PmRealTime SIAE

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PM real time

ALS Series Brochure Document Number BS.00027.007

PM real time

The application is composed by 2 different process on the core of the NMS:

 /opt/nms5ux/bin/SnmpScheduler

a new “Executor” that optimize the commands for IP subnetworks.

 /opt/nms5ux/bin/PmRealTime

the process for activating the requests of reading via the new Scheduler.

The configuration files are:

 /opt/nms5ux/conf/app-defaults/SnmpScheduler.conf

*Port: scheduler port [13109]

*MaxExecPerSubnet: max number of SNMP command for subnetwork ( 1-5 ) [4]

*SubnetMask: subnetwork mask /24

 /opt/nms5ux/conf/app-defaults/PmRealTime

*Port: scheduler port [13109]

*MaxParallelReq: max number of parallel requests ( 1-100 ) [20]

*MaxNumOfFiles: max number of stored historical files ( 1-96 ) [8]

*FilePrefix: rmonfile_

*OutputDir: /opt/nms5ux/data/export/PmRealTime

*CharSeparator: ,

Document Number
PM real time
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA Page
S.p.A. No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Further, the contents of this document or the methods or techniques contained therein must not be disclosed to any person. 2 of 4
Data subject to change without notice.
The PmRealTime process is activated every 15 min and it reads the RMON data for the ports in “Enable” status
of the connected ALCPlus2/ALCplus2e equipment.

45 minutes after the data collecting the process check the configuration of the collection on the ports enabled
in the meantime.

The disabling in not automatically managed.

The format of the output file is identical to the format of the siaeEthExport. The values Min/Max BW are not
valorized but are maintained in the file for compatibility purposes.

Document Number
PM real time
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA Page
S.p.A. No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Further, the contents of this document or the methods or techniques contained therein must not be disclosed to any person. 3 of 4
Data subject to change without notice.
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A., Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 21, Cologno Monzese (Mi), Italy

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