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Write better hooks

“The first line of a story should create a sense of

anticipation, arouse curiosity, and set the tone for the
rest of the book.” — Jeffrey Archer

You will see this hook sentence everywhere in the Book

title so that they can judge a book by its cover Xd

You will find that those on advertisements and Blog titles

and LinkedIn posts

It's Everywhere!

So that's why you should read this Blog can write better
hook Sentences!

Why does a hook sentence exist?

The first sentence sets the tone for the rest of the writing,
so it’s important to make it count.” — Anne Lamott,
American novelist

Because this Sentence tells readers that this piece of

Content is worthy of their attention.
and the attention is new currency :)

Types of hooks

I think if you’re categorising your hooks into these

categories then you’re limiting your creative potential.

“Every artist has experienced the creative block. We get

stuck in our work. We beat our head against the wall:
nothing.” — Joseph Campbell, mythologist

Writer’s block is just the universe’s way of saying, ‘Go

take a walk, eat a cupcake, you deserve it.’” — Unknown

Shall we talk about Creative block in another blog :)

• Rhetorical questions

• Descriptions

• Anecdotes

• Statistics
Here’s Break of each Type of Hook Sentence

1- Rhetorical Questions Hook : This hook made

us think

Winston Churchill: “A rhetorical question is the question

you ask when you already know the answer but just
want someone else to say it.”

Rhetorical hooks are hooks that make us think

Rhetorical hooks example

• “What’s the one skill you wish you could master

in 2024?”

Apple’s “Think Different” slogan

Apple used the slogan “Think Different” from 1997 to
2002 and this Slogan made us think :)

Steve's job is Marketing genius there is no doubt

Hook Sentence breakdown

• It made emotional connections

• This slogan aligned with the brand identity

• It Challenges the Reader's status quo
encouraging people to break free from
conventional thinking

2- Descriptions Hook : Let them see in future

George R.R. Martin: “A reader lives a thousand lives

before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

Okay, I have seen this type of hook used many times in

the publishing industry where this hook will tell us what
type of content they can expect.

For example “ I write a blog telling my audience about

types of hooks and this I what I learned”

Airbnb’s “Live There” Campaign

There is no doubt this Campaign is Descriptions hook

and I want to travel now 😢

Hook Sentence breakdown

• This Hook sentence paints an Image in the
Readers' minds and made us think about their
travelling experience

• Words sell the ideal lifestyle of travellers

• This Hook directly align with Brands values

3- Anecdotes Hook : Personal stories duhh

Tell me something I don’t know, and tell it to me in a

way I won’t forget.” — Nelson Mandela

Okay this type of hook is my favourite one because this

type of hook We as creators used when we share
personal stories

And this Old Spice campaign is the best example of it

Old Spice: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

Okay this ad campaign is so funny but this ad campaign

defiantly falls into this category :)

Hook Sentence breakdown

• Their target audience is men but they are target
women's lol

• and it's Funny and memorable

• and this is hook making a promise

and that's why once Seth godin wrote in his book called
permission marketing “
Marketing is a contest for people’s attention. The
promise that you make to your customers is all you

4- Statistics Hook: Time to show some numbers

A single statistic can sometimes tell a more meaningful

story than a thousand words.” — Malcolm Gladwell,
journalist and author

Our human mind just takes things seriously if we see

numbers somewhere

Think Hook is perfect for that job

Apple: “1,000 Songs in Your Pocket”

I swear to god I saw this Apple ad campaign in my

LinkedIn feed many times.

and We as Marketers or copywriters learned a lot from

this campaign.

Hook Sentence breakdown

• He mentioned those numbers internationally coz
at that time storing that amount of music was
nearly impossible

• It made a personal connection with the readers

• This hook is short and yet simple

Here’s are some tips for writing hook sentence

• Keep your hook Sentences short

• Tell readers what is coming next

• Use Numbers in your hook

• Don’t repeat the title

• Use the word “You”

• Use active voice

• Use storytelling
that's it for today Toodle.

Hasta la Vista.

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