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ALL SUMMER IN A DAY by Ray Bradbury

Plot-focused Questions:
1. What is the primary setting of "All Summer in a Day," and how does it
contribute to the story?
2. Summarize the main events leading up to and following Margot's brief
experience with the sun.
3. How do the characters' feelings towards Margot change throughout the
story, and what triggers these changes?
4. What role does the weather play in the plot, and how does it affect the
characters' emotions and actions?
5. Describe the resolution of the story and its impact on Margot and the
other children.
6. Explore the significance of the closet in the narrative. How does it
contribute to the unfolding of the plot?

Concept-focused Questions:
1. Discuss the theme of peer (classmate) pressure in "All Summer in a Day"
and provide examples from the story.
2. Explore the theme of isolation and how it shapes Margot's character. How
does she cope with being different from the other children?
3. Analyze the symbolism of the sun in the story and its connection to the
characters' emotions.
4. How does the teacher's role in the story contribute to the overall theme,
and what does it reveal about the society depicted?
5. Discuss the impact of jealousy on the characters and how it drives the plot
6. Explore the consequences of the children's actions towards Margot. How
does it affect the dynamics within the group?

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