Wipo-Pub-952-2021-En-Geographical-Indications-An-Introduction-2nd - Edition

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An Introduction
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is not meant as a substitute
for professional legal advice. Its main purpose is limited to providing basic information.
Table of contents

Foreword 3

Introduction 4

Key concepts 6

What is a geographical indication? 6

Can geographical indications only be

used for agricultural products? 8

What is the difference between a geographical

indication and a trademark? 11

What is the difference between a geographical

indication and an appellation of origin? 11

What are the benefits of setting up a

geographical indication? 13

Geographical indications as differentiation

tools in marketing strategies: from mere source
indicators to brands 13

Geographical indications as a factor of

rural development 15

Geographical indications as a means to

preserve traditional knowledge and
traditional cultural expressions 16

Developing a geographical indication 19

What is involved? 19

What are the costs? 20

How long does it take? 20

Protecting geographical indications – a step in
developing a geographical indication 21

Why protect a geographical indication? 21

What does a protected geographical

indication enable you to do?
What does it not enable you to do? 23

How is protection for a geographical

indication obtained? 26

How long does it take to protect a geographical

indication through registration? 32

What are the potential obstacles to

protecting a geographical indication? 32

Protecting geographical
indications abroad 33

Why protect your geographical

indication abroad? 33

How are geographical indications

protected abroad? 33

Conclusion 39

Further reading 40
This publication provides an introduction to geographical indications,
explaining their basic features, use and protection as an intellectual
property right. Written for non-experts, it is a starting point for
readers seeking to learn more about the topic.

While the publication focuses primarily on the protection of

geographical indications as an intellectual property right, it also
addresses the economic and social dimensions of geographical
indications and responds to the questions most frequently raised by
policymakers, producers and other stakeholders who wish to begin
the process of developing a geographical indication scheme for
a product.

This publication was prepared by the Design and Geographical

Indication Law Section of the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO), composed of María Paola Rizo, Nathalie Frigant
and Violeta Ghetu, under the supervision of Marcus Höpperger. The
authors express their sincere thanks to Daphne Zografos, Traditional
Knowledge Division of WIPO, Matthijs Geuze and Valentina Jiménez-
Burger for their valuable comments.

Since the adoption of the Geographical indications have
Agreement on Trade-Related traditionally been considered to be
Aspects of Intellectual Property IP. Article 1(2) of the Paris Convention
Rights (the TRIPS Agreement) in for the Protection of Industrial
1994, which contains a section on Property of 1883 (Paris Convention)
geographical indications, this form refers to “indications of source” and
of intellectual property (IP) has “appellations of origin” as objects
attracted increasing attention from of industrial property. Paragraph (3)
policymakers and trade negotiators, of the same article specifies that
as well as producers (mostly of the term “industrial property” is not
agricultural products), lawyers and limited to “industry and commerce”
economists across the world. It is proper, but applies also to agricultural
undoubtedly because of the TRIPS and extractive industries and to all
Agreement section on geographical manufactured or natural products,
indications that the issue now such as “wines, grain, tobacco leaf,
appeals to more and more nations fruit, cattle, minerals, mineral waters,
beyond the rather restricted list of beer, flowers and flour.”
countries that have traditionally
pursued active geographical The inclusion of indications of source
indication policies. and appellations of origin, and the
specific reference to a series of
agricultural products in early versions of
the Paris Convention, are clear evidence
that the 19th century diplomats who
negotiated the international convention,
primarily to protect inventions shown
at international exhibitions, had not
overlooked this, arguably, most
ancient form of intellectual asset.
Famous ancient brands are sometimes
associated with products that have a
specific geographical origin and go
back as early as the 5th century BC,
such as wine from the Greek island
of Chios, referred to as an expensive
luxury good in classical Greece.

The period following the conclusion of form of legal protection for geographical
the Paris Convention saw numerous indications, it is important not to lose
efforts aimed at increasing the level sight of the value of geographical
of multilateral protection afforded to indications as intangible assets.
indications of source and appellations of Geographical indications are distinctive
origin, which led, among other things, to signs used to differentiate competing
the adoption of the Madrid Agreement goods. They are collectively owned
for the Repression of False or Deceptive with a strong inherent origin-base,
Indications of Source on Goods of namely the geographical origin to
1891, and the Lisbon Agreement for which they refer. The reference to
the Protection of Appellations of Origin geographical origin – most regularly
and their International Registration of for agricultural products – combined
1958 (Lisbon Agreement), and to the with the use of traditional extraction
inclusion, in the TRIPS Agreement, and processing methods, presents
of a special section on an interesting marketing potential in
geographical indications. terms of product branding. However,
the use of geographical origin brands
There is an abundant literature also presents a number of challenges.
addressing the legal effects, rights Owing to their collective nature, those
and obligations flowing from the who produce and market geographical
various multilateral agreements on indications must engage in collective
geographical indications, as well as action with regard to production
an ever-growing number of bilateral methods, quality standards and
agreements containing chapters control, as well as product distribution
on geographical indications. This and marketing.
publication offers an introduction to
geographical indications for readers Success stories from the world of
new to the subject. It provides an geographical indications demonstrate
overview of key definitions, basic that geographical indications, if well
policy considerations concerning the managed, are intangible assets with
protection of geographical indications interesting potential for product
and an introduction to salient IP law- differentiation, the creation of added
related issues. value, as well as spin-off effects in
areas related to the primary product
Against the background of a lengthy, for which the geographical indication
passionate debate on the preferred is known.

Key concepts
What is a geographical Article 22.1 of the TRIPS Agreement
indication? defines geographical indications as

The basic concept underlying “…indications which identify a

geographical indications is simple, good as originating in the territory
and familiar to any shopper who of a Member [of the World Trade
chooses Roquefort over blue cheese Organization], or a region or locality
or Darjeeling over black tea. Cognac, in that territory, where a given quality,
Scotch, Porto, Havana, Tequila and reputation or other characteristic of
Darjeeling are some well-known the good is essentially attributable to
examples of names associated its geographical origin.”
throughout the world with products of
a certain nature and quality, known for
their geographical origin and for having
characteristics linked to that origin.

A geographical indication is a sign

Photo: © The Power of Forever Photography

used on products that have a specific
geographical origin and possess
qualities or a reputation that are due to
that origin.

Photo: Getty Images / © Rawpixel


A product, a region
Roquefort identifies a characteristic
Most commonly, a geographical blue cheese made in a region in
indication consists of the name of the southwest France, around the
place of origin of the good, such as municipality of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon.
Jamaica Blue Mountain or Darjeeling.
But non-geographical names, such The cheese is smooth and compact,
as Vinho Verde, Cava or Argan Oil, with even blue veins, a very distinctive
or symbols commonly associated aroma, slight scent of mold and a fine,
with a place, can also constitute a robust taste. It is made from raw, whole
geographical indication. In essence, sheep’s milk from the Lacaune breed.
whether a sign functions as a Before it is pressed, the raw cheese
geographical indication is a matter of is cultured with spores of penicillium
national law and consumer perception. roqueforti. It is then aged for at least
14 days in natural caves in the foothills
Moreover, in order to work as a of the calcareous cliffs in the region.
geographical indication, a sign must Aging continues outside the natural
identify a product as originating in a caves for at least 90 days from the date
given place. In addition, the qualities of its manufacture.
or reputation of the product should be
essentially due to the place of origin. A link between
Since the qualities depend on the the product and the region
geographical place of production, there The characteristics of the milk
is a link between the product and its obtained from indigenous breeds of
original place of production. sheep fed according to tradition, the
characteristics of the caves in which
Photo: Getty Images / © Frans Rombout

the cheese is aged, and the traditional

know-how used in each step of the
cheesemaking process give, Roquefort
its unique features and taste.

