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7. Physical Layer:
The application layer is the top most layer of OSI model from the sending side. It provides
services directly to the user application. It enables the user to access the network. It provides
user interface and support for services. Such as E-mail, file transfer and databases.

6. Presentation Layer:
The presentation layer is the second layer of OSI model from the sending side.

 Data Reformatting:
When two computers exchange data, the data is changed to bit streams before it is
transmitted. The computers may use different encoding techniques. The
presentation layer at sending computer changes data according to the sender’s
format. The presentation layer at receiving computer changes data according to
the receiver's format.
 Encryption:
The presentation layer encrypts data before transmission. It means that the sender
transforms the original information to another form and send resulting message
over a network. The receiver again transforms the message back to its original
form. It is called decryption.
 Compression:
Data compression reduces the number of bits to be transmitted. The presentation
layer compresses a large amount of data into small size.

5. Session Layer:
The session layer is the third layer of OSI model from the sending side. The layer is
responsible for establishing managing and terminating connections between each of
communication channel. Session layer is also called end to end layer.

4. Transport Layer:
The transport layer is the fourth layer of OSI model from the sending side. Transport layer
ensure that messages are delivered error free, in sequence and with no loss. Transport layer
ensure the reliable delivery of data to the destination. On the sending side, the data breaks
into small packets and transmit them in sequence. If any packet is lost during the
transmission, the packet will be sent again.
3. Network Layer:
The network layer is the fifth layer of OSI model from the sending side. It is responsible for
managing logical addressing information in the data packets created by transport layer and
delivery of these packets to the correct destination as well as it is responsible to deliver data
from source to destination with best path.

2. Data Link Layer:

The data link layer is the sixth layer of OSI model from the sending side. The data link layer
provides error free transfer of data frames from one node to another over the physical layer. It
divides the data into group of packets called frames. If a data frame is lost during
communication, it is retransmitted by this layer.

 Framing:
The data link layer divides the stream of bits into manageable data units called
 Flow Control:
The rate of sending data can be more than the rate of receiving data. Data link
layer imposes flow control mechanism to prevent it.
 Error Control:
The data link layer detects and retransmits damaged or lost frames. It also
prevents the duplication of frames.
 Access Control:
If two or more devices are connected to the same link, data link layer determines
which device has control over the link at a given time.

1. Physical Layer:
The physical layer is the seventh layer of OSI model from the sending side. It is concerned
with the transmission and reception of bit stream over a medium. It encodes data frame into
electrical and electromagnetic signals and transmit them over the communication media
connecting the sender and receiver.

 Characteristics of Media:
The physical layer defines the characteristics and type of transmission medium.
 Representation of Bits:
The bits are encoded into electrical signals for transmission. The physical layer
defines the type of encoding.
 Data Rate:
Physical layer defines the number of bits that will be sent in each second.
 Transmission Mode:
The physical layer defines the direction of transmission between two devices, such
as Simplex, half-duplex or full-duplex.
7. Application Layer 7. Application Layer
6. Presentation Layer 6. Presentation Layer
5. Session Layer 5. Session Layer
4. Transport Layer 4. Transport Layer
3. Network Layer 3. Network Layer
2. Data Link Layer 2. Data Link Layer
1. Physical Layer 1. Physical Layer


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