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MIDTERM #2 Review – Answers

How do hormones travel around the body?

a) In blood
b) Along neural tracts
c) In the digestive tract

Which of the following is not applicable to hormones?

a) Usually at a distant site
b) Quick response, within milliseconds
c) Are capable of regulating tissues and organs
d) Produced in endocrine glands

Which of the following hormones are not produced in the hypothalamus?

a) Growth hormone releasing hormones
b) Oxytocin
c) Thyroxine
d) Thyro-tropin releasing hormone

True or false: exocrine hormones are secreted within the tissue

A hormone that amplifies the effect of another is an example of:

a) Permissiveness
b) Amplification
c) Synergism
d) Antagonism

_______ releases melatonin

a) Anterior pituitary
b) Posterior pituitary
c) Pineal gland
d) Hypothalamus

What is the buffy coat in blood?

a) Only the antigens of the blood type
b) WBCs, leukocytes, monocytes, granulocytes
c) Darker red layer between the plasma and red blood cells
d) Mainly water

What are platelets made of?

a) Fragments of cytoplasm from megakaryocytes
b) Fragments of mature RBCs
c) A derivative of erythrocytes
d) Fragments of monocytes
Which of the following is involved in the initatiation of adhesion during clot formation?
a) Von Willebrand factor
b) Plasminogen
c) Factor III
d) Factor VI

Which of the following converts prothrombin to thrombin?

a) Factor X
b) Factor IIa
c) Fibrinogen
d) Tissue Factor

Which of the following converts fibrinogen to fibrin?

a) Thrombin
b) Plasmin
c) Factor IIa
d) Factor IV

Which of the following would NOT stimulate EPO production?

a) Hypoxia
b) Low arterial oxygen levels
c) Long term high levels of exercise
d) Low levels of RBC destruction

Which of the following does not occur during clot contraction?

a) Further stabilization of the clot
b) Platelets contract and squeeze serum from the mass
c) PDGF is released
d) Platelets de-contract and plasmin breaks down fibrinogen

Which of the following is NOT an anticoagulation factor?

a) Antithrombin III
b) Protein C
c) Heparin
d) Antifibrin II

Type A blood…
a) Can receive Type A and Type O blood
b) Has anti-B antibodies
c) Has anti-A antibodies
d) Has AB antigens
e) Has A antigens
Which type of blood is a universal recipient?
a) Type O
b) Type B
c) Type AB
d) Type A

Between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the…

a) Tricuspid valve
b) Mitral valve
c) Atrial valve
d) Aortic valve

Which of the following are not atrioventricular valves?

a) Tricuspid valve
b) Mitral valve
c) Semi-lunar valve
d) Aortic valve

The chordae tendineae anchor the valve flaps when they are ______
a) Open
b) Closed

True or false: the pulmonary circuit is served by the right ventricle and has a high-pressure

The _____ artery supplies blood to the left atrium and posterior walls of the left ventricle
a) Circumflex
b) Coronary
c) Left marginal
d) Intraventricular

The coronary sinus delivers blood to the:

a) Right ventricle
b) Right atrium
c) Pulmonary circuit
d) Left atrium

True or false: the heart mostly relies on anaerobic respiration

What occurs during the T wave?

a) Ventricular depolarization
b) Ventricular polarization
c) Ventricular repolarization
d) Atrial depolarization
What wave represents atrial depolarization?
a) P
b) T
c) R

The first heart sound is caused by:

a) AV valves closing
b) SA node depolarizing
c) SL valves closing

The degree to which cardiac muscle cells are stretched right before contraction is called:
a) Stroke volume
b) Cardiac reserve
c) Preload
d) EDV

The hormone that initiates the signalling pathway is called:

a) cAMP
b) first messenger
c) second messenger
d) g-protein

When a cell produces a hormone to induce changes in nearby cells, this is called:
a) paracrine signalling
b) autocrine signalling
c) endocrine signalling
d) hormone signalling

True or false: lipid soluble hormones are transported through the blood by binding to

What protein plays a significant role in maintaining blood osmotic pressure?

a) Albumin
b) Leukocytes
c) Platelets
d) Red blood cell

Which of the following statements is false about the endocrine system?

a) Acts via hormones released into the blood
b) Has a short duration response
c) Hormones act at diffuse locations
d) Hormones must bind to a receptor
Which of the following is not secreted by the anterior pituitary?
a) LH
b) TSH
c) FSH
d) Oxytocin

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