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I Can Jump LEVEL


1 N LI N

grasshopper spider butterfly

Read the words. Write the word on the line.

“I can run,” “I can fly,”

spider .
said the _________ said the b___________ .

“I can jump,”
said the gr________________ .
© Wendy Pye Publishing Ltd, 2020
I Can Jump LEVEL


2 N LI N

jump run fly slide

Read the words. Write what the creatures said in the speech bubbles.
Use your book or the words to help you.

I can jump. I can’t j______ .

I can r______ .

I can’t r______ .

I can f______ .
I c______ f______ .

But I can sl_______ .

© Wendy Pye Publishing Ltd, 2020

I Can Jump LEVEL


3 N LI N

jump run fly slide

Read the words. What can the animals do? Write the word
and draw a picture.

run ,”
“I can _______
said the spider.

“I can j ________ ,”
said the grasshopper.

“I can sl _______ ,”
said the snail.

“I can f______ ,”
said the butterfly.

© Wendy Pye Publishing Ltd, 2020

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