Commonly Misspelled Words

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The Right Word

The Right Word

Commonly Misspelled Words for Editing

The streets were desserted that night. Everyone was at home, moaning the dead King. May he rest in piece.

You could either laugh or cringe at the absurdity of the sentences above, or take out a red pen to
circle the errors (like me). Spelling errors are seldom funny but always detrimental, especially if
you are a student sitting in an exam without the benefit of spell-check or Grammarly.

Here is a list of 50 commonly misspelled words that are frequently seen in the Editing section of
Paper 2. Give it a try to see if you could get all of them spelled correctly! Answers are provided

P.S: For consistency, only the British spelling variant of the words are accepted.

1. acceptible: _______________

2. accomodate: _______________

3. acheive: _______________

4. acquintance: _______________

5. adviseable: _______________

6. arguement: _______________

7. calender: _______________

8. camoflage: _______________

9. conscienscious: _______________

10. consious: _______________

11. definately: _______________

12. diarhoea : _______________

13. disappearence: _______________

14. disasterous: _______________

15. embarasment: _______________

16. enviroment: _______________

17. excede (our expectations): _______________

18. explaination: _______________

19. facsinating: _______________

20. flourescent: _______________

21. fourty: _______________

22. fulfiling: _______________

The Right Word

23. goverment: _______________

24. harrass: _______________

25. heirarchy: _______________

26. imaginery: _______________

27. irresistable: _______________

28. knowlege: _______________

29. maintainence: _______________

30. momento (a souvenir): _______________

31. neccesary: _______________

32. nineth: _______________

33. nuisence: _______________

34. occassion: _______________

35. occurance: _______________

36. outragous: _______________

37. permanant: _______________

38. perseverence: _______________

39. presense: _______________

40. publically: _______________

41. recieve (a gift): _______________

42. releive (some pressure): _______________

43. recomend: _______________

44. relevent: _______________

45. restorant: _______________

46. rythm (of a song) : _______________

47. sacrifise: _______________

48. tommorrow: _______________

49. useable: _______________

50. valueable: _______________

Before the answer key for the above exercise is revealed, have you figured out what is wrong with
these sentences?

The streets were desserted that night. Everyone was at home, moaning the dead King. May he rest in piece.

It should be:

The streets were deserted that night. Everyone was at home, mourning the dead King. May he rest in

The Right Word

Answer Key

P.S: For consistency, only the British spelling variant of the words are provided.

1. acceptable

2. accommodate

3. achieve

4. acquaintance

5. advisable

6. argument

7. calendar

8. camouflage

9. conscientious

10. conscious

11. definitely

12. diarrhoea

13. disappearance

14. disastrous

15. embarrassment

16. environment

17. exceed (our expectations)

18. explanation

19. fascinating

20. fluorescent

21. forty

22. fulfilling

23. government

24. harass

25. hierarchy

26. imaginary

27. irresistible

28. knowledge

29. maintenance

30. memento (a souvenir)

31. necessary

32. ninth

33. nuisance

The Right Word

34. occasion

35. occurrence

36. outrageous

37. permanent

38. perseverance

39. presence

40. publicly

41. receive (a gift)

42. relieve (some pressure)

43. recommend

44. relevant

45. restaurant

46. rhythm (of a song)

47. sacrifice

48. tomorrow

49. usable

50. valuable

Kelvin Lee
Teaching was an unplanned move for this former SAF-turned-Financial-
Services-professional who found his calling when he was a school teacher
with the National Institute of Education (NIE). Thereafter, Kelvin was a
private tutor to a handful of students. The success of his students and
demand for his classes led to the switch in teaching group classes. His
commitment to ensuring students experience significant grade jumps is
what attracts parents to enrol all their children with him. A firm believer of
inspiring students to go beyond their perceived potential, Kelvin is a devoted
educator who continually refines his craft.
The Right Word

The Right Word is an English Specialist centre that has coached more than a thousand students
since 2013. With our proprietary Sail to Success techniques and TRW ethos, students have chosen
to go on their language acquisition journey with us through primary school to JC.

