Phrasal Verbs Exercise A2+

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Ex. 1 Uzupełnij luki odpowiednimi przyimkami.

1) I’m going to look ____ my cousins next Sunday. It’s going to be fun.
2) Brian was very naughty last night. He plugged ____ his mother’s
vacuum cleaner when she was using it.
3) Michael decided to throw ____ old stuff.
4) Why don’t you try ____ that superb skirt? You’re going to look
fabulous in it!
5) We’re going to find ____ the truth no matter what.
6) My alarm clock goes off at 5 a.m. from Monday to Friday. I sleep
longer only at weekends. Our plane is about to take ____ in a minute.
7) Hurry ____! If we want to be on time, we must be leaving right now.
8) The firemen were able to put ____ the fire quickly. They were very
9) The music is too loud. I’ll turn it ____.
10) You’re driving too fast, please slow ____, I don’t feel safe.
11) Before the exam every student is asked to switch ____ their mobile
phone. Using mobile phones during the exam is strictly forbidden.
12) When I grow ____, I will become a pilot.
13) We should get ____ bus 84 if we want to get to the city centre.
14) Mark has been going ____ with Julie for six months.
15) I had an argument with Chris, but I made ____ with him.
16) At weekends we like going ____. We often choose the theatre,
cinema or café.
17) I’d love to dress ____ as Cinderella at fancy dress ball.
18) Bringing ____ children is not as easy as it might appear at first
19) Stephen decided to break ____ with Olivia. They hadn’t got along.
20) Are you going to put ____ that glamorous dress tonight?
21) The Locksters are moving ____ next week. We’re going to have
fantastic neighbours.
22) George finally asked Julie ____. They went to that new Italian
restaurant and had a great time together.
23) Luke was doing his best to cheer me ____, but to no avial.
24) My car broke ____ yesterday when I was driving home.
25) Could you please turn ____ the TV? There’s football match on.

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