Sources: www.inao.gouv.fr; Confédération

générale des producteurs de lait de brebis et des
industriels de Roquefort at www.roquefort.fr.
Photo: Getty Images / © jeangill

Can geographical
indications only be used for
agricultural products?

Agricultural products typically have

qualities that derive from their place

Photo: Getty Images / © Tolga TEZCAN

of production and are influenced by
specific local, geographical factors
such as climate and soil. It is therefore
not surprising that a majority of
geographical indications throughout
the world are applied to agricultural
products, foodstuffs, wine and
spirit drinks.

However, the use of geographical

indications is not limited to agricultural
products. A geographical indication
may also highlight specific qualities
of a product that are due to human
factors found in the product’s place of
origin, such as specific manufacturing
skills and traditions. That is the case,
for instance, for handicrafts, which are
generally handmade using local natural
resources and usually embedded in the
traditions of local communities. Photo: © CIGC

Swiss watches

The appellation SWISS (or, in its most

Photo: © Richemont
common form, Swiss Made) affixed
to a watch means that the watch was
manufactured in Switzerland according
to the tradition, know-how and quality
criteria of Swiss watchmaking, which watch) is Swiss;
enjoys a great reputation around the • its movement is cased up
world. But what are the standards in Switzerland;
associated with the geographical • the manufacturer carries out the final
indication Swiss Made for watches? inspection in Switzerland; and
• at least 60 percent of the
The Federal Council Ordinance of manufacturing cost are generated
December 23, 1971 to regulate the use in Switzerland.
of the SWISS appellation for watches
was partially revised on June 17, 20161 A movement is considered to be
at the request of the industry, in order Swiss if:
to strengthen the protection of the
geographical indication. According • it has been assembled
to the Federation of the Swiss Watch in Switzerland;
Industry, the intention is to “guarantee • the technical development is carried
satisfaction of the consumer who, out in Switzerland;
when buying a Swiss made watch, • it has been inspected by the
expects it to correspond to the manufacturer in Switzerland;
quality and the reputation of Swiss • at least 60 percent of the
watchmaking tradition and therefore manufacturing cost are generated in
to be manufactured in Switzerland and Switzerland; and
to incorporate a high added value of • the components of Swiss
Swiss origin.” manufacture account for at least
50 percent of the total value,
According to that ordinance, the without taking into account the cost
geographical indication Switzerland or of assembly.
Swiss can be used on a watch if:
Source: Revised Ordinance governing the use
• its technical development is carried of the appellation “Switzerland” or “Swiss” for
watches, of December 23, 1971. See also the
out in Switzerland; website of the Federation of the Swiss Watch
• its movement (the motor of the Industry at www.fhs.ch.

1 In force on January 1, 2017.

Chulucanas (ceramics) also their organic content of iron oxide
and organic waste. The type of clay is
The region of Chulucanas – in the also responsible for giving brightness to
province of Morropón, Department the ceramic when it is burnished.
of Piura, in Peru – produces a unique
type of ceramic officially labeled with The craftsmen of Chulucanas use
the appellation of origin Chulucanas. distinctive ancestral techniques from
Chulucanas pottery has been made ancient cultures such as the Vicús and
for centuries and is unique due to the Tallán. Before completion, each
the particular traits of the endemic ceramic piece will undergo a dozen
natural resources used, such as local steps. The artisans mold the raw clay
clay, and the ancient and ancestral with their hands and feet, and then use
techniques employed. wooden pallets and stones in order
to better shape it. The first colors,
The main natural components of derived from natural sources such as
Chulucanas pottery are clay, sand, leaves and soil pigment, are added.
mango leaves and the climate. For the Then the pieces are placed in an oven
elaboration of Chulucanas ceramics, and submerged for hours in the smoke
the clay is extracted from certain of burning mango leaves, which give
quarries containing mainly yellow Chulucanas pottery its characteristic
clay (arcilla amarilla) and black clay black color. To complete the piece,
(arcilla negra). These particular types the ceramic is polished by hand with a
of clay contain divided particles that black stone, to give it a brilliant shine.
characterize not only their plasticity, but
In 2006, the Asociación de Ceramistas
Vicús, the Asociación Civil de
Ceramistas Tierra Encantada and the
CITE Cerámica de Chulucanas filed
a request for the appellation of origin
Chulucana, which was registered
in 2008.

Source: Resolution No. 011517–2006/OSD on the

website of the National Institute for the Defense
Photo: Mario Rubio / © CITE Cerámica

of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual

Property (INDECOPI), dated July 26, 2006: www.

What is the difference between of origin of the good, or to the name
a geographical indication and by which the good is known in that
a trademark? place. A geographical indication may
be used by all persons who, in the area
Geographical indications and of origin, produce the good according
trademarks are distinctive signs used to specified standards. However,
to distinguish goods or services in the because of its link with the place of
marketplace. Both convey information origin, a geographical indication cannot
about the origin of a good or service, be assigned or licensed to someone
and enable consumers to associate a outside that place or not belonging to
particular quality with a good or service. the group of authorized producers.

Trademarks inform consumers about What is the difference between

the source of a good or service. They a geographical indication and an
identify a good or service as originating appellation of origin?
from a particular company. Trademarks
help consumers associate a good Appellations of origin are a special kind
or service with a specific quality or of geographical indication. The term
reputation, based on information about is used in the Paris Convention and
the company responsible for producing defined in the Lisbon Agreement.
or offering it.
Article 2 of the Lisbon Agreement
Geographical indications identify a defines appellations of origin as
good as originating from a particular
place. Based on its place of origin, “(1)… the geographical denomination
consumers may associate a good of a country, region, or locality,
with a particular quality, characteristic which serves to designate a product
or reputation. originating therein, the quality or
characteristics of which are due
A trademark often consists of a fanciful exclusively or essentially to the
or arbitrary sign that may be used by geographical environment, including
its owner or another person authorized natural and human factors.”
to do so. A trademark can be assigned
or licensed to anyone, anywhere in the This definition suggests that
world, because it is linked to a specific appellations of origin consist of the
company and not to a particular place. name of the product’s place of origin.
However, it is interesting to note that
In contrast, the sign used to denote a number of traditional indications
a geographical indication usually that are not place names, but refer to
corresponds to the name of the place a product in connection with a place,

are protected as appellations of origin essentially from its geographical origin.
under the Lisbon Agreement (for This generally means that the raw
example, Reblochon (cheese) and Vinho materials should be sourced in the
Verde (green wine)). place of origin and that the processing
of the product should also happen
It is sometimes argued that products there. In the case of geographical
with a certain reputation, but no other indications, a single criterion
quality due to their place of origin attributable to geographical origin
are not considered appellations of is sufficient, be it a quality or other
origin under the Lisbon Agreement. characteristic of the product, or only its
However, this interpretation is not reputation. Moreover, the production of
universally accepted. the raw materials and the development
or processing of a GI product do not
Nevertheless, appellations of origin and necessarily take place entirely in the
geographical indications both require defined geographical area.
a qualitative link between the product
to which they refer and its place of The term appellation of origin is
origin. Both inform consumers about often used in laws that establish a
a product’s geographical origin and a specific right and system of protection
quality or characteristic of the product for geographical indications, in
linked to its place of origin. The basic so-called sui generis systems of
difference between the two terms is that protection (see the section on how
the link with the place of origin must be to obtain protection for geographical
stronger in the case of an appellation of indications). Geographical indication
origin. The quality or characteristics of is a more general concept that
a product protected as an appellation does not determine a specific mode
of origin must result exclusively or of protection.

