HTH Officer Application

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This application is due Monday, February 6th by 11:00 AM.

No exceptions

Requirements For Potential Candidates

All HTH Officer Candidates must meet the following requirements:

3.0 unweighted cumulative GPA

Must be an active member (attendance at volunteer events & meetings must be over 50%)
Must not have any disciplinary infractions
Must attend Officer Interest Meeting (unless an exception is made)
Must turn in a complete Officer Application by the deadline (1/30 at 2:30 PM)
Must attend an interview with current officers & sponsor

General Information
Hannah Mendez Castro
Name: ________________________________________

Student Number: ____________________________

Application Questions
1. What position are you seeking?
Vice President
2. What grade will you be in for the 23-24 school year?
3. Why do you feel you are fit for this position?

I feel as if I have experience and

will show leadership and
responsibility using these ability’s
and bring something new to the table.

4. Why are you interested in becoming an officer for Helping the Homeless?

I’m interested in becoming an

officer for the experience it
provides and the lessons I will
learn along the way I’ve always
wanted to use my abilities to goo
use and give back to my community
that had gone so much for me
Check the box if you agree or disagree

Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I have prior ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
leadership experience
that will benefit me in
this role.

I am able to make a ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
commitment to this
organization and will
perform my tasks to
the best of my ability.

I can adapt to a ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
situation and resolve
issues in a timely and
orderly manner.
Next Step:
Once this application is submitted, an interview will be scheduled with the candidate, current
officers, and sponsor. Interviews will take place Tuesday, February 7th after school in Portable
901. Further scheduling will take place on a case-by-case basis.

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