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Disciplina: Língua Inglesa People with a dog or cat were also less likely to have spikes
Professora: Milena Francio in heart rates and blood pressure while performing
Fascículo: 01 stressful tasks. (l. 8-9)

The words “likely” and “while” mean, respectively:

THE BENEFITS OF PETS FOR HUMAN HEALTH (A) probability - simultaneity
By Dana Casciotti, PhD, and Diana Zuckerman, PhD, National Center for (B) prediction - frequency
Health Research
(C) preference - duration
(D)possibility – reason
Animals play an important role in many people’s lives. They
can be used in occupational therapy, speech therapy, or QUESTÃO 04
physical rehabilitation to help patients recover. Aside from
these designated therapeutic roles, animals are also valued as According to the article, to really benefit people, results of
companions, which can certainly affect the quality of our research on human-animal interaction need to be:
lives. And the better we understand the human-animal bond, (A) always continuous
the more we can use it to improve people’s lives. (B) widely diversified
(C) more precise
Some research studies have found that people who have a pet (D)really fast
have healthier hearts, stay home sick less often, make fewer
visits to the doctor, get more exercise, and are less depressed.
Companion animals may improve heart health by lowering Text. 2.1
blood pressure and regulating the heart rate during stressful
situations. In a 2002 study, researchers found that people with FACTORS TO REMEMBER WHILE CHOOSING
a dog or cat were less likely to have spikes in heart rates and AN OPTIMAL TIME FOR EXERCISE
blood pressure while performing stressful tasks, and their
heart rates and blood pressure returned to normal more Despite having several health benefits of morning exercise, it
quickly. Besides, pets may also have a significant impact on is always important to remember that the human body works
allergies, asthma, social support, and social interactions with best under a well-balanced systemic condition. In simple
other people. words, our body doesn’t like abrupt changes in physiological
processes. For a non-morning person, exercise in the morning
It makes sense to conduct more studies on how human-animal may be demotivating, which can ultimately result in fewer
interaction influences our health. However, we don’t yet know health benefits. Thus, the best suitable time for exercise may
exactly what types of animals influence what types of health vary from person to person. The most important thing is to
issues and what characteristics about human-animal maintain consistency in exercise timing. However, those who
interaction are most important. If research shows specific have trouble exercising might feel that planning exercise in
health benefits under specific circumstances, that information the morning is an incentive because of the increased expected
can be used to change policies in ways that benefit even more health benefits.
adults and children. There are some physical activities that can be performed at
Adapted from Accessed 20 April 2022. any time of the day. These include walking, running,
swimming, jogging, biking, aerobics, yoga, boxing, strength
training, etc.
Adapted from News Medical. Available on Last access on
Concerning the connection between humans and animals, the april 20, 2021
main aim of the article is:
(A) to announce it Text 2.2
(B) to describe it
(C) to predict it
(D)to prove it


And the better we understand the human-animal bond, the

more we can use it to improve people’s lives. (l. 3-4)

The underlined words above convey the following idea:

(A) timely correction
(B) revised explanation
(C) delayed information
(D)proportional increase
The fun of the cartoon (Text 2) lies in the doctor’s
disagreement with part of what the patient said, which
the patient’s misunderstanding.

The misunderstanding lies in the following fragment of the

patient`s statement:
(A) plenty of rest
(B) fitness experts say
(C) your muscles need
(D)between workouts


The Genre of Autobiography and Autofiction

Derived from three Greek words meaning “self”,

“life” and “write”, autobiography is a style of writing that has
been around nearly as long as history has been recorded. Yet,
autobiography was not classified as a genre within itself until
QUESTÃO 05 the late eighteenth century.
The difference between traditional autobiography and
Despite having several health benefits of morning exercise, the genre of autofiction is that autobiographers are attempting
(Text 1 – l. 01) to depict their real life, while writers of autofiction are only
basing their work upon real experiences. Writers of autofiction
The underlined word is a linker used to connect two clauses. are not expected to be as historically accurate as possible as
Another example of a linker with a similar semantic value to it autobiographers are. According to Alex Hughes, authors of
is presented in the statement below: autofiction are saying “this is me and this is not me”. 1This
sums up autofiction. Autofiction draws from the life of the
(A) In simple words, our body doesn’t like abrupt changes in writer with the addition of fictional elements to make the work
physiological processes. (l. 02-03) more than just a life story.
(B) Thus, the best suitable time for exercise may vary from Autobiography is a popular genre. 2Writers of
person to person. (l. 04-05) memoirs and life stories never lack an audience. People are
(C) However, those who have trouble exercising might feel interested in the actual lives of others and want to know about
that planning exercise in the morning is an incentive others’ pasts and feelings and desires. Autobiography is a way
(l. 06) to organize the story of a life and reflect on the past in order to
(D)because of the increased expected health benefits. (l. 07) better understand the present.

