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Lesson Plan Template 1


Name(s): Yağmur Merve Gönülal




Unit Title

Cartoon Characters

Grade Level

4th Grade


1 week, 2 class hours in total.


Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]

By the end of the lesson, students will detect the main word in a simple oral discussion about the
abilities of others after attending the lecture about the abilites in the first class and with %80
By the end of the lesson, the students will identify the abilities and posessions of cartoon
characters in a simple text and give an oral speech about whichever one they would like to be
after 2 classes of having been given instruction with %70 accuracy.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and

Prezi (to introduce them to the lesson and teach them the cartoon characters and adjectives
related to them)
Piktochart (to introduce superheroes to the students. )
Costumes (to catch their attention and help them be more productive.)
Pictures related to the characters and their adjectives.
Paper and pen.
Cartoon excerpts which include abilities and posessions.
Prezi (for activity)

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Cooperative Learning
Audiolingual Approach
Task- Based Learing

Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner

Introduce the cartoon characters to the students with role-plays and costumes.
Observe the understanding of the students’ basically by wanting them to categorize the
characters as good or bad.
Use short videos to teach them new vocabulary.
Initiate a discussion about the characters.
Command students to identify action verbs from a video.
Use translation method to help them in a case of need.
Give formal education regarding the abilities using white board and presentation.

Individual Learning Activities The students will make a reading activity which
includes some passages about some cartoon
characters and their personality adjectives,
abilities and posessions. In this part, the
students will choose some of them according to
what kind of a superhero they would want to be
and will give an oral speech about what they
can do and what they have.

Group Learning Activities The students will be divided into groups of 4

and 6 groups in total and each student will be
assigned one vocabulary that is taught them
beforehand and all of these words will be in the
target vocabulary that we want to teach them.
Each student will try to explain that vocabulary
to their peers mentioning one spesific character
that was chosen. Then, they will try to guess
who the character is and will be taught the word


Teacing of abilities (can, can’t)

Measurement & Evaluation

We will want them to show us what they can do, instead of giving them exact questions.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for In this part, we will check the students by giving
Individual Performance each of them a paper and pen and want them to
choose one of the cartoon characters that have
been desrcibed to them and want them to introduce
them to see if they have gained enough

Measurement & Assessment Activities for What we will do to check the students’
Group Performance understanding is that we will make a oral
assesment with no grading. In this part, the
students will be divided into groups and assigned
one two animals and two superheroes with 2
sentences describing each one of them using
abilities and adjectives and one of them will be true
while the other will be false. We will want them to
decide which one is correct and which one is
incorrect as a group

Homework (optional) -


We will measure how engaged they are in the lesson and the activities are not graded.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

In first lesson, the teacher will focus on the unit, which is cartoon characters. In the first class, the teacher
goes to the class dressed as (a superhero) and starts to act as the character without giving any context.
After catching the attention of the students, teacher asks the students whether they know about the
character or not. After finding out that they are not quite familiar with the character (which would be
chosen as something they probably haven’t heard of), the teacher will start to use adjectives that are in our
prerequiriste list to describe him/herself and want the students to decide whether he/she is a good or bad
character. The purpose is to check the students’ prior vocabulary knowledge and expand the target
vocabulary if needed. After that, the teacher shows some pictures of the adjectives that have been used
early on with their names below them to teach them and then shows short videos of the characters that
correspond with the adjective mentioned and writes them on the board. And then, the teacher opens Prezi
and gives them an activity about a couple of superheros and their abilities and personalities. The teacher
then wants students to note down whatever they have understood and discuss it individually first, and then
as a group to decide whether that hero is a good one or not.

In the second lesson, In the beginning of the class, the teacher shows some videos to students about
abilities and want them to say the action verb. If they fail to do so, the teacher teaches them the word by
both demonstrating and explaining. What the teacher does first is to form a sentence only by using simple
present tense (For Instance: I play piano). Then, translates into Turkish and uses Turkish to explain the
ability (Piyano çalabiliyorum). Then, the teacher starts to give the students formal education using Prezi
and explains the abilities to students and the structures. Then, shows some cartoon excerpts and including
the word ‘’can’’ and asks the students if they can figure out what the ability is and then teacher explains it
him/herself. Then, the teacher introduces some of the superheroes using Piktochart. Then, the students
will be divided into groups of 4 and 6 groups in total and each student will be assigned one vocabulary that
is taught them beforehand and all of these words will be in the target vocabulary that we want to teach
them. Each student will try to explain that vocabulary to their peers mentioning one spesific character that
was chosen. Then, they will try to guess who the character is and will be taught the word authenticly.

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