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List of important business 38.

39. anecdote
English vocabulary
40. annotate
1. ability 41. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
2. absent 42. annual leave
3. accept 43. apartment
4. according to 44. apology
5. account 45. appendix
6. accounting (department) 46. application
7. acknowledge 47. apply for a job
8. acquisition 48. apply (e.g., a technique)
9. act 49. appoint
10. actually 50. approach
11. actuary 51. approval (on approval)
12. added value 52. approve
13. address 53. arbitration
14. addressee 54. arithmetic
15. admit 55. article
16. advance (in advance) 56. articles of association
17. advance payment 57. articulate
18. advantage 58. as mentioned
19. advertise 59. assessment
20. advertisement (ad) 60. assessor
21. advertising agency 61. asset
22. advice 62. attendee
23. advice of payment 63. attorney
24. advise 64. audience rapport
25. affect 65. augment
26. afford 66. author
27. after-sales service 67. authorized share capital
28. agenda 68. authorization
29. agent 69. authorize
30. agreement 70. available
31. ahead of the pack 71. avoid
32. air freight 72. back to square one
33. airway bill 73. back up
34. aisle 74. background
35. alignment 75. baggage claim
36. alternative 76. balance
37. amount due 77. balance sheet
78. ballot 118. body language
79. ballpark number/figure 119. bond
80. bandwidth 120. bonus
81. bank 121. borrow
82. bank account 122. bottom line
83. bank charges 123. box
84. bank transfer 124. break
85. banknote 125. branch
86. bargain price 126. brand
87. barometer stock 127. brand new
88. barrister 128. brand awareness
89. base rate 129. branding
90. bearish market 130. break
91. bedrock price 131. bridging loan
92. behavior 132. brief
93. benchmarking 133. brisk trade
94. benefit 134. broadsheet
95. best practice 135. browser
96. best regards 136. budget
97. bid 137. build
98. big data 138. building
99. big picture 139. building society
100. bi-lingual 140. bullish market
101. bill 141. bureau de change
102. bill of exchange 142. business
103. bill of lading 143. business angel
104. billboard 144. business plan
105. billion 145. buy
106. bind 146. buyer
107. bit 147. buy-in
108. black market 148. by the book
109. blank cheque 149. byte
110. bleeding edge 150. calculate
111. blue-chip stocks 151. call
112. blue-sky thinking 152. campaign
113. blurb 153. cancel
114. board 154. candidate
115. board of directors 155. capital
116. boarding pass 156. capital stock
117. body 157. capitalisation issue
158. career 198. commitment
159. cargo 199. commodities
160. carriage free 200. communicate
161. carriage paid to 201. company
162. case 202. comparison
163. cash 203. competition
164. cash dispenser 204. competitor
165. cash flow statement 205. complain
166. cash refund offer 206. complete
167. cashier 207. comprehensive
168. casting vote 208. compromise
169. censor 209. concept
170. certificate of origin 210. condition
171. chain store 211. conference
172. chairman 212. conference call
173. challenge 213. confirm
174. change 214. confirmation
175. chapter 215. consensus
176. charge 216. consequential loss
177. charge for 217. consider
178. check 218. consultant
179. check in 219. consumer
180. checkbook 220. container
181. cheque 221. content
182. choose 222. contract
183. circulation 223. convenience store
184. cite 224. convince
185. claim 225. cookie
186. clarify 226. coordinate
187. classified ads 227. copyright
188. clause 228. core business
189. click 229. core competency
190. client 230. corner the market
