Julius Berger Paints 3 - 23 - Annual - Reports - and - Financial - Statements - 2022

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JULIUS BERGER ANNUAL REPORTS & CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2022 Contents CONTENTS Highlights Vision Statement Corporat Information Corporate Profile Results at a Glance Notice of Annual General Meeting Notes Chairman's Statement Board of Directors Directors’ Profiles Reports to Shareholders Directors’ Report Corporate Governance Report loDCCG Report KPMG Report Sustainability Report Health, Safety & Environment Report Risk Management Report Financial information Statement of Directors’ Responstbilties, Certification of Financial Statements Report of the Statutory Auclt Committes Report of the Indepencient Auditors Statement of Financial Position Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Ineome 21 31 39 42 43 47 5 52 53 5a 87 59) ‘Statement of Changes in Equity ‘Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements General Information Application of IFRS Standards Significant Accounting Policies Explanatory Notes Additional Information Statement of Value Added Five-Year Financial Summary Share Capital History Staff Strength ‘Shareholder Information Pol Code of Business Conduct and Ethies for Directors and Management Circular Explanatory Circulrar to the Shareholders Regarding the Special Resolution to Be Proposed at the Annual General Meeting 61 63 er 68. 73 95 143 145 147 148 149 154 159 ulus Berger Nigeria Ple AR & CFS 2022 | Vision Statement ‘At Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, our vision is to be Nigeria's most dynamic construction company. + We seize opportunities for both our Company and the country. + We work with dedication to maintain our clients’ trust, + We operate with a holistic approach and a solution driven mindset. + We seek efficient methods to deliver on our clients’ requisitions. + We integrate our multiple resources, including specia- lised personnel or production and service facilties, to achieve the best results. Directors = Mr. Matiy Sunmonu, CON, Chairman = Mr. George Marks (German), Vice Chairman gt. Jafar Damuiak + Dr, Emest Nnaemeka Azudiali-Obiejes OFR = Mrs. Belinda Ajoke Disu, CAL += Mrs. Gladys Oluousola Talabi * Engr. Goni Musa Sheikh += Mr, Emest Chukwudl Ebi, MFR, FCIB, FIOD, Independent Non-Executive Director = Mr. Chidi Anya, Esa. independent Non-Executive Director Appointed wef July 1, 2022 = Amb, Adamu Saidu Daura, MFR, independent Non-Executive Director Appointed wef July 1, 2022 Engr. Dr Lars Richter (German, Managing Director (Executive) += Alhaji Zubairu lorahim Bayi Director Administration (Executive) = Mr. Tobias Meletschus (German), Director Corporate Development Executive) = Mr. Christian Hausemann (German), Financial Director (Executive) Company Secretary Mrs. Cocilia Ekanom Maduske Registration Number 6852 2 | Coxporate Information CORPORATE INFORMATION Registered Office 10 Shettima A. Mungune Crescent Utako 900 108 FCT Abuja, Auditors Nexia Agbo Abel & Co. Chartered Accountants 43 Anthony Enahoro Street Utako 900 108, FCT Abuja, Registrars Greenwich Registrars & Data Solutions Ltd. 274 Murtala Muhammed Way Ebute Metta 101 212 Lagos Bankers + Accoss Bank Pie + Commerzbank AG, Germany + Ecobank Nigeria Ltd. * Fidelity Bank Ple + First Bank of Nigeria Ltd. + First City Monument Bank * Globus Bank Ltd. + Guaranty Trust Bank Ltd. * Polatis Bank Ltd. + Providus Bank Ple ‘anbic IBTC Bank Ple + Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Lid tering Bank Plc + Union Bank of Nigeria Ple * United Bank for Africa Ple + Zenith Bank Pic Corporate Profie CORPORATE PROFILE Julus Berger Nigeria Pie (Company) is a leading Nigerian company offering holistic services covering the planning, design, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings, infrastructure and industry projects in Nigeria. Sinoe its pioneer project in 1965, Julius Berger has played a pivotal role in the development of Nigeria's industrial and civil infrastructure, ‘The Company specialises in executing complex works requiring the highest level of technical expertise and Nigeria-specitic knowhow. State-of-the-art methods and technologies ensure that quality and innovation are prioritised for the benefit of clients Subsidiaries and additional facilities make it possible to realise multifaceted projects at the highest level of performance. This structure allows Jullus Berger Nigeria Pie to effectively manage and full construction projects, starting from the initial idea, through to planning, design, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance, ‘The Company's subsidiaries aro Julus Berger Services Nigeria Ltd, a multipurpose terminal operator at the Warri Port, which contributes to efficient operations; Julius Berger Medical Services Ltd., a medical services provider to Julius Berger Nigeria Plc and its subsidiaries (Group); Julius Berger Free Zone Enterprise, which faciitates opportunities to participate in projects within the Free Trade Zones across Nigeria; Abumet Nigeria Lic. a leading aluminium and glass windows and deors manufacturer, which strengthens the Group's ability to provide turnkey building solutions PrimeTech Design and Engineering Nigeria d., a provider of integrated design and engineering resources in Nigeria and Julius Berger international GmbH, in Germany, a key provider of planning, design and engineering, in addition to logistical support for businesses in Nigeria. The Group is guided by a value system that defines and differentiates it. Adherence to intemationally specified standards and a focus on efficient and value-driven delivery of services further solidifies its competitive ‘edge. With unwavering lability, unmatched quality, leading governance and a tue focus on sustainability, Julius Berger Nigeria Pic and its subsidiaries continue to set a benchmark for success. ulus Borger Nigeria Pe AR & CFS 2022 | Results ata Glance lus Borgor Nigeria Pic AR & CFS 2022 | Results ata Glance RESULTS AT A GLANCE _—— Ravanue OG8,6 BAO 7B —

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