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Module 1 | Self in Various Perspec5ves


Four stages of child socializa5on

1. Preparatory Stage
o Children are only capable of imita5on: They have no ability to imagine how
others see things. Copy behaviors of others around them without understanding
of what they are imita5ng
o A two-year-old could “ read” however, most likely “memorized”
2. Play Stage
o Children begin to imitate and take on roles that another person might have.
Children might try on a parent’s point of view by ac5ng out “grownup” behavior
o Pretending to be a teacher, parent, a loved one; to develop a beMer
understanding of adult social roles.
3. Game Stage
o Children learn to consider several specific roles at the same 5me and how those
roles interact with each other. They learn to understand interac5ons involving
different people with a variety of purposes.
o Learning to play basketball; its rules and your role as a play. It gives a child the
concep5on of their role in the game (and, by extension, their role in society at
4. Generalized Other
o generalized other, the common behavioral expecta5ons of general society; able
to internalize how he or she is viewed, not simply from the perspec5ve of several
specific others, but from the perspec5ve of the generalized other or “organized
o Parents set rules and expecta5ons for how you might behave in many places.

Module 2| Self in Various Perspec5ves


Four Sources of Self-efficacy
o Mastery experiences
o Direct Experiences; situa5ons where you successfully complete a challenging task
or overcome a difficulty.
§ For example, Mastering a task or Gaining Control.
o Social modeling
o Looking into role models they can compare themselves with. Witnessing other
people successfully comple5ng a task is another important source of self-efficacy.
o Social persuasion
o Coaching and Feedbacking. Self-efficacy is influenced by encouragement and
discouragement pertaining to an individual’s performance or ability to perform a
o Psychological states
o Affec5ve and Emo5onal status. Experience of physical and emo5onal sensa5ons
impact on how a person feels about their personal capabili5es to a par5cular
§ E.g Minimise stress and elevate mood when facing difficult or challenging
situa5ons, people can improve their sense of self-efficacy.

Module 3| Self in Various Perspec5ves

Eastern & Western thought

Tao or Dào (道) is the natural order of the universe, whose character one's intui5on must
discern to realize the poten5al for individual wisdom; refers interconnectedness and
interdependence of all things in the universe

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