What are the benefits of setting up a
geographical indication?
Interest in GIs has thrived in recent indications convey information about
years. The obligation, under the TRIPS the origin-bound characteristics of a
Agreement, for Members of the World product. They therefore function as
Trade Organization (WTO) to protect product differentiators on the market
geographical indications has, to a by enabling consumers to distinguish
large extent, triggered this attention. between products with geographical
But beyond that, what creates the origin-based characteristics and
attraction? The short answer is that they others without those characteristics.
are seen as useful tools in marketing Geographical indications can thus be
strategies and public policies, for which a key element in developing brands for
there has been growing interest in the quality-bound-to-origin products.
last two to three decades.

Geographical indications as
differentiation tools in marketing
strategies: from mere source
indicators to brands

Consumers pay increasing attention

to the geographical origin of products,
and care about specific characteristics
present in the products they buy. In
some cases, the “place of origin”
suggests to consumers that the
product will have a particular quality
or characteristic that they may value.
Often, consumers are prepared to
pay more for such products. This has
favored the development of specific
markets for products with certain
characteristics linked to their place
of origin.

Brand recognition is an essential

aspect of marketing. Geographical

Photo: © David Bonilla Abreo
Café de Colombia − overcoming Canada. This was followed by intensive
the resource curse through advertising campaigns.
geographical origin-based
branding In 2005, Café de Colombia was
recognized as an appellation of origin
Studies indicate that commodity- in Colombia. In 2007, it became the first
dependent economies tend to face non-European Protected Geographical
two closely-related problems: price Indication (PGI) registered in the
fluctuations and a long-term decrease European Union (EU). The FNC’s
in international prices. differentiation strategy based on
geographical origin did not end with
Colombian coffee is no exception. the Juan Valdez figure and the Café
During the late 1950s, the price of de Colombia appellation of origin.
Colombian coffee plummeted from As of 2011, four new appellations of
US$0.85 to 0.45 per pound. This origin for coffee from specific regions
sparked a new differentiation strategy of Colombia were recognized, namely
by the Colombian Coffee Growers Café de Nariño, Café del Cauca, Café
Federation (FNC) aimed at creating de Huila and Café de Santander.
public awareness of the Colombian
origin of the coffee. The FNC began by The FNC’s differentiation strategy has
putting a human face on Colombian paid off. After more than 50 years of
coffee, creating the character Juan marketing efforts, there is no doubt that
Valdez to represent the archetypal Café de Colombia enjoys a worldwide
Colombian coffee grower. During the reputation and has become one of
1980s, the FNC registered the JUAN Colombia’s most valuable brands.
VALDEZ logo, and began to license
the mark to roasters for use on their
Sources: Reina, Mauricio et al., Juan Valdez, The
own branded products that contained, Strategy Behind the Brand, Bogota, 2008. “Making
exclusively, Colombian coffee. In the Origin Count: Two Coffees,” WIPO Magazine,
2007. See also https://federaciondecafeteros.org
addition, the Republic of Colombia and www.cafedecolombia.com.
registered the word Colombian, in
relation to coffee, as a certification mark
in the United States of America and

Geographical indications as a
factor of rural development

A number of studies indicate that,

under appropriate conditions,
geographical indications can contribute

Photo: © CIGC
to development in rural areas. The
entitlement to use a geographical
indication generally lies with regional way in which the specific geographical
producers, and the added value indication scheme is designed.
generated by the geographical
indication accrues therefore to all
such producers. Comté cheese – the gold of the
Jura Mountains
Because geographical indication
products tend to generate a premium In the Jura Mountains, a medium-sized
brand price, they contribute to local mountain range north of the Alps in
employment creation, which ultimately eastern France, winters are harsh and
may help to prevent rural exodus. long. The mountains are not suitable
In addition, geographical indication for growing cereals, but their varied
products often have important spin- flora and large prairies are perfect for
off effects, for example in the areas of obtaining high-quality cow’s milk.
tourism and gastronomy.
For many centuries, farmers in the
Geographical indications may bring region have transformed milk into a
value to a region not only in terms of hard-curd cheese, ripened in the form
jobs and higher income, but also by of big wheels, that has historically
promoting the region as a whole. In constituted their main nourishment
this regard, geographical indications in the winter. As many liters of milk
may contribute to the creation of a (450 liters) are needed to produce
“regional brand.” a cheese wheel, farmers must pool
their milk, which has resulted in a long
A word of caution is, however, tradition of cooperative work.
needed. The mere fact of developing a
geographical indications for a product In 1958, Comté was recognized as an
does not guarantee automatic success appellation of origin by a French court.
or development for the region. For The product specification sets out the
geographical indications to contribute conditions necessary for producing
to development, several conditions Comté cheese. For example, the
must be present in the region and in the milk must come exclusively from the

Montbéliarde and French Simmental Geographical indications as a
breeds, the stocking rate is limited means to preserve traditional
to one cow per hectare of grassland knowledge and traditional
pasture and the milk must be collected cultural expressions
within a radius of 25 km. These criteria
serve to generate more jobs than would Products identified by a geographical
more intensive farming methods. indication are often the result of
traditional processes and knowledge
Moreover, the specifications limit the carried forward by a community in
amount of concentrates given to cows, a particular region from generation
favoring feeding based on local fodder, to generation.
and the amount of fertilization is limited
as well in order to preserve the natural Similarly, some products identified by
biodiversity of the soil and the natural a geographical indication may embody
flora. This, in turn, has a positive effect characteristic elements of the traditional
on biodiversity. artistic heritage developed in a given
region, known as traditional cultural
Comté is today a recognized cheese expression. This is particularly true for
in the French market. The stringent, tangible products such as handicrafts,
albeit balanced conditions set out in made using natural resources and
the product specification carefully having qualities derived from their
protect the interests of all actors in geographical origin. In addition, certain
the production chain. This has also traditional cultural expressions – such
been the starting point of a new tourist as indigenous and traditional names,
attraction revolving around the Comté signs and symbols – may also be
appellation of origin, through the protected as geographical indications
creation of Comté route. Studies show despite their having no direct
that the socioeconomic impact of the geographical meaning.
appellation of origin on the region has
been positive in terms of job creation Geographical indications are
and income levels, limitation of rural compatible with the nature of traditional
exodus and environmental impact. knowledge and traditional cultural
expressions in that they provide
protection that is potentially unlimited
Sources: Bowen, Sarah, “Re-Locating
Embeddedness, A Critical Analysis of the Comté
in time, as long as the qualitative link
Supply Chain,” North Carolina State University, between the products and the place
2007. Colinet et al., “Case Study: Comté Cheese
in France, INRA, University of Toulouse, France,
is maintained and the indication has
2006. See also the website of the Comité not fallen into genericity. They work as
Interprofessionnel du Gruyère de Comté at
a collective right, there is no provision
for a right to license or assign and the

product-quality-place link underlying
the protection of a geographical
indication prohibits the transfer of the
indication to producers outside the
demarcated region.

