Chapter 12

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Commis Cook What are we going to do? Chef We are going to make tomato soup. Commis Cook Wi iat should we start with? Chef The spring onions. Commis Cook What should | do? Chef Wash the spring onions first. Before you wash the spring onions in the sink, stop up the drain with the stopper. Then trim off both ends. Split the spring onions down the middle with your cook's knife. Commis Cook OK. I've done that. What should I do next? Chef Get me four finely diced tomatoes, Commis Cook So we are making to to sour ith spring onions, stick » d artichoke e Chef That's correct a green onion dice « shred Jerusalem onion artichoke ag DONS eee okra “e ® Grammar: adverb + past participle used as an adjective Get me four thinly sliced carrots. Add one finely chopped sprig of basil to the soup. We need some freshly ground black pepper. Pour eight lightly beaten eggs in the pan. NCS oa B Pair Work Practice the following conversations with e partner. Change roles and practice again. @ commis Cook © Chel bthe Jerusalem peel the garlic artichoke (with a brush) B @ | What should | do? What do you want me to do? © RES. @ MMM? (Repeat the chef's © Right. Go ahead. struction) the 5 BO First, wash the spring onions. @ %« 4 Next | split the spring onions down the Seneca Then middle After that, | @ OK. I've done that. @ |Next, | chop them into fine pieces. Then, After that,| @ Done © Finally, put the spring onions in a bow! for later use. crush the garlic Wo. Shoula | it a @ Jes. That's right. ET No. It's not necessary. B Exercise circie the proper verbs n't crushigrind this box. There are flowers inside, ishes/grinds fresh coffee beans every day. ‘scrub off the ends of the spring onions. int you to dice/cut the green peppers open. 5 Now, remove shell the seeds of the red peppers. & Please scrub peel the garlic, and then chop/open it into fine pieces saiqeiaBan Buueda.g e Commis Cook How should cock the cabbage? Chet Cut each head of cabbage in half, and then boil the halves. Commis Cook Should }add bicarbonate to the water? Chet Yes. So the cabbage will not change color. Commis Cook What next? Chef Put the tomatoes in boiling water. These tomatoes are very green, but it’s all right. Commis Cook For how long? het For fifteen seconds. Then put them immediately in ice-cold water. Commis Cook Why? Chef That way they become easy to peel. Commis Cook | see. What do we use the tomatoes for? Chef The soup. Commis Cook Do need tomatoes for t het No. Nat today. ee Prepsing courgette ge tui bicarbonate » beet (baking soca) green «. eggplant (ane) soak aubergine stuff . : ‘cauliflower Chinese white em = radish oe &> & @ broccoli ee ted pepper green pepper pumpkin asparagus salad? Chinese cabbage 166 = a @® Grammar: quantifiers ¥. Ba sack of potatoes gy a bunch of asparagus ahead of cabbage Bajarof mushrooms Gg gp Bfourcloves of garlic a Pair Work Practice the following conversations with a partner. Change roles and practice again. @ " ° some celery salad? carrots Gaenpenes || | B @ Do we need | a head of am for the en | 1 @ How should | | cook | them? boil | stuff | @ | Watch me. Like this. | iw show you. \| will demonstrate. to stuff salt to the water? sugar baking soda | B @ Should | add @ Yes, go ahead. B @ Should | [50% | the carrots in salted water? boil put @ |Yes. Sure Yes. Go right ahead B® Exercise siintne blanks. ———- 1. Add salt _ the garlic, | No. Please wait a minute. 2. Please get me a__ of potatoes. ' No. Not right now. | 5, Do we need onions _ the salad? 