The SAIL Approach:

An Enriching Journey Towards Academic Succes

The SAIL Approach is conceived through research workshops and research projects
by the team of teachers at TRW. Through the journey of our Masters education,
journalism/writing expertise and the many years of experience we have collected
teaching students, we have put together an approach proven to inculcate inquisitive,
motivated students who have a zest for success in academic endeavours and in life.
The dynamic SAIL approach constantly innovates and adapts to the seas of change
that students are subjected to in this highly-globalised and competitive society

The Right Word

The Right Word
If you’ve enjoyed this resource, you might be glad to know this is only one small
part out of the many strategies we use to tackle EVERY section of the
English paper.
The Right Word

Why Students and Parents Love TR

Celeste Woon (CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School

Before I joined the classes, I could not write a decent composition and had really
bad grammar. Having lessons at The Right Word helped me improve 10 marks
in my Paper 1. I’m really glad that my writing is nally decent! I managed to
improve with the FARTD strategy. For some reason, it reminds me to use
techniques I have learnt. What I really enjoy about the lessons is that it is fun and


The Right Word

Emmanuel Tan (St Joseph’s Institution Junior) [Graduated from
PSLE with A*

I improved about 5 marks in my composition, consistently scoring

more than 30 marks each time. With the FARTD strategy, I can describe
my characters in composition much better!

Tay Yu Cheng (West Grove Primary School

I used to fail my compositions as I had a lot of dif culties with my

composition. My vocabulary was also very weak. After I was taught
strategies such as FLR and DOP, I improved close to 10 marks. I
also found compositions a lot easier to do. At The Right Word, I learn a lot of
phrases and also news stories that I do not know about that I can apply to writing
my stories

Radiance Tan (Ai Tong Primary School

I used to dislike English and I found it dif cult to spell words. But with the
fun and engaging classes, I have improved 5 marks in my writing. Spelling does not
seem that dif cult now that I have improved. Teachers at The Right Word really
make sure we understand what is taught. Other than that, there is also a “Reward
Board” that allows us to aim to ll up areas like Strategy Application, Excellence
and Potential. Filling up the board gives us the chance to win money or other
prizes and it motivates me to push myself to do better

Elizabeth Ong (Raf es Girls’ Primary School) [Score A* in the


I found it challenging to think of original good phrases. My plots were also very
clichéd. After attending classes and applying strategies such as ICRCCRR under
the Power Planning technique, I have improved by about 7 marks to
score 35 marks or more in my compositions. When I write my
compositions now, my ideas just ow and I do not nd it much of
a chore to write. The Right Word’s lessons are enjoyable because the teachers
are friendly and I know that I can ask for help any time

Joslyn Tan (Ai Tong Primary School

I was facing challenges with writing compositions as I had trouble thinking of plot
ideas. Grammar was also dif cult to me. After taking classes, I am happy to
have improved in my composition by more than 5 marks! I think I
found the FART strategy really useful as it helped me think of more ideas and
phrases. The lessons at The Right Word are enjoyable because we get to play
Kahoot and learn in a fun way. The prizes awarded to us are also very encouraging.





The Right Word

Chong Dong Shyang (Qifa Primary School

I improved a lot in my composition as the challenges I had in composition were

made easier with strategies to help me write better. Some of the techniques I
learnt that were useful is the FARTD for composition. I can strategise
how to write better sentences. The lessons are also fun and thrilling as the
teachers often use jokes to educate and encourage us.