the human body works best under a well-balanced 09. (Uerj 2015) Writers of memoirs and life stories never
systemic condition. (Text 1 - l. 01-02) lack an audience. People are interested in the actual lives of
others (ref. 2)
According to the text, the statement below exemplifies the
affirmation above: The semantic relationship between the two sentences above
(A) people may vary their time preference, but they should try can be made explicit by the addition of following connective:
exercise at the same part of the day a) unless
(B) people who don’t like to exercise should work out in the b) because
evening, when they are more relaxed c) however
(C) non-morning people may feel more alert if they exercise in d) as though
the morning, to become more motivated to work
(D)people should prefer to exercise in the morning, but the TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
quantity of exercise depends on their body conditions
Brazilian protest songs: “Peace without a voice is no peace
QUESTÃO 07 but fear”

which can ultimately result in fewer health benefits (Text 1 (…)

Words and phrases with double meanings were
- l. 04) used to escape censorship and persecution. The greatest
The word below may substitute the underlined one above master in this art was Chico Buarque de Holanda. 7His clever
without much change in its meaning: lyrics were often approved by the censors, who would only
(A) lately later realise what the songs were really about. But then, of
(B) finally course, it was too late. That was the case with “Apesar de
(C) actually você”, which was censored only after it had already become
(D)presently an anthem on the streets. 5At first sight, it appears to be a
samba about a lover’s quarrel. Actually, it was a sharp critique
of the authoritarian regime and an act of direct defiance aimed
at the dictators.
Mariângela Guimarães

10. (Uerj 2014) At first sight, it appears to be a samba

about a lover’s quarrel. Actually, it was a sharp critique of
the authoritarian regime (ref. 5)

If the two sentences above are rewritten as one, the result is:
a) It appears to be a samba about a lover’s quarrel, therefore it
was a sharp critique of the authoritarian regime.
b) As long as it appears to be a samba about a lover’s quarrel,
it was a sharp critique of the authoritarian regime.
c) It appears to be a samba about a lover’s quarrel, because it
was a sharp critique of the authoritarian regime.
d) Even though it appears to be a samba about a lover’s
quarrel, it was a sharp critique of the authoritarian regime.

GABARITO: 01- B 02-D 03-A 04-C 05-C 06-A 07-B 08-A 09- B 10- D

Os conectivos (connectives, ou linking words), também ⇒ Comparação

conhecidos como palavras de transição (conjuctive adverbs /
transitional adverbs), servem para estabelecer uma ligação Função: Confrontar informações, ideias ou conceitos.
entre conceitos, ideias ou palavras em uma mesma frase ou Exemplos:
entre frases distintas. Estes termos são importantes para
manter o que chamamos de coesão de um texto, isto é, quando Likewise (Da mesma forma)
as ideias transmitidas em frases e parágrafos estão interligadas In the same way (Do mesmo jeito, Igualmente)
e seguem uma lógica. É justamente por existir coesão em um Similarly (Similarmente, Semelhantemente)
texto que podemos dizer que ele ficou claro ou fácil de In comparison with (Em comparação a/com)
⇒ Exemplificação
Por isso, os conectivos são agrupados de acordo com a sua
função dentro do texto. A quantidade de conectivos existentes Função: Fornecer exemplos para ilustrar ideias ou conceitos.
no inglês é grande, portanto, veremos alguns exemplos (os Exemplos:
mais comuns) dos grupos mais usados no idioma.
For instance (Por exemplo)
⇒ Introdução For example (Por exemplo)
In particular (Em particular)
Função: Iniciar frases, parágrafos e indicar a apresentação de In this case (Neste caso)
novas ideias ou conceitos. Exemplos: Such as (Tal como)