4, Cut each head of cabbage half. | 5, First, the lettuce in the salty water. ve @ Should | wash the cauliflower? Thyme chet Yes, Wash it well, please. Commis Cook Right. Cauliflower is often dirty chet Yes. Soak the cauliflower in that bowl of salty water. Commis Cook For how many minutes? Chet For thirty minutes Mint Commis How should | cook the cauliflower? Basil Chef Boil it in water with lemon juice. ‘ Commis Cook The lemon juice will keep it white 2 Chef That's right. : Rosemary @® Phrase Focus: keep sth. + adjective The lemon juice will keep the cauliflower white. ‘The bain-marie insert is used to keep the food hot. Parsley We must keep the kitchen utensils clean Cooks need to always keep the knives sharp. We must often use filters to keep the oil clean. ” 6. Isit necessary to use colanders to keep the vegetables dry? Ba Pair Work. Practice the following conversations with a partner. Change roles and practice again. @ Commis Cook © Chef @ © Cook the chicken in boiling water 8 @ What about the | leaves? @ | For how long? seeds How long? © We will serve them with sauce. For how many minutes? © For | ten minutes, forty minutes reparng Vegetables half an hour. eee two hours. keep thyme two and a half hours. decor rosemary salt lemongrass Bore Expressions me oe 1. Lettuce isthe “heart” of most salads vinegar 2 2. Use the outer leaves for decor 3. Please cut the inner leaves into bite size pieces 4. Use bright colors to make the salad look nice (green and red peppers, etc) 5. Add the dressing to the salad seconds before itis served 168 PRACTICE @ Fill in the blanks. © When we a cake, we use five eggs. @ We want some eggplant the salad. 8 For how minutes should | soak the cauliflower in the salt Please get me three jars mushrooms Should | the potatoes with a brush? We are going tomix the garlic butter @ You should peelthe onions _ your cook's knife @ Please ___the tomato in two Cut the carrots sticks Cut the green peppers , and then the seeds Before you wash the green peppers in the sink, stop the drain the stopper. @ Circle the proper words. @ commis Coot © Cher @ Should | cut " offfinto the ends? © Yes. Please ” do/did. @ what's ” after/next? © Put the tomatoes “ in/an the boiling water. @ © For/Through how long? @ Fifteen seconds @ And “ how/then? © Pat them immediately in ice-cold water. @ why? © So they will become easy to” peel/piece. @ | see, What will we use the tomatoes " to/for? © Tomato soup. @ Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks. @ commiscoor @cer A @ what vegetables lose their vitamins? 62 them into small pieces. @ What makes vegetables lose their ®__ © Overcooking them, @ whatis the best way to vegetables? © In___ quantities . . in a steam kettle or pressure cooker. TS EY Commis Cook Chef Commis Cook Chet ‘Commis Cook Chef Commis Cook Chef Commis Cook Chet Are we going to make a mixed fruit salad today? Yes, Let's make an orange yogurt dressing first, Give me the oranges. Yes. How will we prepare the oranges? First, we'll squeeze the oranges and then mix the orange juice with oil And after that? Keep stirring the mixture. That's for the dressing I see. It smells good. Next, peel the apples, peaches, and cantaloupes. Then you dice them And put the dressing on the fruit salad? Right a Pair Work Practice the following conversations with a partner. Change roles and practice again. @ Commis Cook © Chef @ What should we do now? © Lets! remove the squeeze tne} | break open the] | weigh te || seed fom the | | peel te appe © We need | 0 and a half cups of lemon juice. three and a half four and a quarter five and three quarters @ [il squeeze the lemons now. 170 @ More Expressions Wash the | plum. greengage. lemon. @ Soak the | grapes | cherries. soak the B Peel the | oranges cherries apples. sajqeiaGan pue ung 6uvedarg Slice open the | watermelon. grapefruit. | Bi Remove the seeds from the |PePay | cantaloupe, G Put the | peaches | into the fruit salad. | apples Serve the | pineapple strawberries with ice cream aA Words & Phrases About Fruit apple apricot antaloupe ‘avocado banana herry Grape grapefruit guava ki fruit temon tchi (che) an mango se passionfruit papaya pear i m nis Cook Are the peas frozen or canned? Chet Neither, We have fresh peas today. Commis Cook How should | prepare the peas? chet Use a colander. Shell them. Wash them well in cold water, and then drain them with a calander Commis Cook Which colander? chet A colander with big holes. Commis Cook Why? Chef The little peas will fall out of the bottom. Commis Cook What