191. close 231. corporate synergy
192. close a deal 232. correspondent
193. coin 233. cost
194. cold call 234. cost of sales
195. collaborate 235. count
196. commercial 236. counteroffer
197. commission 237. counter-productive
238. coupon 277. department store
239. court of law 278. departures board
240. cover 279. deposit
241. cover letter 280. deposit account
242. coworking 281. derivative
243. credit 282. descend
244. credit card 283. description
245. creditor 284. desk
246. creditors 285. develop
247. critic 286. development
248. crowdfunding 287. dictate
249. currency 288. difference
250. current account 289. digital marketing
251. curriculum vitae (CV) 290. digital strategy
252. customer 291. direct investment
253. customer service 292. direct mail
department 293. director
254. customs 294. disadvantage
255. cut-throat 295. discount
256. data 296. discreet
257. date 297. dismiss
258. date of birth 298. dispatch
259. deadline 299. disruption
260. deal 300. disruptive
261. debit 301. distribute
262. debt 302. distribution
263. debtor 303. diversify
264. debtors 304. divide
265. decide 305. dividend
266. decision 306. document
267. declare 307. domestic
268. decrease 308. donate
269. deep dive 309. double-page spread
270. defendant 310. downsell
271. deficit 311. downsizing
272. deliver 312. draft
273. deliverable 313. dress code
274. delivery 314. drill down
275. demystify 315. drop
276. department 316. dubious
317. due 357. excess baggage
318. duly signed 358. exchange
319. dutiable 359. exchange rate
320. duty free 360. exclusive rights
321. duty-free 361. executive officer
322. easy come, easy go 362. expand
323. e-commerce 363. expenses
324. economies of scale 364. experience
325. edit 365. explanation
326. editing 366. exponential
327. editor 367. extend
328. editorial 368. extension of payment time
329. education 369. extranet
330. elevator 370. eye-catcher
331. e-marketing 371. facilitate
332. embodiment 372. facilities
333. emerging markets 373. factor
334. empiric 374. factory
335. employ 375. failure to pay
336. employee 376. fall
337. employer 377. feasible
338. employer's liability 378. feature
339. enclosed 379. features
340. encourage 380. fee
341. end of play 381. feedback
342. end user 382. fiction
343. end-user 383. Figure out
344. enquiry 384. file
345. entrepreneur 385. fill in
346. environment 386. fire (someone from a job)
347. equal 387. firm offer
348. equipment 388. fix
349. equities 389. flight
350. equity 390. flight attendant
351. establish 391. flip chart
352. estate agent 392. fluent
353. estimate 393. follow-up
354. evidence 394. font
355. exaggerated 395. for example...
356. excerpt 396. for sale
397. force majeure 436. hand luggage
398. forecast 437. handout
399. foreign exchange 438. hands are tied
400. franchise 439. hard currency
401. free of charge 440. hardback
402. freehold 441. hardware
403. freelance 442. headline
404. Freemium 443. headquarters
405. freight 444. helicopter view
406. fringe benefits 445. hereby
407. front cover 446. herein
408. front page 447. hereinafter
409. fulfil 448. hire
410. full-time (job) 449. hoarding
411. fund 450. Human Resources (HR)
412. furnished 451. hundred
413. Futures 452. hype
414. game plan 453. ideate
415. gate 454. immigration officer
416. generic advertising 455. impact
417. get down to business 456. Implement
418. get something off the 457. improve
ground 458. improvement
419. get the ball rolling 459. In a nutshell
420. get worse 460. in behalf of
421. gig economy 461. in bulk
422. go down the drain 462. in conclusion,...
