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Specification Sheet for (T-101)

Item number S-100

Number required 1
Function To separate TiCl4 from the gas mixture
Type of separator Vertical flash separator
Process information
Fluid Circulated Gas & Liquid mixture out of the Heat
Material of construction Stainless steel
Feed Mass flow rate (Kg/s) 5.251
Liquid Mass flow rate (Kg/s) 4.13
Vapor Mass flow rate (Kg/s) 1.121
Temperature (°C) 50
Pressure (Kpa) 101.3
Permitted Gas velocity (up) (m/s) 2.82
Gas velocity (ug) (m/s) 2.11
Vessel volume (m3) 2
Vessel diameter (m) 0.8
Total Vessel height (m) 3.2
Nozzle diameter (m) 0.038
Head type Semi-Elliptical Head
Head radius (m) 0.72
Head height (m) 0.2
Vessel thickness (m) 0.012
Nozzle thickness (m) 3.471E-05
Head thickness (m) 7.3E-04
Mist eliminator type PTFE (Teflon)
Mist eliminator thickness (m) 0.15
Designed by Roa'a Naseem
1. Distribution coefficient value (K):

Table (): Components properties

# of Components Components Tci (R) Pci (psia) ωi Ki
1 TiCl4 1148.5 675.9 0.28 0.057
2 CO 239.2 507.5 0.048 948.7
3 CO2 547.6 1070.8 0.224 107.1
4 Cl2 751 1118.2 0.069 14.3

At T=50 ℃=581.7 ⁰R and P=1atm=14.7 psia

Find the K value from the following equation:

p (5.37 (1+ω )(1− T ))

T ci

K i= ci e
2. Mass balance on the flash separator:

¿ find(V , L , x i∧ y i)

Overall Balance:
F=V + L
Components Balance:
z i F= y i V + x i L

Also, by using the following equations:

K i= where y i=K i∗x i

∑ x i=1 , ∑ y i=1
Results whereas follow:

F (kg/s) V (Kg/s) L (Kg/s)

3.18 2.62 0.56
Components xi yi
TiCl4 1 0
CO 0 0.5
CO2 0 0.3
Cl2 0 0.2

3. Dew & Bubble points calculation:

The calculation is done under these assumption:

 We have an ideal solution.

 And an ideal gas.

sat yi P
Pi =

Pbubble =∑ Pi x i

Pdew =
∑ Pisat y i
Table (): Bubble & Dew points calculation results

Components xi yi PiSat (Kpa) zi Pbubble (Kpa) Pdew (Kpa)

TiCl4 0.986 0.056 5.8 0.219 1.3 3.7E-02
CO 0.001 0.504 99774.7 0.415 41406 4.16E-06
CO2 0.003 0.282 10851.9 0.233 2526.0 2.14E-05
Cl2 0.011 0.158 1448.9 0.133 192.8 9.18E-05
∑ 44126 26.27

P=101.3 Kpa since Pdew < P< P bubble a flash separationwill occur
4. Design procedure:

Table (): Data required

Components Molucular Density xi yi xi*Mwi yi*Mwi xi*ρi
weight (g/cm3)
TiCl4 189.7 1.73 0.986 0.056 187.01 10.7 1.7
CO 28 1.25E-03 0.001 0.504 0.01 14.1 6.4E-07
CO2 44 1.98 E-03 0.003 0.282 0.12 12.4 5.2E-06
Cl2 70.9 3.21 E-03 0.011 0.158 0.78 11.2 3.6E-05
∑ 1 1 187.92 37.7 1.705

 Molecular weight of Liquid (g/mol):

M w Liq=∑ x i M w i=187.9

 Density of Liquid (g/cm3):

ρl =∑ xi ρi=1.705

 Molecular weight of Vapor (g/mol):

M w vap=∑ x i M w i=37.7

 Density of Vapor (g/cm3):

pMw −3
Using ideal gas law: ρ v = =1.42∗10


 P= 1atm
 T= 323.1K

 R= 82.06 cm3*atm/K*mol

 Calculate Kdrum where it’s a system constant:

1. W L =L∗M w L =572.3 s

2. W v =V∗M w v =2660 s

3. F LV =

W L ρV
Wv ρL

K drum =e

 Find gas permitted velocity (m/s):

u p =0.3048 K drum
√ ρ L −ρV

 Find gas velocity (m/s):

u g=0.75 u p =2.07

 Minimum cross sectional area Ae (m2):

V ∗M w V
Ae = =0.68
u p∗ρV

 Diameter of the Vessel (m):

√ 4 Ae
+ ( 6∗0.0254 )=1.1

 Liquid volumetric flow rate (m3/s):

L −4
Q L= =3.3∗10
 Vapor volumetric flow rate (m3/s):
QV = =1.84

 Find the Nozzle diameter (m):

Q m =Q L + Q V =1.84151

QL −4
λ= =1.79∗10

−3 g kg
ρm =ρ L λ+ ρV ( 1− λ )=1.73∗10 3
=0.173 3
cm m

4 Qm
d N= =0.127 m
60 π
√ ρm
 Total Height of the Vessel:
H v =0.9144+ =1.45 m

H f =0.305+ =0.37 m

4 Hv
H L= 2

Total Height=H v + H f + H L =3.42

L 3.42
= =3.1 since the ratio equal¿ 3.1 the vessel orientationis vertical
D 1.1

 Vessel volume (m3):

π 2 π 3
∗D ∗h+ ∗D =3.78
4 6

 Vessel thickness (m):

t= + Cc=0.013
SE−0.6 P

Where the value in the equation for stainless steel is:

S= 79300Kpa (Maximum allowable stress)

E= 0.7

R=0.54 (Radius of the vessel)

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