JOURNAL REVIEW (Moh Umar Al Faruq)

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NIM : 202011043

Article Title Discipline, Work Environment, Commitment, and Performance of

Health Workers in Ende City During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A
Perceptional Study
Author Name Maria Helena Carolinda Dua Mea
Reviewer Moh. Umar Al Faruq (2020110043)
Journal Name Journal of Management
Years And Pages June 1, 2023 (Pages 1 – 13)
Research Objectives The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of work
discipline, work environment, and commitment to the success of
health workers in Ende City during the Covid-19 pandemic
Research Hypothesis H1: Discipline in the workplace impacts the performance of health
H2: The work environment has an impact on the performance of
health workers.
H3: Commitment affects the performance of health workers.
Research The initial survey conducted by the author through observation and
Framework interviews with several health workers in Ende City revealed that
the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on the performance of health
workers because the number of positive cases increased in Ende
City in mid-2021, reaching 1,200 cases, requiring health workers to
work overtime. In addition, many health workers are exposed to
Covid-19, requiring them to self-isolate, which ultimately affects
the quality of health services provided to the community. Due to
boredom and fatigue with layered health protocols, many health
workers face challenges in terms of discipline, not only time
discipline but also discipline in implementing health protocols in
health facilities, as well as discipline regarding time management.

Frame Of Thought Efforts to improve employee work performance, for example by

emphasizing work discipline (Arif et al., 2020). A person is more
likely to work passionately if he is satisfied with his work, and
happiness in employee activities is key to advocating for employee
behavior, order, and the outcome of employee movements that
support agency goals. The formation of employee discipline is the
responsibility of everyone in the agency. This institution wants to
associate everyone with those who want to be disciplined and
persuasive in pursuing their duties. (Ginting, Ismira Erlayasna; Wau,
2019), (Hasyim et al., 2022). Work discipline is described as
management enforcing the policies and procedures of the
institution. (Robbins &; Judge, 2022). Discipline is an activity,
behavior, and action of a person who follows the rules of an
institution, whether positive, recorded, or not. Labor discipline is
defined as the desire of workers to follow applicable rules and
Population And All health workers in Ende City totaled 167 people, including 7
Sample doctors, 3 dentists, 78 nurses, 70 midwives, and 9 pharmacists.
With the number of samples responding to 62.5 and rounded up to
Sampling Method Sampling method using the slovin formula
Research Methods The research method used in the journal is quantitative
Results And according to the findings of the Discriminant Validity test, all latent
Discussion variables have values greater than 0.7, indicating that they are valid
for subsequent tests, as shown in Table 1.

The reliability test results show that all variables have a Cronbach
Alpha value greater than 0.5, indicating that all variables are
considered reliable for the next stage of testing.

According to the results of the R test, the value of R Square is 0.567,

indicating that discipline, commitment, and work environment have
an impact on performance by 56.7%, rounded up to 57%. The
remaining 43% were influenced by other factors outside the scope
of this study.

The results of the path coefficient test showed that the discipline
variable had a positive effect of 0.539 on performance and the work
environment variable had a positive effect of 0.364 on performance,
while commitment did not have a positive effect on performance.

The t-test results showed that the commitment variable affected

performance by 0.687 but not by 1.96, indicating that the effect was
not significant. Meanwhile, discipline and work environment had a
significant effect on performance, with scores of 3,630>1.96 and
2,179>1.96, respectively. Thus, based on the findings of this test,
hypotheses 1 and 2 are proven, while hypothesis 3 is not proven.

Conclusion The Covid-19 pandemic is not a reason for health workers to

abandon discipline and commitment in improving community
service standards, especially in health facilities. With the Covid-19
pandemic, health workers must not only provide health services but
also educate the public about the importance of always following
health protocols in the era of adapting to new habits.

In the future, the world of health will become more complex in

responding to people's needs and problems. As a work environment
for health workers, health facilities can create personalized drug
service concepts that respond to various differences that determine
a person's health and how to treat them when they are sick. Doctors
and other health care professionals should also be recognized.

Superiority • Clearly explain the background of the research

• The extermination method used is short, concise, clear
• The results of the research are clearly displayed with pictures
and tables, making it easy to understand
• Credible references and citations
Lack Reading difficulty level

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