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Disease Early

Warning And
Advisory Systems
– The Case of
Wheat Rusts
Dave Hodson
Thanks to a Global Community
An Increasing Threat –
Transboundary Pathogens & Pests
• Rate of spread, appearance in new areas, and
detection of new pathogen races (new diseases)
is increasing
– Drivers: globalization (trade, travel), climate change,
selection pressure (uniform cropping systems)

Wheat Blast Fall Army Worm

Stem Rust Maize Lethal Necrosis
Yellow Rust

Pathogen Surveillance & Monitoring Systems increasingly needed

Wheat Rusts: Combating Cereal Killers
Highly mobile pathogens, extremely destructive and constantly changing!

Stem (Black) Rust Stripe (Yellow) Rust

• Most destructive disease on wheat, historically the most
• Significant increase in spread since 1960
feared disease
• Est. 5.47 million tonnes loss/yr (US$979
• Under favourable conditions, capable of causing 100%
million / yr)
crop loss within weeks Source: Beddow et al 2015 Nature Plants
• Re-emerging as a disease of concern

Wheat crop killed by stem Yellow rust epidemic,

rust, Ethiopia Nov 2013 Ethiopia
Rust Surveillance History

Ug99 – A call to action

●1998: Anomalous results from
a nursery in Uganda

● 1999:Confirmation of loss of
important Sr genes (Sr31, Sr38
+++) “Ug99” [TTKSK]

● 2005: “Sounding the Alarm on

Global Stem Rust”. Formation of
the (Borlaug) Global Rust Initiative
● ?’s – Susceptibility? Where next? How soon?....

● Clear need for effective monitoring & surveillance

Pathogen Surveillance

Wheat Rusts
• Since 2008
• 63,000+ survey records
• 19,000+ samples
• Covers 43 countries: large % of developing world wheat
• Most comprehensive, operational monitoring system
Large-scale for major crop diseases

surveillance networks
Wheat Rust Toolbox

• The wheat rust toolbox -

core data management
• One of the most
comprehensive crop
disease data resources
• 63,000+ geo ref. survey
records from 43 countries
• 19,000+ sample records
• Data-driven display /
analytical tools
Rust Pathotyping Lab Network

Canada Denmark Turkey
AAFC Morden Global Rust Reference Center Central Field Crops Research Inst + Pakistan
ICARDA, Regional Rust Research Center PARC, Crop Diseases Res. Inst, Murree

DWR Flowerdale, Shimla

USDA-ARS Cereals Disease Lab



KALRO, Njoro Research Center

PBI, University of Sydney

South Africa
University of the Free State
Evolution and Spread of
Races Belonging to the Ug99
Lineage of the Stem (Black)
Rust Fungus
2005 2008 2010 2021

• Ug99 is mutating and migrating

• Seventeen (+) Ug99 races now known. Presence in 14 countries confirmed
• 80-90% wheat varieties/germplasm susceptible or with inadequate resistance in 2006
• Launch of Borlaug Global Rust Initiative in 2005 (DRRW project in 2008)
• Global stem rust threats now extend beyond Ug99
Stem Rust: Recent Developments
Europe: Sweden – 1st outbreak in 60 years
Stem rust continues to re-emerge Sexual population (Barberry)
• 2020 – Ireland
• 2021 – Belgium
W Siberia / N Kazakhstan
• 2022 - UK
Sexual population (Barberry)
• All Non Ug99 races
Outbreak on 3 million ha

Spain – Unique races – sexual

population from Barberry
Race TKHBK Iraq
Vir: Sr31, Sr33, Sr53 and Sr59 • 2019: Ug99 Race
Sr31 virulence (non-Ug99) TTKTT first detection
Olivera et al 2022 Plant Pathology

Kenya • Ug99 Race TTKTT
Ug99 New variants continue to emerge increasing in frequency
• Kenya (2019) : Race TTKTT +Sr8155B1 • TTKTT +Sr8155B1 (1st
(14th Ug99 variant) detection 2021)
• Kenya (2020) : Race TTHTT (15th Ug99
• Kenya (2020): Race PTKTT (16th Ug99
variant) • Stem Rust is re-emerging as a disease of concern
• Kenya (2020): Race PTKTK (17th Ug99 • Non Ug99 races spreading e.g., TKKTF, TKTTF,
variant?) TTRTF…
• New Ug99 variants emerging + spreading

University of
Pathogens without Borders-
Recent Yellow Rust
• New race (PstS16) –
(2018) – Ethiopia 2015

(2020), Uganda (2023) 2012
• PstS10 (2017) PstS13 2016
(2018) confirmed in 2021: Paraguay 2018
1st report of YR
• PstS14 Iraq (2020) PstS11 2016
• 2021 First report of YR PstS13
Paraguay (PstS13) PstS14
• 2021 Nepal – high PstS16
diversity (sexual PstS17 2017 2018

