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Visitor: Greetings, Madam. I'm Thoa, and I work for ABC.

I have an appointment
with Ms. Stanton in the research department.
Receptionist: Ms. Thoa, welcome to the aac company. Linda is my name.
I'm so sorry to have to let you know that Ms. Stanton has a problem and won't be here
for an hour due to an accident on the motorway.
Visitor: Was the accident a serious one? What is wrong with her, then?
Receptionist: She's simply stuck in traffic, so don't panic. As you wait, allow me to
introduce you to Ms. Karen Pochar, a member of our team who, at your request, can
show you around the laboratories.
Visitor: I'd love that. But, I think I must be prepared for my next meetings so that I
can visit the laboratories later.
Receptionist: Would you like something to drink?
Visitor: A cup of coffee would be great. Thank you
Receptionist: Is this trip going well for you?
My trip is excellent.Thank you
Receptionist: Is the hotel you're staying at convenient and comfortable?
Visitor: Yes, the room I had was really convenient and comfortable.
Receptionist: Do you need anything else?
Visitor: Would you please recommend me a nice gift for my partner?
Receptionist: Is your partner a male or female
Visitor: A male colleague
Receptionist: I'll show you several well belt manufacturers and I believe he'll enjoy a
Visitor: That’s so wonderful
Receptionist: If you need anything else please ask?
Visitor:Can I send a confidential fax to my business using the fax machine??
Receptionist:Of course, please follow me.
Visitor:Thank you so much
Happy morning. Tho is my name. I was born in Vietnam. Oh, Ms Staton has just
arrived and she’s waiting for you. Shall I take you to her office?
Visitor: That’s what I expected. Thanks
Visitor: Happy morning. Tho is my name. I was born in Vietnam.
Receptionist: Ms. Thoa, welcome to the aac company. I checked the informationyou
provided. Now that the conference is about to start, please take a seat here. Would you
like something to drink?
Visitor: No, I’m not thirsty. Thank you
Receptionist: Is this your first tri abroad this lovely Germany?
Visitor: That’s right, this is my first time coming to Germany
Receptionist: Did your flight go well?
Visitor: it was no so good. Because it was raining when I took off.
Receptionist: Unfortunately. Do you require help?
Visitor: Can you lend me your phone to make a call?
Receptionist: yes of course, well you can use this one.
Visitor: (3 minutes) thank you
Receptionist: Not of all . Would you like me to reserve a room for you at a hotel close
Visitor: not necessary. Around 4:00 pm, I have to leave Germany.
Receptionist: Why are you moving out so soon? The program finishes at 5p.m?
Visitor: i'm really sorry. I just learned about this yesterday, and I need to leave at 4
PM because I have a 5:30 PM trip to Paris.
Receptionist: That you have to leave Germany so quickly is unfortunate. Do you want
me to book a taxi to take you to the airport?
Visitor: You are really a good person, so thank you very much. My return flight is 4
Receptionist: I almost forgot. Germany is now experiencing a significant strike that
has affected trains and buses countrywide.
Visitor: Really. Are there congested roads arriving to the airport?
Receptionist: Wait a few minutes for me. I'll check the traffic reports right
now,unfortunate the road to the airport is currently blocked. Every flight has been
impacted and will have delays.
Visitor: What a pity! How long until this strike ends?
Receptionist: I really don't know. If I get anything, I'll let you know as soon as I can.
I'll now check with my colleague Bert Trautman to see if there is any way I can
support you.
Visitor: Okay. Thank you very much

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