QP CODE: 19101865: Second Semester

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QP CODE: 19101865 19101865 Reg No : .....................

Name : .....................


Second Semester
( Common for all BA Programmes &BSc Model I programmes)

Maximum Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours

Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.

1. What was Telemachus' order to Eumaeus?

2. Who came for Dante's aid and was sent by whom?

3. What did Dante see in the wilderness?

4. Where does Romeo plan to go once he says goodbye to Juliet?

5. What does Shylock claim as per what is written in the bond?

6. What was Shylock's reason for rejecting a surgeon for Antonio?

7. Who is Lady Dulcinea?

8. What is the prime aim of Mrs. Bennet with regard to her daughters?

9. Why does Elizabeth hate Darcy?

10. What did Pahom want from the Bashkir?

11. What were the thoughts of the medical practitioner, being seated by his fireside?

12. Why has this confession been made to Borges?

Part B
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

13. What are the images by which youth is compared?

14. Discuss the figures of speech used in the poem Lovely is Youth.

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15. What did the poet accomplish from the discussions with the learned men?

16. Juliet's soliloquy examines the importance of words and names. Discuss.

17. What was the legal flaw by which Shylock's argument fails?

18. What changes come in Jean Valjean after the incident with Petit Gervais?

19. What is Elizabeth's opinion of the Bingley sisters?

20. Describe the first meeting of Mini and Rahamat.

21. Why did Kabuliwala return to the narrator after being released from jail?
Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.

22. Give in detail the information gained by Odysseus regarding his family and kingdom from
Telemachus and Eumaeus.

23. Discuss in detail the meeting between Romeo and Juliet.

24. Discuss the character of Don Quixote focussing on the real and imaginary elements.

25. Analyse The Black Veil as a gothic tale by Charles Dickens.


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