First of all (Em primeiro lugar, Antes de mais nada, Antes de ⇒ Causa
To begin with (Para começo de conversa) Função: Indicar a existência de uma causa para determinada
In the first place (Em primeiro lugar, Para começar) questão.
First (Primeiro, Para começar) Exemplos:

⇒ Continuação Due to (Devido a)

Because of (Por causa de)
Função: Indicar a continuidade de um conceito ou ideia.
Exemplos ⇒ Consequência

Besides (Além disso) Função: Relacionar o efeito causado por determinada questão.
Furthermore (Além disso, Ademais) Exemplos:
Moreover (Aliás, Além do mais, Além de que)
Then (Então, Depois, Em seguida) As a result (Como resultado)
Consequently (Consequentemente)
⇒ Adição Therefore (Portanto)

Função: Apresentar uma nova informação ao que já foi ⇒ Ênfase

exposto. Exemplos:
Função: Destacar informações expostas.
And (E) Exemplos:
Also (Também, Igualmente)
As well as (Assim como, Bem como) Above all (Sobretudo)
Not only... but also (Não somente… mas também) Even more (Ainda mais)
On top of that (Além disso) Indeed (De fato, Realmente)
Most of all (Acima de tudo)
⇒ Contraste
⇒ Concessão
Função: Indicar a existência de conceitos ou ideias opostos a
algo apresentado. Exemplos: ⇒ Conclusão

But (Mas, Porém) Função: Indicar o fim de um conceito ou de uma explanação

However (Contudo) geral, resumir as informações.
Instead (of) (Ao invés de, Em vez de) Exemplos:
Meanwhile (Enquanto isso)
Nonetheless (No entanto) After all (Afinal)
Nevertheless (Mesmo assim, Todavida) At last (Finalmente)
Otherwise (Caso contrário, De outra forma) Finally (Finalmente)
Still (Ainda, Apesar, Entretanto) To summarize (Para resumir)
Despite (Apesar de) To sum up (Resumindo)
In spite of (Apesar de)
Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list. IN CASE - INCLUDING – IN OTHER
There may be more than one answer in some sentences. WORDS - IN THE MEANTIME - ON ONE HAND - ON
IN SPITE – NEVERTHELESS - THEREFORE 17. Sea levels will probably rise in the next few decades
__________________________ of global
1. Take your camera with you, just _____________________ warming.
mine doesn't work. 18. I hope he drives carefully,
2. _____________________ having muscle problems, the __________________________ he may have problems on
defender was able to play. such a
3. Bring an umbrella with you _____________________ it slippery road.
rains tomorrow. 19. The president was not a very popular leader.
4. Skiing is a safe sport _____________________ you obey __________________________, his resignation
the rules on the slope. did not come as a surprise.
5. All flights to and from London have been cancelled 20. Our economy will not improve this year.
_____________________ fog. __________________________, all projections show
6. They arrived in time for the meeting that it will get worse.
_____________________ having to travel in bad weather. 21. The couple broke up a few days ago.
7. I like travelling by underground, _____________________ __________________________, they are still living
it gets pretty crowded during rush together because of the children.
hours. 22. __________________________ it was a wonderful place
8. She has been living in the country her whole life. to go skiing, not many tourists found
_____________________, she has decided their way there.
she wants a change and plans on moving to the city. 23. The scientist studied the behavior of various animals,
9. We had a wonderful time in Barcelona. __________________________ whales
_____________________, transport workers were on and dolphins.
strike so we couldn't use the underground. 24. __________________________ we have to fight against
10._____________________ life was hard during the war, we environmental problems, but
managed to survive. __________________________ we need more and more
11._____________________ heavy traffic on the motorway, energy every day.
we couldn't make it in time. 25. I think he’s asleep. __________________________ his
12._____________________ of the low temperatures during eyes are closed.
the winter, Moscow is always worth 26.The candidate didn’t quite meet the necessary
visiting. requirements. __________________________,
13.I can't come now _____________________ the children he failed.
are ill, and I have to look after them. 27.Please take some warm clothes with you, just
14.The economy collapsed, _____________________ the _______________________ it gets cold at night.
government had to resign. 28.The report will be finished soon.
15.You may go out with your friends tonight, __________________________, let’s get some coffee.
_____________________ you never go alone and
stay with them all the time.
16.I already knew a lot about cybersecurity.
_____________________, the lecture was quite

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