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교과서 YBM 한상호 3과 변형 어법, 어휘, 영작

Do you think you would be happy being a child prodigy, someone who is truly gifted in something
at a very young age? Maybe you would, and maybe you wouldn't. However, we live in a society that
generally accepts the idea which1) giftedness leads to success, and success guarantees a life which2)
full of happiness. Does giftedness guarantee future success? There are two ways to answer this
question. One is simply to track the achievements of precocious kids. There is a mid-1980s study of
adults who attended New York City's highly regarded Hunter College Elementary School, founded3) in
the 1920s as a training ground for America's future intellectual elite and only was admitted4) children
with an IQ of 155 or above. Yet the fate of the Hunter College child geniuses in the study was not
greatness; it was simply being okay. Thirty years down the road, the Hunter graduates were all doing
pretty well and were reasonably well adopted5) and happy. Most of them had good jobs and many
had advanced degrees. But surprisingly, none of the Hunter graduates became CEOs of world-famous
corporations, prominent politicians, well-known writers, or Nobel Prize winners; there were no people
who were nationally known in their fields. They were genius kids, but they were not genius adults.
A similar pattern was emerged6) in Ontario, Canada, in the 1970s. There was an elementary school
with a team of elite runners. At that time, there were 15 nationally-ranked runners who were 13 and
14 years old. According to research that did7) ten years later, only one runner from which8) group
became a top runner at the age of 24.
In fact, the number-one runner at the age of 24 was someone who known9) as a poor runner when
he was young, Doug Consiglio.
** 다음 문장을 복문으로 전환하시오.
Doug was thought to be an awkward kid. Doug 는 이상한 아이라고 생각되었었다.
=>10) It

When he was 14, all the other kids asked, “Why does he even bother?”
Another11) way to look at precocity* is to work backwards — to look at adult geniuses and see
what12) they were as kids. A number of studies have taken this approach, found13) a similar pattern.
A study of 200 highly accomplished adults found that

영작: 단지 34퍼센의 아이들만이 어렸을 때 조숙하다라고 여겨졌었다.


(children / just 34 percent / consider / precocious / as).

교과서 YBM 한상호 3과 변형 어법, 어휘, 영작

There is also a long list of historic15) geniuses who were quite ordinary as children; the list includes
Copernicus, Rembrandt, Bach, Newton, Beethoven, Kant, and Leonardo da Vinci. None of these
geniuses would make16) it into Hunter College Elementary School. As seen17) from these studies,
precocity is a trickier subject than people may ordinarily think. The benefits of earlier mastery is18)
often overestimated. There are many people who either started out good and went bad or started
bad and ended up good.
Early acquisition of skills — 19)* 배열: 우리가 종종 조숙함이라는 단어에서 의미하는 것인
which / what / by / precocity / we / is / mean / often
— may be a misleading indicator of later success. When we call a child precocious, we have a very
inaccurate definition of which20) we mean. Generally,
배열: 우리가 의미하는 것은 ~ 이다 that / is / what / we / mean=>

a person has an [ordinary/extraordinary]22) level of intellectual or physical ability for his or her age.
Adult success has a lot to do with more than that. In our obsession with precocity, we are
exaggerating the importance of being talented. Rather, deliberate practice toward a goal is much
more important than natural-born ability. [For example/However]23) , when we say that a great
musician is naturally gifted, does that tell us that he or she practices a lot, wants to practice a lot,
or likes to practice a lot?
People often cite Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as a child prodigy, someone who acquired his musical
skills very early. He started to compose music at the age of four. By six, he traveled around Europe
as he was giving special performances with his father, Leopold. He is, [for instance/hence]25) , the

perfect example of a precocious child. [In addition/However]26) , there are faults in the Mozart myth.
영작: 무엇보다도, 그가 네 살 때 작곡한 음악은 별로 좋지 않았다.
(First of all, compose / isn’t / at four / the music / he / any good).
His childhood works are basically arrangements of works by other composers.
Also, it is suspiciously28) that they were written down by his father. Leopold was the 18th-century
version of a modern day parent who goes all out to make his or her child a star. Indeed Wolfgang's

legendary precocity was exaggerated somewhat as his father's probable lying29) about his age.

We might be attributed30) young Mozart’s incredible musical ability to practice, practice, practice.
As he compelled to practice three hours a day from age three on, by age six, the young Wolfgang

had practiced an astonishing 3,500 hours — three times more than anybody else in his peer group.
교과서 YBM 한상호 3과 변형 어법, 어휘, 영작

영작; Mozart의 음악가로서의 잘 알려진 조숙함은 천부적인 음악적 재능이라기보다는 열심히 하는 그의 능력, 그의

상황, 그리고 그렇게 하도록 밀어붙인 아버지 때문이었다.

Mozart's famous precocity / his circumstances, / was not / as a musician / so much / as / his ability

/ natural musical ability / that / do so / to work hard,/ and a father / push / him / .


영작: 조숙함이 진정으로 무엇인지에 관한 더 좋은 예는 아마도 지적으로 늦게 꽃핀 사람으로 유명한 Einstein일 것

이다. A better example / is / the famous intellectual late-bloomer, Einstein / for / what / really

/precocity / may be / =>

According to one biographer’s description of the future physicist, Einstein displayed no remarkable

native intelligence as a child.

** 다음 문장을 복문으로 전환하시오. His success seems to have come from certain habits and
personality traits — curiosity, resolve, and determination.
=> It seems that

No doubt which35) these traits are not particularly fascinating, but they are, perhaps, the more essential

[elements/exponents]36) of genius.
교과서 YBM 한상호 3과 변형 어법, 어휘, 영작

1) that
2) which is or (which is)
3) founded or which was founded
4) admitted
5) adjusted or adapted
6) emerged
7) done / that was done
8) that
9) known / who was known
10) It was thought that Doug was an awkward kid.
11) The other
12) how
13) which found or finding or and they found
14) just 34 percent had been considered precocious as children
15) historical
16) have made
17) As seen
18) are
19) which is often what we mean by precocity
20) what
21) what we mean is that
22) extraordinary
23) For example
24) he was giving or giving
25) hence
26) However
27) First of all, the music he composed at four isn’t any good.
28) suspicious
29) probably lied
30) attribute
31) As he was compelled or compelled
32) Mozart's famous precocity as a musician was not so much natural musical ability as his ability to work hard,
his circumstances, and a father that pushed him to do so.
33) A better example for what precocity really is may be the famous intellectual late-bloomer, Einstein.
34) It seems that his success came from certain habits and personality traits.
35) that
36) elements

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