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Chabbi Prep School END OF TERM Teacher : Mrs.

Afef Nasri
A. Bengerden TEST N°1
December, 2020/2021 Duration: 1 hour
Name:……………………………… Class: 7th 4 , 5
Language : (15 marks)

1 )Fill in the blanks with words from the box: there are two extra words:3.5 marks

do, at, we , in , sometimes, student, eat, work, then,

I’m Lesley Green ,I’m a .......................... in the Cambridge School, I live with my family. In the
morning I get up, take a shower . .............................I have breakfast with my sister Carla. After breakfast I brush my
teeth and get dressed, and we go to school by bus. and we arrive to the school to have classes with
friends. ...................the afternoon I have lunch in the school with my friends. I ................... a sandwich and
some fruit. When I come back home with Carla, I homework. When I finish my
homework, I watch TV or I listen to music..................... night ,................. have dinner with my family, then
I go to bed and read my favourite book.

2)Circle the correct alternative: 3.5 marks

Mandy Taylor is 23 years old . She( is , are , am )a student. On Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday ,She works at the Sip Café . Mandy (go, going ,goes )to the café every morning at six
o’clock. She opens the café and sets the tables. The other waiters arrive at seven o’clock and they
(tidies up , tidy up tidys up)the kitchen. The first comes in at about half ( to, quarter, past) seven .
Mandy takes a break at 10 o’clock. She ( finishs , finishes, finish )work at 2 o’clock and she
sometimes meets friends for lunch. She enjoys eating with them. On Tuesday and Thursday ,
Mandy( don’t, doesn’t, does’nt) work. She (studies, studys, studying) at the university .

3) put the words between brackets in the correct form or tense: 2 marks

This is Mr. Cooper. He lives in Manchester, in the UK. His parents live in Australia. He is a teacher. He
loves ...................( to teach) English. He ..................( not /be) married. Every day, Mr Cooper gets up at
6:30 a.m. He always has cereals for breakfast and he drinks coffee. He takes a bus to school. He always
wears a shirt and smart trousers for midday he ................( not/ go) home for lunch . In the
evenings, Mr Cooper likes going to the gym. On Saturdays, he goes to visit friends in the town centre. On
Sundays, he always.................... ( to mark)books and prepares lessons. He Sometimes, on Saturday
evenings, likes a good night out!

4) reorder these words to get correct words:4 marks

a) Mary/ meet/ sometimes/ her friends/ at a cafe.


b) Enjoys/ Jane/ Tennis/playing.


c) A computer/peter/has/ got/ ?


d) works/ in bookstore/ James.

5) Complete the dialogue with utterances from the box ,there
are two extra utterances in the box: (2 marks)
Molly: Excuse me. Hello. My name is Molly. What’s your name
Molly: My friends call me Molly. Hi, Peter nice to meet you
Peter: nice to meet you too.
Molly: .....................................................................
Peter : yes I am. My class is at nine o'clock with Miss Taylor. 1. When do you go to work?
Molly: Miss Taylor?................................... You are in my class. 2. now I live in New York with my
Peter: Great! where is our class? family.
Molly: It's over there. 3. Do you take the bus?
Peter: thanks. let’s go. 4. Are you a student here?
Molly: Are you new in this school? 5. She is my teacher.
Peter: yes , I am . This is my first day . 6. I'm Peter.
Molly: Where do you come from?
Peter: I’m from England but..........................................................

A. Writing :( 5 marks) spelling punct:...../1 language:.../2 content:...../2

This is Tina , read the information about her and look at the pictures and write a paragraph to introduce
Tina and to speak about her day:

 Name: Tina
 Age: 15
 Occupation: a student
 Country: Britain
 City: London
 Hobbies: listening to music


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