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eci-ñóñi bird

e-ñoñi airplane
olu-sózi mountain
eN-sózi mountains
eN-peeo deer
ebi-ñoñi birds
eN-peo wind
e-somelo school
oku-soma to read
omu-sómesa teacher
oku-záññ-a to play
omu-záññ-i player
omu-záññ-i wo omu-píla football player
omu-záññ-o game
oku-luwooz-a to think
eci-lowooz-o thought
ebi-lowooz-o thoughts
oku-gézez-a to test
eci-géz-o exam
oku-somésa to teach
omu-somésa teacher
ebi-gézo exams
a-sómesa he teaches
oku-cuuza to change
eN-cuuza eN-góye zaa-ŋge I change my clothes
eN-góye clothes
oku-geenda to go
oku-taambula to walk
N-geenda ku-somelo I’m going to school.
ndí ku-somelo I’m at school
oku-jjá to come
N-zi-jjá ku-somelo [nzi.ja] I’m coming from school.
e-ka residence
najé but
N-vá I’m coming
N-vá ku-somelo naye N-genda e-ka I’m coming from school to home.
e-ddaala ladder
ama-daala ladders, stairs
oku-liiña to climb
oku-liiña ama-daala to climb (up) the stairs
N-liiña e-ddaala I’m climbing up the ladder.
oku-kka to go down, descend
n-zi-kka [nzi.ka] I go down
oku-va to come near, come from somewhere
o-va wa Where are you coming from?
N-va (e-)ka I’m coming from home.
N-zi-kka [nzi.ka] oku-va ku-ddaala I’m going down the ladder.
ndí (ludda)wa Where am I?
olí (ludda)wa Where are you (sg)?
alí (ludda)wa Where is she?
tulí (ludda)wa Where are we?
mulí (ludda)wa Where are you (pl)?
balí (ludda)wa Where are they?
yyé yes
nédda no
meeza table
oku-laambika to guide
omu-ntu person
omu-laambisi (a) guide
oku-gulá to buy
omu-gúzi buyer

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