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Chapter I


Background of the Study

PowerPoint is part of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) program developed
by Microsoft in 1987. It is an application program of presentation bundled in Microsoft office (El-Ikhan,
2010). It consists of slides allowing the user to present messages (Asogwa, 2011). Information prepared
on a computer could be better projected for larger audience using a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) or DLP
projector. PowerPoint presentation could be used in the classroom for supporting student learning by
combining computer and projector to display slides for illustrating a lesson.

Proponents of PowerPoint argued that it increases visual quality in the learning process. They
also contend that it takes less time to present a subject matter; therefore, more materials can be
covered in the classroom. Opponents of PowerPoint believe that it diminishes creativity and innovation
besides elevating format over content, betraying an attitude of commercialism that turns everything
into a sales pitch (Tufte, 2003). Supporters of Power Point believe that it helps to keep students’ interest
and attention on the lecture (Szabo & Hastings, 2000), improves student learning (Lowry, 1999), and aids
explanations of complex illustrations (Apperson, Laws, & Scepansky, 2006).

Included within D.Ono. 78, s. 2010- Guidelines on the perpetration of DepEd Computerization
Program (DCP), it aims to accelerate and transfigure every public academy through DCP, targeting
quality tutoring- literacy process by furnishing applicable technologies, this program must respond to
the computer backlog of public seminaries by means of feeding tackle and software, and training on
simple trouble shooting. In respond to this, public seminaries civil integrates Information and
Communication Technology within the academy system, provides necessary technologies similar as
computer laboratory packages for secondary academy while classroom to abecedarian seminaries,
provides laptop for mobile preceptors, reduces computer backlog for public seminaries and most
importantly raise the Information Communication Technology knowledge of learners, pupils, scholars,
preceptors and academy heads which is in line with the objects under this legal order.

Enhancing PowerPoint skills in Grade 6 is important not only for immediate academic benefits
but also for equipping students with essential skills that have broader implication for their future
educational. As students progress to higher grades, they encounter more complex academic task that
often involve digital presentation. Hands-on training between the basic computer skills are one of the
most important ground for the student to bear with technological competency and one of those is by
means of using PowerPoint by means of computer or mobile phone.

Through a hands-on practice, group project, and peer feedback, this approach ensures a
comprehensive and interactive learning experience for Grade 6 student. PowerPoint skill are in demand
More than 25% of high-opportunity jobs require training in PowerPoint. There are over 500 million
PowerPoint users in the world. Basic training can enhance it can aid making persuasive presentations,
cataloging vital information, and enhancing overall communication efficiency.

The following inputs fuels this study to conduct an assessment about the skill level of Grade 6
students regarding the usage of PowerPoint. This evaluation highlights the skills and familiarity of the
said population. This study will tackle down basic PowerPoint processing orientation and featured that
the said application possesses. It aims to conceptualize the technological aptitude of the students.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the skill level in PowerPoint. Specifically, it will seek to answer the
following questions:

What is the Skill level of Grade 6 students regarding the usage of PowerPoint?

In terms of:

1. basic word processing orientation

2. features of PowerPoint

- On what specific field in terms of basic PowerPoint application do Grade 6 students most competent
with? How about least competent?

Research Hypothesis

Grade 6 students of Maestrado Elementary School are not competent enough in terms of
performing basic PowerPoint processing and other related features of PowerPoint.

Conceptual Framework




This conceptual framework states the relationship and outcome regarding the integration of Information
and Communication Technology within the academic institutions empowering its environment by means
of computerization program. In line with ICT is some technological competencies that students must
meet within and one of those is the literacy on basic word application. Upon penetrating the school
environment this will definitely target the main subject which are the students and by means of teaching
ICT-related courses through hands-on training specifically on word processing applications.
Significance of the Study

Students- the product of this study will benefit the respondents itself in order to raise their
particular awareness about the skill level of using PowerPoint as a whole regarding the said PowerPoint
application and this serves as a tool for p0ersonal improvement.

Teachers- the output of this research study will serve as their basis at the same time a guide for
the formulation of strategies and teaching approaches when it comes to PowerPoint as a necessity in
21st century.

Educational Empowerment- The study aims to empower Grade 6 students with practical skills,
fostering digital literacy and equipping them for future academic challenges.


To future researchers- The findings of this study would motivate the other researchers to go
deeper more on enhancing the skill level of Grade 6 students using basic techniques and suggest better
ways in teaching PowerPoint.

Scope and Delimitation

The study confines itself to Grade 6 students, and generalization to other grade levels may not
be explicitly addressed.

This study was conducted at Maestrado Elementary School located at Barangay Culo, Molave,
Zamboanga del Sur.

Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to the study, the following terms
are defined conceptually and operationally.

PowerPoint- A widely used software application for creating and delivering presentations,
serving as the primary tool for skills enhancement in this study.

Enhancing- To improve, augment, or increase the quality, value, or effectiveness of something.

It involves making positive modifications or refinements to enhance the overall characteristics or
capabilities of a particular entity.

ICT (Information and Communications Technology)- Is an umbrella term that includes any
communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and
network hardware and software satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and
applications associated with them such as videoconferencing and distance learning.

Skill level- The degree of proficiency, competence, or mastery an individual possesses in a

particular skill or set of skills.

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