Koding MMDS Tugas 12 Jan 2024

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No Huruf Soal Kode Jawaban (Pembenaran Kode Rule

1 a Premature labour, cause P03.6 Pulmonary immanturity P28.0 P4
b Pulmonary immanturity P28.0 -
c - Premature labour, cause P03.8
d - Recurrent aborter P01.8
e Recurrent aborter P01.8 -
2 a Respiratory distress P22.0 Intraventricular P52.3 P2
syndrome retardated fetal haemorrhage
b Intraventricular P52.3 Respiratory distress P22.0
haemorrhage syndrome Retardated fetal P05.9
c Bacteriuria in pregnancy, P00.1 Placental insufficiency P02.2
caesarean section P03.4
d Placental insufficiency P02.2 Bacteriuria in pregnancy, P00.1
caesarean section P03.4
3 a Hypoglycaemia BAYI Truncus arteriosus Q20.0 P4
b Truncus arteriosus Q20.0 Hypoglycaemia P70.4
c Diabetes ibu P70.0/P70.1 Diabetes P00.4
d - Megaloblastic anemia P00.8
e Megaloblastic anemia -
4 a Hydramnions P01.3 Anencephaly Q00.0 P4
b - -
c Anencephaly Q00.0 Hydramnions P01.3
d - -
e - -
5 Liveborn; death 4 days P1
a Prematurity P07.3 spina bifida Q05.9
b Spina bifida Q05.9 prematurity P07.3
c Placental insufficiency P02.2 placental insufficiency P02.2
d -
6 Liveborn; death at 2 days P3
a - Debility congenital P96.9
b - -
c - Eclamsia (longstanding P00.0
essential hypertension
d Eclamsia (longstanding P00.0 -
essential hypertension
7 Liveborn;death 50 minutes P1/P2
a Severe birth asphyxia P21.9 Hydrocephalus Q03.9
Hydrocephalus P03.3
b - Severe birth asphyxia P21.0
c Severe pre eclampsia P00.0 Obstructed labour P03.1
d Obstructed labour P03.1 Severe pre eclampsia P00.0
8 Liveborn; death at 2 days P2/P4/P1
a Traumatic subdural P51.9 Traumatic subdural P10.0
haemorrhage haemorrhage
Massive inhalation of P24.0
Intrauterine anoxia P20.9
b Hypoglycaemia bayi P70.4 Massive inhalation of P24.0
Prolonged pregnancy P03.8 meconium
Intrauterine anoxia, P20.9
Hypoglycaemia bayi P70.4
c Severe pre eclampsia P00.0 Forceps delivery P03.2
d Forceps delivery P03.2 Severe pre eclampsia, P00.0
Prolonged pregnancy P01.8
9 Stillborn;death before P2/P1
onset of labour
a Severe fetal malnutrition P05.2 Severe fetal malnutrition P05.0
Light for dates Light for dates
Antepartum anoxia P20.9
b - Antepartum anoxia P20.9
c Severe pre eclampsia P00.0 Severe pre eclampsia P00.0
Placenta praevia P02.0
d - Placenta praevia P02.0
10 Liveborn;death at 15
a - Tentorial tear P10.4 P3
b Tentorial tear P10.4 Respiratory distress P22.0
Respiratory distress P22.0 syndrome
c - xxx.x
d -
11 Stillborn; death after onset
of labour
a Severe intrauterine P20.9 Severe intrauterine P20.9 P4
hypoxia hypoxia
b Parsistent Blm
occipitoposterior ketemu
c - Parsistent P03.1
d - Difficult forceps delivery P03.2
e Difficult forceps delivery P03.2

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