• 2022 PstS17 confirmed
• New genotype – • New Emerging Genetic Groups of Yellow Rust
Ethiopia 2021 (from S • Spreading Extremely Quickly
Asia) • Large Scale Epidemics
Development of
Early Warning Systems
• Advanced Spore Dispersal
Model (NAME model, UK
Met Office)
• 7 day forecast models for
dispersal and risk (daily, in-
• 3 weeks’ warning to prevent

Olivera et al Phytopathology 2015

Dispersal + Suitability → Risk

Wheat Rust
Early Warning Advisory Systems
• Advanced, in-season,
early warning systems 7 day forecast models for
dispersal and risk
• Operational: Ethiopia, Models Weekly Advisories
Dispersal + Suitability → Risk
Nepal, Bangladesh
• Reaching 100,000’s Advisories
farmers – timely,
actionable information Survey Data 7 day forecast
(automatic) (automatic)
Crowdsourced Phone

Targeted SMS alerts

Central Early
Warning Unit
Field Survey (Integrated Data
hub) Reach (SHF/Extension): Target 1 million

Rapid Action
Near real-time data (ODK)
Near Real-time
Diagnostics Control ahead
of disease in
key areas

Wheat Rust Toolbox

Global Data Management System
Allen-Sader et al, 2019 Env Res Letters
Early Warning Impact:
Ethiopia 2010 vs 2021
2010 No Early Warning System 2021 Operational Early Warning
Situation: Extreme high-risk rust season Situation: Extreme high-risk rust season
Outcome: Devastating yellow rust epidemic Outcome: Record wheat production
Over 600,000 ha affected, est. losses
>US$250 million

Early Warning Systems contributed to prevention of epidemic in 2021

Early Warning South Asia
• Successful transfer meteorologically-
driven dynamic epidemiological
forecasting models for wheat rust from
Ethiopia to:
– Nepal and Bangladesh
• In-season, operational system – daily,
7-day forecasts (spore dispersal,
environmental suitability), weekly
• Reaching over 500,000 farmers in
2020/21 season (Nepal & Bangladesh)
• Regional forecasting (South Asia) now
operational + weekly regional advisories
• MARPLE + Nuru (AI) – start in Nepal
Next Steps: DEWAS Wheat Project
South Asia
• Duration: 3-year project - Nepal
2023-2026 Pakistan
• Geographic Focus: East Africa+ Bhutan

& South Asia

• Diseases: Wheat Rusts +
Wheat Blast (+FHB)

East Africa+
Mobile And Real-time PLant disEase (MARPLE) diagnostics

388 genes Risk Forecasting

Identify Extract Mobile Data Diagnostics > Early Warning

disease DNA sequencing analysis define strain System

2 days from sample prep to results!!

Radhakrishnan et al & Saunders (2019) BMC Biology

Slide courtesy of Dr Diane Saunders

Wheat Blast
• Spreading globally
• Increasing geographical spread
in both Bangladesh and Zambia
• Clear need for increased
surveillance and efficient early

Singh et al, 2021. Front. Plant Sci. 12:710707. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.710707

Develop Rapid Diagnostics for Wheat Blast &
Monitor and Track Through Advanced Genotyping
Aim: Provide tools & build capacity to rapidly respond to wheat blast outbreaks
In situ rapid detection Multiplex amplicon sequencing Full genome sequencing

Wheat blast

Board of Trustees

MonsterPlex amplicon sequencing to

analyze 84 variable SNPs
Latorre et al 2023 PLoSBiology

Slide courtesy of Diane Saunders JIC,UK

New threats: Fusarium Head Blight
(FHB) in Ethiopia (East Africa)
Urgent action is needed in East
Africa to tackle the increasing
threat of FHB, to increase wheat
productivity, ensure food safety
• One of the most challenging wheat
diseases globally
• Yield losses of more than 50%
• Mycotoxins: Grain containing more than
5% of FHB infected kernels can contain
enough toxin to be harmful to humans and
• Increasing rapidly in East Africa
• Ethiopia 2022 – over 50% of fields
Ethiopia Oct 2022 infected
• Integrated disease management, is
critically needed in Ethiopia to successfully
tackle FHB
Thank you
for your

Photo Credits (top left to bottom right): Julia Cumes/CIMMYT, Awais

Yaqub/CIMMYT, CIMMYT archives, Marcelo Ortiz/CIMMYT, David
Hansen/University of Minnesota, CIMMYT archives, CIMMYT archives (maize),
Ranak Martin/CIMMYT, CIMMYT archives.

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