are we going to do with the big peas? Chef We will stew the big peas. Commis Cook And the little peas? het We will cook them. Then serve them with butter, a Grammar: Neither... nor We have neither frozen peas nor canned ones. \We are making neither Chinese food nor Japanese food. We will use neither swiss cheese nor parmesan cheese Sprinkle some cheddar cheese on top, please. @® More Expressions Check the refrigerator regular'y. What can be used? What is rubbish? Use old food first. Use a colander to drain turnips Flatten pastry with a ralling pin Strain sauces with a chinois. Words & Phrases About Kitchen ©99 beater electric mixer aaa dough kneading * machine ie mde Line eonical ee aa ~ Which spoon? . Use a slotted spoon, one with holes in it 4 nm Why? Its very good for stirring mis Cook Right. I'll use a slotted spoon to stir the ingredients, 5 a Che Get me a bottle of red wine, please — Commis Cook — Right. Here you are. ce ae Chet Pull out the cork, please. Commis Cook — How should | pull out the cork? soees Commis Cook OK, stoner ‘ B Pair Work grater / Practice the following conversations with a partner. , Change roles and practice again. @ ° slotted spatula @ How should || ° eo asta spoo en the bottle? | Me 5 ‘an the counter? i peat the eggs? | ‘wooden mg Tadle stir the ingredients? lift the braising pan? at 1 serve the potatoes? © Use |@a corkscrew. B)a sponge and 2 an egg beater, brasing pan @ a spatula, | ®)a hot pad. | | = Da serving spoon FAB Exercise tisten to the cd and fil in the blanks a wol 1. Agraterisusedto _ the cheese. 2, Pullout the __of the wine bot 3, Use the olive stoner to make _ olive ae ith a corkscrew. PRACTICE @ Turn the following nouns into plural form. @ @ potato > en @ 0 vw > 9 green > pepper @ Fill in the blanks. Put the ingredients into the blender, and blend them high speed @ The commis cook is putting chocolate icing the cake. a the lemons and mix the lemon juice oil © Now remove the seeds __ the melon, Serve the strawberries vanilla ice cream. Use the colander the big holes to drain the peas. @ We have neither peaches apples. We only have pears today. a 8 What are we going to do the big peas? © Choose the word or expression from column B that best matches the related expression in column A. “re 1B mix the ingredients lift the braising pan © open the bottle => grind the garlic cloves @ beat the eggs @ an egg beater cut this pizza 5 ° e... @ clean the counter ° @a (Ha pizza — ~~ a sponge and soap (a hot pad pestle and mort e Preparing and Cooking Meat (1) Cuiting the Meat Commis Cook | need to cut up some onions Chet Use your cook's knife to cut the onions, Commis Cook Is my cook's knife only for some special jobs? Chef Your cook's knife is for many different things. ] } Commis Cook Can | cut up this meat with my cook's knife? hef ‘Are there any bones in the meat Commis Cook No. Chet Then, you can use your cook's knife to cut it Commis Cook Wh lat are you going to chop? Chet L will chop some lamb with this chopper Commis Cock Can | use a chopper to chop some bee che No. Use a cleaver. And chop it on the chopping block, not on the counts Words & Phrases ‘About Kitchen Utensils ee, % oyster knife f cook's knife 2 ———— ish scale knife sharpener ne tangle y barbecue fork cae As — ia 4 Gree) pouley ease tS (for soft cheese) 16 B Pair Work Pcie the lowing conversations with a partn Change roles and practice again. @ 7) 1B @ What should | do now? © Cut | ten onions into | halves. three potatoes fourths, the chicken breast thirds. quarters. | @ Should | use my cook's knife? © Yes, that's right B @ What is this? @ This is | 31 boning knife. ®)an oyster knife, © a carving knife. «a fish scaler. @ What is that |{2) boning knife | for? 1 oyster knife carving knife fish scaler @ itis used to | @ remove bones from meat. | Bopen oyster shells. © carve the roast. | @ remove the scales of fish. ® More Expressions relish? chutney? chutnee?