While geographical indications

do not directly protect the subject
matter generally associated with
traditional knowledge or traditional
cultural expressions, which

Photo: © Aubard consulting

remains in the public domain under
conventional IP systems and is open
to misappropriation by third parties, cost only one-tenth of the price of real
they can indirectly contribute to their handloom Banarsi sarees, thereby
protection in several ways. creating tough competition for local
craftsmen and potentially causing
First, geographical indication the production of handloom sarees
protection recognizes the cultural to become unsustainable, and the
significance of traditional knowledge skills and knowledge involved in the
and traditional cultural expressions technique to be lost.
and can help preserve them for future
generations. For example, in designing Geographical indications can provide
a geographical indication scheme for protection for traditional knowledge
a product, the production standards, and traditional cultural expressions
also known as the “code of practice” against misleading and deceptive
or “regulations of use,” may include a trading practices. They can also
description of a traditional process or benefit indigenous communities by
traditional knowledge. facilitating the commercial exploitation
of traditional knowledge and traditional
In addition, through the added value cultural expressions, and encouraging
of a geographical indications scheme, traditional knowledge-based economic
producers are less tempted to replace development. Geographical indications
traditional processes by possibly less provide indigenous communities
costly ones. In India, for example, cheap with a means to differentiate their
powerloom-produced sarees are sold products and benefit from their
as highly-reputed Banarasi handloom commercialization, thereby improving
sarees within and outside the Varanasi their economic position.
region (where authentic Banarsi sarees
are produced). Powerloom imitations

Photo: © TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles
Thai silk

Thai silk, produced on the Korat Plateau

in Thailand’s northeast region, is
synonymous with refinement, elegance
and hundreds of years of tradition.

Thai silk is produced from the salivary is woven in bas-relief patterns created
glands of silkworms raised on mulberry by using the heddle to lift and depress
leaves. The silkworm cocoons are selected warp threads. Twisted silk
placed in a vat of boiling water that threads are used as warp and weft, and
separates the silk thread of the cocoon supplementary silk threads are inserted
from the caterpillar inside. Unlike other to create the design. To complete a
silks that are smooth, satiny or crinkly, pattern, the process must be repeated,
Thai silk is defined in particular by its raising each heddle from first to last.
coarse texture with unequal, irregular Then the steps must be repeated in
and slightly knotty threads, although reverse order, from the last heddle to the
it is generally soft and varies in color first. The uniqueness of this process and
from light gold to light green. Since Thai the intricate detail of the patterns are
silk yarn is yellow, it must be bleached the result of a long tradition of skills and
before dyeing. Last but not least, the techniques inherited and used for over
traditional handweaving process is 100 years. Lamphun Brocade Thai silk
important to Thai silk’s reputation. has always been used by the Thai royal
family and the royal court in most of
There is not one but several types their important ceremonies. In Thailand,
of Thai silk. Each one is linked to a it is known as the Queen of silk.
specific region of Thailand and reflects
particular knowledge related to the Chonnabot Mudmee Thai silk is made in
raising of silkworms and the way in the northeast of Thailand. Its reputation
which the material is woven and dyed. results from the process of tie-dyeing
Each region’s silk is woven with typical the threads before weaving the fabric,
designs, patterns and colors specific and from its intricate patterns. It uses
to that region. Examples of varieties of zoomorphic and geometric patterns
Thai silks protected as geographical made by using color in the weft in a
indications include Lamphun traditional way.
Brocade, Chonnabot Mudmee and
Praewa Kalasin.
Source: The registration of a Geographical
Indication for Lamphun Brocade Thai Silk,
Lamphun Brocade Thai silk is produced Application No. 50100032, Registration No. Sor
Chor 501000200.
in the northern region of Lamphun. It

Developing a
geographical indication
What is involved?2 • strengthening the cohesion of
the group of producers and other
Recognition of a geographical operators involved, who will be
indication, whether through the pillars of the geographical
registration, a court or administrative indication scheme;
decision or other means, is not • setting up standards, sometimes
enough, per se, to realize the potential called a code of practice or
benefits outlined in the preceding regulations of use. The code of
section. Protecting a geographical practice or regulations of use
indication is of course important, as usually, among other things,
will be explained, but is not the only circumscribe theproduct’s
condition for its success. geographical region of production,
and describes the production
In order for a geographical indication and processing methods. It may
to effectively create brand equity for a also describe the factors, natural
product, or to have a positive effect on and/or human, that are present in
rural development or the preservation the region and contribute to the
of traditional knowledge, traditional characteristics of the product;
cultural expressions or biodiversity, it is • devising a mechanism to effectively
necessary to develop a comprehensive attribute the right to use the
geographical indication scheme. This indication to any producer and
is the set of rules and mechanisms other operator concerned, who
underlying the functioning of a produces the product within
geographical indication. Developing a the established boundaries and
geographical indication scheme involves according to agreed standards;
a number of important steps, such as: • establishing traceability, verification
and control schemes in order
• identifying the product’s to ensure continued quality and
characteristics and assessing compliance with the code of
whether it has potential in internal practice or regulations of use;
or external markets; • devising marketing strategies;
• obtaining legal protection for
the geographical indication and
2 A number of publications address this topic
extensively. See, for example, the publications designing an enforcement strategy.
by the ITC, FAO and UNIDO referenced in the

What are the costs? How long does it take?

It is evident that there are costs It may take several years to establish
associated with developing a a complete geographical indication
geographical indication scheme. It scheme, as this involves several
would be difficult, and beyond the actors and requires taking into
purpose of this publication, to quantify account different interests and
the costs involved in each of the steps policy considerations.
mentioned above.
The actual time taken to develop a
Moreover, those steps are not complete geographical indication
single, isolated acts. Protecting a scheme may depend on some of the
geographical indication does not following factors, among others:
only involve obtaining a right through
registration or other appropriate • the level of cohesion and
means, but also enforcing that right. organization of the group
Verification and control must take place of producers and other
regularly throughout the lifetime of a operators concerned;
geographical indication, not just once. • the number and degree of
Promoting the geographical indication conflicting interests and the way in
is a continuing process. In short, a which such interests are managed;
geographical indication scheme must • the number and level of
be managed throughout its existence. obstacles to legal protection
of the geographical indication
– domestically or in foreign
markets; and
• the existence of
institutional support.

