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Nielsen (2000) stated people communicate with one another less frequently as they spend more time

According to the report, people who use the internet a lot spend less time traveling, shopping, and
watching television (“Does the internet lead to isolation,”2000)

It is reported that Relationships remain superficial because of the need to maintain the appearance that
everything is wonderful. Even when you're surrounded by others, it's possible to feel lonely if you don't
have significant connections. (Morin,2018)

Hobson (2017) sad causation cannot be established by this investigation, it's possible that when people
are socially isolated, they spend a lot of time online to feel less lonely. Or perhaps spending too much
time on social media causes individuals to feel lonely.

Morin (2018) found that Ironically a lot of individuals scan through social media to see what other
people are up to instead of focusing on the people who are standing right in front of them. Face-to-face
conversations cannot be productive if you are always checking your phone.


Morin, A(2018) Here’s why the internet has made us lonelier than ever the cruel ironic twist to social
media is that we’re feeling less socially connected than ever.

Morin, A.(2018) Why the Internet has made us lonelier than ever.

Hobson, K(2017) Feeling lonely? Too much time on social media may be why

Nielsen, J.(2000) does the internet make us lonely?

Does the internet lead to isolation? (2000)
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in-text citation

Ehrenhalt (2018) stated They are exploring for ways to attract graffiti writers away from vandalism and
toward art in an effort to embrace something they once denounced as urban blight.

It is reported that Graffiti may be incredibly meaningful and motivating to certain artists, drawing
additional visitors to the area to witness the imaginative and vibrant exhibit. Graffiti art predominates in
metropolitan areas and is highly inspired by hip-hop culture. (Young,2020)

Children are frequently taught painting as part of their schooling, although not everyone enjoys it. For
some, the issue is with the medium; some people may not appreciate traditional forms of art, such as
painting and sculpture, while others may not see the value of art in their daily lives (“the advantages of
graffiti Art,” n.d.)

Parker(2019) Graffiti is establishing a recognizable precinct in Johannesburg while also establishing a

recognizable worldwide style of the creative neighborhood. Graffiti in Maboneng has not diminished the
city's significance in terms of urban redevelopment.

The setting, culture, and people of street art are reflected in it. Without it, a community may not feel
inspired or like itself; with it, there is hope and a feeling of togetherness. (“The power of street Art in
Communities,” n.d.)

Work cited list

Ehrenhalt, A(2018). Why some cities want graffiti. Governing. Retrieved from

Fuller, S. (n.d). The advantages of Graffiti Art.

Young, B(2020). Can graffiti be considered Good for cities?.

Parker, A(2019) Graffiti is an eye-catching way to create lively spaces in cities.

The power of street Art in Communities(n.d) Bookanatist. Retrieved from:

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