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Department of Computer Engineering

CSE 483/CSE 583 Computer Graphics

Assignment 1
Due to:
Part1: 5.11.2023
Part2: 10.11.2023

In this homework you will write your first OpenGL program. This homework has two parts.
Part 1
a) Draw a a landscape that consists of mountains, fields, rivers, trees, etc. and a circular robot with a  in it. You must write a
function to draw a circle. Also draw a figure that consists of some lines and points which are replicated in a loop (such as stars,
birds, trees etc.). Use at least three different colours. Be creative!
b) Use the keyboard to move the robot right, left and up using //  keys or r/l/u keys. The robot must move by rolling. The
program terminates when the user presses “x”.


Part 2
a) Add a head and two arms to your robot that move together with the robot body.
b) Place some obstacles on the way of the robot. When the robot comes to an obstacle, it should not be moved any further until the
user presses the up key in order to jump over the robot.


Playing the game: The aim of this game is to move the robot using the right/left keys and jumping over all the obstacles on its

Important! Assignments must be done individually. You can discuss ideas with other students in general terms, but the code you
submit should be your own work. You are not allowed to reuse codes that you find searching the web, magazines, books or any
homeworks given in the past. If you use portions of a code that is on a website, you must reference the source of the code by giving
the link to its web page. You can only use a SMALL percentage of the code and write the substantial portion of the program on
your own. Otherwise you will not be given full credit for the assignment.

Submission: All assignments will be submitted through YULEARN. Submit only the source code with the name
“YourName_hw1p1.cpp” for part1, and “YourName_hw1p2.cpp” for part2.
Do not submit a zip file.

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