Protecting geographical
indications – a step in developing
a geographical indication
Why protect a others who use it without permission
geographical indication? and benefit from its reputation free
of charge (“free-riders”). Protecting a
Geographical indications are more geographical indication is also a way to
than just a name or a symbol. They forestall registration of the indication as
reflect a reputation strongly linked to a trademark by a third party and to limit
geographical areas of varying sizes, thus the risk of the indication becoming a
giving them an emotional component. generic term.
A geographical indication's reputation
is a collective, intangible asset. If not
protected, it could be used without Deterring free-riding
restriction and its value diminished and
eventually lost. A geographical indication's reputation
is the result of efforts undertaken by
Use of geographical indications by producers in a given region. Producers
unauthorized parties is detrimental to who do not work according to the
legitimate producers and to consumers. specifications for that geographical
Such use deceives consumers and indication, which are sometimes
leads them to believe they are buying a restrictive, or who are not located in
genuine product with specific qualities the defined production region may
and characteristics, whereas they get be tempted to use the geographical
an imitation. Producers suffer damage indication to free-ride on its reputation.
because valuable business is taken Often, such use is made in connection
away from them, and the established with lower-quality products.
reputation of their products is affected.
Producers may even be prevented It is important for several reasons
from using the indication themselves, that those who have the right to use
for instance if it is registered as an a geographical indication prevent its
individual trademark by a company. unauthorized use, not only to avoid
losing business, but also, in the longer
Protecting a geographical indication term, to ensure the geographical
enables those who have the right to use indication is used only in relation to
the indication to take measures against products that possess the qualities

or characteristics to which it owes the product, it is said to have become
its reputation. Use of a geographical a generic term. In such a case, the
indication for lower- or different-quality indication can be used by anyone to
products most likely results in tarnishing designate a type of product rather than
its reputation. a product with a distinct geographical
origin and specific geographical
qualities or characteristics. It can no
Forestalling registration of the longer serve as a distinctive sign or
geographical indication as a be used in a product differentiation
trademark by a third party strategy. Protecting a geographical
indication and enforcing the right
An unprotected geographical indication obtained over it contribute to reducing
may be registered as a trademark by the risk of that indication becoming a
an individual producer or company, generic term.
for goods identical or similar to
those identified by the geographical An example of a geographical
indication. This is likely to occur at indication that has become a generic
the international level for indications term is Camembert for cheese.
protected in one jurisdiction but not This name can now be used on
in others. For jurisdictions in which any camembert-type cheese made
the geographical indication is not anywhere in the world.
protected, the indication may be
considered a distinctive sign available In contrast, Camembert de
for registration as a trademark. The first Normandie is a French appellation
to file for registration would obtain the of origin for a cheese produced only
trademark, which might give them the in Normandy.
right to exclude use of the indication by
anyone else, including the producers
who had historically used it in their
country of origin.

Limiting the risk of the geographical

indication becoming a generic term

Where a geographical indication

is no longer associated with a
product characteristically linked to a
geographical origin but used instead
as the common name to designate

Photo: Getty Images / © Furchin
Photo: Getty Images / © cristianl
What does a protected
geographical indication enable
you to do? What does it not
enable you to do?

Protection for a geographical indication geographical indication does not

is usually obtained by acquiring a enable the holder to prevent someone
right over the sign that constitutes from making a product using the same
the indication. That right can be a techniques as those set out in the
specific right designed for geographical geographical indication standards.
indications (a sui generis right), which
may be called, for instance, a protected
geographical indication, a denomination
of origin or an appellation of origin. The
right acquired can also be a collective
or a certification mark.

A geographical indication right enables

those who have the right to use the
indication to prevent its use by a third
party whose product does not conform
to the applicable standards. For
example, in the jurisdictions in which
the Darjeeling geographical indication is
protected, producers of Darjeeling tea
can exclude use of the term “Darjeeling”
for tea not grown in the tea gardens of
Darjeeling or not produced according
to the standards set out in the code of
practice for the Darjeeling geographical
indication. However, a protected

The international legal framework emblems associated with the area of
geographical origin.
The Paris Convention for
the Protection of Industrial The Paris Convention stipulates that,
Property (1883) in cases of use of false indications of
source on goods, the goods in question
The Paris Convention was the first are to be seized upon importation or,
international multilateral treaty to ultimately, to be subject to the actions
include provisions relating to indications and remedies available in the country
of geographical origin. Article 1(2) of the of importation. It further sets forth
Convention recognizes “indications of the obligation of Member States to
source” and “appellations of origin” as ensure appropriate legal remedies for
subject matter for industrial property. repressing the use of false indications
The Paris Convention does not directly of source.
define either of these terms, although
it contains language that allows one The Paris Convention also requires its
to infer the following definition of an members to ensure effective protection
indication of source: “an indication against unfair competition. For example,
referring to a country, or to a place the use of an indication of source on
situated therein as being the country or a good such that it could mislead the
place of origin of a product.”3 public as to the true geographical origin
of the good could be considered an act
An indication of source provides of unfair competition.
information about the geographical
origin of a product, but does not imply The Madrid Agreement for the
any special quality or characteristic Repression of False or Deceptive
of the product for which it is used. Indications of Source on
Examples of indications of source Goods (1891)
are the mention, on a product, of
the name of a country, or indications The Madrid Agreement for the
such as “made in…,” “product of….” Repression of False or Deceptive
An indication of source can also Indications of Source on Goods
be composed of symbols or iconic extends the protection afforded to false
indications of source under the Paris
3 Baeumer, Ludwig, “Protection of Geographical
Convention to deceptive indications of
Indications under WIPO Treaties and Questions source as well. Deceptive indications
Concerning the Relationship Between Those
Treaties and the TRIPS Agreement,” in
are those which, although literally
Symposium on the Protection of Geographical true, may be misleading. This would
Indications in the Worldwide Context (held in
Eger, Hungary, October 24/25, 1997), WIPO
be the case where, for example, there
publication No. 760(E), Geneva, 1999. are homonymous place names in

two different countries, but only one trademarks of those indications, even
place is known for the production of a if such use or registration does not
particular good. If the name were used mislead the public as to the true origin
on goods from the similarly named of the goods.
place, the indication of source would
be considered deceptive as the public Finally, the TRIPS Agreement contains
would likely be led to believe that the exceptions to the obligation to provide
good came from a different place. protection for geographical indications.
A first exception applies to geographical
The TRIPS Agreement (1994) indications for wines and spirits only,
for those WTO Members in which
The TRIPS Agreement, one of the WTO the indications have been used in a
Agreements, is applicable to all WTO continuing and similar manner for a
Members. It includes a section on the number of years. A second exception
protection of geographical indications applies where a trademark has been
(Part II, Section 3). acquired in good faith in the territory
of a WTO Member before the date of
Section 3 of the TRIPS Agreement sets application of the TRIPS Agreement
forth a definition of a geographical in that WTO Member, or before the
indication and contains a general geographical indication is protected in
obligation for WTO Members to provide the country of origin. A third exception
protection against misleading use of applies where the indication is
a geographical indication and against considered by a WTO Member to be the
use that constitutes an act of unfair customary term in common language
competition. It also requires Members (the common name) for the identified
to refuse or invalidate registration of a goods or services.
trademark that contains or consists of
a geographical indication with respect
to goods not originating in the territory
indicated, if use of the indication on
the trademark for such goods might
mislead the public as to the true place
of origin.

