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Homework # 1 PE 546 Name :

1. (5 points) Describe essential data that is required for a reservoir simulation study. Assume for
blackoil model and one set of PVT and one rock-fluid interaction zone.
2. (16 points) Construct a simple pattern model using the following statements in the input file. Do
the following:
a. Draw the grid system for the reservoir situation
b. Calculate permeability distribution along y and z directions, respectively.
c. Locate the wells in the grid system.
d. Briefly describe the perforation layers of each well.

**----RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION KEYWORD GROUP--------------------------------------------

*GRID *VARI 10 10 5

*DI *IVAR 120 70 30 70 145 70 30 70 145 70

*DJ *JVAR 60 50 30 30 50 80 30 60 60 50
*DK *KVAR 10 12 14 10 13

*DTOP *CON 2000

*POR *KVAR 0.15 0.17 0.25 0.10 0.15
100.0 300.0 1000.0 50.0 200.0

**---WELL AND RUN DATA---------------------------------------------------------

*DATE 1995 01 01

*WELL 1 'OIL1' *VERT 3 3

*WELL 2 'OIL2' *VERT 10 3
*WELL 3 'OIL3' *VERT 3 10

** rad geofac wfrac skin
*GEOMETRY *K 0.089 0.34 1.0 0.0
** KF FF
3:5 1.0

** rad geofac wfrac skin
*GEOMETRY *K 0.089 0.34 1.0 0.0
** KF FF
2:3 1.0

** rad geofac wfrac skin
*GEOMETRY *K 0.089 0.34 1.0 0.0
** KF FF
2:3 1.0

3. (4 pts) What is a control volume and what are characteristics of a control volume?
4. (10 pts) what are Darcy’s law for single phase fluid flow in 1D, 2D, and 3D models?
5. (5 pts) Draw a control volume in 1D, 2D, and 3D rectangular coordinate systems. ?

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