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Team Code of Conduct

RefineX Engineering
i. Determination of Team Roles
The chair of Bentham Rep Meetings and secretary will be determined by the team prior to BR
meetings to ensure the rotation of roles. All team members should reach a consensus on the choices
made. The roles for the upcoming meetings are tracked on a separate word document.
ii. Accessibility of Files
All team files will be stored on the Team Channel.
iii. Naming of Files
Files should follow the format: filecontent.version.
iv. Team Members in Charge of Submissions
The nominated chair will be responsible for submitting presentations, and the nominated secretary
will be responsible for submitting meeting minutes.
v. Communication Methods
Team members will primarily communicate through WhatsApp, and any virtual meetings will be
conducted using Teams.
vi. Minimum Team Members for Meetings
A minimum of four team members should be present during meetings. Other team members must
be informed of the meeting's decisions and discussions.
vii. Phone Usage During Meetings
Team members should refrain from using their phones during meetings unless it's an emergency.
viii. Deadlines
Team members should submit their own works 18 hours before the deadline to allow for
ix. Meetings
Team members will hold weekly meetings on Mondays following the Bentham Rep Meeting to
discuss upcoming tasks. Subsequently, team members will work on their assigned tasks and
reconvene on Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM to review progress. Following this, group
members will convene before their topic-specific session on Fridays at 10:30 AM to collaborate on
integrating completed work and preparing for the presentation.
Team Functioning
i. Resolving Conflicts and Disputes
In the event of a conflict, team members should hold a meeting where each member can express
their views on the conflict. A consensus should be reached and agreed upon by all team members,
by allowing the team members to discuss their opinions together to come to a unanimous decision.
ii. Valuing Every Team Member
During all meetings, every team member should be encouraged to share their opinions and be
actively listened to. Each team member should remain open to new ideas. In presentations, all team
members should have a speaking role, and everyone should be treated with respect.
iii. Connecting In Person and Virtual Meetings
Whenever possible, meetings should be held in person. However, in exceptional circumstances or
when necessary, virtual meetings may be scheduled.
Extreme Measures
i. Consequences for Breach of Contract/Code of Conduct
In the event of a breach, the team member at fault should issue a formal apology to the other team
ii. Bringing Team Dysfunction to Bentham Reps
If a conflict persists for more than two weeks without resolution, the Bentham rep should be
informed. They will provide guidance on resolving the conflict.
Team members experiencing individual problems may also choose to discuss them with the
Bentham Rep at their discretion.

By signing this contract, the team member agrees to the functioning of the team and understand the
consequences of the breach of conduct.
Signatures of team members:

Aniruddh Desai:

Junhyuk Yun:

Seohyun Choi:

Jahaan Melwani Daryanani:

Aastha Gokani:

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