423. go into administration 463. in full swing
424. go public 464. in the driver's seat
425. go the extra mile 465. inadequate packing
426. goal 466. Incentivize
427. going forward 467. included
428. goods 468. income statement
429. goods in transit 469. increase
430. grant 470. index
431. ground floor 471. induced
432. growth 472. industry
433. guarantee 473. inevitable
434. guidance 474. inflation
435. guilty 475. inform
476. information technology 516. launch
477. initial order 517. lawsuit
478. input 518. lawyer
479. inquiry 519. lead
480. Insider 520. leadership
481. Insider dealing / trading 521. leaflet
482. insistent 522. Learn the ropes
483. install 523. leasehold
484. Instalment 524. legal tender
485. instructions 525. lend
486. insurance 526. lengthen
487. insurance broker 527. let
488. interest 528. letter of credit
489. interoperability 529. letterhead
490. Interrupt 530. leverage
491. interview 531. liabilities
492. Intranet 532. liability
493. introductory price 533. liable
494. inventory 534. lien
495. invest 535. lift
496. investment 536. limit
497. invoice 537. linear
498. irrevocable 538. loan
499. issue 539. logistics
500. item 540. Long shot
501. jet lag 541. loss
502. jingle 542. loss adjuster
503. join 543. low Hanging Fruit
504. Joint venture 544. lower
505. journalist 545. low-hanging fruit
506. judge 546. lucrative
507. jury 547. mailshot
508. keep one's eye on the ball 548. main point
509. key words 549. maintain
510. keyboard 550. make redundant
511. know-how 551. manage
512. knowledge 552. management
513. label 553. manager
514. labour 554. managing director
515. landlord 555. margin
556. mark up 596. net price
557. marker 597. network
558. market 598. networking
559. market leader 599. news website
560. market research 600. no strings attached
561. marketing 601. no-brainer
562. marketing department 602. non profit organization
563. mass media 603. non-fiction
564. maternity leave 604. not going to fly
565. matters arising 605. notice
566. measure 606. notorious
567. media 607. objection
568. meeting 608. objective
569. memory 609. obliged
570. mention 610. obtain
571. merchandise 611. offer
572. merchant bank 612. on request
573. merger 613. on the one hand
574. message 614. on the same page
575. microphone 615. online
576. million 616. online banking
577. minus 617. operating system
578. minutes 618. operations
579. miscellaneous 619. opinion
580. mistake 620. opinion leader
581. modem 621. opportunity
582. monetization 622. opportunity cost
583. money order 623. option
584. mortgage 624. order
585. motivate 625. orderform
586. move the needle 626. ordinary share
587. multinational 627. organisation chart
588. multiply 628. organise
589. multitask 629. organize
590. multitude 630. out in the open
591. mutual fund 631. out of pocket
592. narrative 632. output
593. nationality 633. outsource
594. native language 634. outsourcing
595. negotiate 635. overcome
636. overdraf 676. plausible
637. overdrawn 677. plead
638. overdue 678. plug
639. overhead 679. plus
640. overhead projector 680. point of sale
641. overheads 681. point out
642. owe 682. pointer
643. own 683. policy
644. pack 684. policyholder
645. packaging 685. portfolio
646. packing list 686. possibility
647. paper 687. poster
648. paperback 688. postpone
649. par value 689. pragmatic
650. paradigm 690. preferential rate
651. participate 691. premium
652. partnership 692. preparation
653. party 693. present
654. part-time (job) 694. presentation
655. pay 695. president
656. pay in 696. prespect
657. payable by you 697. prevent
658. payee 698. price
659. paying-in slip 699. price point
660. payment 700. prime time
661. penalty 701. prior notice
662. penny stock 702. prioritize
663. perennial 703. privacy policy
664. peripheral 704. pro forma invoice
665. perk 705. process
666. permission 706. produce
667. perseverance 707. product
668. personnel 708. product liability
669. personnel department 709. product line
670. personnel officer 710. production
671. petty cash 711. production department
672. ping 712. profit
673. pivotal 713. profit and loss account
674. plan 714. profit margin
675. platform 715. profound
716. program 752. ready for despatch
717. project 753. real estate
718. prolific 754. Rebate
719. promise 755. Receipt
720. promote 756. receive
721. promotion 757. reception
722. propelling 758. recipient
