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University of the Punjab, Lahore

Department of Political Science, International Relations

Holistic Model in Foreign Policy Analysis: A Case Study of
Israel’s Decision-Making Process
Submitted by: Khadija Asif (Roll # 18- MPhil-IR)
Submitted To: Dr. Irum Khalid
Title: Holistic Model in Foreign Policy Analysis: A Case Study of Israel’s
Decision-Making Process
This research study examines the complex environment of Israel's foreign policy decision-
making process through the prism of a holistic model. The research takes a comprehensive
approach to unraveling the delicate interplay of forces affecting Israel's foreign policy by
evaluating historical settings, regional problems, and internal considerations. This research
contributes to a more comprehensive knowledge of Israel's decision-making processes, providing
insights for scholars, politicians, and analysts.

1. Introduction:
1.1 Background:
Israel's historical narrative is inextricably linked to the growth of its foreign policy. From its
inception in 1948 until the present, the country has negotiated a complicated geopolitical terrain
characterized by conflicts, alliances, and evolving global dynamics. Understanding Israel's
historical trajectory is critical for understanding the complexities of its decision-making
processes. The history of Israel's foreign policy reflects not just national security imperatives but
also the pursuit of diplomatic stability in a volatile area. The ongoing adaptation of foreign
policy to changing conditions highlights the need for a comprehensive model that takes into
account a wide range of elements influencing decision-making.

1.2 Rationale:
The importance of using a comprehensive paradigm to analyze Israel's foreign policy cannot be
overemphasized. Traditional techniques frequently fall short of portraying the complexities of
decision-making, ignoring the interdependence of internal and external elements. This study
contends that a holistic model that incorporates political, economic, social, and cultural
components gives a more complete framework for comprehending the complex web of factors
influencing Israel's foreign policy decisions. Furthermore, Israel's unique position in the Middle
East emphasizes the importance of holistic models in decision-making. As a tiny country with
grave security concerns, Israel's foreign policy decisions are inextricably linked to regional and
global forces. Recognizing this interdependence is critical for developing an adequate analytical

2. Literature Review:
2.1 Foreign Policy Analysis:
Traditional methods of foreign policy analysis frequently emphasize the relevance of national
interests and power dynamics. While these viewpoints provide useful information, they may fall
short of expressing the intricate and interwoven nature of today's foreign policy concerns.
Traditional techniques have been criticized, giving rise to new viewpoints advocating for a more
comprehensive understanding of foreign policy. Scholars advocate for frameworks that take into
account the impact of non-state actors, public opinion, and transnational variables in defining a
country's approach to international relations.

2.2 Holistic Models:

Holistic models' conceptual framework incorporates multiple elements of study, extending
beyond a restricted emphasis on state actors and their immediate interests. Foreign policy
decisions are impacted by a complex interaction of political, economic, social, and cultural
elements, according to holistic frameworks. The capacity of holistic models to capture the depth
and breadth of impacts on decision-making demonstrates their applicability to foreign policy. A
holistic approach to international relations gives a more realistic picture of decision-making
processes by highlighting the interconnection of various aspects.
On the other hand, the holistic approach in international relations focuses on how the behavior of
an individual shapes the state on higher ground. This behavior can be various of natures. This
gradual process marks a permanent change in a state’s overall outlook on global grounds and its
instilled in human backed up by the state’s own ideological, culture and social factors along with
development on spiritual basis.

Five factors of Holistic Approach:

The five factors of Holistic development are given below:

 Physical
 Intellectual
 Social
 Emotional
 Spiritual development
 Holistic constructivism

Holistic Constructivism:
Focusses on how domestic and international social phenomena interact to shape state behavior
in international level.

Evolution of holistic organizational model:

Since the earliest point in the history, human have formed organization in order to improve their
chances for survival. In agricultural societies, villages emerged with clear specializations.
Craftsmen organized Middle elves into guilts during the Middle Ages. Workers forms labor
union in the reaction of industrial revolution. Today service-based economies are grew from
new opportunities including during the information age. Organizational structures evolved from
simple hierarchies to staff organization, to matrix organization, to cell-based organization and
finally to highly complex network. Increasingly complex organization become necessary to
manage the execution of increasingly complex tasks in dynamic environment.
2.3 Case Studies in Foreign Policy Analysis:
Examining case studies that have effectively used such frameworks is helpful for understanding
the actual implementation of holistic models. Previous research provides useful lessons in terms
of technique and insights acquired from analyzing foreign policy decisions using holistic models.
In case studies, methodological issues include selecting important events or policy choices,
identifying essential variables, and integrating varied data sources. This study builds a
framework for the use of a holistic model to examine Israel's foreign policy decision-making by
drawing on insights from past research.