| 1. Can Luse the kitchen cutters to open the lid of this jar of Use the steel to sharpen your knife A bone saw is used to cut bones. We never use a cook's knife to cut big bones We use a grinder to grind meat. B Exercise choose the proper viens or the relate food item Bot pw fish scissors, pizza cutter steak knife oyster knife (1) 12a 6un}009 pue Buusedard 7 A | Commis Cook Is the chicken cooked? 1. Let’s boil it Chef No, it's Commis Cook In what shou! it the three chickens? Che Put all three chickens in the stockpot, Commis Cook next? | Chef Pour some water into the stockpot, } Do not ill it ta the top. Commis Cook And then? to a boil. Then lower chef First, bring Commis Cook So the ter is simmering? } Chef Right Commis Will the chicken become tough? chet No. The chicken will be very tender if you cook it this way. ® Word Power: How to describe the food and utensils? eRe iar The tomato is very green. 1. The slotted spoon is very large. 2. The lamb is very tender. 2. The spider is very big. 3. The chicken is very tough. 3. The chinois is very small, 4, Is the beef raw/undercooked? 4. Is the liquidizer very heavy? 5. Are the strawberries very sweet? 5. Is the crépe pan very light? aA ds Pres orcas epi ; nara and Cooking Utensils . peel wok aS => FEF roasting tray . nes son brasing pan scp tis gs ap : fi . ae pressure cooker steam cooker pt bain-marie " (bern mori) deep fryer i a Pair Work Practice the following conversations with a partner. Change roles and practice again. @ Commis Cook @ Chef o In what should | cook the two chickens? © Cook them in a ji , aaa frying pen B @ What should | do with the |» poteto chips? 5) the eggs? g <] the brochettes? cf id) the corn? the lamb? 1) the meat? a) the mushrooms? nthe peppers? © | © Fry the potato chips (in cil. © Poach the eggs. Grill the brochettes. 4 Boil the corn © Stew the lamb. 1 Roast the meat. 3] Sauté the mushrooms. | ® Stirfry the peppers use a low flame reduce the hi lower the flame? © Yes. Please do, B @ Should! = @ @ The chicken is | light brown. medium dark -_ © Good. Now cook the mushrooms, onions, and carrots until they get brown, a More Expressions I'm going to melt some butter in the sauté pan. rush Fix the sauce to go with the chicken Heat the water to a boil This is a small frying pan for crépes. ¢ ok the onions in butter pes are thin French pancakes, a low flame. vewne the low heat setting when you cool sin butter, Commis Cook What are you doing? Chet | am tenderizing the meat with a cutlet bat. Commis Cook Why? Chef This veal is not flat. Commis Cook So you are using a cutlet bat. Chet That's right | Commis Cook What is that? } cmt ts amalet } i Comenis Cook What should ( do with it? | chet Use it to flatten meat. | | Commis Cook How? | Chet Do you see those escalopes? fl Commis Cook Yes, Chet Beat them with the mallet. | Commis Cook OK. B Pair Work Pactce te fowing conversation with a partner | Change roles and practice again. @ Cook a {| @ What are you doing? a | © I'm | flattening the veal Pipirng Mia! decorating the chicken. (meat) tenderizer marinate | tenderizing the meat eee estslone | marinating some mallet tear escalopes. ent surcound } tying up the meat. flatten smooth B Exercise choose tom vox the cree nme af each item in the pcre a from box B the function of it to complete the following sentences. @ An SNM is used to @ A MNT is used to AT is used to. AMEN is used to B A Nis used to As ( masher ie rolling pir ere rn ere ree ere og a Ed perveaLeaeh 80 PRACTICE @ Give the past form of the following verbs. bring > apt > pour > B shred > grate > ® finish > peel > @ chop > mince > @ blanch > stuff > grind > @ Fill in the blanks. @ What do you do kitchen cutters? @ The commis cook is chopping up the onions _ the chopping board © I cut up chicken with the poultry What can | use the carving knife ae Could you remove the of this jar for me? The peas are ready, Let's put them the plate. “Where is my stew pan?” ” you are’ B We will cook the stew a low flame. © The commis cook is fixing the sauce to go the chicken, © Choose the best word for each blank. The chef and commis cook were 2 Nicoise salad, They wanted tostart the vinaigrette