In addition to that general obligation,

Section 3 of the TRIPS Agreement
requires WTO Members to provide
protection against any use of
geographical indications for wines
and spirits and against registration as

How is protection exclusively to them – a sui generis
for a geographical system of protection. Such systems
indication obtained? establish a specific right, a sui generis
right, over geographical indications,
Geographical indications are separate from a trademark right or any
protected in different countries other IP right. A sui generis protection
and regional systems through a system exists in the EU with regard
wide variety of approaches – often to geographical indications for wines
by a combination of two or more and spirits, agricultural products and
approaches. Those approaches have foodstuffs. Many other jurisdictions
been developed in accordance with throughout the world, such as India,
different legal traditions and within a Switzerland, the Andean Community
framework of certain historical and countries and the African Intellectual
economic conditions. Property Organization (OAPI), among
others, also have sui generis systems
There are three main modalities of of protection.
protection for geographical indications:
(a) so-called sui generis systems; (b) The terminology used to refer to sui
collective and certification marks; and generis rights over geographical
(c) modalities focusing on business indications is not uniform. Terms such
practices including administrative as appellations of origin, controlled
product approval schemes. These appellations of origin, protected
approaches involve differences with designations of origin, protected
respect to important questions, such geographical indications or simply
as the conditions for protection or geographical indications, are used in
the scope of protection. On the other different legislation.
hand, two of the modes of protection,
namely sui generis systems and Generally, an application for registration
collective or certification mark systems, of a sui generis right should contain a
share some common features, such delimitation of the geographical area
as the fact that they set up rights for within which the product identified
collective use by those who comply with by the geographical indication is
defined standards. produced; a description of the
product’s characteristics, quality
or reputation; and the standards of
(a) Sui generis systems of protection production with which users of the right
should conform. In certain jurisdictions,
In certain jurisdictions, geographical the link between the product’s
indications may be protected through characteristics and the geographical
a system that applies specifically and area must be substantiated. All those

elements are contained in a document, Examples of geographical
which is sometimes called “the indications protected by a sui
product specification.” generis right in their country
of origin
In addition, sui generis systems
of protection usually require that Argan oil for an oil from the kernels of
verification and control schemes be put the argan tree, grown in Morocco
into place to ensure that users of the
geographical indication comply with the

Photo: Getty Images / © JuanamariGonzalez

agreed standards of production.

A sui generis right protects at the

very least against any use of the
geographical indication that would
mislead consumers as to the true
geographical origin of the product,
or that constitutes an act of unfair
competition. Geographical indications Gruyère for a cheese from a specific
identifying wines and spirits are region in Switzerland
further protected against any use by
an ineligible or unauthorized person,
even where such use does not result
in consumers being misled or in an
act of unfair competition. In some

Photo: © Interprofession du Gruyère

jurisdictions with a sui generis system,
such “additional protection” is afforded
to geographical indications that
identify other types of products as well.
Furthermore, some sui generis systems
protect geographical indications against
use in a translation, or against imitation
or evocation.

Protection of the geographical
indication Cricova by a
special law

By adopting Law No. 322-XV of

18.07.2003 on the Declaration of
the Complex “Combinatul de Vinuri
“Cricova” S.A.,” an Object of the
National-Cultural Heritage of the
Republic of Moldova, the Parliament
created a special regime for the use of
the geographical indication Cricova
for wine.

Photo: © Cricova
This law recognizes Cricova as part
of the country’s cultural heritage
and as a landscape complex of
national importance.

Cricova is famous for its unique

underground labyrinths. The greatest
part of Cricova’s wine production
facilities is placed underground, at a
depth of 60-80 meters, creating a huge
underground wine city with avenues,
streets and broadways.

These labyrinths offer a truly unique,

favorable microclimate that gives
typicity to the wines. All year round,
the naturally constant temperature
there remains at +12° to +14°C, and the
humidity at about 97 per cent to 98 per
cent, the most propitious conditions
for developing and aging exquisite, fine
wines. This humid, cool environment
contributes to the formation of
the authentic character of Cricova
wine products.

(b) Collective marks and established standards. Generally, the
certification marks4 holder of a certification mark does not
itself have the right to use the mark.
Some countries protect geographical
indications under trademark law, more Protection for geographical indications
specifically through collective marks or registered as collective or certification
certification marks. This is the case, for marks is provided for under general
example, in Australia, Canada, China trademark law. In other words,
and the United States of America. protection is afforded against use in the
course of trade by third parties without
What is meant by a collective mark the owner’s consent, of identical or
or certification mark (or, in some similar signs for identical or similar
countries, guarantee mark) differs goods, where such use would result in a
from country to country. However, likelihood of confusion.5
a common feature of these types of
marks is that they may be used by
more than one person, as long as the
users comply with the regulations of
use or standards established by the
holder. Those regulations or standards
may require that the mark be used
only in connection with goods that
have a particular geographical origin or
specific characteristics.

In some jurisdictions, the main

difference between collective marks
and certification marks is that the
former may only be used by members
of an association, while certification
marks may be used by anyone who
complies with the standards defined
by the holder of the mark. The holder,
which may be a private or a public
entity, acts as a certifier verifying
that the mark is used according to

4 For further information on collective and

certification marks, see document WIPO/
STrad/INF/6 at www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/ 5 Article 16 of the TRIPS Agreement. See WTO
sct/en/meetings/pdf/wipo_strad_inf_6.pdf. document IP/C/W/253/Rev.1.

Examples of geographical (c) Laws focusing on
indications protected by business practices6
collective or certification marks
in their country of origin Geographical indications may be
protected through certain laws that
focus on business practices, such as
laws relating to the repression of unfair
competition, consumer protection laws
or laws on the labeling of products.

These laws do not create an individual

industrial property right over the
Idaho potato for potatoes grown in geographical indication. However,
the State of Idaho, in the United States they indirectly protect geographical
of America indications insofar as they prohibit
certain acts that may involve their
unauthorized use.

Puer for a dark tea from the Yunnan

province, in China

6 See WTO document IP/C/W/253/Rev.1.

Combining different means
of protection

The modes of protection for

geographical indications do not
necessarily apply on a mutually on the rind of the cheese, where it is
exclusive basis. In some jurisdictions, it commercialized pre-packaged.
is possible to combine different means In addition, a label including the name
of protection. Thus, a geographical Parmigiano-Reggiano is used on the
indication can be protected through packaging. That label is also protected
a sui generis system, for example as a collective mark.
as an appellation of origin, and also
as an individual or a collective mark. Rioja is recognized as a qualified
A mark may be used to protect the appellation of origin in Spain and
product label, which can include registered as a PDO in the EU for a wine
the geographical indication and an produced in the Rioja region of Spain.
additional figurative element affixed to The PDO protects the name Rioja
the product to indicate to consumers as such.
that it complies with the product
specifications for the appellation
of origin.

Parmigiano-Reggiano is recognized
as an appellation of origin in Italy and
registered as a Protected Designation
of Origin (PDO) in the EU for a cheese
produced, according to specification, in Furthermore, two logos including the
the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, name Rioja are registered in order to
Mantua, Modena and Bologna, in Italy. reinforce protection of the name against
misuse. These logos are protected
by a collective mark and an individual
mark, respectively.