3. Background:
3.1 Geopolitical Context
Israel's foreign policy operates within a complex geopolitical
context characterized by regional challenges and strategic
alliances. The Middle East, with its historical conflicts and
evolving power dynamics, shapes Israel's diplomatic and
security considerations. The nation's geographical health is
highlighted by its informal relations with Arab countries,
such as Morocco and Tunisia, and its unique position in the
region. The long-lasting Israel-Palestine conflict has strained
Middle East politics. Understanding the intricate web of
relationships and rivalries is pivotal to comprehending the
external forces influencing Israel's decision-making.
Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). (2021)

3.2 Internal Factors

Domestic politics and public opinion play a crucial role in shaping Israel's foreign policy. The
delicate balance between national security imperatives and public sentiment adds a layer of
complexity to decision-making. Examining the internal factors provides insights into how
domestic considerations influence the nation's stance on the international stage.
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs 2022 (2022)

4. Discussion:
4.1 The Holistic Model
The holistic paradigm used in this research includes numerous parts and components,
emphasizing the interconnection of political, economic, social, and cultural variables. By taking
these factors into account, the model strives to provide a complete framework for comprehending
the subtle impacts on Israel's foreign policy decision-making.
For example, while evaluating internal issues, one might examine how domestic political
processes and public opinion impact a country's foreign policy actions. In the case of Israel,
variables such as the influence of various political parties, the participation of interest groups,
and the public mood on specific topics such as security or settlements may all have a significant
impact on the country's foreign attitude.

4.2 Israel's Foreign Policy Objectives

Israel's foreign policy aims and priorities are diverse. These include sustaining national security
and regional stability, fostering diplomatic ties with foreign countries, and furthering its
economic interests. Furthermore, Israel wants to maintain its Jewish statehood and fight for its
interests on a global scale. Israel seeks to manage complicated geopolitical dynamics and
effectively achieve its objectives through strategic decision-making and involvement with many
parties. (Reich, 2004)

 Israel's focus on national security:

The end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Arab-Israeli peace process, and
the changing views of Israelis toward their society and state have all transformed Israel's focus
on national security. Old assumptions about national security are regarded as outmoded, and
Israel has had to adjust its strategy and objectives appropriately. This involves a change toward a
more proactive posture, stressing information collection, technological breakthroughs, and
international collaboration to face emerging threats like cyber warfare and terrorism.
Furthermore, Israel understands the importance of economic security in sustaining its long-term
stability, which has resulted in greater efforts to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and trade
relations with other nations. (Tal, 2000) (Inbar, 1999) .

 Regional stability efforts:

Israel has actively engaged in regional stability efforts, particularly in the context of the Israel-
Hamas conflict. The enduring Arab conflict has profound implications for the stability of the
Middle East, with occasional breakthroughs in resolution efforts. In the aftermath of the Israel-
Hamas conflict, Israel has sought to access and enhance its regional ties. Additionally, there has
been diplomatic discussion between the foreign ministers of Egypt and Israel, focusing on ways
to enhance regional stability. The United States has expressed tacit support for Israel,
emphasizing the importance of humanitarian pauses to contribute to regional stability.

 Diplomatic ties with foreign countries:

Israel has established diplomatic relations with numerous countries globally. As of 2021, Israel
had diplomatic relations with 159 out of the 193 member states of the United Nations.
Additionally, as of December 2020, Israel had received diplomatic recognition from 165, or
85%, of UN member states. Notably, after signing an Abrahma Accord in 2020, five Arab states
have established diplomatic ties with Israel, making significant developments in the region.

