something as regal, you mean that it is suitable for a king or
queen, because it is very impressive or beautiful

Although I’m not into bird watching, after seeing this incredible creature
close up***, I can understand why people get into it**** and take it
up***** as a hobby. It was thrilling to see a less common bird and feel
close to nature despite the fact that I was in the middle of a bustling
capital city.

***close up = very near

****to get into something = to start liking something

*****to take something up = to start doing something; to become involved in

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