Jasper Tan (Pei Chun Public School

I was quite weak in my oral examination and English Paper 2 but after applying
TRW’s strategies, I saw improvement in both my papers. I improved from 21
to 26 marks for my oral examination. The comprehensive grammar notes
I was given was very useful too! Also, I enjoy the lessons because it is fun and
engaging. There is Kahoot, which helps us improve in both English and general
knowledge. I am very thankful to Mr Kelvin. He would always help me when I ask
him questions. He even stayed back for 2 hours after lessons for
several weeks in preparation for the PSLE. I am grateful to have such a
wonderful teacher like Mr Kelvin!

Jodie Tan (Marymount Convent School

I used to be too quick to answer my MCQ questions without a thought and often
gave incomplete answers in my comprehension open-ended. Applying strategies
like ACE in comprehension OE really made me understand the question better
and motivated me to look through the passage for clues. I’ve improved in my Visual
Text and Booklet B a lot. I’m glad that I see more ticks than crosses
and Os! Overall, I’ve improved at least 5 marks in my English.
What I love best about TRW is that the teachers are friendly and the environment
is welcoming!

Matthias Wong (Maris Stella High School

I could not do comprehension and had a lot of dif culty in both cloze and open-
ended but having lessons with Ms Dorothy helped me to think further to
elaborate my answers, and better understand the meaning of words in the passage.
The strategies I found most useful were SPUMUE and SKIs. They
helped me attempt my visual text and comprehension better
such that I improved 12 marks in my preliminary examinations.
The part of the lessons I enjoy most is Kahoot as it helps me learn English in a fun
and engaging manner


The Right Word

Rachel Lau (CHIJ

I struggled a lot of comprehension cloze as I had dif culties lling in the blanks.
However, acquiring the strategy for comprehension cloze helped
me improve as I learnt to summarise the paragraphs and understand
the questions better. I enjoy lessons at TRW because it’s not only fun but also

Chen Le Yuan (Ai Tong School

I could not pass English at rst because I made a lot of spelling and
grammar errors. I also could not understand the passage. But applying the ACE
comprehension strategy helped me improve in my comprehension. I nally
improved by almost 10 marks and passed my English! I enjoy the
lessons at TRW because they share with us videos and there are quizzes that are
fun. I’m so very happy that I improved a lot

Elizabeth Tang (Marymount Convent School

I’ve improved 8 marks in my English as I scored better in

comprehension cloze, open-ended and synthesis and
transformation. The strategies taught at TRW really help me in identifying clue
words and with those hints, I knew how to do my work better. What I like most
about TRW is that the teachers are very nice and go out of the way to help us.

Bryan Koh (Fair eld Methodist Primary School

I used to be bad in synthesis and comprehension. In my preliminary

examinations, I improved in my MCQ, synthesis and
comprehension to score 30 more marks. I’m glad that I applied the TRW
strategies to see improvement! Ms Dorothy taught me to understand questions
better by paying attention to key words and underlining them. I also like playing
Kahoot quizzes as it is fun and helps me improve

Reagan Goh (Pei Chun Public School

I was weak in my grammar and comprehension but I’ve improved in those two
sections and other components. Applying the strategies taught helped
me improve from 48 marks to 66 marks. Learning how to identify
questions types made it easier for me to answer the questions. I enjoy going to
classes at TRW because the environment is conducive and fun






The Right Word

Jamie Koh (Gongshang Primary School

I used to have dif culties scoring in synthesis and transformation and

comprehension. However, applying strategies taught in TRW helped me improve in
listening comprehension, oral examination and English Paper 2. From 79%, I
improved to 86% in the preliminary examinations. I enjoy the fun
atmosphere and the teachers at TRW really help students pay attention and apply
strategies through all sorts of methods such as Kahoot quizzes and more

Owein Wong (Yew Tee Primary School

I had a lot of challenges with spelling and comprehension open-ended. However, I

was taught strategies on how to identify common spelling errors in editing. There
were many strategies to help me learn grammar rules too. I’ve improved
close to 10 marks, from 63 to 71 marks. The best thing about the
lessons at TRW is that the lessons are fun but also very useful

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