dressing. The commis cook mixed the | ingredients and refrigerated them, the meantime, the chef tore | the lettuce into bite-size pieces and placed the lettuce “__ the salad | bowl. The commis cook didn't know what to do the tomatoes | and eggs. The chef told him to cut the hard-boiled eggs fourths and the tomatoes ” sixths, After that, the commis cook placed the eggs and tomatoes the lettuce. Finally, the commis cook garnished the salad °__ some olives and parsley. ___ B@eating —@watching @making @ talking __ BOwith — @from @on Oto BOF in oA @on —— @@under @out @ for @in ' —— Bin Owith @ both on —— @ @by Owith @into @ about —— @Oby Owith @into @ about —— 8 @on into @away Oto 8 for from @outside © with 181 182 Commis Cook Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook hot Commis Cook of Commis Cook chet Chet Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook chet Commis Cook Chef Commis Cook Chet What should | cook? Beef stroganoft. Should | start with the beef? Yes. Please cut the beef into strips. (After five minutes) I'm finished. Cook the mushrooms, anions, and garlic in butter Should I cook them in a skillet? Yes. Cover and simmer the mushrooms, onions, and garlic for eight minutes What else? Stirit occasionally beef stroganoff ‘After eight minutes) Remove the vegetables from the stillet ard Cooking Uren OK. Now | will cover the beef that is in the skillet anit e stc0:g9,001) Cook the beef over a medium flame. bouillon (‘burn For how long? fo broth) ST ey demonstrate preheat 9 (After ten minutes) The ten minutes are up. sear @ Add the water, bouillon, salt, and pepper. strip | will heat it to a boil a Then reduce the heat. Cover and simmer the beef. sirloin», For how long? top round entiecote Ten to fifteen minutes, [ets va} (Meer fifteen minutes) The beet is done. ‘rib steak) Please add the vegetable mixture of mushrooms, Chateaubriand onions, and garlic. Ce on] F)@ porterhouse 1 | will heat it to @ boil, and then reduce the heat, a’ ‘Then stir in the sour cream and mustard. rubbish # sandwich tongs roasting fork Serve it with noodles or with rice frying basket | will garnish the beef stroganoff with some parsley soup tureen locke [hlol] tongs © \ B Pair Work Peter te fl ng conversations with a partner. Change roles and practice again. @ ° @ © What should we start with? @ | The pork. | ©) The fish. The beef. @ What should | do with the | 2! pork? fish «) beef? @ |/® Beat the pork. |© Scale the fish and then gut it |'© Cut the beef into strips. @ @ The | soup is ready. 1@ chicken @ Let's put tina | soup tureen ® plate © Where should | transfer the |st@"" fish © Put it in the bain-marie insert, to? @® More Expressions Always serve equal portions. B Exercise roiowing the example, rewrite @ Please give me a smal ladle to serve the sauce rit the sauce with this small ladle. B Please give me a roasting fork to lift the roast. G Please give mea frying basket to fry the shrimp 2. Cover the food with a clache. 2 The waiter will take it now. Stick the meat with a roasting fork sentences, Please give me a basting brush to butter these vegetables Wi Commis Coo Chet Commis Cook Chef Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook chet Commis Cook Chef Commis Cook Chet Commis Cook cher Commis Co. Chef Commis Chef commis B® Exercise 5) n eacniiane 1. Should | put the fish the baking dish? The commis cook sprinkled the baking dish some parsley. She cooked this fish __ twenty minutes. a Peso! spread sprinkle és ove The commis cook will set the oven _ four hundred degrees, She poured some white wine and water What should | do? Cook the onions, please. | already did Good, Then please mix the sesame seeds, water, garlic, salt, lemon juice, and red pepper. How much lemon juice? wenty tablespoons. What's next? Sprinkle the baking dish with breadcrumbs and parsley. And then should | put the fish in the baking dish? Yes. Pour the sesame seeds and onions over the fish, Should | cover the fish? No. Do not cover the fish. OK. Did you light the oven? No. Light the oven, please. Cook the fish at four hundred degrees. For how long? For twenty to twenty-five minutes. After itis cooked, | will garnish the fish with the parsley and olives. th a proper preposition the salmon wd @ milktish 7 2 an oven gloves octopus 43 =_ 3 halibut — hot pad x S ‘shad sardine su a Pair Work Practice the following conversations with a partner Change roles and practice again. @ Com ok @ Chef © Put the [eggplants in the oven. areen peppers © fish 2 f @ At what temperature? 