Source: Madrid Monitor www.wipo.int/madrid/

monitor/en; Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-
At the same time, the name Parmigiano- Reggiano Consejo Regulador de la Denominación
de Origen Calificada Rioja.
Reggiano is protected by a collective
mark for the pin-dot writing printed

How long does it take to protect protection if the competent authority
a geographical indication considers that the sign constitutes the
through registration? common name for the kind of product or
service to which it applies.
Obtaining protection for a geographical
indication through registration of a (iii) Homonymous
sui generis right or a collective or geographical indications
certification mark is just one step in the Homonymous geographical indications
process of establishing a geographical are those that are spelled or pronounced
indication scheme. The registration alike, but which identify products
procedure, from application to grant, may originating in different places, usually in
itself take several months or even years, different countries. In principle, these
depending on the system concerned and indications should coexist, but such
on any obstacles to registration that may coexistence may be subject to certain
be found along the way. conditions. For example, it may be
required that they be used in association
What are the potential with additional information as to the
obstacles to protecting a origin of the product in order to prevent
geographical indication? consumers from being misled.

There are several obstacles, from a A geographical indication may be

legal point of view, that may arise when refused protection if, due to the
seeking protection for a geographical existence of another homonymous
indication, including the following. indication, its use would be considered
potentially misleading to consumers
(i) Conflict with a prior mark with regard to the product’s true origin.
A geographical indication may be
refused protection in a particular (iv) The indication is the name of a
territory if the authority in that territory plant variety or animal breed
considers that the geographical In certain jurisdictions, protection may
indication is identical or similar to be refused to a geographical indication
a trademark previously applied for, if it conflicts with the name of a plant
registered or acquired through use, variety or an animal breed and may, as
in good faith, and that use of the a result, mislead the consumer as to the
geographical indication would result true origin of the product.
in a likelihood of confusion with
the trademark.

(ii) Generic character

A geographical indication may be refused

Protecting geographical
indications abroad
Why protect your geographical International Registration;
indication abroad? • through the Madrid System for
the International Registration of
Intellectual property rights are governed Marks (in which the geographical
by the “territoriality principle.” The indication concerned is protected in
effects of a right obtained in a particular the country of origin as a collective
jurisdiction are limited to the territory or certification mark); and
of that jurisdiction. Thus, where a • by concluding bilateral
right over a geographical indication agreements between States or
is obtained in one jurisdiction, it is commercial partners.
protected there but not abroad. In
other jurisdictions, the geographical
indication would face the risks usually Bilateral agreements
associated with lack of protection.
Protection in each of the markets in Two States or two trading partners
which the geographical indication (usually customs territories) may agree
product is commercialized is therefore to protect each other’s geographical
paramount. In order to protect a indications under a bilateral agreement.
geographical indication abroad, there Such agreements may be independent
may be a requirement to first protect the treaties or form part of a wider trade
geographical indication in the country agreement. There are numerous
of origin. examples of this type of agreement,
particularly in the wine and spirits
How are geographical indications sector. Some date back to the mid-
protected abroad? twentieth century, but they continue
to be a common way to protect
There are four main routes geographical indications, as evidenced
for protecting a geographical by the number of agreements
indication abroad: negotiated in recent years that are not
limited to wine and spirits.
• by obtaining protection directly in
the jurisdiction concerned;
• through the Lisbon Agreement
for the Protection of
Appellations of Origin and their

Modes of protection around the world for the
Darjeeling word and logo


Jurisdiction Nature and subject matter of registration

India • Copyright registration A-67292/2004 for
• Certification Mark 532240 for DARJEELING logo
• Certification Mark 831599 for DARJEELING word
• DARJEELING word as a geographical indication No. 1
• DARJEELING logo as a geographical indication No. 2
Australia • Certification Mark 998593 for DARJEELING logo
• Certification Mark 998592 for DARJEELING word
European Union • Community Collective Mark 004325718 for
• Community Collective Mark 008674327 for
• PGI for DARJEELING word under Regulation
No. 510/06, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
No. 1050/2011 of 20 October 2011
Japan • Trademark 2153713 for DARJEELING logo
Taiwan • Certification Mark 01327971 for DARJEELING word
(Province of China)
• Certification Mark 01327972 for DARJEELING logo
United States • Certification Mark 1632726 for DARJEELING logo
of America • Certification Mark 2685923 for DARJEELING word
Canada • Official Mark 0903697 for DARJEELING logo
International • Collective Mark 528696 for DARJEELING logo for Austria,
Registration France, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia,
(Madrid system) Spain, Switzerland

Note: Information valid as of May 2021.

Direct protection Lisbon Agreement

One option for protecting geographical The Lisbon Agreement was established
indications is directly in the jurisdiction to facilitate the protection of
concerned. As explained previously, appellations of origin at the international
geographical indications are protected level. It offers a means of obtaining
through a wide variety of approaches protection for an appellation of origin
in different jurisdictions, and often by a originating in one Member State in
combination of two or more methods. the territories of all other members
Protection under laws against unfair through a single registration called “an
competition and protection as a international registration.”
sui generis right, collective mark or
certification mark are generally the
modes of protection made available
in different jurisdictions. Right owners THE LISBON SYSTEM

may use the means available in the PRODUCTS FROM A DEFINED GEOGRAPHICAL AREA

jurisdiction of interest and, where

more than one mode of protection is
available, they will need to determine
which option is most suitable to
their needs.

For example, to protect a geographical

indication in Australia, China or the
United States of America, an application
for registration of a collective or a
certification mark may be filed directly Only an appellation of origin that is
with the respective trademark office. recognized and protected in its country
Those seeking protection in the EU for of origin may be the subject of an
geographical indications identifying application for international registration.
agricultural products or foodstuffs can The country of origin is defined as “the
apply for registration of a Protected country whose name, or the country
Geographical Indication (PGI) or a in which is situated the region or
Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). locality whose name, constitutes the
It is also possible to file an application appellation of origin which has given the
for registration of a collective mark product its reputation.”
with the European Union Intellectual
Property Office (EUIPO). Applications for international
registration must be filed with WIPO by
the competent authority of the country

of origin. Individual applicants cannot Once an appellation of origin has been
present applications to WIPO, even internationally registered, it is protected
were they to have the right to use the without any limitation in time, meaning
appellation of origin concerned. with no need for renewal. An appellation
that has been granted protection by a
WIPO notifies the other States party Member State cannot be deemed to
to the Lisbon Agreement of any have become generic in that State as
applications it receives. Any Member long as it is protected as an appellation
State may declare, within a period of origin in the country of origin.
of one year, that it cannot protect
the appellation of origin notified to In October 2013, the WIPO General
it. The Agreement does not set forth Assembly decided to convene a
the grounds on which a notification Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption
of international registration may be of a New Act of the Lisbon Agreement
refused, but leaves it to Member States that would render the Lisbon System
to determine the grounds on which it more attractive for States and users,
cannot protect a given international while preserving its principles and
registration in their territory. objectives. The Diplomatic Conference
was held in Geneva from May 11 to
If no declaration of refusal is 21, 2015, and the Geneva Act of the
communicated to WIPO by a Member Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of
State within the one-year time limit Origin and Geographical Indications
following receipt of a notification of was adopted on May 20, 2015. In
registration, the protection of the particular, the Geneva Act allows
appellation of origin takes effect in that for the international registration of
country as of the date of international geographical indications, in addition
registration. However, a Member State to appellations of origin. Furthermore,
may declare that protection is assured it permits the accession to the Lisbon
in that country as of a different date, Agreement by certain intergovernmental
which may not be later than the date of organizations, and provides flexibilities
expiry of the one-year refusal period. aimed at making the Lisbon System
more attractive. The Geneva Act
Appellations of origin registered under entered into force on February 26, 2020.
the Lisbon Agreement are protected
against any usurpation or imitation of
the appellation, even if the true origin
of the product is indicated or if the
appellation is used in translated form or
accompanied by terms such as “kind,”
“type,” “make,” “imitation” or the like.