723. property 759. Recommend
724. proposal 760. recruit
725. prosecutor 761. recruitment
726. prospect 762. red tape
727. prospects 763. reduce
728. provide 764. reduction
729. proxy vote 765. reference
730. public liability 766. Refund
731. public relations 767. refuse
732. purchase 768. registered
733. purchasing department 769. registered letter
734. put all one's eggs in one 770. registered mail
basket 771. reimbursement
735. put the cart before the 772. reinsurance
horse 773. reject
736. qualifications 774. remind
737. quarter 775. reminder
738. quarterly 776. remittance
739. quay 777. remote work
740. quick win 778. remove
741. quota 779. remuneration
742. quotation 780. renew
743. quote a price 781. repair
744. raise 782. repeat order
745. Raise the bar 783. replacement
746. Range 784. reply
747. range rate 785. report
748. reach 786. representative
749. Research and 787. requirement
Development Department (R&D 788. resign
department) 789. respite
750. reach a consensus 790. respond
751. Reach Out 791. responsibility
792. result 832. share premium
793. retail 833. shareholder
794. retail price 834. shipment
795. retail price index (RPI) 835. shipping
796. retailer 836. shipping agent
797. retargeting 837. shoot something down
798. retire 838. shopping centre
799. return 839. shorten
800. revenue 840. shorthand
801. reward sales 841. show of hands
802. rise 842. sick leave
803. risk 843. signal
804. roadside signs 844. signature
805. rock the boat 845. skill
806. runway 846. skill set
807. sabotage 847. skim
808. safe bet 848. slide
809. salary 849. slogan
810. sales 850. slot
811. sales department 851. smooth sailing
812. salutation 852. social media
813. same boat 853. soft currency
814. sample 854. software
815. scalable 855. sold out
816. scale 856. solicitor
817. schedule 857. soundbite
818. screen 858. spare parts
819. sector 859. speculate
820. security 860. speculator
821. see eye to eye 861. split
822. see something through 862. sponsor
823. sell 863. square
824. send 864. square root
825. sensationalism 865. staff
826. separate 866. stakeholder
827. service 867. stakeholders
828. set up 868. stand one's ground
829. sever ties 869. standing order
830. share 870. startup
831. share certificate 871. statement
872. statement of account 910. taxonomy
873. status report 911. team-player
874. stipulate 912. telecommuting
875. stock 913. telephone marketing
876. stockbroker 914. tenant
877. stockholder 915. tender
878. stopover 916. terms
879. store 917. terms of payment
880. storey 918. the elephant in the room
881. story 919. think outside the box
882. strategy 920. thousand
883. strength 921. ticket
884. strike 922. time's up
885. structure 923. tip
886. subscribe 924. title
887. subtle 925. to be grateful
888. subtract 926. to be short-listed
889. succeed 927. to enclose
890. success 928. to grant a discount
891. sue 929. to inquire
892. suggest 930. to invoice
893. suggestion 931. to quote a price
894. sum up 932. to refund
895. summary 933. to request
896. supervise 934. to retail
897. supplier 935. to ship
898. supply 936. to sign
899. supply chain 937. to start with...
900. support 938. to whom it may concern
901. sustainability 939. touch base
902. tabloid 940. traction
903. take on 941. trade fair
904. take the bull by the horns 942. trade union
905. takeover 943. trademark
906. talk someone into 944. trader
something 945. trading session
907. talk someone out of 946. trainee
something 947. training
908. target 948. training course
909. task 949. transaction
950. transcend 990. wheelhouse
951. transit passenger 991. whereas
952. transport 992. whiteboard
953. trial 993. wholesale
954. trillion 994. wholesaler
955. turning now to... 995. with reference to
956. turnkey 996. withdraw
957. turnover 997. without prejudice
958. twist someone's arm 998. word of mouth
959. typeset 999. work history
960. unanimous 1000. worker
961. underestimate
962. underpin
963. unemployment benefits
964. union
965. unit price
966. unit trusts
967. unpack
968. unsaleable
969. up in the air
970. uphill battle
971. upper hand
972. upsell
973. vacancy
974. valid
975. value
976. vary
977. venture capital
978. verdict
979. vertical
980. vice president
981. video conference
982. viral marketing
983. virus
984. visual aids
985. vote
986. warehouse
987. warrant
988. waybill
989. weakness

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