3 @ At | four hundred degrees. 3 three hundred and fifty a | three hundred and seventy-five 8 © Cook the | onions in | butter. 3 carrots margarine. be eggplants vegetable cil . green peppers | _ | fat @ Over a |low | heat? medium © No. Over a oe | heat. tow 3) fish © Pour the | sesame seeds and onions | over the salmon. white wine and water olive oil and lemon juice © sardines. rapeseed oil and lime juice | @ Should | cover the 7 “sh? © salmon? | c) sardines? © No. Do not cover the | © fish. loon | ©) sardines, ® More Expressions Can | mix mayonnaise and tuna in this mixing bow? Please scale and filet two pounds of halibut. Bone the halibut steaks, and cut them into fourths, Jurn the pieces of fish over occasionally. Remove the fish from the marinade, and pat it dry with paper towels. Garnish the fish with the lemon quarters and black olives Heat some cooking oil in the roasting tray. Put the roasting tray in the oven Be careful. Hot oll and melted fat can easily burn you ‘Always use dry oven gloves or dry hot pads to take a pan out of the oven. 10. Please reduce the temperature to three hundred degrees. 185 A Commis Cook What should | do? Chef Go and get fifteen eggplants. We are making some eggplant dip. Commis Cook | already have the eggplants. chef Good. Then prick the eggplants with a fork. Commis Cook | did that. Chet Put the eggplants in the oven, please. Commis Cook And in the meantime? Chet Cut the onions into four pieces Commis Cook OK. I'm finished. chet Good. Next, squeeze some lemons until you have two and a half cups. Use @ measuring cup. Put the eggplants, onions, lemon juice, and olive oil in the biender, Commis Cook How many tablespoons of clive oil should | add? Chet Ten, Commis Cook {Il cover the blender and blend at high speed ® Pair Work Practice the following conversations with a partner. ees Change roles and practice again. @ Commis Cook @ Che fluid ounce © Go and get me | 40 slices of French bread pes 10 cups of swiss cheese. he quart seven and a half cups of rice. suet a dash of pepper. a @ Here you are ve © Add two teaspoons of | Salt to the pot. - i sugar - vinegar 2 @ | already did measuring cup I'm finished. I did ® More Expressions 1. Prepare one smoked ham bone and half @ pound of bacon 2, Puta spoonful of filling on each leat teaspoon 3. I need five fluid ounces of dry white wine. 4, These are four ounces of lean lamb cut into cubes, 5. Add six pints of water to the pot n tablespoon PRACTICE © Write down the opposite of the following words. Q dirty > @ thik > @ always > G shallow > Owt > @ tender > @ht > GB light > @ Circle the odd word in each group. celery(Gegetable) lettuce, cauliflower food, rice, ice, noodle, bread sirloin, top round, entrecate, beef halibut, eel, lobster, seafood turkey, chicken, duck, anima’ simmer, stew, cook, boil a a 8 saffron, thyme, spice, nutmeg 8 eS a a salmon, fish, shad, grouper @ Fill in the blanks. @ Heat some grapeseed oil the roasting tray. @ “When should | the sauce pan the stove?’ a minute. © [vill not put the frying pan a very hot oven. The commis cook sprinkled the baking dish some parsley. The commis cook will set the oven four hundred degrees. Should | garnish the fish some green olives? @ Choose the expression from column B that best matches the related word or expression in column A. We will ina GB. | a saucepan 7 ca B) roasting tray \ . >. — fry onions make a sauce simmer the chickens. cook fish roast meat frying basket sauté mushrooms Dfish kettle @) sauté pan @stockpot

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