Pan Net Tone

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Dough 1
Flour no 1 250gr

Yeast dry 5gr

Water 130gr

 Mix all together until smooth dough rest in room temperature 30minute

Dough 2

Pannattone flour 325gr

Yeast dry 7gr

Sugar 110gr

Water 100gr

Butter 84% 125gr

Dough first

 Mix all together except butter, butter add while mixing the dough slowly give rest one hour in
room temparture

Dough 3

Pannattone flour 300gr

T55 400gr

Salt 25gr

Sugar 150gr

Yeast 10gr

Egg yolk 200gr

Whole egg 80gr

Water 250gr

Second dough

 Mix all together then add sugar mix slowly

Sugar mix

Brown sugar 150gr

Honey 160gr
Trimoline 130gr

After mix the sugar properly add the butter slowly below

Butter84% 375gr

 After add the butter in to the dough , the dough should be smooth and puffy then add the
fruits below

Raisin 400gr

Lemon peel 200gr

Orange 200gr

Almond 250gr

Lemon zest 3pc

Orange zest 30pc

Vanilla pod 4 sticks

 The whole dough rest 3 hour in room temperature, every one hour fold the dough like single
 After finish third folding give another one hour rest .
 Transfer the dough on working table divide 700gr each
 Shape the dough and put in to the Pannattone basket
 Prove 9 hour in room temperature

Hazelnut cream for topping

Sugar 1800gr

Egg white 1500gr

Almond powder 1000gr

Hazelnut powder 1000gr

Flour no 1 100gr

 Mix all together make smooth cream

After proving the Pannattone pipe the cream top of Pannattone
And icing sugar and rock sugar

Bake temperature 180 degree 10 minute

After bring the oven 160 degree 48 minte

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