Madrid system Contracting Parties in whose
territories protection is sought. WIPO
Geographical indications can be communicates the mark to the offices
protected in several countries as of the designated Contracting Parties,
collective or certification marks through which examine it in exactly the same
the Madrid Agreement Concerning the way as if it had been filed as a national
International Registration of Marks, application. If examination results in
concluded in 1891, and the Protocol grounds for refusal, or if a third party
relating to the Madrid Agreement, files an opposition, the office of the
adopted in 1989. Both treaties designated Contracting Party may,
constitute the Madrid system and are within a fixed time limit, declare that
administered by WIPO. protection cannot be granted in its
territory. If no refusal is issued by that
The Madrid system may be used by office, or if a refusal is subsequently
anyone with a connection, through withdrawn, the international registration
a real and effective commercial or obtained for the mark under the Madrid
industrial establishment, domicile or system has the same effects, in the
nationality, with a Contracting Party, Contracting Party concerned, as a
meaning the countries or organization national registration.
party to the Agreement and/or Protocol.
It offers the possibility to protect a An international registration is initially
mark, including a collective mark or valid for 10 years and can be renewed
a certification or guarantee mark, indefinitely for 10-year terms.
in several countries, by filing one
application (an international application) International registrations for marks
directly with the applicant’s national or protected under the Madrid system can
regional trademark office (the office of be searched through Madrid Monitor,
origin) and obtaining one registration available on WIPO’s website at
(international registration). www.wipo.int/madrid/monitor/en.

A mark may be the subject of an

international registration only if it has
already been registered, or registration
has been applied for, with the trademark
office of the Contracting Party with
which the applicant has the necessary
“connection” to the system.

The applicant designates, in the

international application, the

The following geographical
indications are protected as
collective or certification marks
under the Madrid system

International Registration No. 1022062
in class 33, for wine

Napa Valley
International Registration No. 1085952
in class 33, for wine

International Registration No. 959458 in

class 30, for tea

Lübecker Marzipan
International Registration No. 493902 in
class 30, for marzipan

Source: Madrid Monitor at


Although they are one of the oldest geographical indication. However, it is
forms of IP, geographical indications also evident that failure to adequately
have only recently become the subject protect geographical indications as IP
of generalized interest. In many can throw overboard even the most
countries, the need to comply with balanced, development-oriented
obligations under the TRIPS Agreement geographical indication scheme.
triggered this focus on geographical
indications. Countries soon realized The booklet outlines some of the current
that there is potential value in this threats facing unprotected geographical
form of IP. The fact that geographical indications, and summarizes the modes
indications are embedded in a territory of protection available at the national
means they can be effective tools for and international levels.
promoting locally-based development.
Their close linkage with tradition
suggests that they can have a positive
impact on the preservation of traditional
cultural expressions and traditional
knowledge. With the increasing
recognition of geographical indications’
multifunctional character, the challenge
will be to design and implement a
comprehensive geographical indication
scheme that could constitute the basis
for sustainable development.

This booklet describes some of the

policy considerations related to the
development of geographical indication
schemes, as well as some of the
factors and conditions involved in their
success. It then concentrates on one of
those conditions, namely the protection
of geographical indications as an IP
right. It is clear that legal protection of
geographical indications should not be
an isolated aim, and that it is not the
unique prerequisite for a successful

Further reading
This booklet draws from many Vandecandelaere, Emilie et al., Linking
documents, studies and other materials People, Places and Products, jointly
prepared within the context of WIPO’s published by the Food and Agriculture
work. The following are some of the Organization of the United Nations
materials consulted: (FAO) and SINER-GI, FAO, 2009.

Baeumer, Ludwig, “Protection of United Nations Industrial Development

Geographical Indications under WIPO Organization (UNIDO), Adding Value
Treaties and Questions Concerning to Traditional Products of Regional
the Relationship Between Those Origin: A Guide to Creating a Quality
Treaties and the TRIPS Agreement,” Consortium, Vienna, 2010.
in Symposium on the Protection
of Geographical Indications in the World Trade Organization (WTO),
Worldwide Context (held in Eger, “Review under Article 24.2 of the
Hungary, October 24/25, 1997), WIPO Application of the Provisions of the
publication No. 760(E), Geneva, 1999. Section of the TRIPS Agreement
on Geographical Indications,” WTO
Bramley, Cerkia, Estelle Biénabe, and document IP/C/W/253/Rev.1, 2003.
Johann Kirsten, “The Economics of
Geographical Indications: Towards
a Conceptual Framework for WIPO documents and publications
Geographical Indication Research
in Developing Countries,” in The SCT/3/6: Geographical Indications.
Economics of Intellectual Property,
WIPO, 2009. SCT/5/3: Conflicts between
Trademarks and GIs, Conflicts between
Giovannucci, Daniele et al., Guide Homonymous GIs.
to Geographical Indications, Linking
Products and their Origins, International SCT/8/4: Geographical Indications,
Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva, 2009. Historic Background, Nature of
the Right, Existing Systems of
Rangnekar, Dwijen, The Socio- Protection, Obtaining Protection in
Economics of Geographical Indications: Other Countries.
A Review of Empirical Evidence from
Europe, UNCTAD-ICTSD Project on SCT/9/4: The Definition of
IPTs and Sustainable Development Geographical Indications.
Series, Issue Paper 8, 2004.

SCT/9/5: Geographical Indications and Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on
the Territoriality Principle. Appellations of Origin and Geographical
Indications and Regulations Under the
SCT/10/4: Geographical Indications. Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
of May 20, 2015, WIPO Publication
WIPO/STrad/INF/6: Technical and No. 239.
Procedural Aspects Relating to the
Registration of Certification and Treaties relating to the Madrid
Collective Marks. System Concerning the International
Registration of Marks, WIPO Publication
The Lisbon System, WIPO Publication No. 204.
No. 942.

Intellectual Property and Genetic

Resources, Traditional Knowledge and
Traditional Cultural Expressions, WIPO
Publication No. 933.
© WIPO, 2021
World Intellectual Property Organization Reprinted with revisions 2021
First edition 2012
34, chemin des Colombettes
P.O. Box 18 Attribution 4.0
CH-1211 Geneva 20 (CC BY 4.0)

Switzerland The CC license does not apply to

non-WIPO content in this publication.
Tel: + 41 22 338 91 11
Cover: Tea plantation: Getty Images /
Fax: + 41 22 733 54 28 © hadynyah; Coffee beans: Unsplash /
© Phil Desforges / Gruyère cheese:
For contact details of WIPO’s © Interprofession du Gruyère

External Offices visit: WIPO Publication No. 952E/2021

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