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Look Forward (Shift) Slew LANTIRN Up
Look Back (Shift) Slew LANTIRN Down
Fire Selected Weapon
Look Left (Shift) Slew LANTIRN Left
Cycle Targets
Look Right (Shift) Slew LANTIRN Right

Fire Cannon
Fire Selected Weapon

Cycle Targets Pitch Down (Ctrl) Camera Down

Cycle Weapons Pitch Up (Ctrl) Camera Up
Pitch Left (Ctrl) Camera Left
Pitch Right (Ctrl) Camera Right
Cycle Weapons
Move Camera

Target Range Range Scale Roll Scale

Missile Range Scale
Boresight Circle Maximum
Gunnery Range Command Steering
Target Box Missile Lock Diamond Cue
Bullet Flight Path Bomb Fall Line

Cannon Priorty (Default) CCIP “Death Dot”

Weapon Priorty

N O VA L O G I C Standard 4-Button
Short Range Missile Mode EEGS HUD Enhanced Envelope Gunsight CCIP HUD Continuously Computed Impact Point ®
Non-Programmable Joystick

General Game Controls Radar/Weapon Controls Navigation Controls Gun Boresight

G-Force Indicator
Esc Exit Game : exits player from game ` Cycle Weapons : cycle through available ordnance A Autopilot On/Off : autopilot On/Off toggle Pitch Scale
Calibrated Airspeed
Q Show Squadron : show players in squadron 1 Nav : deselect all weapons H Home : takes F-16 to initial landing approach, Barometric Altimeter
W Wingman Commands : list of commands you give your wingman 2 Guns : ready the M61A1 20MM cannon engages Auto-Pilot
Flight Path Marker
P Player List : lists all players currently in the game 3 Air To Air Missiles : cycle through all available Air to Air missiles L Auto Level : aircraft automatically assumes level flight Mach Indicator

; Top 8 Players : show which players are leading the game 4 Air To Ground Missiles : cycle through all available Air to Surface Radar Altimeter
Camera Modes HUD Mode Indicator
Ctrl V Window/Full Screen : toggle between window and full screen Altitude Low Setting
O Mission Objectives : presents mission Objectives summary 5 Bombs : cycle through all available bombs F1 Virtual Cockpit View : places player in Virtual Cockpit mode
R Radar On/Off : toggle radar from standby to on F2 HUD : forward view of HUD and symbology Compass Heading
? Keyboard Help : superimposes key summary on screen Time To Next
Ctrl R Cycle Radar Modes : cycle through various radar modes F3 External View : show an external view of aircraft Steerpoint
Pause Pause Game : halts/resumes simulation
T Chat Mode : allows players to send text messages D Launch Flares : deploy a series of flares F4 Fly-by View : fixed point outside aircraft Steerpoint Comments Selected Steerpoint
Shift T Squadron Chat : send a private message to your squadron Z Fire Cannon : fire the 20mm cannon F5 Padlock View : keeps locked target centered in players view NAV Mode

Y Recent Messages : a list of most recent dialog C Launch Chaff : release a bundle of chaff F6 Wingman View : external camera view of wingman’s F-16
F12 Time Compression : “speed up” the passage of time Space Fire Selected Weapon : fire the selected weapon F7 Missile View : fixed view of missile fly-by/
external camera view
Engine Power Settings Target Selection F8 Target View : movable external view of target

Tab Cycle Targets Forward : cycles through targets on screen S Zoom In: Slow : magnifies view for close inspection
6 0% (Eng. Off) : engine off, throttle to 0%
[ Prev. Target : reverse cycle of Shoot List targets Shift S Zoom In: Fast : rapid view magnification
7 35% (Taxi) : throttle to 35%
] Next Target : cycles through Shoot List targets X Zoom Out: Slow : expand field of view
8 60% (Landing) : throttle to 60% Glideslope Bar
‘ Boresight Target : targets nearest object within ASE Shift X Zoom Out: Fast : rapid view magnification AOA Indicator
9 70% (Cruise) : throttle to 70%
(center of HUD) circle / Look Left : look out to left of cockpit
0 100% (Full Mil) : full Military Power, throttle to 100%
Enter Build Shootlist : create a list of available targets * (Numpad) Look Right : look out to right of cockpit
– Decrease Thrust : decreases engine power
N Cycle Steerpoints : cycle through pre-set navigation steerpoints – (Numpad) Look Forward : look straight forward of the cockpit
= Increase Thrust : increases engine power
+ (Numpad) Check Six : look to the rear of the cockpit
Backspace Afterburner : afterburner
Avionics (keypad keys) 7 (Numpad) Threat Warning Indicator : look at the upper left side of cockpit
General Flight Controls F9 LANTIRN On/Off : toggle LANTIRN system on/off 8 (Numpad) Virtual Cockpit : view entire virtual cockpit ILS HUD Instrument Landing System

F10 HUD On/Off : toggle Head-Up Display on/off 9 (Numpad) Atitude Indicator : look at the upper right side of cockpit
Ctrl J Jettison Stores : drop all air-ground ordnance and fuel pods
F11 Attack Display : toggle overlay of attack display 4 (Numpad) Left MFD : quickly zoom into the left hand MFD Target Box
Ctrl K Jettison Current : jettison the currently selected ordnance
5 (Numpad) Center Console : view the center controls Azimuth Steering
F Flaps Up/down : slowly bleed off speed and increase lift < HUD Dim : decrease the contrast/brightness of HUD
display 6 (Numpad) Right MFD : quickly zoom into the right hand MFD Error Circle
G Gear Up/Down : raises and lowers landing gear
1 (Numpad) Left Aux Console : look down at left auxiliary console
Ctrl E Eject : exit a stricken airplane > HUD Bright : increase the contrast/brightness of HUD Missile Range Scale
2 (Numpad) Look Down : look down at lower center gauges
B Air/Ground Brake : in flight extend the F-16’s air brakes, on display
3 (Numpad) Right Aux Console : look down at right auxiliary console
the ground engages the wheel brakes Insert Cycle Left MFD : cycle your left Multifunction Display Missile Lock
End LANTIRN Lock : lock the LANTIRN view Diamond Boresight Circle
Delete Rudder Left : yaw the nose of the aircraft to the left
Page Down Rudder Right : yaw the nose of the aircraft to the right Ctrl End LANTIRN Slave : lock LANTIRN on preprogrammed ground
Up Arrow Pitch Down : pitch the nose of the aircraft downwards target
Left Arrow Roll Left : roll aircraft to left Page Up Cycle Right MFD : cycle right MFD through all possible modes
Down Arrow Pitch Up : pitch aircraft nose up Home Park LANTIRN Targeting : reorient LANTIRN’s laser to center of HUD
MRM Medium Missile (Air-to-Air)
Right Arrow Roll Right : roll aircraft to right Ctrl Home LANTIRN Field of View : toggle the size of the LANTIRN cone
Scroll Lock Laser Designator On/Off : toggle laser designator on/off
M Tactical Map : display tactical map with grid

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