4.3 Decision-Making Institutions:

Decision-Making Institutions in Israel are critical to developing and carrying out the country's
foreign policy objectives. These organizations, which include the Prime Minister's Office, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Security Council, offer policymakers knowledge
and assistance. They examine possible hazards and possibilities for Israel's foreign policy and
advise on the best course of action. By utilizing these decision-making institutions, Israel can
make informed decisions that align with its national interests and effectively navigate.
Government entities and interagency collaboration are critical components of Israel's decision-
making system. Understanding the roles and interconnections among these organizations gives
vital insight into the processes that govern foreign policy decisions.

5. Analysis:
5.1 Case Study:
One may conduct a thorough examination of the variables affecting Israel's foreign policy
choices at a given time or during a specific event by using the holistic model in a case study. In
addition to highlighting the many factors at work, this section attempts to show how the model
might be applied practically.

5.2 External Influences:

Foreign policy decisions are influenced by both internal and external variables. Global power
dynamics, economic interests, multinational alliances, and geopolitical concerns are a few
examples of these. For a thorough understanding of foreign policy decision-making, it is
important to comprehend these external factors.
Israel's foreign policy is heavily influenced by international alliances and the dynamics of world
power. A more comprehensive understanding of how international relations and alliances impact
a country's strategic decisions may be obtained by looking at these outside factors.

5.3 Internal Dynamics:

Understanding how internal dynamics impact Israel's foreign policy choices may be gained by
examining the political environment, public opinion, and media influence. Gaining an
understanding of these elements is essential to comprehending the internal factors that influence
the country's foreign policy. The diaspora has affected the internal dynamics of Israel's foreign
policy. Due to rising disagreements within Israel over peace with the Arabs and Palestinians,
which are reflected by similar divisions within the diaspora, the diaspora's effect on Israeli
foreign policy has been limited. This fragmentation among diasporans makes it even less likely
that Jewish Americans will have an impact on Israeli foreign policy. (Aharon, 2003)

6. Conclusion:
6.1 Key Findings
Several important conclusions are obtained by applying the holistic model to Israel's foreign
policy decision-making process. Through an all-encompassing framework that takes historical,
geographical, and internal issues into account, this research reveals the complex processes that
shape Israel's position in the world. One important conclusion is that Israel's foreign policy
strategy has been influenced by its past events, including the Holocaust and the creation of the
state. Because of these experiences, there is a strong sense of security and independence, which
influences decision-making to prioritize national interests. Furthermore, Israel's foreign policy
decisions are heavily influenced by regional circumstances, such as Iran's nuclear program and
the continuous disputes with neighboring Arab governments. Finally, inside Israeli society,
elements such as interest group influence and political differences play a significant role in
shaping the country's foreign policy.

6.2: Policy Recommendations:

Based on the comprehensive analysis's results, a number of policy suggestions are made. These
suggestions seek to improve Israel's decision-making procedures by tackling the noted issues and
taking advantage of the chances to develop stronger foreign policy plans. One policy
recommendation is to prioritize diplomatic efforts to resolve ongoing conflicts with neighboring
Arab states and address concerns about Iran's nuclear program. This could involve engaging in
dialogue, negotiations, and confidence-building measures to promote stability and reduce
tensions in the region. Additionally, it is crucial for Israel to foster unity within its society by
promoting political reconciliation and reducing the influence of interest groups that may hinder
effective decision-making processes. By doing so, Israel can strengthen its foreign policy stance
and effectively navigate the complex geopolitical landscape it faces. Prioritizing diplomatic
efforts to settle longstanding disputes with neighboring Arab governments. This might entail
having discussions, holding agreements, and taking steps to foster confidence in order to
encourage stability and lessen tensions in the area. By doing this, Israel will be able to
successfully negotiate the challenging geopolitical environment it finds itself in and fortify its
foreign policy position.

6.3 References:
Aharon. (2003). International organization 57 no.
andelkern Ronen and Michael Shalev. (1980).
Inbar. (1999). Rabin and Israels national security. Woodrow Wilson Center Press.
Reich. (2004). Israeli foreign policy.
Shabtai. (2010). Strategic Assessment 13 no.
Tal. (2000). National security the Israeli experience. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
African and Middle Eastern Studies at the Moshe Dayan Center. (2022).
Netanyahu, B. (2011). Address to the Joint Session of the US Congress.
United Nations. (2022). Security Council Resolutions on the Middle East.
The Media Line. (2022).
The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2022).
The Israel Democracy Institute. (2021).
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (2022).
Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). (2021).

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