English Highway Podcast: Pronunciation: /S/ Clusters (#0305)

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English Highway Podcast

Pronunciation: /s/ Clusters (#0305)

Practice consonant combinations that contain the /s/ sound.

Announcer: You’re about to listen to an audio lesson from OpenEnglish.com.

Welcome. I’m your head coach Andres Moreno, and I’m ready for another
exciting audio lesson.

Today we’ll be looking at the pronunciation of combinations of consonants,

specifically combinations that contain an “s” sound.

For example, when we combine the letters “s” and “c” at the beginning of a
word, we get words such as, “score” and “school.” So repeat after me:


Again, first you'll have to hear that “s” sound and then the “c” coming after


Repeat after me:



Can you hear it? Come on again:



Start with the “s” and then the “c”:


You got it. Let's practice a sentence. Repeat after me:

“I scored a goal.”


“I scored a goal.

Good job. Now let's look at a combination of the letter “s” and the letter “t”
as in the words:

An original Open English production in association with Cl@se.

Copyright© FoxyP2 Inc. and Rainbow Heights International LLC
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So repeat after me:


The same as before, first make the “s” sound: sss and then the “t” : t.
Put 'em together:


Repeat after me:



That's it, one more time:



Good job. Here's a sentence. Repeat after me:

“I stopped studying at 10:00.”

That's a hard one. Let's repeat it again:

“I stopped studying at 10:00.

Good job. Now let's look at the combination of the letter “s” and the letter
“m.” As in the words:




Repeat after me:



And again:

An original Open English production in association with Cl@se.

Copyright© FoxyP2 Inc. and Rainbow Heights International LLC
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Great job. Here's a sentence for you to practice. Repeat after me:

“I could smell the small dog.”

And again:

“I could smell the small dog.”

That's right. Always start with the “s” sound sss and then the other
consonant, in this case the “m”: mmm



Repeat after me:


Good job. Let's move on to the next combination of consonants. In this

case, it's the “s” and the letter “p.” As in the words:




Can you hear the “s” and then the “p” sound?


Repeat after me:



Come on, really emphasize the “s” and then the “p”:



Good job. Here's a sentence. Repeat after me:

“Speak up and spell your name.”

An original Open English production in association with Cl@se.

Copyright© FoxyP2 Inc. and Rainbow Heights International LLC
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And again:

“Speak up and spell your name.”

Way to go. Now we're gonna practice with consonant combinations of

three different letters. We're gonna start with the “s” the “p” and the “l,” as
in the word, “splendid.”

Repeat after me:


And again:



And again:


Good job. Here's a sentence. Repeat after me:

“Splenda is my favorite sweetener.”

One more time:

“Splenda is my favorite sweetener.”

Way to go. That was the combination of the “s” the “p” and the “l.”
So first we heard the “s” and then the “p” and the “l.”



Let me hear it:


Last time:


Fantastic. Now let's practice the combination of the “s” the “p” and the “r,”
as in the word:


An original Open English production in association with Cl@se.

Copyright© FoxyP2 Inc. and Rainbow Heights International LLC
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Repeat after me:


One more time:


Let me hear the “s” and then the “pr”:





Good job. The last consonant combination we're gonna work with is the
“s,” “c” and “r,” as in the word:


So repeat after me:


One more time:




Good job. You really got it this time. Now, let's practice some sentences
mixing all these consonant combinations. Listen carefully and repeat after

“It's a story about an ancient scroll.”

One more time:

“It's a story about an ancient scroll.”

The key words here are “story” and “scroll.” Repeat after me:



“It's a story about an ancient scroll.”

An original Open English production in association with Cl@se.

Copyright© FoxyP2 Inc. and Rainbow Heights International LLC
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Good job. Here's another example. Repeat after me:

“It was found in a small cave.”


That's the “s” and “m” sound, come on:


“It was found in a small cave.”

“It was found last spring.”

That's the “s” and the “p” sound. Let me hear it:


“It was found last spring.”

Good job. Last example. Listen carefully and repeat after me:

“I saw a copy on the street.”


That's the “s” and the “t,” come on:


“I saw a copy on the street.”

Congratulations. That’s the end of this audio lesson. Great job today.
Those consonant combinations can be hard, but you mastered them. As
always, my recommendation is for you to listen to this lesson as many
times as you can because remember, practice makes perfect!

For additional practice, turn on your computer and go to

OpenEnglish.com. At OpenEnglish you’ll find hundreds of interactive
lessons and videos to help you perfect your English. Accelerate your
English today. See you soon.

Additional practice: S-clusters


An original Open English production in association with Cl@se.

Copyright© FoxyP2 Inc. and Rainbow Heights International LLC
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“I scored a goal.”
“I stopped studying at 10:00.”
“I could smell the small dog.”
“Speak up and spell your name.”
“Splenda is my favorite sweetener.”
“It's a story about an ancient scroll.”
“It was found in a small cave.”
“It was found last spring.”
“I saw a copy on the street.”

An original Open English production in association with Cl@se.

Copyright© FoxyP2 Inc. and Rainbow Heights International LLC
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