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Name: Kathryn Johnary B Bernardo Date: 05-13-2022

Gr. & Sec: 9- Prudence Activity: Grace to be Humble

Learning Activity
Activity 1 Stop and Think

1. Why some people boast about everything about themselves using different social Media platforms?
People this days like to post everything in their social, they rant everything in social media, they
say what they think in social media to the point that they just post anything without realizing or
without caring what they say to others. People have always have something to say in everything
they see in social media. Sometimes they brag about themselves, make an issue to other people.
That is how the social media turned into, before social media is about socializing or influencing
other people but now it is like a dangerous platform.
2. What do you think you will become if a person continues to live as a proud person?
What can happen if a person continues to live as a proud person, is God will put them down. God
lifts the people that is humble and God put the person down that is proud. God doesn’t like
people that proud and selfless. If we want to have a relationship with God we should be humble.

Activity 1.2 Journal Writing

1.Write and memorize James 4:6 NIV
““God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

2.Make a reflection of today’s lesson and ask God in prayer to remind you always to be
humble always.
Reflection: I have learned in this lesson to be humble and keep myself down. And never judge people. This
lesson taught me that God opposes the people that are proud of themselves that they put other people down.
Prayer: God I know that sometimes I defend myself, but help me to always keep in mind to be humble because
you want your children to be humble as you, because that is what right. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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