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Story time.

Who said these words:

1-“Stop, I want to eat you “

2-Run, run as fast as you can! You cannot catch me.

3-You are too big for my back. You can sit on my



• Answer the following questions:

1- Who feels hungry?
2-What does the old woman use to make Gingerbread
3-What does the cow say to the Gingerbread man?
4-Why can’t the cow catch the Gingerbread man?

5-What does the horse say to the Gingerbread man?

6-What does the Gingerbread man see?


• Choose the correct word:-

1- The old woman feels ---------------------
(hungry – happy – angry)

2- The old woman uses ------------------ from the

cupboard. (flower – flour – floor)

3- The Gingerbread man pops out of the ---------

(book – cottage – oven)
4- The cow wants to ------------------ the Gingerbread
man. (hit – eat – see)
5-The Gingerbread man runs ------------
(slowly – fast – happily)

6-The --------------- wants to eat the Gingerbread man.

(horse – bird – fish)
7-The Gingerbread man reaches a ---------------
(city – river – shop)
8-The gingerbread man ------------ up to his nose.
(climbs – oven – catches )

9-The gingerbread man jumps onto the fox’s

(Tail – arm – head)

10-It is too late. The fox (eats – runs – river) the

gingerbread man.

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